Kotaro Hayama slapped Reiya on the back with a big grin, and said with a smile: “It’s beautiful!” Sister Ling Yang. ”

“How rude! Kotaro. Shi Wei Lingyang said with a look of disgust.

“Cut, it’s quite two!” Midorima held up his glasses a little unpleasantly, this ball was lost in his hands, and naturally made his face a little unbearable.

“Ma Ma~~! It doesn’t matter if they get a few points first, anyway, the final outcome will only change. Ziyuan said very casually.

Akaji in the back walked up and said, “Although I said that, we still have to be serious, after all, the other party is a crownless five-general, and the strength is not inferior to our opponent in the ‘Age of Miracles’.” ”

“The player on the opposite side called Shi Wei Lingyang has the style of a team leader, and he has just been disrupted by the rhythm, so he decisively destroyed it.” Akaji looked at Shibu Reiyao and sneered and said; “If it’s the rest of the team, this little trick might have helped, but we’re the ‘Age of Miracles.'”

“Let’s teach them now, in the face of overwhelming strength, all intrigues and tricks are powerless.” Akaji said with an indifferent look in his eyes: “Completely crush them.” ”


Then, on the Diguang Middle School side, because the previous teams were too weak and often couldn’t lift up, after playing with the uncrowned five generals for a few minutes, they found that the opponent’s strength was very strong, and since they could always bite behind their score, the first quarter of the game was over.


This is still more than half a year, the head fruit is so inconspicuous, Qingfeng drank the sports drink a little excited: “Awesome!” I haven’t met this kind of opponent for a long time, look! Five generals. ”

Ziyuan looked a little soft and said: “The difference is not as expected!” I don’t know if they still have the physical strength to continue the fight, and I hope to see some more moves. ”

“However, I’m afraid it will disappoint us a little!” Akaji grinned slightly and said with a mysterious smile: “There should still be physical strength, but I don’t know if I can be strong.” ”

On the opposite side of the five generals, Shi Wei Lingyang was a little shocked: “I originally wanted to open the door and go all out, but the opponent also played this kind of calculation, and in the first quarter, I tried hard, but the effect was really not obvious.” ”

“Cut, you will lose if you go on like this, is there no good way? Sister Ling Yang. “Kotaro Hayama is a little anxious, he lost the last competition, and he wants to take revenge this time.

Hanamiya Zhen sneered: “Hmph, it’s not that easy, in terms of personal strength, their side is much stronger than us, except for that Huangse Ryotai who is slightly worse, the rest of the four people, our one-on-one defense is difficult to prevent.” ”

“If you can’t prevent it, no, we must block them.” Muji Teppei said firmly.

Hanamiya Zhen listened to the cold sarcasm: “How to put it!” Stop laughing, Muji, aren’t you a great rebounder? Why are you losing every time you grab a rebound with Ziyuan! If you can keep their inside line, maybe we have some chances. ”

“The game has just begun, don’t say anything, we have no chance of winning, as long as everyone works together, we can definitely win.” Muji Teppei said firmly, saying that he would not give up anything, and he had come to this point.

What Hanamiya really hated the most was Muji’s point, and said coldly: “Work together, didn’t you work together before?” What a result! That Qingfeng’s speed has easily broken through Hayama and Genwu, and after passing the ball to Ziyuan, you are not Ziyuan’s opponent at all, so how do you say to fight! ”

Shibu Lingyang watched the two of them quarrel more and more, and shouted: “Okay, don’t argue, now there is no way, Muji, Ziyuan’s words can only be handed over to you, although I really want Genwu to join forces with you to defend Ziyuan, but if you do this, you can’t prevent Qingfeng, so you must stop Ziyuan.” ”

“Well, leave it to me!”

(One change today, tomorrow I will make it up)_

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