Gravity control can temporarily change one's own gravity, making oneself like a cloud. It is a divine skill.

And the quick flash, the reaction ability is greatly improved, it is a Qi skill. This was also the main reason why Lu Yuan slashed several times but failed to hit.

Mental thrust, as the name suggests, is a means of mental attack and a divine skill.

These three abilities, when combined, are actually quite powerful.

Lu Yuan had goosebumps all over his body: "I really don't understand... Each of these things looks weirder than the last. If it's a beautiful girl, maybe I'll give in?"

"Now that I encounter something weird like this, you can't blame me for not resisting."

Since I couldn't find any more information, I dug a hole, poured some fuel on it, and set the body on fire.

One by one, those eyeballs were burned to ashes.

The old cat said: "As long as you visit enough places and live long enough, you will always encounter monsters that suit your aesthetics. Just like killer whales inexplicably like humans."

"Then I'm really looking forward to it..." Lu Yuan said a cold joke that he didn't understand, and looked around again.

Nothing was found.

This baby-like creature seemed to appear out of thin air.

"Did you jump out of another dimension?"

Lu Yuan frowned. He also had a different space, and he knew that it was impossible to find the "monster" hiding in the different space.

He quietly sat back to where he was, remaining unchanged in response to all changes.

The old cat also knew that this was not a good time to joke, so he also hid in his backpack: "What is [the monster]'s ability, can you see it?"

"I don't understand, maybe it's a mental attack?" Lu Yuan frowned, "I just saw a lot of weird eyes and almost went crazy. Fortunately, this donkey head mask isolates this weird ability to a certain extent."

"As for gravity control and quick flash, they may be the abilities of this little baby. It's hard to say whether [the monster] has such abilities."

“But I have to prepare for the worst.”

Lu Yuan felt a little sad as he watched the corpses in the fire pit gradually burn up.

A civilized cub, because of his innate abilities, was dominated by [monsters] to fight.

What a cruel fact.

"I wonder how much [the monster] can control?"

"If a large number of similar monsters rush out, I can't stop them."

The old cat said: "Don't worry, the [weird] is not a [demon]."

"When the [Devil] sees that you are strong, it will be obsessed with seizing your body and will definitely fight you. The nature of the [Monster] is different from that of the [Devil]. If it assesses that you are difficult to deal with, it may not bother to deal with you. is you."

Lu Yuan took a deep breath and felt that things were not that simple.

Is he really stronger than [weird]?

This was probably just a preliminary confrontation.

Facing this invisible and intangible enemy hiding in a different space, Lu Yuan felt for the first time that "the ability of a different space is really disgusting."

This wait lasted until dawn.

The sun rose again, and a thick gray-black fog filled the jungle, and visibility was very poor - this kind of weather is actually quite common, but it is not common today.

The bright sunlight cannot penetrate this layer of clouds and fog, making people feel inexplicably uneasy and fearful.

Lu Yuan believed in his sixth sense.

He still stayed where he was, waiting for the thick fog to dissipate.

But until 12 o'clock at noon, when the temperature is the highest, the thick fog not only did not dissipate, but also became thicker and thicker.

Stretching out your hand, you can't see it within less than one meter.

"Comrades, have we fallen into a different space?" Old Cat suddenly said, "My telegraph station cannot receive any signals. It is impossible that the civilization hiding in the safe zone does not even send out electromagnetic waves..."

"Where's your telepathy? Can you still hear voices?"

"It's gone a long time ago. It disappeared after the red moon rose... Could it be that that guy was also attacked?"

Lu Yuan suddenly thought of a very strange idea and blinked hard.

He habitually wanted to scratch his head, but found that he was wearing a mask, so he could only hit it a few times with "bang bang bang".

"Do you think [monsters] can attack creatures in the safe zone?"

"The safe zone cannot be absolutely safe," the old cat said. "Like the Meda civilization, those who survive to the end can only be said to be lucky."

Lu Yuan chuckled: "If the telepath from the alien civilization also saw the red moon and fell into the alien space. If I set out now, can I find him?"

