Lu Yuan had no dream ability and could not dispel nightmares. He could only mobilize all the power of the Tree of Life. The 100-meter-long tree shook and let out an earth-shattering roar: "Get out of here -"


A huge spiritual storm broke out in an instant!

The heartbreaking voice reached the deepest part of the subconscious.


The dream was torn apart, Lu Yuan suddenly jumped up from his sleep, his whole body was dripping with sweat, and his heart was beating wildly.

"What's wrong with you?" The old cat waggled its tail and expressed some concern.

"It's nothing... I just had a dream. A monster wants to mess with me, damn it." Lu Yuan smiled "hehehe".

He looked at the clouds on the horizon and thought about the letter just now.

Suddenly motivated.

Although mankind's "pathfinding project" is largely for more information and interests...

But there is always a hint of warm truth.

There are always some people who are remembering him and looking forward to his return to his homeland.

They shouted, "Hey, we're here! Here we are!"

go home!

He has to find a way to get home!

There is no need to miss the ruins of Meida civilization anymore! !

"Where is your hometown? There must be a general direction?" The old cat jumped onto a stone with elegant steps, and his fat body was very agile.

"I'm not sure." Lu Yuan tried to remember, rubbing his temples, "I was in space at the time and saw the city flying away, probably toward the southeast."

"Probably?" The old cat showed a sympathetic expression, and the slightest difference could make a huge difference.

But it can only be approximate. Lu Yuan really doesn't know the real location.

He was in space at that time and had no compass.

Moreover, the flying speed of those cities is an arc, not a straight line.

"The direction of the Sky City is exactly east, not in the opposite direction. When will we set off?"

Lu Yuan's expression was a little complicated: "I don't care, I'm just afraid that the old wolf won't be able to let go, so I have to give him a chance to say goodbye to his family."

The old wolf's one eye widened, his pink tongue hanging from his mouth, and he jumped onto the stone.

It looked into the distance affectionately, saliva dripping from the corners of its mouth.

"Comrade, you underestimated it. It can't wait to be happy with the she-wolf outside. In fact, it has wanted to abandon the wife and children here." The old cat told the truth.

"It is indeed a scumbag, and its brain is filled with rice green liquid." Lu Yuan cursed viciously.

"Ouch!" The biggest loser in the world couldn't understand human words, so he thought everyone was praising him and roared excitedly.

The high-pitched sound echoed in the mountains and aroused more wolves howling.

"If nothing unexpected happens, we'll leave tomorrow!"

After making up his mind, Lu Yuan felt relaxed.

"Actually, I still have some regrets about staying here. I still don't the Meda civilization became extinct."

"There is really nothing you can do about this matter." Old Cat shook his head, "Because I have scanned all the written materials and found no trace of extinction."

"Unless you keep digging here and dig out the ruins of the entire city, you may be able to find some truth."

"Then we have to forget it... An Yi, I really can't let you go."

"Who is An Yi?" Old Mao jumped on his shoulder and said expectantly, "Please tell me, okay? Comrade, please don't show off."

"Ahem...that's another story." Lu Yuan pretended to be mysterious.

The old cat went crazy and strangled Lu Yuan's neck.


After some fun, the parting mood dissipated.

The old wolf and old cat will leave with him, and most of the luggage can be packed and taken away.

Under such circumstances, what Lu Yuan couldn't bear to part with was indeed his current comfortable and lazy life...

As for the female bear, Lu Yuan was not going to take it with her.

On the one hand, as a solitary creature, it is still very wild.

The brain is not very bright and the obedience to various instructions is not high.

On the other hand, it gets pregnant and gives birth every two or three years, and now that she is pregnant again, Lu Yuan doesn't want to take a pregnant woman on the road.

So let him guard his corn tree and live his original life... which is also a good ending.

After all, the female bear is a first-level extraordinary being. As long as she doesn't cause trouble, her life will be very comfortable.

"I also think you don't need to take that bear with you." The old cat shook his head, "You can't protect it in a big crisis."

"If it gives birth to cubs, you still have to take care of those cubs, which is just one more trouble."

Lao Mao always hits the nail on the head and thinks about problems from the perspective of interests.

"You'd better think about what luggage to bring. Get ready quickly."

"Of course I know."

While Lu Yuan was recuperating, he opened up a larger storage space. Approximately 3.3 meters, a total volume of 36 cubic meters

It's not a small amount.

But compared to the supplies Lu Yuan wanted to carry, it was still too little...

"There are 209 piranha fruits. We must take them all away."

He began to sort out all his belongings.

The feeling of counting money is still very pleasant...the result of so many years of accumulation.

