Landing 500 years in advance, I became a god by digging for treasures

Chapter 113: The Rize Civilization Squad Encounters Lu Yuan (4K)

Lu Yuan panted heavily and slowed down his disordered breath.

He secretly said in his heart that it was a pity that the extraordinary fire was only level three, and the overflowing energy was still limited.

If it was a level four or five extraordinary fire, the overflowing red light would be like a sword beam, and it might be able to kill the enemy from a distance.

The stalactites in the cave fell down in large pieces.

Lu Yuan kicked a few times and kicked the stones heavily in the direction of the black shadows.

"Lu Yuan, you didn't kill him... He ran away!"

"If he ran away, he ran away... I have guessed the fighting mode of these things."

He held a dagger in his left hand and a long sword in his right hand, breathing heavily.

The sense of crisis came again, and he picked up the long sword without hesitation, blocked it slightly, and stabbed the dagger in his left hand fiercely.

This poke was just a feint, and the real killing intention was his flying kick in the air!

The black shadow twisted violently, trying to avoid the flying kick.

The whistling flying kick was halfway raised and then put down.

The real killing move was once again the slash of the long sword.

Because the black iron sword was originally in a blocking state above the head, this slash was fierce and fierce, like black lightning.

The black shadow wanted to dodge, but found that there was not enough time, so he activated the 1-second alien space.

One second later, a violent sword directly split the opponent's head.

Lu Yuan showed a ferocious smile, and the red light in the mask did not decrease: "You can predict, right? Alien space, right? You predict!"

"Give me an alien space!"

Yes, compared with the first level, these monsters have become more difficult to fight.

It's not that Lu Yuan has become weaker, but his attack seems to be known in advance... Coupled with the 1-second alien space, the combat power has increased dramatically.

Even if you think about it with your toes, you can know that it is the extra eyes on his butt that are causing trouble.

These eyes may have transmitted his thoughts.

But the enemy's predictive ability is also limited. He now relies on his physical fitness and high-speed changes to eat his opponent.

In the quiet cave, in addition to the sound of wind and echo, there is a strong murderous intent.

Lu Yuan picked up the leather shield on the ground and slowly walked towards the black shadows in the distance.

The terrifying battle is still going on...



The second floor of the cave.

Several warriors of the Rize civilization were already exhausted at this moment. They supported each other and wandered around like headless flies.

Indescribable panic filled their hearts.

They couldn't find the exit.

There were more than a dozen eyes on their bodies!

On their hands, legs, and everywhere.

Their mental state was extremely bad, confused, and a lot of hallucinations appeared in their minds.

The harsh environment was far beyond imagination...

The reason why they can persist until now is all because of the protection of an extraordinary item.

[A ball of ancient and mysterious resin. 】

【This ball of resin contains the blood of an unknown life form. For some reason, it was found by the ancestors and worshipped on the altar for a long time. 】

【The people of Lize believe that this ball of resin contains the blood of the Earth Mother Goddess. 】

【But no one knows what that blood is. 】

【Use: After burning the resin, it can isolate most of the idealistic power, and the side effects are unknown. (Unknown level·Natural Wonder)】

The resin burns slowly like an egg.

The pale green flames illuminate their bodies, making their skin reflect green light like zombies.

But it must be said that this layer of green light is really powerful. The eyes on their bodies are forced to close as if they were hypnotized.

"Governor... We may not be able to hold on... I feel that my hands and feet seem to have self-awareness and become a little disobedient, as if they were frozen and uncontrollable."

"And I am not so repulsive to this darkness. Instead, I feel a little comfortable."

The telepath, Taduo, transmits first-hand information through his remote communication ability.

He could not help but approach the ball of green resin fire, and the numbness and stiffness felt a little better.

They knew that this ball of "resin" might have side effects, but there was no way, they could only light it, otherwise they might go crazy and rush into the thick darkness.

"Governor, General, I have sent most of the information... I don't know how long this resin can burn, we... may die here in the next hour."

He was extremely desperate.

He was not afraid of his own death.

But this supernatural phenomenon was almost unsolvable.

The monster's body was hidden somewhere.

This maze was divided into many layers, and each layer was a different space.

Even if they tried their best to transport the nuclear bomb in, it would not make much sense.

As long as the monster's body was not dead, it could come back at any time!

What's more, the nuclear bomb could not be transported in!

They just tried, and the car full of heavy weapons did not enter the maze.

There were only a few of them who came in, and even some of their backpacks were not brought in, and were left in the safe zone.

The most terrifying thing is that the large number of monsters living in the cave... are all former tribesmen of the Rize civilization!

This is really too tragic!

Perhaps after a while, after these few people lose control of their minds, they will also become part of the monsters and be completely enslaved and assimilated.

"We have observed some cubs of the Rize people... Judging from the size of these babies, they seem to have just hatched from eggs... These children have been mind-controlled and there is no possibility of saving them."

The Rize clan are oviparous animals.

The female will place the eggs in a pouch in front of her belly and carry them for a long time. Now the cub has turned into a little monster, which makes everyone shiver.

Even the telepathic side was silent for a while.

In other words, this unknown supernatural life form transformed their race into a dark race and raised them in this huge maze.

Death is not the most painful thing. If future generations are enslaved for eternity and raised like cattle and sheep, the scene will be much more painful than death.

"Is there no chance of rescue?" The general across from him telepathically said slowly.

"The biological tissues have mutated, and there should be no possibility of salvation, not to mention that we ourselves cannot be saved..."

"Clear as much as you can. How many weapons do you still have on you?" said the telepathic voice.

"There are more than 6,000 rounds of bullets for machine guns and the like. Four high-explosive bombs and 30 grenades..."

