The old cat is very cautious and has always been rational.

Terror and panic are brewing in the humid air.

Lu Yuan calmed down and applied a little aloe vera gel to his wound. The extraordinary healing ability of fire quickly stopped the bleeding.

The situation was still not optimistic, and the number of monsters following behind began to increase.

The black shadows were like flies that swarmed up after smelling a cracked egg.

At this moment, he saw behind the stalactite in front of him, a small creature covered in blue and black with hollow eyes, hanging upside down.

A big bloody mouth opened, giving him a weird smile.

The blue-grey body is densely packed with eyes.

Lu Yuan snorted coldly, and the donkey head mask flashed red, using "mental shock".

He took out a dart from his waistband and threw it away.


The little creature fled, and the dart hit the stalactite with a "ding" sound.

"Old Cat, does that thing just now really exist?"

"I think there is a very high probability...but I can't be sure. My divine attribute is always 0.1, which is not completely zero. Maybe only a complete stone can protect me from mental attacks."

[Monsters] and [Demons] are really two completely different kinds of natural disasters.

The power of [Demon] is real and can be seen with the naked eye.

The power of [Monster] lies in its weirdness.

Lu Yuankong has a lot of skills, but he feels hopeless that he has nowhere to use them.

No matter how powerful the warrior is, he will be bitten to death by these damn flies in the [monster]'s lair.

Fortunately, his thoughts were still clear and he continued to move forward, following the "always to the right" law and fully exploring the entire cave.

If any monster lair is discovered, it will be set on fire.

"There is plenty of oxygen here. Those monsters should also need oxygen to survive... But how does the oxygen come in? Underground rivers?"

"I have to figure out what the [monster's] spiritual attack is based on."

"If it could drive me crazy at any time, it would drive me crazy already, there's no need to delay it until now."

"There must be some mechanism that I haven't discovered..."

He said: "Do you think the monsters here are transformed from individuals of the Lize Civilization? Each monster has different abilities. In fact, I am fighting the entire Lize Civilization."

"That makes sense."

"Comrade, the electromagnetic wave comes from here." Old Cat said suddenly.

Lu Yuan stopped and checked his surroundings.

But there is nothing in this place, just a relatively empty land, as if electromagnetic waves are coming from a certain node in the void.

"If I'm not wrong, it's probably a different space within a different space." Lao Mao analyzed, "That's the phenomenon of space overlap. It's just that the overlap is not perfect, so a small amount of electromagnetic waves are transmitted. .Comrade, you also have the ability to escape from different dimensions, can you crack it?"

"let me try."

Although hiding your abilities is the key to victory in battle, you can only use them when you should.

Lu Yuan activated the alien space, and a thin, soap bubble-like film protected him.

Unfortunately, he didn't see anything.

[Weird]'s different space and his own different space seem to be two completely parallel abilities.

If you don't interfere with me, I won't interfere with you either.

According to this principle, he is still absolutely safe hiding in his own alien space.

A strong sense of security came to him, and while he breathed a sigh of relief, he tried his best to think about the opponent's attack mechanism.

"Now I don't have eyes growing on my body...Do I have to be patted by a monster before they grow?"

"Huh?" Lu Yuan's expression changed slightly, and he suddenly found a monster surrounding him.

Although the different space is safe, there is no way to move. If he is caught waiting, he will not be able to escape.

He had no choice but to cancel the different space and walk towards these monsters step by step.

These guys were obviously very cunning. When they saw Lu Yuan reappearing, they fled far away.

They were like gummy candies that couldn't be shaken off. In a one-on-one duel, they were no match for Lu Yuan, but they just kept pestering him like this.

Suddenly, a small thing emerged from the darkness, bit his arm with lightning speed, and then disappeared quickly.

Lu Yuanfei raised his sword and struck into the darkness, and smelly blood sprayed out.


The next moment, there was severe pain in his palm, and the feeling of the drill bit digging into the flesh came again.

