Until the fifth month, Lu Yuan pushed aside the bushes and walked up the last high slope.

He suddenly realized that he had walked out of the lush and vast primeval forest.

This is the last high slope, and there is a brand new world in the distance!

The endless dry land came into view, both rough and soft, with the grand terrain, sparse grasslands and rugged rocks, showing a shocking natural force.

Only a small amount of greenery grew tenaciously in the dry land, and the most amazing thing was the continuous flowers, colorful and bright, decorating the hillside into a gorgeous beauty.

At a glance, the rustling flowers are hundreds of kilometers long and spread to the end of the horizon.

At the junction of the forest and the dry land, there is a vertical waterfall hanging down, nearly 300 meters wide, with a momentum like thousands of horses galloping, charging and fighting, and like the slogans of a hundred thousand parade teams.

The rumbling sound hurt the eardrums.

At this moment, the clouds in the sky suddenly split apart. The dark clouds that were so thick that they were about to rain suddenly opened a crack, revealing the clear blue sky, and the sun suddenly sprinkled down.

The water vapor on the flowers sparkled under the sunlight!

The whole sea of ​​flowers seemed to come alive!

The cloudy day turned into a sunny day in the blink of an eye!

Lu Yuan was shocked by this scene of "cloudy to sunny". Perhaps on Earth, you will never see this magnificent scene of flowers stretching for hundreds of kilometers.

"Ah--" He couldn't help but shout, and the sound spread far and wide.

Even the old cat was a little shocked and tried to shout a few words-this guy always thinks about elegance and keeps his identity.

But who doesn't like spectacular scenes?

"Hey-I, Old Lu, have been here!"


Lu Yuan planned to rest here for a few days. After five months of running around, he was not so tired physically. But most of the journey was boring and stressful, and there were bugs everywhere, which made him very irritable.

The old wolf was also exhausted and needed to rest for a few days.

Lu Yuan ran to the downstream of the giant waterfall and took a cold bath. Under the flushing of the river, the mental fatigue all over his body disappeared instantly.

The "rumbling" sound of the waterfall was like a symphony of nature. Large groups of water droplets jumped in the air, like countless pearls falling into a jade plate, making a crisp and pleasant sound.

The old wolf didn't like to take a bath as always, but under Lu Yuan's mandatory request, he still lay in the water and washed his body.

"Have you found a big problem?" The old cat naturally didn't need to wash himself. It jumped onto a big rock and quietly looked at the winding river.

"What's the matter?" After taking a bath, Lu Yuan was refreshed. He shaved his beard with a knife and trimmed his hair like Tarzan.

The old cat stretched out his paw: "Look at this big river, it is magnificent and flows into the distance. But do you feel that it is missing a large section?"

"Ah?" Lu Yuan didn't understand what the old cat was talking about for a while.

He looked at it for a long time and felt a little strange.

The trajectory of the river is not natural.

In particular, the color of the river water has changed subtly.

The water in the upper reaches is quite clear, and it is no problem to drink it directly.

The water in the middle of the river, I don't know what happened, the color suddenly changed subtly... It's not very obvious, but it's real.

"Why do you care about this? Do you want me to build a boat and go to the destination along the river?"

Lu Yuan also thought about the method of driving a ship.

After all, he was really fed up with the mosquitoes in the forest, and the temptation of not being bitten was still very great.

But the problem is that it takes at least several days to make a simple bamboo raft. And he doesn't have a map of the river, who knows if the river will deviate from the course after dozens of kilometers...

So he can only give up.

"No, I mean... there may be a hidden 'safe zone' here!" The old cat jumped down from the stone, and drew a circle and a river on the sand with his claws.

"Think about it, part of the space here may be hidden, so there will be the strange sign of 'a section of the river missing'."

"Of course I'm just guessing, not true."

The old cat scratched his head arrogantly, making a "crunching" sound, and glanced at Lu Yuan's face with a pair of eyes.

It said indifferently: "Even if there is a safe zone here, what does it have to do with you? You should leave quickly!"

