Lu Yuan didn't know whether the [Monster] followed the theory of evolution. From the perspective of the principle of evolution, the setting of the [Monster] didn't seem reasonable.

In the end, the old cat hiding in the backpack couldn't help but say: "You're thinking wrong. The real purpose of the [Monster] is not to kill people, but to select stronger servants."

"Don't think that the [Alien Space] is invincible. There are always some abilities in the world that can crack the Alien Space."

"Therefore, the strength of the [Monster] is closely related to the servants it enslaves. Now this [Monster] only feeds the Rize civilization, and even you, a human warrior, can't solve it."

"After it [feeds] a stronger race, it will kill this human warrior in seconds."

"So its way of thinking must be inclined to feed and enslave, rather than directly kill people."

"Killing is meaningless to it."

Lu Yuan couldn't help but roll his eyes. Old cat, are you so mean? What do you mean by only feeding the Rize civilization?

The people of Rize were also embarrassed. They were already desperate, and they were still despised like this... Those people of Rize who were controlled were their former compatriots.

However, the analysis of the old cat did make some sense.

"Each of the monsters here has its own abilities, and some even have divine skills."

"Your superpowers are not so rampant."

Taduo shook his head: "The proportion of superpowers is about one-eighth. Most people's abilities are still very weak, which is better than nothing."

"That means [Monsters] still have some selection." The old cat said coldly, "Individuals with powerful skills have become its servants."

"Those without skills or with weak combat abilities may die directly and become food."

"Therefore, you guys with powerful superpowers are very attractive to [Monsters]. It wants to catch you as servants."

The faces of many people of Rize were not so good.

But it sounded a little reasonable.

The power of [Monsters] and [Demons] is in two different dimensions. Both have the potential for growth, but [Monsters] always hide in the darkness and will never attack head-on.

"From another perspective, if you simply use the alien space to trap the enemy to death, it will take a very long time. Over time, it may not be enough to cover the cost." The old cat continued, "[Monsters] also need idealistic energy..."

It suddenly screamed: "Wait, I thought of how to kill a [Monster]!!"

"How to kill it?"

"Through a long-term war of attrition, first find a way to kill all its servants." The old cat said, "Once the army entering the cave shows signs of being controlled by the mind, it will immediately explode with a bomb!"

"As long as the [Monster] loses its servants, its combat power will drop sharply. Just like a chess player with only one commander left, its combat power is naturally limited."

"You should know that the ability to grow eyes on the body must consume energy. Under long-term consumption, it will also die from lack of energy."

Lu Yuan was silent and touched the eyeball on his butt.

What kind of civilization is so strong that it is willing to use human lives to consume an anomaly?

It's very difficult.

The current human beings are definitely unable to do it.

Several Rize people were also silent, and their civilization couldn't do it either... because they didn't have so many masters.

After being enslaved by [monsters], the combat power of these slaves will soar by leaps and bounds, and they also have abilities such as "mental stab" and "one-second alien space".

And their current population size and productivity cannot support a long-term war of consumption.

Lu Yuan shook his head: "Your method makes sense. But the people of Li Ze now don't even have extraordinary fire. Sending a large army in would just be a collective madness."

A Li Ze person said disappointedly: "Yes, this method is unrealistic... The rear will not agree, the stakes are too high."

The old cat nodded and said undeniably: "In short, selecting powerful servants is the innate instinct of [monsters]. Especially in the early days of the era, time is precious. If it can't get powerful servants, it will always be possible to capsize in the gutter in a long era."

"This innate instinct is the motivation for its behavior."

"Just like every [demon] will take over the body, eager to get Strong body, each [monster] has a different space, hoping to get a powerful servant. "

"We must start from this perspective and speculate on the thinking of the vision."

The old cat said whimsically: "In fact, the ability of the different space is quite useful. If you can capture a [monster] alive... you can protect civilization and calmly withdraw the safe zone."

Lu Yuan raised his eyebrows: "Is there really a civilization that can capture this thing alive?"

Old cat: "I'm just guessing. Compared with the strongest vision, it is as docile as a baby. At least you have been here for most of the day and haven't died yet, which is a great proof."

Lu Yuan's eyelids twitched a few times, and he wanted to strangle this fat cat to death. With foreigners present, can't you give a little face?

The few people from Li Ze were sweating profusely.

Some of this conversation was in human language, which they couldn't understand, but they did understand the old cat's language.

