Lu Yuan held the small medicine bottle, couldn't help but smile with joy, and whistled a few words: "We people are so happy today!"

From the perspective of long-term survival, disease is more difficult to deal with than food shortage.

Even if he couldn't catch any fish, he could survive for several days.

You can always find something like grass roots rich in sugar, wild fruits in the forest, and various insects.

But once you get sick, especially dysentery and diarrhea, it will be difficult in this hellish place.

"This unknown civilization can develop this kind of medicine to enhance the immune is indeed better than humans."

Good luck comes in pairs when he reaches the location of the fishing trap.

"Plop, plop", you can see the big box shaking slightly!

It's almost certain that there are fish in it, but I don't know how many there are.

Lu Yuan swallowed, his heart was beating wildly, and the smile on his face almost overflowed.

But he didn't want to make a mistake, so he carefully observed the surrounding environment. "Riverside killings" are common in nature. There might be a crocodile lurking somewhere, trying to pull him into the water.

It’s hard not to know, and I’m shocked when I see it!

He found a wolf hidden in the grass!

The one eye was staring at him.

It's the old wolf I met yesterday.

"It's you... you don't want to sneak attack on me, do you? What a white-eyed wolf!" Lu Yuan was rude and cursed into the grass.

As if knowing that Lu Yuan had discovered him, the old wolf slowly walked out of the grass and shook his dirty tail.

Lu Yuan frowned, feeling that this guy didn't seem to be hostile, so he opened the lid of the fishing box on his own.

"Good guy!"

He couldn't help but laugh.

More than a dozen fish, big and small, are jumping around! !

The largest one is 30 centimeters long and weighs five or six kilograms. I don’t know how it got in!

"Are spider viscera so popular... Fortunately, I still have some left, so I can use them next time." Lu Yuan was in a good mood. He picked up the smallest fish and threw it to the old wolf who kept sticking out his tongue and wagging his tail. .

When the old wolf saw the fish, he tensed up and stared at Lu Yuan, and stopped wagging his tail.

It seems a little unbelievable. How can there be such a good person in the world?

You must have a conspiracy, right? !

With my many years of experience in the world, do you want to eat my flesh? !

"If you jump into the pot by yourself, I think the pus in your eyes will contaminate the pot..." Lu Yuan cursed angrily and focused on the work in hand.

Although the old wolf still had a vigilant look, he was so honest that he immediately let out a sigh of relief. He smelled the fish, and when Lu Yuan wasn't paying attention, he quietly stuffed it into his mouth without chewing much. , swallow it in one gulp.

At this moment, Lu Yuan put all the fish into his storage space.

Another big fish was dissected on the spot, its internal organs were dug out, and it was put back into the box.

Even threw some offal into the water.

This is called nesting!

"Hopefully there will be another bumper harvest tomorrow."

"A fisherman never flies."

When the old wolf saw that Lu Yuan actually threw the fish's entrails into the water, he couldn't help but be shocked. He scratched the stone with his two claws and yelled "oooooo", looking a little anxious.

How can you waste food?

Give it to me!


You only give me a small fish now, which is not enough for a wolf to squeeze between his teeth!

So, Lu Yuan threw a big white and tender fish maw: "Go on!"

The old wolf gave up his reserve and swooped over, biting the fish bladder into his mouth.

That agile figure can vaguely see its majestic appearance when it was young.

There was a loud "pop" sound, and the fish's swim bladder burst like a balloon, covering its entire face.

The old wolf looked horrified, and with a "whoop" sound, his tail was caught between his buttocks, and he was almost paralyzed by fear.

Most of the swim bladder is hung in the mouth and flies in the wind.

It might be thinking, did its mouth explode?

Are you going to die today?

Creatures like wolves may leave their pack before dying.

So this stupid wolf lay motionless on the ground, quietly waiting for his death - maybe this is a kind of group wisdom, or maybe this is a kind of open-mindedness, who knows?

After a long time, the old wolf realized that nothing happened to him, so he cheered up again and ate the swim bladder attached to his mouth.


That dirty wolf face showed the joy of "I am still alive" without any embarrassment!

Lu Yuan saw it and couldn't help but comment in his heart: "A wolf that is a little stupid, a little scheming, but also eager to survive."

But what a joy it is to be alive.

Aren’t I also struggling to survive, struggling to survive?

The old wolf shook his tail again.

You have already begged, so there is no need for dignity or anything else. How about you give me some more?

How about letting me have a good time?

Lu Yuan was amused by this guy: "Well, I have a bottle of small blue pills here. I don't know if they will work. I'll use you as a guinea pig first."

"You can't blame me if you die, but good luck to you if you live."

"It's not that I'm kind-hearted, but I don't know if this thing works."

He opened the small bottle he found, took out a blue pill, and broke it in half.

Mix half of a small pill into the fish's internal organs and let the old wolf eat it.

The old wolf looked like a starving ghost, and was too lazy to tell the difference. It ate it in two bites.

After doing this, Lu Yuan prepared to go back early to cook these big fish.

When he thought of the crispy skin and tender and juicy fish meat, his heart was cheering - if he didn't have a hobby when he was out, he would go crazy!

And the old wolf followed Lu Yuan slowly, keeping a safe distance.

When Lu Yuan turned back to warn it, the old wolf shook its tail from time to time, indicating that it really had no ill intentions.

Its situation was too bad.

It was old and its physical function declined.

There was a wound in the eye and a hidden injury in the leg, so it was difficult to hunt prey.

It seemed that it could only eat that one bite by following this strange humanoid creature.

It knew its difficult situation.

The desire to survive made it subconsciously seek this glimmer of life.

"Uluru... Uluru!"

One more bite, I want to eat another one.

The last bite, please!

Lu Yuan was a little cautious.

If this guy attacked from behind or called his companions, he would be in big trouble.

Wolves are social creatures after all.

But seeing its gradually dog-like expression, Lu Yuan always felt that he had triggered the domestication plot of ancient times...

"How did primitive people domesticate wolves? Was it this opportunity?"

He remembered a novel called "Wolf Totem".

This book used all its literary skills to try to describe wolves as an animal that never surrenders and has supreme dignity, and would rather die than submit to humans.

Then the unyielding dignity of wolves was sublimated to national character - well, this conclusion is indeed very sad.

But the actual situation...

This guy has only been fed twice, and he started to want beggar's food.

If you think about it carefully, it's not surprising. If wolves really never surrender, then where do animals like dogs come from?

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