‘Is this Aomine’s amorphous basketball?’ I haven’t seen him use it for a long time. Lan Qi looked slightly startled, and this kind of speed, I’m afraid it was not much worse than Qingfeng, he knew that in the ‘Age of Miracles’, Ziyuan liked Qingfeng’s amorphous dribbling more, and he fought with Qingfeng a lot, and gradually Ziyuan also began to practice this amorphous dribbling.

However, most of the time, Ziyuan waits under the basket to dunk, and dribbles are rarely used.

Since it is, American street basketball, in the United States, and since it is still used so well. The ice room watched Ziyuan’s movements, and the speed of dribbling became faster and faster, since he couldn’t keep up at all, after passing three people in a row.

Came to the inside and jumped straight from the free throw line.

The ice chamber immediately rushed up and yelled, “Don’t try to score.” ”

“Since it’s a three-person cap.” The players of Diguang looked at it and exclaimed.

‘Wait a minute, there’s something wrong with the angle! In this position, you can’t touch the basket at all. The ice chamber watched Ziyuan’s jump, and since it was so far away from himself, it was completely impossible to cover the cap.

“Really, since you are not dead yet! So now you can show me! Ziyuan looked at Leng and said.

When Ziyuan jumped to the highest point, the basketball in his hand was thrown from the top of the heads of the three people in the ice room like a cannonball, the meteor hammer.



‘How is it possible, this is, meteor slam dunk. The ice chamber looked at the pupils and exclaimed.

“So I said, the more you fight, the more powerless you will find, now do you feel that there is no mistake in what I said, you have lost.” Ziyuan looked at the ice room and said indifferently, there were still three seconds and eight seconds left in the game, and there was nothing to say.

And the next moment, the ice chamber looked at this, the corners of his mouth grinned slightly, and secretly said: ‘You are indeed very strong, and I have also seen the strength of the ‘Age of Miracles’, but I still want to win.” ’

Thinking of this, the ice chamber body immediately ran forward, and Lan Qi looked at it and exclaimed, “It’s not over yet!” Honest. ”

“What?” Ziyuan looked shocked.

“Oops.” “Since it’s a whistle. Hurry up and get back to defense! The players of Diguang looked at the excitement and roared.

A long pass from Inoue River passed, and the ice chamber immediately caught the basket, and Lan Qi immediately defended and yelled: “Don’t think about scoring goals.” ”

“Sorry, you can’t stop me.” Saying that, a Yang Yan shot in the ice room avoided Lan Qi’s cap, and the basketball kept flying in the air.

Zi Yuan immediately ran up when he saw it, and he was also surprised in his heart, and secretly said: ‘Really, I still don’t see the coffin and don’t cry!’ It’s annoying. ’

With a sharp landing under his feet, he saw that the basketball was about to fall into the basket with ten centimeters, and a big hand directly knocked it out.

‘What? ‘When the ice room saw this, it was already surprised, that kind of ball, since it can still be blocked, can it still be prevented?

After landing, Ziyuan watched that the time was also up, and the players of Diguang Middle School watched Ziyuan put the ball like that, and the defensive power was too good!

“It’s so powerful, it’s really worthy of Ziyuan.” “The strongest shield really lives up to its name! This kind of defense is also too strong! ”

When Zi Yuan heard this, the purple aura on his body surrounded the ice chamber a little thickly, and said coldly: “It’s noisy, you guys?” ”

Because there is no referee here, no one will stop the goal just now, but after Ziyuan capped, he knew that it was over.

Walked over and picked up the ball, threw it to the ice room, and said: “I didn’t expect that since I would be calculated by you, three free throws, it should be three!” ”

Ziyuan said a little unpleasantly, the game that was originally won, since it will be like this, if all three goals are scored, then it will be three points, and then let him reverse.

The ice chamber stood above the free throw line and made three consecutive shots, all of which were scored.

100:99, Longhua Middle School wins.

“Cut, bastard.” Ziyuan looked at the score and cursed secretly, to be honest, he didn’t let him think that since he would lose.

And this is the case, which is why I like the overwhelming victory, pulling the point difference to the point of no return at the beginning.

“Finally agreed, in the past three years, we have won against Diguang Middle School for the first time.” “It’s just a street game, but since I can win, even I can’t believe it!”

Longhua Middle School said excitedly, originally watching the arrival of Ziyuan, in the ice room to completely suppress, they did not expect that in the end since they could win, but the ice room was not as excited as them, a little surprised to look at Ziyuan, although he won, but now it can be regarded as the strength of the ‘Age of Miracles’, too strong, Ziyuan only came later when the game was about to end.

Before that, there was no warm-up at all, and there was no preparation, if Ziyuan arrived a minute earlier, then he would not have won at all, the difference would definitely become even bigger, and the whistle ball would not be able to reverse the situation.

The most important thing is that I didn’t expect that kind of ball can still be defended, if the time is even one more second, the last person who loses is me, proving that this victory is a fluke. _

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