Lu Yuan's face changed slightly, and his heart beat faster.

Turning his head to look at the river, the more he looked, the more he felt that what the old cat said made sense.

The "safe zone" is indeed hidden, just like invisibility.

This conclusion was given by many scientists of the Meda civilization.

Because in the long-term observation, no animal has come into contact with the protective light curtain of the "safe zone"!

This is obviously abnormal.

From a probability perspective, there will always be one or two of those rabbits, mice, birds, and insects that exist everywhere, which will hit the light curtain and turn into ashes.

In fact... there is no such thing.

Therefore, the experts of the Meda civilization speculated that the safe zone is likely to be hidden in the Pangu continent through some kind of space mechanism.

Ordinary creatures can't get close at all!

And the civilization in the safe zone, with millions or tens of millions of people, always needs water and air. Some resources from the outside world can enter through "some means", so there will be situations like "a piece of the river is missing" and "the river changes color".

"So that's it..."

Lu Yuan thought of this, rubbed his hands, and his mood couldn't help but get hot.

Maybe through aliens, we can contact humans?

"Old cat, you are smart, you have figured it out." He patted the fat cat.

The old cat "squeaked", shook his head, very proud: "There is only a 50% probability, I advise you not to be self-indulgent and invest too much effort."

"Maybe they are too lazy to pay attention to you."

It is even more obvious that the unknown civilization cannot cancel the safe zone just because Lu Yuan is outside...

With an alien outside, just cancel the light curtain directly? How big a heart it takes.

A normal civilization would not do this.

This fact made Lu Yuan scratch his head and feel a little impatient.

He did not have any superpowers to transcend the "safe zone", so he could only expect the other party to take the initiative to communicate.

He took a deep breath, put on his backpack, and first measured the temperature upstream.

Headed to the downstream of the river.

"The water temperature has a temperature difference of 1-2 degrees..."

He wandered for a long time in the area where the color of the river changed subtly, but he couldn't see anything.

"If there is really a safe zone hidden here, the creatures inside will definitely be able to see me..."

Lu Yuan suddenly had an idea and thought of a good way.

He got into the tent, took the big metal ball out of the storage space, and faced the river.

The metal ball occupied 1 cubic meter of storage space. Although it was completely scrapped, he still carried it with him. There were many precision parts in it that the old cat needed.

Isn't it useful now?

"If the other party also has a communicator, seeing the one in my hand, they will definitely be curious... and then take the initiative to contact me with the divine skills."

"Humans all have divine skills, this civilization cannot be without them."

"I can use the communicator in the other party's hand to contact humans. Then help both sides to establish diplomatic relations! Perfect!" Lu Yuan couldn't help but feel a little excited about his own wit.

Of course, he still kept a hand, and the code of human civilization was not written directly on the ground.

Even if a communicator cannot kill humans, it is not a good thing to rashly expose human information.

He must first investigate what this unknown civilization is like.

"Lu Yuan, I don't mind if you want to communicate..."

"But I need to remind you that the speed of time in the safe zone is different from ours, and their reactions must be slow." Seeing Lu Yuan's expectant look, the old cat couldn't help but pour cold water on him. It has always been a rational spokesperson, "Unless you are prepared to stay here for several years, they may react."

"Second, I think this place may have some risks."

"Even if it is a dry land, there is still a big river flowing continuously. There are too few wild animals around here... Especially the number of large creatures is far below the average."

Lu Yuan hummed and did not refute.

He admitted that what the old cat said was right, but I was upset when you looked so pretentious.

"It's impossible for another [Demon] to come."

"Demon is already a disaster of medium to high level... Most disasters should be much weaker than demons, otherwise this world can't survive." The old cat told the truth, it never told lies.

"Then I'm not afraid of anything... Kill the monster and complete a civilization milestone."

Old Cat:...

Actually, Lu Yuan was just in a good mood and boasting.

A disaster is a disaster after all.

No matter how small the phenomenon is, it will be a mountain when it falls on a person.