Lao Mao's eyes suddenly widened: "You can actually meet people from a different civilization in this ghost place! You are such a talent, Lao Lu, you are about to be eaten by monsters! - Comrade, you are very imaginative. "

Because his mood was too high, Laomao restarted the system.

Lu Yuan rolled his eyes. It was just a possibility. Maybe people from different civilizations had died?

Or maybe the alien civilization was protected by a safe zone and was not attacked at all?

He thought for a moment and chose to use his own method to find out whether he had fallen into a [strange] alien space.

His Tree of Life is still placed in a tree hole in Pangea Continent.

Close his eyes and patiently sense the direction of the Tree of Life - because he is a soul companion, he can always know the exact location of the Tree of Life.

Very far, far away...

It’s literally the end of the world.

Lu Yuan's heart sank. This feeling would only occur when he was in two different spaces.

And for some reason, Lu Yuan always felt that the growth rate of the Tree of Life seemed a little too fast?

Even if he didn't leave any cultivation resources...

But the Tree of Life was indeed growing rapidly, and the tender buds grew out at a speed visible to the naked eye.

What's going on?

"Is someone cultivating my tree?"

Lu Yuan felt an inexplicable chill. The Tree of Life was his last resort.

If he found himself locked up in a laboratory of a certain civilization after his resurrection, it would be miserable!

As long as it was a normal civilization, it would be impossible to kill the Tree of Life, but it could study him, Old Lu!

"No, no, no, it's impossible. The outside world didn't even see the shadow of a civilization... There is no such possibility."

Soon, Lu Yuan thought of another term: "Time Cage"!

"'God' once said that most visions are still trapped in the time cage..."

"If I understand correctly, the speed of time passing in the time cage is slower than that of Pangu Continent. Therefore, the tree of life appears to grow very fast."

He seemed to understand something. Could it be that the principle of the time cage is the same as that of the safe zone?

It's just that the civilization in the safe zone can choose to cancel it by itself.

And the "vision" can only find a way to break free by itself.

Lu Yuan's heart couldn't help but become heavy. With this analysis, he encountered a lot of trouble.

Compared with [Monster] and [Demon], which one is more difficult to deal with, it's really hard to compare...

"In this case, there is no point in staying here."

He stood up from the stone and put the old wolf into the big backpack. At least he is much stronger now, and it doesn't take too much effort to carry a cat and a dog.

"Just walk around. I remember that when you reach the edge of the alien space, you can poke it from the inside to the outside with a light poke."

Old cat: "The [Monster]'s divine skills and your abilities cannot be generalized. Otherwise, [Monster] cannot be one of the natural disasters."

A cat and a dog squeezed in the backpack.

The old cat didn't care, but the dog began to lick it with a wet tongue, which was very annoying.

"Alas, now I can only pray that the [Monster] is not very high... After all, there are not so many civilizations for it to eat."

Lu Yuan didn't know where to go, he could only walk randomly.

The thick fog around revealed a kind of weirdness. Even for Lu Yuan, weirdness and fear were commonplace.

But he still didn't like these. Only perverts would like these inexplicable things.

In the vast fog, every step was a kind of uneasiness.

After walking for more than three hours, he didn't reach the end of the alien space.

"I might be going in circles." Lu Yuan dropped a piece of bread, walked for another hour, and found that he stepped on the bread.

His face looked a little ugly. He definitely walked in a straight line, but he still walked back to the starting point.

He had no way to find the end of the alien space.

Yes, it is impossible for the [monster] to have such an obvious weakness that allows people to escape easily, otherwise can it be considered a natural disaster?

"Lu Yuan, there seems to be electronic noise on the left!" The old cat suddenly said, "You still have to be careful. Electromagnetic waves are not unique to technological civilization. Some idealistic abilities can easily create a little electronic noise."

"I understand." Lu Yuan changed direction and stopped going in circles.

"I've actually been thinking, isn't it a bit unfair that these natural disasters can become stronger by eating people?"

"That [Demon] is only level 2, much stronger than me who is also level 2... It's so hard for me to practice, but they can become stronger by eating people. This world is really unreasonable."

