Landing 500 years in advance, I became a god by digging for treasures

Chapter 13 The writing system of the Meda civilization has been deciphered

"When I'm lonely,"


"It's undoubtedly the best in the world."

Lu Yuan, who was in a poetic mood, sang a song: "Wandering, on the road..."

"Are you going?"

"Fragile, proud."

"That was my appearance."

"Boiling, restless."

"Where are you going?"

"Mysterious, silent."

"Are you really listening to the story?"

Lu Yuan suddenly felt a little breathless. The old wolf stared at him and called "Awooo" twice. Why don't you sing?

"I forgot the words behind!" He laughed loudly.

There is really a lot of garbage in this supermarket. In addition to the botanical garden outside, Lu Yuan also found a lot of bottles and cans, and even found the seasoning he had been thinking about - salt, which is about as much as a box!

Salt will only clump even if it gets damp, and it does not affect its actual use. Naturally, he happily accepted the treasure left by the alien civilization.

In addition, Lu Yuan finally found a photo of the locals!

The average height of the individuals is about 1.5 meters. They walk upright, have short hair, wear clothes, and have a head shape a bit like a corgi, with bright eyes and ears standing high. They are not ugly.

A family photo of more than a dozen aliens, smiling brightly at Lu Yuan.

There is only this one photo...

The disappeared lives are drifting away like smoke. What are their names and stories have become the dust of history.

Lu Yuan seemed to be stimulated by something and began to exercise crazily!

100 push-ups, 100 sit-ups, 100 squats and 10 kilometers of long-distance running every day!

He was too lonely. Since he found a stable source of food, his thoughts have become more and more complicated.

He witnessed death and decline and became the gravekeeper of an alien civilization. A wolf cannot soothe a lonely heart.

Only exercise!


Become a superman!

As a result, a week later, the Superman Project came to an end because of knee pain.

[A boring human who over-exercised and had a hidden injury on his knee. ]

[Form: 5.5]

[Qi: 4.6]

[Spirit: 5.2]

[Supernatural level: Level 1. ]

[Evaluation: Still so mediocre, don't learn from Teacher Saitama, you really don't have that talent, find other ways! ]

Lu Yuan was speechless.

Can't you say something encouraging when it's like this?

But the fact is that there is no supernatural training method, and it is good to have a little improvement with conventional physical training methods.

"The road to supernatural is difficult."

At this moment, Lu Yuan suddenly heard a sharp howl of "Awooo", and hurried out of the door, stunned to find something particularly amazing.

The old wolf actually found a female wolf and started breeding.

"Who the hell is this? Is she your partner?" Lu Yuan squatted down and glanced at the crotch of the new wolf.

There are no balls, it's really a female wolf!

The new wolf seemed to have a handsome face, with a square head and good hair.

It was a young and beautiful wolf!

"Come here and give me a rub!" Lu Yuan made a strange cry.

The female wolf rejected his call and looked a little alert.

The old wolf walked forward, stretched out his scarlet tongue, and asked Lu Yuan for fish.

"You are really an old cow eating tender grass, and you are not ashamed." Lu Yuan smiled and threw a boiled potato.

The female wolf sniffed it, raised her proud head, and her eyes were quite disdainful.

She looked at the old wolf again.

Old thing, is this the place you said for free food?

The old wolf wailed miserably, blaming Lu Yuan for not giving face and secretly eating the potato.

It just likes to eat potatoes, which tastes very good and has a meaty taste.

It surrounded the female wolf and licked her butt again.

Lu Yuan looked at the old wolf licking his ass, feeling helpless. Why do you have to be a licker? Do you really want to mate?

He could only throw a small fish that he had just caught.

The female wolf looked at Lu Yuan in surprise, then glanced back at the old wolf and ate it contentedly.

Awooo~ That's it?

Not enough to fill the gap between my teeth!

Lu Yuan took out another small fish.

He took out two more small fish!

He took out another super big fish! !

"Surrender to me!"

The female wolf was stunned, her mouth opened and closed, and her eyes were simply stunned!

The furry tail shook "jili gurgling".

It made a "wang wang~" as gently as possible.

Lu Yuan got goose bumps. Are the wolves here spirits? Or is it actually a fox?

Taking this opportunity, the old wolf rushed forward with a "wolf pretending to be powerful" and pressed the female wolf's ass.

The evil and crazy tongue stretched out long, as if the evil plan had succeeded.

Soon, the buttocks of both parties were glued together, and the great harmony of life began.

"You...what are you doing?!!"

Lu Yuan shouted loudly, feeling that his eyes were stinging, and he was about to shed hateful and bitter tears.

His heart was hit by 10,000 points of critical strike.

Why can such a naked money transaction appear in this ghost place? !

Is it the distortion of wolf nature, or the decline of morality?

The most important thing is that it uses my money!

Where are the police? Take these two bitches away!

Lu Yuan returned to the room silently, wiped his eyes, and was sad and depressed.

Once upon a time, he was also a handsome guy.

Not only did he receive love letters from female classmates, but he also received love letters from classmates' parents.

Unfortunately, at that time, he was addicted to playing games.

He had no interest in dating (the main reason was that he met a lot of weirdos during blind dates).

If God gave me another chance... I would... or try traditional crafts now?

"Ah woo woo!!"

The mother wolf seemed unable to bear it and moaned loudly outside.

The sound was extremely sharp, penetrating people's eardrums and reaching people's minds.

Lu Yuan couldn't help but stick his head out, looking at the old and strong figure, and cursed: "From today on, you are only worthy of eating potatoes!!"


[Please note that the great pioneer eye has deciphered the writing system of the Meda civilization. ]

[You can now read the information of this civilization! ]

A message suddenly came to my mind. This was the spiritual fluctuation from the Pioneer's Eye.

Lu Yuan's heart skipped a beat. He no longer paid attention to the wolf who was in the Great Harmony of Life. He trotted into the data center and read the text files made of acid-free paper.

A day ago, the Pioneer's Eye only showed: [Text files made of acid-free paper require a certain amount of time to decipher the text. ]

But now, the text content is really displayed!

[Central Archives C Library, Performance List]

[Ke Dagou, late once this month, left early once... Performance B. ]

[Keer Gou, unwilling to work overtime, performance downgraded by one rating... Performance B. ]

[Xinqi Gu, go to the toilet for 3 hours every day, performance C. ]

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