"Can grenades and machine guns be used?"

"Yes, simple thermal weapons based on redox reactions can be used. There is also extremely strong spiritual interference here... so highly sophisticated weapons cannot be used."

Redox is a very common set of physical rules.

From combustion, to the respiration of life, to many chemical reactions in cells, they are all redox reactions.

Therefore, weapons such as pistols and grenades can be used.

Idealistic interference mainly interferes with devices based on microcurrent, such as walkie-talkies, chips, etc., which will fail.

Tudor smiled bitterly: "Actually, the machine gun is useless...because the monsters here can change space. Although they last for a short time, they can avoid a lot of damage."

"And... we have reason to suspect that in the long-term battle, its wisdom will increase bit by bit..."

"Because the monsters here can predict, it is difficult for ordinary bullets to attack them."

"They seem to be able to recognize that this is a weapon called a firearm, and then respond in time... Of course, it may also be the eyeballs on our bodies that pass the information to them."

This fact undoubtedly makes people more desperate.

Even though the "wisdom" of this supernatural monster is different from that of intelligent life, it is a bit like an AI that is learning bit by bit.

But when these factors add up, it becomes almost invincible.

Within the safe zone.

Lize civilization, the seventh branch.

The generals sat next to the round table, clenching their fists. The more news they received, the lower their hearts became.

There is a large amount of information and corresponding reasoning placed on the table, and there are many think tanks sitting next to the round table.

What is a "natural disaster"? At this moment, the people of Lize had the most profound understanding of this term.

So many smart people thought about it for a long time, but they couldn't come up with a single opinion.

I can only watch these soldiers disappear in the cold silence - they did get valuable information, but so what? !

It can't be solved...

The governor with the ability to predict, Mr. Leon, was also speechless for a long time.

This wise and mighty old gentleman in the hearts of everyone, the muscles on his face were as tight as a stone sculpture.

At this moment, he turned into an ordinary person, looking desperately at a future full of darkness... But he could only pretend that there was still hope for the entire civilization, because hope is something more precious than diamonds.

"Your Excellency Leon, do we...have nothing we can do?"

In the center of the round table, there is a metal ball.

On the screen, city leaders were discussing in low voices.

After all, they are also a technological civilization and have long figured out how to use this communicator. It is the most normal choice for compatriots to communicate with each other.

"The best way now is to observe the outside world through a camera..."

"At the same time, establish a complete dream protection mechanism. There are many victims who saw that big eyeball in their dreams and were then dragged into a different space."

"Seeing that eyeball should be the prerequisite for being attacked... But how to establish the dream protection mechanism?"

Many leaders in the liaison were discussing in various directions.

Isn't this a solution?

Leon sighed, but don't you want to cancel the safe zone and prepare to stay in retreat?

Do you really think that the safe zone is always safe?

Without solving the natural disaster outside, as a person with the ability to foresee, he could only see a miserable tomorrow.

They will all be destroyed.

"The think tanks at the rear can't think of a good solution for the time being. They just let us explore the cave as much as possible to find more information." Tudor said with some trembling.

"Don't be afraid. If it doesn't work, just give yourself a shot. Even if you die, you can't be mentally controlled."

The second level of the cave.

Rize Civilization Team.

An atmosphere of despair permeated the team.

Even the most optimistic and strongest warrior, the best way to think of at this moment is to commit suicide.

They just collect as much information as possible and wait for the moment of death.

Suddenly, the walkie-talkie carried by the person with giant strength rang.


In the silent environment, it was particularly loud.

"It seems that an unknown electromagnetic wave has been received!!" The strong Rize man debugged the corresponding instrument, "A series of simple signals, it seems to be coming from the direction of the left fork, do you want to go over and take a look?"

The green firelight exuded an increasingly terrifying chill.

The strange cave also radiated cold air.

Every second here was a torment, and I wished I could give myself a quick death.

"Could it be that alien from outside? Did he fall in here too?"

"It's not impossible... but it could also be a trap... this is just the simplest electromagnetic wave."

"It won't be worse than it is now. No matter what happens, death is the best outcome. I hope everyone will commit suicide before losing control. It's better to die than to become a monster."

"Brothers, don't be afraid of death! Death is just another form of rebirth!"

The "healer" held the "resin" in his hand. His condition was equally terrible. As the captain, his willpower was also the strongest, and he kept comforting many team members.

As the resin burned, the ball of blood wrapped inside began to "move".

It wriggled like a tadpole, as if it could break free at any time.

No one knew what the blood was... but there was always a great fear brewing in their hearts.

Releasing this drop of blood would lead to a greater disaster.

But at this moment, they could not care so much. The group supported each other and walked slowly towards the direction of the electromagnetic wave.

The fog was thick, and the light of the flashlight could not illuminate more than two meters, and nothing could be seen.

Only the Rize man with the "Eagle Eye" ability could barely see farther away.

There were hidden and peeping enemies everywhere around. If it weren't for this ball of resin, they might have gone crazy many times.

The Eagle Eye ability user saw a terrifying red light at the end of the fork in the road.

"Stop! What is that?"

His companions found that he showed surprise and shock on his face and heard the increasingly rapid airflow.


"Keep your voices down."

The Hawkeye user looked far away, his eyes wide open, and finally saw the appearance of the terrifying red light... Oh my God, what kind of monster is this?

A fight between monsters? !

His heart was beating violently, and he trembled with fear.

There were probably a dozen shadows in the cave, all of them were transformed from their tribesmen. But there was an alien among them, with a donkey's head, and the red light in his eyes was like magma, constantly splashing out.

There was a fierce confrontation between the two sides.

"Hawkeye, what did you see?"

"It seems there is a change!"

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