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Is it raining?

Feeling that the eyelids are wet, Anaar tries to open his eyes.

There was a darkness in the canyon, and the white clouds saw her woke up and kissed her cheek intimately.

"Baiyun, how are you here..." Anar's eyes fell on the neck of Baiyun, and several deep tooth prints almost pulled off the beautiful fur of the white clouds.

Anar suddenly remembered that she should be in the canyon now.

She turned over and sat up, and the wound in her right hand broke again. Bai Yun couldn't help but add her right arm with her tongue. The fragrance of the herb filled the heart. This hearty horse was not only injured for her, but also sought to stop bleeding. Herbs.

Anar’s eyes are red, but not only for the white clouds, but also for the blood of the land.

I don’t know when the fog was scattered, two cars that were broken, a few cold bodies, a herder who stared at the sky with a big squint, his face twisted, his abdomen was smashed into a hole, and the internal organs were pulled All...Anaar resisted the feeling of vomiting and stumbled and ran to Taniguchi.

Ze Yitong, Ze Yitong, she heard her screams before she passed out, must not have something, please.

Bai Yunyi stepped behind her, Anar's right arm wound blood dripping down, she did not take two steps, and found that the horse that was riding, fell to the ground, the same bowel. Around it, hundreds of wild horses stood in the valley, and she understood it all the time. Why both cars were dead, only she was still alive.

It is a white cloud, and Baiyun comes with a group of wild horses at a crucial moment to dispel the wolves!

Anar saw the end of the horse, her legs were soft, and the mouth of the valley was in front. She did not dare to go forward.

She is afraid, she is afraid of Taniguchi waiting for her, is Zeyi's ... corpse.

The timid entangled Anar like a water grass, and the white clouds bowed their heads and smashed the owner who was surrounded by sorrow. Anar blinked and forced the tears back.

She stood up straight and walked toward the valley.

The wild horses gave her a path, and there was a pool of blood in the ice and snow that was so squinting. Arnal’s feet were stiff and step by step.

A broken arm, so lonely and hidden in the snow, Anar's tears finally came out.

"Ze Yitong, Ze Yitong... Karma, my Karma..." Tears blurred the view of Anar, she had long wanted to call the name of the exit, "袄玛", corresponding to "Ajia" The name represents the younger sister.

Her Zeyi sister, only 12 years old, wants to go to school, often practicing Chinese characters on the ground, often throwing the wreath into the air by hand to express her joy of nowhere to pour.

Now her arm, with the arm of the red coral bracelet, is in the snow -

The ultimate pain was layered in my heart, and a light penetrated Arnal's body, making her unable to resist her headache.


Who is she?

She has no sister, only one younger brother.

No, she has a good sister.

The chaotic information flashed in her mind. For a moment, Zeyi’s little face with a smile, the cheeks of the cheeks, and a little boy with a vague face, the temperament was warm and sly, and she called her sister.

Which one is the real life? Anar... No, I am not called Arnal!

Her whole body was dragged into the air by an invisible force, and the bound walls in her brain were broken, as if there were 10,000 ants who wanted to climb out and itch and hurt her head.

The two kinds of life alternated, she floated in the air in the air, because of anxiety, the subconscious contracted into a shrimp-like shape.

There is a voice asking her, what do you want to do most?

Most want? She wants to take revenge for Zeyi at the moment!

That voice is again: then think of who you are and find your true self.

Real self, is it capable of revenge? She asked the inexplicable voice and asked herself.


She made a long dream.

From the Jokhang Temple, because of a bowl of butter tea, I realized that what I lacked was an ordinary sentiment.

There is no magic, no spiritual power, no magic weapon, no space for a long time of life, and no longer understand the joys and sorrows of ordinary people.

Huo Feng said that if you want to experience the ordinary again, you must seal the whole body's ability and memory, and enjoy the ordinary life as a blank piece of paper.

The beautiful woman nodded her promise.

How can unarmed life live in the grasslands lurking in the crisis?

The fire phoenix smiled and picked a good place for you.

It is indeed a good place. It is the sacred Silver Lake area of ​​the Nagqu River. The herdsmen will not let go here. You can rest assured that you are sleeping.

Where there is no danger, she was sealed with the ability and memory, and she met the fish monster that jumped up from the Silver Lake, so that she was sowed and seriously stunned at the lake.

When I woke up again, I really forgot who I was.

A kind herder saved her and took her back to the yurt and gave her a nice name called Anar.

Arnal, come on, I teach you to milk!

Anar, you know so much...

Anar, my name is Ze Yitong, and my grandmother says it is "olive".

What about "Anal"?

Anar, it is the meaning of pomegranate, Mo La also said that you are like a pomegranate, so beautiful.

The little girl smirked like a bird on the grassland. She taught herself to milk, make ghee, and learn to ride horses. The two were like sisters, grazing together, and singing and singing together.