The old cat asked faintly: "How do you know that you can't become stronger by eating people?"

"The flesh and blood of extraordinary life... I have plenty of it, do I need to eat people?" Lu Yuan was a little disgusted by what it said, "I don't rule out that some civilizations grow up by cannibalism. But this kind of civilization is too disgusting, vampires raising blood slaves..."

The old cat didn't say anything. There are still some differences between extraordinary life and civilization with wisdom.

The reason is very simple: "God" attribute.

This is a special attribute.

Other extraordinary life, the god attribute is not high, and there is always something missing...

Of course, this is the old cat's own summary, and it doesn't know whether it is accurate or not.

Just walking forward for a few minutes, the thick fog gradually dissipated.

A dark cave came into view.

The diameter of this cave is about 12 meters, with a slope of 30 degrees, deep underground.

Stalactites hang from the top of the cave, dripping water drops, making a "tick-tick" sound, purple ferns are distributed on the rock wall, and there are occasional signs of gnawing.

At a glance, it is dark and there is no end in sight.

"The weak electromagnetic waves are coming from this cave." The old cat looked at the cave entrance and said, "This should be the nest of the [monster]."

"Do you want to rush in?"

"Do you think I'm a fool..."

Lu Yuan was silent, swallowed his saliva, and didn't want to get into such an obvious trap from the bottom of his heart.

So he turned his head again and walked towards the direction of the thick fog.

As a result, after walking for half an hour, he found himself back to the location of this cave.

Just try again and again.

The cave is likely to be the center of the alien space.

No matter which direction he went, he would always come back to this cave.

This is no different from trying to beat a wall...

Although Lu Yuan also has spatial ability, compared with the monster in front of him, it is like meeting an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in kindergarten. There is no comparison.

"Get in. You have to fight it on its home court."

"If I don't get in, I can only waste myself here. Although I have a lot of food, is it just a waste of time until the end of the world?"

Lu Yuan was in a dilemma. The cave was bottomless and the gloomy cold wind kept blowing out. It was obviously not a good place.

His sixth sense was also giving frantic warnings.

Finally, he made up his mind: "Let's go down and have a look... maybe we can actually meet the aliens trapped here."

His resurrection ability gave him a certain degree of confidence, otherwise he would have been here for a long time.

"Old Wolf, do you follow me or stay at the entrance of the cave? If you are attacked by a large wave of monsters, I can't protect you."

The old wolf howled: "Ouch!"

Lu Yuan hesitated for a moment and took it down with him.

You might encounter monsters if you stay at the entrance of the cave, so you might as well follow yourself.

Just like that, he bit the bullet and got into the cave.

Holding the fuel lamp, he walked forward for dozens of meters.

"Comrade, behind you!" the old cat suddenly shouted.

"I found it."

The little light behind was shrinking rapidly.

The entrance and exit of the cave are closed like an animal's anus.

Lu Yuan ran back again and only touched a piece of thick limestone.

The exit disappeared...

There were drops of water flowing down from above, as if this place was originally a thick wall.

He kicked hard several times, but the stone wall didn't move at all.

The stone can indeed be forcibly chipped away with tools, but no one knows how thick the rock layer is... What's more, his location may have been moved.

Unless he can dig through a mountain.

"It always feels like I'm being eaten." Lu Yuan sneered, "But if you have the ability, can you eat me?"

In the dark and humid cave, there was only a small fuel lamp, flickering on and off.

The screams of monsters echoed in the ears, and in the rich darkness, malicious scarlet eyes exuded unscrupulous gazes.

The old wolf was so frightened that his hair stood on end and his tail was tucked between his buttocks.

Lu Yuan was actually very nervous, and his heart was beating violently. He gritted his teeth, pulled out his long sword, and deliberately made the armor on his body ring loudly: "It's time to chop the corpse and get angry."

"What...are you angry?" the old cat asked doubtfully.

"It's normal for young cats to not understand. This is a joke among the elderly."

"What we have to do now is chop!"

Lu Yuan was like a paladin, walking slowly towards the cave step by step.

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