And the time at this moment is no longer the first year of the Pangu Era.

It is now the fifth year and the sixth month.

But there is no need to worry too much.

The Pangu Continent is very large, and supernatural phenomena emerge in an endless stream. He can't just take a long detour just because there are fewer animals here. Otherwise, he will never reach the Sky City.

He lit a fire, boiled water, cooked food, and looked around, carefully checking the surrounding environment with the pioneer's eye.

[Canghua: A common drought-resistant plant, the alkaloids it contains are toxic, so few animals are willing to eat it. Its flowers are a natural red pigment. ]

[Grape grass: A common drought-resistant plant, non-toxic and rich in vitamins. It has more cellulose, so you can't digest it. 】

[Variation·Purslane: A common wild vegetable that can be eaten cold or stir-fried. It can provide nutrients such as protein, thiothreitol and riboflavin for the human body. 】

Well, for a while, I didn't see any strange phenomena, but I saw a lot of delicious wild vegetables.

"Old cat, go to work!"

The old cat, who didn't need to eat, went to collect wild vegetables with no desire to live.

Lu Yuan jumped into the river again and used a spear to fork a few fish in the river, so he had protein for today.

His face was full of rich expressions. He hadn't had a big meal for a long time, so he might as well have a good one.

So he took out a small iron pan from his backpack, put a little oil, kneaded a ball of flour, and made a few hand-grabbed pancakes. His current craftsmanship is really quite good. The layers of this hand-grabbed pancake are as thin as paper. When you take a bite, the noodles are connected, making people unable to stop.

Another pot of fish soup was stewed. Fresh small fish were cut and cooked with wild vegetables. The soup was thick and the fish meat was chewy.

"I traveled thousands of kilometers just to eat a bite of fish meat here."

"Comrade, what does fish soup taste like?" asked the old cat.


"Crunch, crunch!"

The old cat kept scratching and started to have AI failures again, so Lu Yuan served it a bowl. Even though it couldn't eat, the AI ​​failure magically disappeared - I have to admit that this guy is really a little sick.

Several marmots smelled the fragrance of the pancakes and crawled over quietly.

These stupid guys just stared at the side, getting closer and closer, without any self-awareness.

Lu Yuan gave them a few pancakes.

Their claws are very flexible, just like human fingers. They grab the pancakes and put them in their mouths, and then make a "squeaky" sound.

"It turns out that your voice is not an "ah", the self-media is deceiving people." Lu Yuan likes to feed small animals, although these guys may spread diseases.

The old wolf was a little bored watching the groundhogs fight in a methodical manner after they had eaten their fill. Now that it was a dog, it had no interest in hunting these small animals.

"You guys watch outside, I'll take a break."

Lu Yuan returned to his tent. It had been a long time since he had taken a nap.

He put on the "Mask of Leoric". Even though it was burned by fire, it could still greatly amplify his perception.

In the hazy state, it seemed as if a third eye had grown out of the back of his head.

This eye was a highly myopic eye, but it could greatly increase his sixth sense.

Because the dangers of Pangu Continent were endless, he always wore a mask even when he was sleeping.

Gradually, Lu Yuan fell asleep. For some reason, he fell into a state like a lucid dream.

His consciousness seemed to have left his body, floating above Pangu Continent, overlooking the vast world that was almost infinite.

Not far away, there was a rainbow-like light curtain that blocked his progress... Maybe it was the so-called safe zone?

Lu Yuan couldn't help but stretch out his foot and touched the rainbow.

Without any response, he entered the safe zone.

It was like entering a "bubble".

Inside were buildings of a foreign civilization, with obelisk-like buildings standing on the surface.

In the city square, there stood a statue of a lizard-like creature.

On the edge of the city, there were large tracts of farmland planted with unknown plants.

The river that runs through the center of the city is flowing continuously. From this angle, you will find that this river is complete.

No one.

No one, all are silent dead things.

"Is this... a dream?"

"What you think about during the day, you dream at night..."

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