Landing 500 years in advance, I became a god by digging for treasures

Chapter 107 Governor! A strange creature appeared in the outside world! (4K)

That was an ordinary day.

A group of soldiers are observing the outside world.

This is perfectly normal.

As long as there is order in a civilization, people will be deployed to observe the outside world.

Then the group of soldiers saw something and screamed loudly, saying that they "saw a red moon with a huge eye growing on it, and felt uneasy in their hearts."

A few hours later, the group disappeared en masse.

Unfortunately, one of the missing people possessed extraordinary fire... It was still the Lize Civilization at that time, and on the second day after entering Pangea, order had not yet been completely stabilized.

The extraordinary fire died like this when they didn't know anything about it.

Governor Leon sighed lightly. No matter how he predicted it, the future would be bleak. Without extraordinary fire, it would be equivalent to losing everything.

He didn't know what the ability of "extraordinary fire" meant.

But the number "Extraordinary Fire: 0" on the screen of the contactor is shocking.

No matter how hard you try, it's all to no avail...

The seventh branch is finished.

What's even more frightening is that their dream ability user is also dead.

Because as long as you see that huge eyeball in a nightmare, the condition of "missing" will be triggered.

Their brave dreamer died in the process of exploring the nightmare.

So the people of Rize painted a pattern on the sculpture in the center of the city square to remind all those who have nightmares to close their eyes and look at nothing - as long as they don't see it, they will not disappear.

This is the sorrow of the people of Rize.

As long as the monster is not dead, they have to accept the fate of disappearing one by one.

I don’t even know why he disappeared.

I don't even know what the monster looks like.

But today, a sudden whim gave Leon an inexplicable glimmer of hope!

He didn't know what this glimmer of hope was. He just waited quietly in the office and prayed for God's blessing. He didn't actually believe in God, but the premonition in the dark became stronger and stronger, making him My heart felt like it was about to beat out of my chest.

"Mr. Governor! Unknown electromagnetic waves have appeared in the outside world!"

"A strange creature appeared outside!! It seems to be saying hello to us?"

"What is this...a creature from some intelligent civilization?"

A general's shout came from his ears, awakening Leon who was in a premonition state.

He suddenly jumped up from his seat: "Where are the photos, show me quickly."

The tall general excitedly took out a stack of information: "Mr. Governor, the other party actually has a metal ball communicator similar to ours! He drew some pictures, maybe he wants to initiate communication?"

"Is he the one you predicted...that glimmer of hope?"

Leon took the photos and started reading.

From the outside, it's scary.

Because the full moon rises out of nowhere.

Even sometimes, eyes appear in the blue sky and white clouds.

Once those blood-red eyes are seen, the person disappears... without exception.

Certain abilities can transcend the safe zone, and the Rize civilization has long recognized this.

The only way is not to observe the outside world.

But if you don’t observe the outside world and have no information, you will die slowly.

So they can only use the most primitive film cameras. After shooting with the camera, they can avoid monster attacks... (Note: This civilization's semiconductor technology is much behind humans, computers are underdeveloped, and monitoring technology is lacking.)

However, film cameras have to develop the film before they can produce images, so the response speed is greatly reduced.

Leon looked at the figure in the photo, and the premonition in his heart flashed through his mind like lightning.

"Quick, use telepathy to contact him! Get in touch as quickly as possible!"


This is the last... opportunity for this civilization to move towards a bright future without extraordinary fire!

Although Governor Leon didn't understand what the cause and effect of all this was, he really didn't understand at all what a foreigner outside the safe zone could bring. Could he also be able to spread extraordinary fire into the safe zone?

But I still subconsciously believe in my abilities.

"My Lord Governor, to use the ability of telepathy, the prerequisite is to observe the other party with the naked eye..."

"Looking directly at me with the naked eye, what should I do if the monster suddenly appears?"

The general explained with a serious face, "There is only one telepath in our entire city. He is a young man. Are you sure? He has great uses!"

The governor's face was full of determination: "Yes, I'm sure...get in touch...for the future of all of us!"

"Hurry, we don't have much time."

"If you hesitate for a while, the other party will leave! I know what you are thinking, but many times, we have to take risks!"

The general opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but when he thought about the governor who had aged dozens of years in the past half month, he gritted his teeth and said, "I understand! I'll send someone immediately!"

The first type of external contact officially begins from this moment!

The seventh branch of the Rize civilization even communicated with its compatriots through communicators.

Another 18 cities!

"Dear friends, we met a foreigner wandering outside the safe zone..."

"Now we need to communicate with it. This can increase our knowledge of Pangea."

The rest of the Li Ze civilization branches were silent and did not give any opinions...

In fact, being able to share a little information is already a kind of internationalist spirit. There is no point in their opposition.


The telepath, named Taduo, carefully observed the outside world with his naked eyes after receiving the order.

Through a layer of light curtain, the strange humanoid creature was wandering on the edge of the city.

He set up a tent and fished leisurely by the river.

There were two pets nearby...a cat and a dog?

The other party also looked very strange, with white and tender skin, no scales, no body hair, wearing brown clothes, holding a shield in his hand...

Well, the Li Ze civilization did not wear clothes thousands of years ago, and their thick scales could resist most of the damage.

However, with the advent of the industrial age, changes in aesthetics and the improvement of productivity, they still put on clothes.

"Did it succeed, Taduo?"

"I'm trying!" Taduo was a little nervous.

With a 100-fold time difference, the other party was like fast motion, and it was very inconvenient to telepathically sense.

In the communication room on the other side, shouts came one after another: "We received the radio sent by the other party!"