Even though the row of teeth marks did not bite through his carefully sewn lizard skin gloves, the strong sting made his whole body and scalp tingle.

When he took off his gloves, he saw that an eye the size of a walnut had grown out of his palm.

"This is a fucking joke."

Lu Yuan was in a huge crisis. He once again bit the bullet and picked out his eyeballs with a dagger.

Blood sprayed out, and the eyeballs fell to the ground like pinballs.

The nerve distribution in his palms far exceeded that of his shoulders. The severe pain made him grin and curse the monster.

If he does this a few more times, he will chop himself to death.

However, this injury made him think of a very magical possibility.

He once again ignited the corpse at his feet, and a raging flame burned from the cave.

The light briefly dispelled the darkness.

"Before the burning is finished, those monsters will not come in the short term..."

"Old Cat, please watch a little bit."


In order to test this conjecture, Lu Yuan pressed his butt against the wall of the cave and entered a brief state of meditation - he began to self-hypnotize, and the cave grew a mouth and attacked his butt fiercely.

The cold walls were full of pits, and the smell of blood mixed with the smell of burning was indescribably unpleasant.

In that dark fantasy, his butt was suddenly bitten by something, and then he started to feel severe pain!

Lu Yuan opened his eyes and touched his butt. Sure enough, a red eye really grew out of his butt.

"Have the walls of the cave changed?"

The old cat's eyes widened: "The wall didn't change just now...but your anus has eyes!"

The old cat was very excited: "I don't know how to do other things. I am good at hemorrhoidectomy. How about I do it?"

It even wiped the cold eyeballs with its furry paws.

"Don't talk nonsense. I finally understand the attack conditions of [the monster]." Lu Yuan trembled when he was touched by it. "It's subconscious. I just deeply hypnotized myself, thinking that the wall of this cave is very dangerous and will bite people."

"Sure enough, I just got closer and felt like I was bitten, and my eyeballs grew out of my butt."

"At the beginning, those monster attacks actually did not cause any actual damage."

"But being bitten always makes me feel uncomfortable, so the subconscious uneasiness makes these eyes grow..."

This conjecture is not far from the truth.

"It makes sense, so I couldn't see it at first, but you saw that you had eyes was because you were scared."

"But you can't control your subconscious mind." Lao Mao was still teasing Lao Lu's "hemorrhoids." "Even if you realize this, you will be even more uneasy. This place is simply a turmoil for you."

"Isn't it... After all, monsters are real, and they can really chop off my head." Lu Yuan smiled bitterly.

This combination of truth and fiction, fiction and reality, is indeed creepy.

Even if the specific principles are understood, there is still no way to avoid the deep panic.

Lu Yuan felt that the skin all over his body began to tingle, as if eyes were trying to come out from under the skin like bamboo shoots.

He quickly suppressed his thoughts and stopped thinking, but the troublesome thing about human beings is that they have too many associations... Lu Yuan couldn't help but start to imagine what it would be like to have eyes all over his body.

The more he thought about it, the more his whole body tingled.

This dense pain, like the bite of ants, swallowed up Lu Yuan's nerves and submerged him in the blink of an eye.

"Ah!!" Lu Yuan couldn't help but roared loudly, turned his head and saw that it was the damn old cat, biting his neck viciously.

"What are you doing? You scared me to death!"

"Comrade, I think you are a little crazy, so I can only stimulate you... If you bite me, you won't grow eyes, don't worry."

Lu Yuan waited for a moment, it seemed that it didn't last long...

After all, his subconscious also believed that being bitten by an old cat was no big deal.

"Human beings are really fragile. It would be great if I had psychic abilities."

"Don't think about it all day long. If you have one more will be resurrected, Lao Lu, think about it and you will be resurrected."

"..." Lu Yuan sighed deeply. Being able to be resurrected was indeed awesome and gave him enough confidence.

He calmed down and thought about it for a moment, but did not immediately cut out the eyeballs on his butt.

