The spring breeze cleared the clouds and the sky was clear.

It was a perfect day for sleeping until you wake up naturally.

The fluffy sunlight rushed into the room, calling people to get up, but sleeping is an art, and the abundant sunlight cannot stop people from pursuing art.

"Knock, knock, knock!" Someone knocked on the door.

"Who is it?" Lu Yuan called impatiently.

A sweet female voice came from outside the door, with a bit of crispness: "I calculated with my fingers, you must be sleeping in. In such a beautiful weather, shouldn't you go to the company to work overtime or go on a blind date?"

Lu Yuan rubbed his eyes and said unhappily: "I just dreamed of a fairy, why go on a blind date."

"What fairy, show me a photo!"

Lu Yuan cleared his throat: "It's okay to dream about it. If you really chase her, you will find the difference between the three-dimensional and the two-dimensional, and you will lose interest immediately."

"Tsk, it's like you are going to cultivate immortality, and even the three-dimensional world is disgusted."

It seems that every female high school student in a serious school has short black hair, black-rimmed glasses, a denim shirt that doesn't show her figure, and white socks and pink cotton slippers on her feet.

The plain dress with nothing but youth is still cute.

"It's already ten o'clock in the morning. I bought you breakfast out of kindness. Eat it while it's hot!"

A hot steamed dumpling, two tea eggs, and a bowl of soy milk.

The fragrant aroma aroused Lu Yuan's greed.

It is said that a woman who is usually very fierce suddenly becomes gentle and kind, and must have some intention.

Either killing or stealing money!

Lu Yuan warned: "Don't insult the intelligence of office animals and tell your bad intentions!"

"That... I want to buy a dress in the color of Ceylon black tea. There is a host event in the school..."

"You are looking for mom, why are you looking for me!"

"If I tell my mom, she will definitely let me study hard and say the classic lines of parents... Three hundred yuan, only three hundred yuan."

Good guy, a breakfast can make me three hundred gold coins!

Your business is a sure win!

But I am grateful for the people who eat it, so this request is reasonable.

Lu Yuan even thinks that the dress of three hundred yuan is a bit too cheap.

And she's already acting cute, shouldn't I be soft-hearted?

"Ding Dong, pay 300 yuan."

"High school students shouldn't fall in love." Lu Yuan had an excited expression on his face, "If you fall in love, I'll complain immediately! I'll let my parents hang you up and beat you up, I'm a little excited just thinking about that scene."

"How is that possible? There are no handsome guys in the class!!" She clenched her fists and wanted to attack Lu Yuan, but she had to endure it for the sake of 300 gold coins, "By the way... have you reported your recent awakening of superpowers to the government?"

"No, the government doesn't pay me... why should I rush to report myself?" Lu Yuan stretched lazily.

Ten years ago, meteorites fell from the sky.

Earthquakes and tsunamis occurred frequently, and the world order was in chaos.

Some people have evolved weak superpowers.

No one knows what kind of changes have taken place in this world.

Is the aura resurrected? The end of the world is coming? Aliens destroy the world? Gods open up a new world?

Fortunately, as a superpower, the social order of Dadong Country is relatively stable, and the life of the people is similar to the past, and there has not been much change in life.

"Then I'll go out to buy clothes! You can take a nap."


Then, Lu Yuan enjoyed breakfast with satisfaction and began to play with his newly awakened superpowers.

"Different space!"

A layer of magical distorted light and shadow wrapped his body.

He disappeared in the real world.

Lu Yuan called his awakened superpower - "Different space"!

To put it simply, it is to create a small space that can only accommodate oneself.

In this small space, you can observe the outside environment.

But the outside world cannot observe you or contact you.

The maintenance of the different space consumes mental power, and can only last for two to three hours at most. If it lasts too long, you will fall into a coma due to mental exhaustion.

Well, this ability should be called space ability, which is quite high-end...

In fact... I don't know what it is used for?

Is it used to avoid the nuclear bomb crisis caused by the world war?

If a nuclear bomb explodes suddenly around him, Lu Yuan can immediately hide in the alien space.

But three hours is not enough. Once he comes out, he will still be killed by radiation.

Or... use it to be a thief?

But the alien space cannot be moved at will, and it seems a bit difficult to be a thief.

Lu Yuan just regards this special ability as an entertainment project, occasionally joking in front of his relatives, that's all.

"Let's find an opportunity to report to the government, maybe I can get a job."

"The civil service exam is the end of the universe."


However, at this moment, from the real end of the universe, the starting point of endless time and space, an extremely complex language came.

This sentence is not Chinese, like a huge bell, coming from all directions, shaking the head "bang bang".

Lu Yuan inexplicably understood the meaning.

[The etheric psychic network has been successfully constructed, and the GS91102 universe has been successfully digitized. ]

[A total of 781,237,896 intelligent civilizations have been screened. 】

Who, who is speaking?

Lu Yuan blinked and looked around, thinking he was hallucinating.

But a rumbling earthquake sounded, and the earth shook.

Birds flocked to high altitudes.