After nearly 4 years of harvesting the piranha, about 60% of the fruits have been harvested.

With the remaining 40% of the fruit high on the branch, Lu Yuan was really powerless and had no choice but to give up...

More importantly, Lu Yuan got a small vine of the Piranha Plant and grafted it onto the Tree of Life.

The fruit of the Piranha Plant can be hung on it and continue to be cultivated!

From this perspective, the "Tree of Life" is indeed a top-level auxiliary ability.

"This fruit is indeed a rare thing... but you are too greedy. You eat a few bites whenever you have time. Eating too much is not good except for gaining weight... If you save a little, you can get dozens more."

The old cat said carefully: "If you encounter other civilizations, you may be able to trade them."

"I think there will be no civilization within a thousand years." Lu Yuan said unhappily.

"Then you may underestimate the civilization in the world." The old cat said stubbornly.

Lu Yuan sorted them out by himself: "123 corn cobs, 422 kilograms of corn flour, 191 kilograms of honey created by mutant bees, 7.3 kilograms of royal jelly, and 412 kilograms of salamander meat. Damn, why are there so many? This stuff is really disgusting."

"1.9 kilograms of bee eggs, 5 snake eggs, 1.1 kilograms of peppers... and various miscellaneous mutant plants. I have collected some of them. Take them all away."

"Where did you get your snake eggs?"

"I picked them up from the bushes yesterday." Lu Yuan grinned, showing a satisfied smile of a garbage man.

He stared at the group of snakes for a long time.

Just yesterday, he observed that a corn snake had just laid eggs, so he used the "Mask of Leoric" and the spider shield to scare the corn snake away and snatched the eggs.

Poor beautiful corn snake, it was beside the nest, swallowing its tongue sadly for a long time, and found that there were still two eggs left for it. It immediately forgot all its troubles and started hatching eggs again.

The old cat looked up and just watched Lu Yuan rummaging through the boxes and sorting things out: "You are quite particular. You know to leave two for the snake."

"Of course, I never take every penny. There are more than 2 kilograms of salt, a lot of seasonings, 600 kilograms of potatoes, 1,200 kilograms of flour from breadfruit trees... There are also some vegetable seeds, take them."

"Take the crossbow, water tank, and tent."

"Take clothes, pants, and toothbrushes too..."

"Oh, by the way, I also forged some swords, axes, hammers, shovels, and pickaxes, take them too."

The outstanding dagger is good, but there is only one.

These ordinary metal tools are still indispensable.

In addition, as long as it is a capable prop, it may be used at a critical moment.

Lu Yuan deeply tasted the wonders of props, such as "high temperature resistance", which sounds completely useless, but it helped him to survive a demon!

So, any capable props must be carefully considered for its true purpose.

The extraordinary items currently owned are: Daedalus's tool set, high temperature resistance·salamander suit, poisonous insect repellent·snake slough suit, salamander skin shield, Leoric's mask, and defense·black iron suit.

[Lu Yuan's black iron suit. (General level +)]

[A combat suit made of black iron, mountain copper and a small amount of biological materials. However, due to the limited knowledge level of the forger, it has not been able to perform beyond the limit of the materials. ]

[Ability: defense, resist, isolate or offset part of the idealistic ability. ]

This set of equipment was created by Lu Yuan in the past three years, taking advantage of a certain inspiration.

He thought that "general level" equipment would trigger milestones, but in fact it did not... In other words, there is probably only one milestone for creating equipment.

Of course, he still likes this set of metal equipment.

Defense, acid resistance, cold resistance, heat resistance, puncture resistance, although not full resistance, nor 100% resistance, but wide adaptability, is an excellent defensive ability.

"The extraordinary items are sorted here."

"Take as much of the garbage as you can from the remaining space." Lu Yuan came to his garbage room with great interest, which was piled with all kinds of metal.

From metal doors, to scrapped cars, scrapped machines, to electric fans, propellers, etc., there is everything, piled up like a small mountain.

"There is no way to take them all away."

He fell into deep sorrow.

The old cat sat on the ground, couldn't help twisting, and sighed again: "Lu Yuan, I want to scold you now, but I think you did nothing wrong... Did I have a bug? Or was I contaminated by you? I'll restart it and try."

Lu Yuan didn't even turn his head: "You are now a network troll. No matter whether you meet good or bad, you just can't help but want to spit a few words. I can understand that, you can spit hard, I won't lose a piece of meat."

He put the metal garbage into the storage space in piles.

I still selected it a little bit, and put less ordinary iron ingots, and put more titanium alloys, tungsten alloys, and rhenium alloys.

In addition, there are some parts that seem to be useful, such as pulleys, bearings, etc., which are also installed.



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