Landing 500 years in advance, I became a god by digging for treasures

Chapter 134 Not much, not much, just killed one [demon] and one [monster]

Lu Yuan took the piece of paper and warned like an old man: "There are many ways recorded here. Don't underestimate this. Go to your colleagues and show off when the time comes."

"Why are you thinking about showing off?" Lu Qingqing complained.

"I am a lone wolf in the desert. I don't even have anyone to talk to. How can I not show off?"

Lu Yuan was very rude.

Lu Qingqing was just a little girl who had not yet set foot in society. She didn't have such strong emotional control ability. When he said that, her eyes turned red and she was speechless.

She also knew some information and knew that life in Pangu Continent was very hard.

Behind the light words, there might be many hardships.

Just thinking about it, a bubble suddenly came out of her nose. She quickly covered her nose with her hand, and her whole face turned red.

"Ahem, I counted with my fingers. You must have been crying because you didn't have the gold coins in Zhongdeng for a long time and you had no money to spend." Lu Yuan was in a good mood immediately. Bullying children is indeed a great pleasure in the world.

Especially for pretty girls, the biggest use is to bully them.

"There is a bank card in my bedside table, the password is 135790, and there are tens of thousands of yuan in it, you can spend it."

"There is no such thing as RMB, there is only new currency!" Lu Qingqing was angry and amused, "No crying!"

"I just haven't seen you for a month and a half, a little... a little emotional!"

A month and a half? !

Lu Yuan couldn't help but sighed: "The cruelest thing in the world is that one day in heaven is one year on earth. I am an old man now, and I have nothing in common with young people like you, let my parents come."

"Psycho! So what did you do outside?"

"Nothing... It's nothing more than killing a [demon] and another [monster]."

Lu Yuan said very pretentiously, and the old cat staring at him stood up.

Damn, you are really pretentious, and you don't beat around the bush!

Unfortunately, my sister didn't understand. The clear and stupid girl just kept laughing.

She even shifted her attention to the old cat: "What a cute cat, is it yours? It's fat and cute. Are there cats in Pangu Continent?"

The old cat jumped on Lu Yuan and made a "meow".

The voice was delicate and tender.

Lu Yuan: ? ? ?

What do you mean? Are you playing with my sister?

My sister was even happier and kept asking: "What's its name."

"Old cat."

"I knew you would give it such a tasteless name. How about calling it Huahua?"

"Meow~~" The old cat agreed.

"Huahua, haha!"

Lu Yuan felt a chill and almost threw the old cat to the ground and smashed its head with a hammer!

The old cat turned around and warned Lu Yuan not to expose it: "Although human males look similar to monkeys, human girls are really beautiful, just like the sacred king... What does it feel like to be stroked by her?"

"Comrade, this is a serious AI failure. Just as you long to return to your hometown, I also have the need to be stroked."

"When I am stroked by you, I always feel like a monkey is plucking its hair, which is not very pleasant."


Lu Yuan showed a constipated expression. What kind of fucking aesthetics do you have? I was also written love letters by female classmates in school!

"Are you still human?"

"Obviously, I am not."

Lu Yuan: "You are the president of the Appearance Association, a perverted cat, and a dog licker."

The old cat seized the opportunity and retorted: "This has nothing to do with dog licking or mating. You have to understand the feeling of a cat wanting to be stroked."

"In my civilization, there is a sacred king. Its daily job is to stroke every cat equally to make everyone happy. Then they can work well."

This job is so elegant that even Lu Yuan is a little tempted.

"The holy kings were all plundered from outside."

Aliens are really perverts!

Just then, Lu Yuan's parents appeared on the screen.

It can be seen that the humans are quite considerate. Even though there is a lot of information to share, they still arranged for Lu Yuan to meet his family in advance.

The topics of conversation with his parents are mostly daily.

Lu Yuan's parents are both doctors in the hospital, and they have generous benefits.

My sister is in the research institute, doing some kind of path-finding plan, and she also has welfare subsidies.

In addition, Lu Yuan himself has a "first-class hero" allowance, so the family's life is still quite acceptable.

"You have been staying in that friendly civilization... It's not impossible." The mother suddenly choked up a little, "It's too dangerous to be alone in Pangu Continent."

"At least stay here, there is a group."

"You can still make a phone call and chat at any time, which is equivalent to you going on a long journey. We can accept it."

Lu Yuan was silent. The information his parents knew should be limited.

It is indeed a normal idea to let him stay in the safe zone and choose a comfortable life.