The outside world even heard the "Woo-Woo" air-raid sirens and a series of car brake sounds, which meant that a large number of people were heading to the nearest shelter to take refuge.

The mysterious voice continued:

[In the ninth era, Pangea is being formed. 】

[Earth, human race, a total of 17 participating cities, representing 17 branches of human civilization. 】

[All participating civilizations are being sent to the Pangea Continent safe zone...]

"What the hell?"

Then, just as Lu Yuan was hiding in a different space, looking confused, something happened that stunned him even more!



Gone! !

In the blink of an eye, the ground beneath my feet disappeared.

This exaggerated scene shocked Lu Yuan's soul, almost making his heart stop beating and turning him into a vegetative state.

What kind of power can make the earth disappear out of thin air?

This really exceeded Lu Yuan's imagination.

If I had to use human words to describe it, it could only be the power of "god"!

Whether it is "God", "Jade Emperor", "god-level civilization" or "super-god civilization", all things that humans do not understand are explained as gods. This is a lazy but efficient approach.

When Lu Yuan slowly recovered from the vegetative state, he found that the earth was inexplicably gone, and he himself remained in the universe.

A famous saying flashed subconsciously in his mind: "That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind."

"I am the first person to physically fly into the universe. The answer is that the earth itself is gone, but I remain where I am."

"What the hell!"

At that moment, Lu Yuan completely collapsed.

The whole world left with the earth, and he was the only one left behind.

Not only is this scene not tragic, but it has a sense of comedy and grotesqueness.

Did the earth explode or something happened?

What should I do with my eating, drinking and diarrhea?

How can I survive!

Lu Yuan recalled an anime character named "Kaz" in his mind. After being thrown into space, "Kaz" chose to stop thinking because he was too bored.

Now, he seems to be in the same predicament.

But he is not the ultimate creature, nor is he an immortal. He is just an ordinary person. How can he survive in the universe?

Lu Yuan felt like he had a stroke in his brain, and all his cerebral cortex turned into paste.

"Wait...what is that?"

Lu Yuan squinted his eyes and saw cities wrapped in "soap bubbles", 17 in total!

These cities seemed to have been specially selected by "gods" and did not disappear with the earth.

They shone with golden light and were flying in a certain direction at extremely fast speeds, like comets streaking across the sky.

"Safe zone...these cities are heading to the safe zone?"

"Take me with you, I am also a member of the human race!!!" Lu Yuan shouted loudly.

But obviously, "God" didn't pay attention to him.

Only that cold voice appears every 10 minutes or so.

[Coordinating biological colonies...]

[The weather system of Pangea is being reconstructed...]

[The number of remaining extraordinary beings is being counted...and their distribution is being disrupted...]

[Reconciling gravity data...]

【Extraordinary fire is being spread...】

Only with hindsight can we discover that it was the ability of "different space" that harmed him.

If Lu Yuan hadn't been hiding in another space, it was obvious that he would have "disappeared" with the earth; or he would have flown away with those 17 cities.

No matter what, such a big thing happened, hiding in the city, there are still human compatriots who can hug each other for warmth.

But now, he is hiding in a different space, and "God" does not regard him as a part of human civilization.

So, he was left where he was.

After Lu Yuan discovered this, he wanted to remove the alien space.

But he was worried that there was no air in the universe.

After all, there is still some oxygen in the different space, so he will not die suddenly.

What's more, "God" doesn't care what the ants think.

I don’t know how long it took, but the cold voice said again: [Each civilization branch has arrived at the designated location and opened the safe zone. 】

[Please note that the time flow rate in the safe zone is only one percent of Pangea. 】

[In the safe zone, resources are scarce and development is slow. 】

[Each civilization can cancel the safe zone on its own and actively explore Pangea. 】

[After the revocation, the safe zone cannot be restored and will face external risks. 】

[Please all major civilizations adapt to environmental changes as soon as possible. 】

[The ninth era, civilization screening has officially begun! 】

In despair, Lu Yuan briefly analyzed this paragraph of text.

The purpose of "god" may be to select the strongest civilization in the so-called "ninth era"?

Every city represents a civilization...

Including the Yunhai City where Lu Yuan was just now, could it represent the Daxia civilization?

But no matter how strong a race is, it will definitely be in chaos when encountering such a thing.

So the "well-intentioned" "god" set up the concept of "safe zone".

If a certain civilization has completed internal integration, it can take the initiative to cancel the "safe zone" and officially move towards Pangea.

Of course, you can also not withdraw and hide in the safe zone.

But the price is that the speed of time passing is only one percent of that of Pangu Continent.

Other civilizations developed in Pangu Continent for a hundred years, and you only developed in the safe zone for one year. It is obviously impossible to pass the screening of "God" by doing this, which is equivalent to self-extinction.

"But what does it have to do with me? I am... one person and one civilization?!" Lu Yuan was not feeling well.

Then, he saw the so-called "Pangu Continent" slowly appearing in the universe.

