Junior League a month later.

Aomi is active on the field alone, Akaji and Kuroko are fully responsible for assists and passes, Midorima’s three-pointers, and Shiihara mostly stand in his own half-court circle to defend, but even so, the victory and defeat are completely one-sided, and Aomi alone easily gave the other five over.

“Okay, scored.” Qingfeng said with an excited smile, when he was about to return to defense, he saw the players of the opposite school, all of them looked lost and completely gave up.

Qingfeng looked a little sad on his face, and thought willingly in his heart: ‘Hey, hey, what are you doing! Already given up? Really, in this case, what is the meaning of basketball in the village! ’

The game ended, 128:17, Diguang Middle School won.

“Congratulations on advancing to the final.” Momoi ran over and said with a look of excitement.

“Huh? Oh. Several people listened to Momoi’s words, replied flatly, and each lowered his head to eat.

Momoi looked at it with a look of dissatisfaction and said, “It’s too bland!” You guys? ”

Aomine turned to look at Momoi and asked, “I’m still wondering what the hell are you excited about!” ”

“Isn’t that a common thing? The opponent is as weak as the scum, and there will be a ghost if you can’t advance! Ziyuan said a little softly, turned his head to look at Huang Se on the side and smiled: “By the way, Huang Zai, you don’t eat that chicken leg of yours, give it to me.” Saying that, Ziyuan took it directly and opened it to eat.

“Woo hoo, it’s too much! Xiao Ziyuan, I bought a total of two, and I was robbed of one by Xiao Gray Qi first, originally I wanted to keep the last one to eat, it was really excessive! Woo hoo. Huang Se immediately said with a look of grievance.

Zi Yuan was slightly stunned when he heard this, and immediately felt as if he had done something wrong, and comforted: “Ah~~!” That’s right! Private Marson, that’s good for you. Saying that, Ziyuan returned the half-eaten fried chicken leg to Huang Se, but his expression was still reluctant.

“You hurry up and eat it.” Qingfeng shouted looking dissatisfied.

Akaji was also surprised by this, and said with a gentle smile: “However, it is also a happy thing that we have advanced to the final, and I have a suggestion, how about each of us going to twenty points in the next match.” ”

“What a great idea!” Huang Se immediately said excitedly as he listened.

“It’s boring.” Ash Qi on the side said a little bored.

“Well, it doesn’t matter! The result is the same anyway. Qingfeng said with a look of virtue that can be anything.

Akaji looked at Qingfeng like this, and said with some lessons: “In fact, what I am most worried about is you, every time you score a game, you are listless, and if the scorer is not eager to score, it will affect the morale of the team.” ”

Ziyuan said at this time: “There is no way around this!” The opponents are completely unmotivated, have already given up the game, and have to score so many points to do! ”

“Alright! In short, I will try to score as much as possible in the next game! Qingfeng said a little helplessly.

At this time, Ziyuan suddenly said: “Wait a minute! By the way, Chizai, can you pass all the balls to me in the next game? The next game is up to me to score. ”

“You?” Not only Akaji, but even Midorima Huangse several people were surprised, not that Ziyuan’s scoring ability is poor, on the contrary, Ziyuan’s scoring ability is also very strong, whether it is a slam dunk, a mid-range shot or a long shot, they are quite a hand, but aren’t they usually too lazy to score? Today since it is so proactive.

“This surprised me! Honest. Qingfeng smiled slightly, Ziyuan is tall, strong, and not slow, among the few of them, even the fastest Qingfeng’s speed is not much faster than Ziyuan, and the rest of them need to be said at all.

Ziyuan looked at the incredulous expressions of several people and asked, “Why, is it rare that I will take the initiative to attack, which surprises you?” ”

“Aren’t you surprised! I was very surprised! Huang Se said with an exaggerated look.

“Yes, but if you go to score, what if you defend!” Lan Qi asked with some curiosity.

Qingfeng was also a little interested, “Then it’s up to me…”

“I will do it if I defend, anyway, the opponent is just some trash fish, it should be very simple to deal with.” Ziyuan said very confidently.

Stretching out his right hand slightly, his fingers twisted a little stiffly, and the purple qi on his body was gradually released: “Moreover, I have been feeling this way since the other day…”

“I feel that the power in my body is constantly revealing, not that I don’t take the initiative to attack, but I am afraid that after taking the initiative, the strength is too strong, and I will accidentally destroy my teammates.”

‘Sudden aura…’ Feeling that the momentum on Ziyuan’s body was suddenly stronger than on the court, even as teammates, they were a little uncomfortable.

“I just want to see where the limits of this power are, so I’ll be alone in the next game.”

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