Anar is the most beautiful pomegranate flower on the prairie - the little girl said this more than once.

That little girl, she is called Ze Yitong.

Own, called Lin Luoran.


The figure in the air opened his eyes, and a pair of beautiful eyes were shining, like the purest amber in the world.

In her eyes, no help is revealed, a trace of pain is hidden, and more is firm.

She is no longer an ordinary Arnal, she is full of light, Lin Luoran!

The last mist in the valley collapsed, and the wild horses looked at the woman floating in midair with doubts. Her breath is stronger than the extremely fierce head wolf.

Lin Luoran finally found himself.

The sound of the flaming sound of the phoenix sounded, "Congratulations on your success... The chance of the knot is in front of you, but I guess you want to save the herdsman first."

Lin Luoran, "She hasn't died yet?"

Didn't die, the Zeyi, who called her "Ajia", didn't die?

Lin Luoran suddenly reacted and angered: "Even if I am unable to use my memory, you can save her, how can I still watch her broken arm?"

The fire and the phoenix were speechless, and they only gnawed their teeth: "Without her broken arm, I am afraid that you have to do it for a lifetime. This method is too aggressive. Some of you can enjoy the life of the grassland herders." Are you willing to let go of your life?"

Lin Luoran murmured. "That doesn't need to give her an arm and wake me up."

The fire and phoenix was cold and took the initiative to cut off the contact with her.

Lin Luoran knows that she is a little greedy, she wants to make up for the lack of state of mind in the shortest possible time, and smoothly go to Penglai to find a way to reshape the road base for Lin Ma, but this method of sealing memory and ability The danger is that the fire and the phoenix are displayed. The pledge of the law has been fixed. Even if the phoenix repents to help her recover the memory, it will touch the vow of the law and suffer from the spell.

However, with the arms of Zeyi, to help her find herself in amnesia, Lin Luoran was inexplicably sad.

She fell gently on the ground, and there were confusion in Baiyun's eyes. She did not know her very big master. She took a small piece of Dan Dan in the palm of her hand, and the palm of her hand touched the place of the white cloud neck. The wound of the white cloud filled the blood. Within two days, the white cloud would be completely healed.

It lowered her head and rubbed her palm, trying to apply the remaining liquid to her injured right arm.

Lin Luoran holds his neck and finds a tacit understanding with one person and one horse.

She and Anaar were originally the same person.

The difference is that Lin Luoran has the ability that "Anal" does not have. A pile of sandstone was circled, and the broken arm of Zeyi and the horse-riding her riding were buried. Lin Luoran went to the scene of the crime.

Unlike the panic of the genius, Lin Luoran is calm and self-sufficient.

She didn't swipe her eyes. This **** scene, only the body of a person, without a wolf body, also found that the broken windshield, the recessed hood, was hit by some kind of creature. to make.

Is that animal that has hurt the white clouds?

Lin Luoran doubts whether it is the head wolf of the prairie wolf... even the speed of the white clouds will be hurt by it, but there are some doorways. At first thought, it may be that this thing hurts and let Ze Yi break the arm, but also walked away her, Lin Luoran's eyes are covered with a thin layer of frost that is more touching than the ice.

Her ears are very strong, and her spiritual strength is back to the body. The feeling that everything is in control is very subtle.

There was still a weak breathing in the broken Hummer. The golden spirit gathered at her fingertips. The place she touched, the door was completely cut.

A middle-aged man walked on the leather seat and saw Lin Luoran standing cold in front of him, and he coughed up sharply.

"You... you are not dead."

A golden tooth is covered with blood, and the golden streak of gold can not be washed in this snowy mountain.

Lin Luoran suddenly smiled. "I am not dead, so you have to die."

The man's eyes widened, and the wounds caught by the wolves on his chest were bleeding. "You, you can't kill me... I have a lot of money, give you money, save me."

Lin Luoran had already had a flame in his palm, and he heard a word from him.

"Yes, I killed you, then I am no different from you."

The middle-aged man saw the flame that Lin Luoran’s fingertips turned into magic and disappeared. The brilliance in his eyes was even better. “I am a cultivator, you are a cultivator!”

Lin Luoran no longer looked at him and left without hesitation.

Middle-aged man screams: "Fairy, fairy, fairy accept me, I can contribute to the wealth of the family, you can find the most precious treasures of the world, what do you like, the eagle or the horse? Fairy..."

Lin Luoran has already been riding on the back of Baiyun.

"Go, let's save and agree."

The tail of Baiyun smashed a beautiful arc in midair, the last light in the pupil of a middle-aged man.


Didn't anyone guess that Xiaolinzi is a self-sealing memory, in order to find the true self, to break through the foundation period... (⊙_⊙) I thought that the tea was so clear that it was too frustrating.

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