What [demon], [monster], and other keywords made them dizzy.

But this information is really precious. They recorded it in their hearts and passed it on by telepaths.

"Your Excellency Old Cat, our think tank asked telepathically whether [the monster]'s intelligence will slowly increase over time?"

"I have such a memory... But this process is slow. Calculated over hundreds or thousands of years, it will not increase in a short time. So don't worry too much." The old cat shook his head slightly, and the cat's eye stone reflected the blazing eyes. firelight.

"In this case, according to your previous analysis, [the monster]'s intelligence may come from two possibilities."

Tudor let out a deep breath.

"The first possibility is that it can gain intelligence by eating intelligent creatures."

"That is, the special attribute of 'god' may contain higher idealistic energy, which can allow it to undergo subtle evolution."

"The second possibility is that it may be a creature in hive mode... The core of the [monster] and the series of servants it controls form a hive with intelligence."

"This can also explain why it has so many layers, rather than simply trapping the enemy to death."

"The hive tends to expand itself, so killing one person doesn't actually make much sense. The number and type of servants can enhance its wisdom."

"In addition, these eyeballs growing on our bodies may be something like sensors... The more eyes we have, the greater the impact of the hive on us."

"It is precisely because of the information transmitted by these eyes that the monsters here can predict our movements, greatly increasing the difficulty of the battle..."

"The fact that the wolf next to you is not parasitized by the eyes is proof. Because it is too stupid, the existence of such low-IQ individuals may affect the overall IQ of the hive and make it a target of rejection."

In the hive mind, there is a "queen", a central will, and other sub-bodies have semi-independent consciousness.

Individuals must obey the highest consciousness to a certain extent, and disobedient individuals will be eliminated to keep the whole from collapsing.

But in turn, other daughter bodies also affect the overall intelligence of the hive.

"It makes sense...that is to say, are the monster's predicted attacks and the alien space owned by the group given by the hive?" Lu Yuan touched his chin.

This information was naturally analyzed by the think tank at the rear.

Every civilization has people with amazing talents, especially technological civilizations, which are always good at transforming the unknown into the known.

Even if the conclusion is not necessarily correct, it will always lead to the right path.

Lu Yuan breathed a sigh of relief. If he imagined those densely packed eyes as "honeycomb network sensors", would he feel less panicked?

However, even if the real conclusion is guessed, it doesn't make much sense.

Because they can't go deeper.

As long as you can't enter deeper layers and kill the [monster]'s core body, you can't win this battle.

"Even if you enter the deepest level, what can kill a [monster]?" Lu Yuan thought about his trump card.

[The monster]'s true form and strength are unknown, and it cannot be overestimated.

Think about it carefully.

The first is to turn yourself into a [Devil], a [Devil] Shadow, with abilities such as "Dark Teleportation" and "Shadow Tentacles", which makes you like a fish in water in this ghost place.

As long as the [demon] can see the true form of the [monster], it shouldn't be a problem to kill the opponent.

The second is to use the drop of blood of [Ghost].

He picked up the ball of miserable green resin, and [Ghost]'s blood was twisting inside like a tadpole.

It seems to feel the vitality of the outside world, and it exudes an icy chill.

“Using vision to fight vision… doesn’t work.”

What a bullshit Earth Mother Goddess, she is obviously a terrifying [ghost].

Once the [ghost] blood is released, the consequences are unpredictable... Lu Yuan dare not bet, this involves the most terrifying natural disaster, and his knowledge of [ghosts] is lacking.

As for third, we can only use technological weapons such as high-explosive bombs...

The soldiers of Rize Civilization still brought a few bombs in.

But can a [monster] be killed simply by using high-explosive bombs?

The power of technological weapons is still quite strong. If Lu Yuan takes one high-explosive bomb, he will not die but will be injured. If [Monster] takes a few more, he will die.

"It seems that we can only choose the third method...but we can't give up the first and second methods..."

Lu Yuan thought for a while, but couldn't find a sure way to win.

I finally understood why some people would willingly eat the remains of the [Demon]. In fact, they were forced to do so.

He now faces the same decision.

"If possible, stay up for a while longer." The old cat suddenly said, "The ratio of the passage of time between this place and Pangea is 1:100. Just wait and stay up for a few more days."

Lu Yuan frowned slightly and nodded.

(As long as you have a monthly ticket of 1,000, there will be another update at 8pm.)

(The author is working hard on coding and trying to finish this chapter tomorrow!)

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