Watching the game end, 100:98, Chengrin School won.

In the end, he defeated Huangse with an air relay that Kuroko and Vulcan cooperated, and seeing this result, to be honest, even Shibara himself had some imagination that Huangse would lose.

“That’s it, Shintaro Midorima.” At this time, Lan Qi looked at the green room on the second floor opposite, bringing a beanie on his head, and holding something in his hand, eighty percent is within today’s lucky things!

“Let’s go~~! Blue Boy. Ziyuan said at this time, looking at the cheering city rin below, and said in a low voice: “It seems that that, the Vulcan big guy, seems to be a little stronger than expected~~!” ”

Lan Qi looked at the Vulcan and said with a slight irony: “I completely relied on the desperate chasing of points behind to win the game by luck.” ”

“That’s why I hate it, just pulling the score to the point of no return in the first place.” Lan Qi said here with a slight contempt: “It’s all Huang Se who wants to hide his strength, and as a result, the more the battle on the Cheng Rin side, the more courageous it is, if you use your full strength at the beginning, maybe the result will be different.” ”

When Ziyuan heard this, he nodded slightly and said, “Indeed! Always like to take things into troublesome situations, think that only that is the most intense game, really don’t understand them, isn’t it good to win overwhelmingly? ”

“You think so too! Green Boy. At this time, Shibara asked to Midorima on the side.

“Huh? How do you know it’s me! Midorima looked at Ziyuan since he recognized himself at once, and said a little shocked, he obviously had a cross-dress.

He was originally watching the game with Takao and Takao, who knew that since he came here and saw that Ziyuan was also there, he had to change his clothes a little and not let him recognize it.

“Those who can’t recognize have ghosts!” Lan Qi looked a little speechless and said: “Although I don’t know, you should have heard Huang Se say that I was going to fight with Kuroko today, so I came to take a look, but I saw me and Atsu, and I was embarrassed, so I did this kind of cross-dressing of the earthen hat.” ”

It was a little embarrassing to be exposed to Midorima all of a sudden, and he held up his glasses and replied with a flat look: “Hmph, it’s just because I have nothing to do today, so I just came and took a look.” ”

“Hey, Xiao Zhen, it’s too much! Since a traffic jam left me alone and ran away, how abominable! At this time, Takao also ran over and shouted.

When Ziyuan heard this, he said a little jokingly: “Oh~~, it’s really idle!” Is leaving your companion behind just to come here? ”

Takao looked at Ziyuan and exclaimed, “You are, Atsushi Shihara.” ”

“Hmm.” Ziyuan nodded very flatly and said

Takao was a little excited and said, “What’s going on today!” What a meeting at the ‘Age of Miracles’! Xiao Jin, Huangse, in addition to you, by the way, the game. ”

“It’s over.” Midorima snorted coldly, picked up his glasses and turned to leave, “Let’s go, Takao.” ”

Ziyuan looked at Midorima and suddenly reminded: “By the way, in the afternoon, we Yangquan will play a practice match with Haichang, remember to come and see it, of course, don’t do that kind of cross-dressing.” ”

“Hmph, there’s no need for that.” Midorima Tsundere held up his glasses, originally he planned to drag over to see it, but he was voluntarily poked through.

“One more thing, Green Boy.” At this time, Ziyuan suddenly shouted.

Midorima listened and turned around and asked, “What’s the matter?” ”

“Jorin High School? That is, Kuroko’s high school, Xiao Kuroko and his new light, Vulcan Daime, they are all schools in Tokyo. ”

Midorima listened to Ziyuan’s words, frowned slightly, and said coldly: “So what, I do my best every day, so my shooting will definitely not be wrong.” ”

When Ziyuan heard this, he frowned a little and said: “That’s the best, because since Xiao Kuroko said that he was going to defeat our ‘Age of Miracles’, he originally thought it was a joke!” I didn’t expect that Huangse really lost, and if he didn’t defeat them, then the battle of kings in the so-called ‘Age of Miracles’ would be a bit disappointing. ”

“Hmph, don’t compare me to Huangse, my shot is completely different from him, I will defeat him.”

Watching Midorima leave, Ziyuan also touched his stomach and said, “It’s almost time to eat!” Anyway, I watched the game, although the result was a bit surprising. ”

“Is it? But don’t you go and see Huangse? He lost the game today, I’m afraid he feels very bad in his heart! Lan Qi said with some worry, the relationship with Huang Se in junior high school was quite good, and the two of them often played together.

Ziyuan listened to the chuckle and said: “Hmm~~!” I guess I don’t need to use this! This blow should be eliminated soon, after all, he is also a member of the ‘Age of Miracles’, but he will not give up so easily, and this time, he underestimated his opponent to lose the game. ”

“Gone! They’re starving to death. ”

“It’s still early for lunch!” Lan Qi said complainingly.

After Ziyuan and Lan Qi left, Midorima didn’t really leave, watching Huang Se constantly rinse his face with cold water, and said coldly: “Although your Gemini has the worst luck today, I didn’t expect that since you would lose.” ”

“Did you come to the game too? Small Green Room. Huang Se said with a slight loss, although he and Kuroko are good friends, he has never put Kuroko’s strength on the same line as himself, and he did not expect that since he would lose.

“Hmph, Kuroko is like me, both in Tokyo, next time I will beat him, ‘Age of Miracles’, absolutely cannot be defeated to anyone other than us.” Midorima held up his glasses and said coldly.

Huang Se listened with a slight wry smile: “Is it? Then you should also be careful, Little Midori, the strength of the little Vulcan is very strong. ”

“Hmph, are you afraid because you lost?” Midorima snorted coldly and said, “However, you should be more worried about the afternoon game than Kuroko.” ”

(Because Kuroko was in the third year of junior high school, the ‘Age of Miracles’ became six people, Kuroko appeared less and less, and Akaji did not believe in the power of ethereal, so Kuroko here was not as valued by the ‘Age of Miracles’ as in the original book)_

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