It is like an unimaginable ink painting, extending infinitely towards the universe, from the blue ocean to the golden coast, from the emerald oasis to the withered yellow desert, from the snow-capped mountains to the flat grassland, from the light blue lake to the majestic plateau...

This continent is really too big, it is completely an infinitely extended version of the earth's continent.

Lu Yuan was shocked by this magnificent and magical scene.

There were faint ripples in the space, and in a moment, Pangu Continent jumped to the current space, replacing the original earth.

Lu Yuan suddenly realized that with the appearance of Pangu Continent, he was only tens of thousands of meters above the ground.

He was excited: "Can I still be saved?"

He stretched out a finger and sent the front end of the finger out of the alien space.

Affected by gravity, the small finger that was stretched out began to fall freely.

Because the alien space was connected to his body, the finger fell freely, and the "soap bubble" in the alien space was also brought down.

About three minutes later, with a light "pop", Lu Yuan successfully landed on a patch of weeds.

He took a few deep breaths to calm his nervous mood.

He raised his head and looked closely, and Pangu Continent seemed a little different.

In the Weiwei Ancient Mountains, between the vast sea of ​​clouds, the blue-gray jungle was like a long dragon, stretching to the end of the earth.

On the cliff in front, a waterfall poured down, stirring up a mist.

In the hazy, you can see the white water vapor mixed between the green mountains and green moss, and the crisp sound of water flowing in your ears.

Many trees in the mountains are three to five hundred meters high, exuding a quiet atmosphere that keeps strangers away.

The roar of wild beasts can be heard faintly.

"This tree is too tall."

Lu Yuan was sweating profusely, feeling like a hopeless ant who accidentally entered the garden of the gods. Any insect could crush him to death.

It is obvious that Pangu Continent must be in crisis, otherwise there would be no need to set up the so-called "safe zone".

That cold voice still echoed in his ears:

[Analyzing possible remains of civilization. ]

[Looking for a suitable place to sow the seeds of transcendence. ]

This voice sounded every few minutes.

But it was no longer a big deal for Lu Yuan.

He was really at a loss.

Even if he successfully landed on the ground, it would only reduce the difficulty from the hell of 100% death to the nightmare of 90% death...

The ability of "different space" can indeed avoid many risks, but as an ordinary person, he needs to sleep, eat, rest, and have entertainment and rest. "Different space" is not omnipotent.

From this moment on, he must be self-sufficient, hunt, gather, and do everything by himself.

He can't get sick, it's easy to get sick.

How can he survive?

His mind was pure white.

"I don't even have a knife or a lighter. I only have a mobile phone on my body, and the battery... 66%?"

[Generating civilization milestone system. ]

[Warning, missing civilization branch found... race, human...]


Did God find me?

Is he talking to me?

"Send me back to Earth quickly!"

[Adding the 18th branch of human civilization, current total population: 1 person. ]

[Added successfully. 】

【Civilization number: 7812HSKKJ-18, please remember your civilization number. 】


After a while, the cold voice said again:

【Congratulations to your civilization for achieving the only milestone, the first pioneer of the Ninth Epoch. 】

【Achievement conditions: The first civilization to leave the safe zone. 】

【History is always created by life. A world without life is just a wasteland. 】

【Today, you will take the first step to explore the Pangu Continent. Your personal small step is also a big step for the Ninth Epoch. 】

【With trepidation and confusion, you step into the thick unknown. Maybe you will die tomorrow, but it also represents the courage to explore the Ninth Epoch. 】

Lu Yuan looked blankly at the clear blue sky. It took him a long time to react. "God" really regarded him as a civilization.

Isn't he the first pioneer in history?

The first minute that Pangu Continent was just formed, he ran in!

Normal civilizations, all hiding in the safe zone!

Lu Yuan laughed bitterly. What a fucking black humor.

Based on his understanding of human beings, it is impossible for human beings to reach a consensus and cancel the safe zone without a tug-of-war for ten years.

A bold estimate is that canceling the safe zone within twenty years is already a miracle.

Calculating the speed of time passing at a ratio of one to one hundred, one year of human civilization is equivalent to one hundred years on Pangu Continent.

Ten years of human civilization is a thousand years for Pangu Continent.

Lu Yuan couldn't help but recall the story of "Lan Ke Ren". Wang Zhi, a Jin man, went up the mountain to chop wood and encountered two old men playing chess. He stopped to watch. After watching the game, Wang Zhi found that the handle of his axe had rotted. When he returned home, he found that hundreds of years had passed in the world and his neighbors were no longer alive.

"In other words, only one year has passed in the safe zone. A hundred years have passed here and I am already dead."

A short hundred years is just a blink of an eye for a civilization. The more time a civilization develops, the better.

But for an individual, it is an unbearable burden.

Let alone monsters and the like, this huge mental pressure alone is enough to crush Lu Yuan.

However, at this moment, the cold voice said again: [Your civilization has obtained the only milestone reward: Pioneer Eye, which allows you to read the information of most items (one person in the civilization gets it randomly). ]

[Your civilization has obtained the only milestone points reward: 5000 points. (This function has not been enabled yet)]

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