"Send some simple electromagnetic waves first."

"Hello, sir... Hello! Can you hear me?" Taddo tirelessly initiated telepathy, and at the same time prayed to the other party, don't wander around the river, your wandering is like a flash of lightning in my eyes.

Finally, the other party hesitated and looked around.


"Wow..." A series of hurried voices sounded in his heart.

"Governor, contact is established! But he spoke too fast, I didn't hear it clearly!" Taddo was very anxious, waving his arms.

"Then ask him to speak slowly."

The two sides communicated back and forth for a long time, but they were talking at cross purposes and were inefficient.

The think tank next to them was also thinking of various ways, and they suddenly felt that.

Telepathy is not as good as electromagnetic waves.

After all, even if the electromagnetic waves are stretched 100 times, or scaled 100 times, they can still be restored through technical means...

"Governor, he seems to have left."

Taduo felt his whole body burning, staring at the last hope of a civilization outside the safe zone... The task assigned by the Governor must be completed.

He called tirelessly, even if the alien had left, he was still calling...

The other party occasionally responded, as slowly as possible, and stretched the syllables: "You-good-"

So he repeated this syllable as quickly as possible: "You...good."

A round moon rose quickly from the horizon.

Because of the 100 times speed of time, the scene in Pangu Continent is simply an indescribable fast action. Before he closed his eyes, an image of blood dripping from the eyeball suddenly appeared on the full moon.

Taduo's heart beat heavily, and he covered his eyes blankly.

He was hit...

Panic and confusion rushed along the spine to the forehead, and his scales stood up one by one.

"Governor, I... I saw that blood moon! I will disappear soon!" Taduo was extremely desperate. After all, he was just a young man. He didn't have such a good psychological quality. He didn't have the awareness to face death calmly. Governor Leon, upon hearing the news, was also pale and kept pounding the table. It was his wrong order that put a young man in a desperate situation where he was doomed to die... The conference room fell into silence for a long time, and several generals were speechless. "How could it be so unlucky..." "That monster seemed to know that we were observing the outside world?!" One day in the safe zone, 100 days in the outside world. In the past 1500 days in Pangu Continent, the red full moon rose 3 times, the time was irregular, and now it is the fourth time... I have to admit that this time it was really unlucky. It only took a few minutes to see the red full moon and it rose again. The fact has already happened, and there is no room for reversal. The Rize civilization has a total of 18 civilization branches, of which 13 civilizations are within the coverage of the red moon. In the past, the population that saw this red moon, including those seen in dreams, was about 13,542 people, all of whom disappeared, and no one survived.

More than 10,000 people, only 16 days!

Faced with an almost unsolvable disaster, every Rize person's heart was heavy...

But for some reason, the governor with the ability to predict the future subconsciously thought that this seemed to be a good thing?

His predictive ability believed that the trace of "life" still existed...

"Then just fight." The governor was full of determination.

Several generals were stunned, as if they couldn't believe their ears: "Governor, how to fight? We don't even know what it is."

Governor Leon said in an unquestionable tone: "Send our strongest warriors to protect Tadu... No matter what, even if there is no alien, we have to fight that damn monster."

"Tadu has the ability of telepathy. Before he dies, he can transmit the information back."

"With first-hand information, we can always find a chance to win."

That's true.

Telepathy is a divine skill. No matter where in the world, he can always transmit information.

Unlike the missing persons in the past, there was not even a splash.

"Taduo... I... I'm sorry." The Governor bowed slightly to the young man.

The confused Tadu slowly regained his composure from the panic.

There seemed to be a fire hidden in his chest. While crying, he pretended to be strong: "Governor, please give me some weapons. I will go alone... Don't let others get in trouble."

"Tadu, don't think you are the only hero."

Several tall warriors walked into the room.

These warriors are almost the strongest squad that the seventh branch of the Rize civilization can dispatch.

They are "premonitors", who can detect crises in advance and respond in advance.

This is equivalent to the lower-level ability of foreknowledge, which can only foresee danger within 1 minute.

"Giant", who can instantly burst out ten times the power, is the strongest in the race in cold weapon combat.

"Eagle Eye", with extremely sharp eyes, is a good scout and a firearms expert.

"Healer", whose own blood has powerful healing ability, is also a biological expert.

There is also a rare "identification ability user" who can identify all kinds of strange things.

Together with the telepathic Tadu, there are a total of six people!

These six people are really treasures of civilization. Once they are destroyed, the loss will be extremely heavy.

But there is no other way. Instead of being tortured slowly here, it is better to try every possible way to let the telepath pass more information.

They are fully armed, wearing oxygen masks, carrying a lot of baggage, and even driving a car full of supplies - whether this car will disappear with them is another matter.

It's always right to try!

Governor Leon, looking at these elite warriors like steel, may be on the final road, and he can't help but feel sad.

He doesn't know whether his choice is right or wrong, but at this moment he has to stay calm... Yes, his face is always calm, even if he feels hesitant many times, he can only bury it silently in his heart.

One of the generals said, "Come on, Tadu, connect your telepathy to me..."

"If you have any news, pass it on immediately."

"We will take good care of your relatives."

"May the God of the Earth bless you."

Governor Leon also made a prayer gesture. Suddenly, he had an idea: that alien, wouldn't he also be attacked by monsters?

"That means that alien will disappear along with it.

In a flash, a series of clues were connected in his mind: "So that's it, I said, why didn't that trace of life disappear..."

That alien must be an extremely powerful warrior.

Only the strongest civilization can cancel the safe zone so quickly... He may have the strength to kill that monster... Can we cooperate?

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