After all, the buttocks are far away from the brain, so if they really get sick, it would be faster to cut them off.

He wanted to know what would happen if these eyes were on his body.

There is a lot of information that can really only be obtained by committing a crime.

While using the extraordinary fire to be on guard, he felt the message coming from the eyeballs on his butt.

"It's a weird feeling."

The eyes on this butt can actually sense the outside world.

That gaze can penetrate pants.


It's as if the whole person is in a starry sky, and the twinkling stars... may also be eyes one after another...

There are too many, perhaps tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands, and they even give people a sense of intimacy.

Lu Yuan felt a chill and quickly shook his head to maintain his sobriety.

Eye of the Pioneer: [An eye formed by an unknown ability on your butt will make you mentally confused. 】

[If you grow more similar eyes, you may be able to see deeper alien spaces, but its side effects are also obvious. 】

[You are just a human being, don’t overestimate your willpower. Just like if you take too much anesthetic, you will definitely fall into coma. Add too many eyes and you'll completely lose control. 】

Some strange double images appeared in the space. At the location where the electromagnetic waves came out, there was a vague cave, which was not clearly visible.

The eyes on the butt kept twitching and blinking faster and faster.

Lu Yuan gritted his teeth and used extraordinary fire to suppress the crazy eyeballs.

"In other words, only people with extra eyes can see extra things."

“The more eyes you have, the deeper you can penetrate.”

"But at the same time, the probability of being manipulated is higher... That's basically the rule."

"You mean, how many more?" said the old cat.

"Yes, although I have a lot of resources, I can't spend them here endlessly. Besides, my mental state will only get worse and worse."

Lu Yuan's mental state is indeed not as good as it was at the beginning. The feeling of being in a state of panic and seeing enemies everywhere is getting stronger and stronger.

The bone-chilling coldness poured into his body from all directions, and monsters could attack him from the darkness at any time.

The wounds on his shoulders and palms were getting more and more painful, as if the things that were cut off were growing back again.

The eye on his buttocks conveyed a lot of confusing information, making him vaguely mentally confused.

He made up his mind: "Come on, at least one more eye is needed so that I can reach deeper."

"Get it on your mammoth, don't get it on your ass."

"The anus is useful, but the mammoth is useless." The old cat said, "That organ is really useless. It's convenient to cut off the body with a knife, and it doesn't bleed much. On the other hand, don't you think it's magical and a little sexy to have an eyeball there?"

Lu Yuan was really a little overwhelmed. He admitted that what the old cat said made sense.

Cutting off that thing does not affect the ability to move.

But cutting off the body with a knife, wouldn't it turn into Lin Pingzhi?

"People can die, but not without Kun."

"Then get it on the eggs. You have two eggs. Turning one into an eye is not considered a eunuch." The old cat never jokes in critical situations. "It's convenient to cut it off."

Lu Yuan was silent.

After a minute, he used self-suggestion, and a heart-wrenching pain came from the egg.

Something was torn open, and blood stained the underwear red.

He had another weird eyeball in his body.

The ability of the [Monster] is indeed terrifying. As long as it thinks it is injured, an eye will immediately grow at the wound.

Of course, you can also be extremely determined, or through some hypnotic abilities, control your subconscious and be immune to this kind of mental attack.

But you will always be trapped in the first floor and will never find the [Monster]'s body.

The [Monster] will not fight against the enemy who restrains itself.

This is indeed an almost unsolvable ability. Only visions like [Demon] can fight against visions.

Lu Yuan was sweating profusely and slowly came back to his senses. His vision became more hazy. A large number of double images appeared in the entire underground cave, and from time to time, a black shadow poked its head out and spied on him.

"How are you?"

"Being a half-eunuch is not very wonderful, but I can still hold on."

This time, Lu Yuan finally saw the hidden underground second floor. It was indeed a deeper cave, dark and holey, as if leading to endless space and time.

"I'm going down."

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