It was so normal that even his subconscious mind wanted to do this.

But he... was unwilling to accept it.

He was unwilling to accept that he was slowly being caught up by time.

If he stayed in the safe zone, he would only become mediocre, and when despair came, he would be unable to do anything.

He was unwilling to accept it.

Now he has the ability to influence a civilization with just one person; but if he chooses comfort, this ability will soon disappear.

"Mom, I'm very strong... Now I'm stronger than all human beings." Lu Yuan showed off his biceps.

He is not a muscle master, his muscles are full of a gentle beauty of strength.

"Super Spark, you know this information, right? I am a level three superhuman, what level three means, you know?"

"He has his own plans. You don't know anything, so don't point fingers at him." Dad is more open-minded, "Do what you want to do, don't worry about us. We have a good life, don't worry about anything."

"Then I'll relax."

In this way, the chat time has been more than an hour.

The daily chat is almost over, and his parents and sister finally said goodbye to him.

"Then take care of yourself!"

"We'll talk next time! Goodbye!"

Lu Yuan smiled and waved to them, watching them leave the room on the screen... His mother walked with a look back every three steps, obviously reluctant to leave; even his father was reluctant to leave, and looked back when he left the room.

Then, he sat on the chair with a sense of loss, and did not speak for a long time.

He felt a sense of fulfillment and happiness, seeing their lively images, hearing their voices, and feeling their concern... It was great.

It was really fulfilling.

In the past, he was a lone wolf in the desert, and today he is a person, and he is worried about his relatives.

There is also a sense of dissatisfaction and anxiety.

I still have to cross the safe zone and return to that warm hometown! !

Whether it is [Demon] or [Monster], it's just a little difficult! !

Thinking of this, Lu Yuan's body was filled with the power of the wilderness, and he beat his chest like a gorilla.

I want to become stronger!

Going home is just a small goal. I have to defeat all the monsters, demons, and snakes!

I want to defeat the [ghosts] too!

Even if the [ghosts] are immortal, I will beat them up to the sun.

"Comrade, your compatriots are watching you..." The old cat couldn't help but speak, "What are you crazy about?"


Lu Yuan stopped the action of breaking the stone on his chest.

But he was not embarrassed at all. He casually said: "Hello, Secretary Li... Who is this?"

"Do you know me?" Li Chunhong couldn't help but wonder.

"It's a study day once a month. I can see you every month... After the study, I have to write a thought report. Of course I know you."

Li Chunhong couldn't help but be embarrassed. Young people talk very interestingly.

He quickly changed the subject: "Several young comrades in the path-finding plan, come over and say hello to our Mr. Lu."

"Hello, Mr. Lu!"

One of them was his sister Lu Qingqing, who looked like she was trying to hold back a smile and winked.

The other one is her classmate, Han Yue, who has the ability to enter dreams. She is as young and beautiful as her sister. At first glance, she is also a soft girl with a clear, stupid, and lively look.

The last one is a thirty-year-old person-finding ability user, Li Lan, who wears black glasses and has a capable working woman style.

To be honest, Lu Yuan hasn't seen a beautiful girl for a long time, and he can't help but feel a little impatient.

Perversion and lust may be human nature.

Especially when you haven't been perverted and lustful for several years, this nature will expand, and Lu Yuan has to suppress it with extraordinary fire.

Even the old cat got excited and pretended to be cute to attract everyone's attention.

But privately, it said: "You human girls really meet my old cat's aesthetics. I don't know what it feels like to be stroked by them..."

You are really a licking cat.

And, my god, you have no feelings.

"Friends, there are also great risks in dreams, please be careful." Lu Yuan reminded a few words, "You should have recorded the information about the Meda civilization, right?"

"Yes, Mr. Lu, that information is of great significance to us." Li Lan said.

Lu Yuan will not stop humans from exploring superpowers. After all, these explorations may come in handy in certain critical occasions.

"It is best to... use dreams within dreams, nesting several layers, to avoid some risks."

"Mr. Lu, do you have the ability to dream?" The most lively classmate Han Yue smiled, with a pair of eyes like a crescent moon.

Lu Yuan said: "Unfortunately, I don't have this ability, but I can still have lucid dreams... If I find a good life-saving prop, I will also study it."

Lu Qingqing said: "See you in the dream then?"

"I'm afraid it will be a little difficult, haha... Don't worry, upgrade your level first."

The girls said hello, chatted for a few words, and left soon.

Li Chunhong is indeed a cunning old fox. He found a few beautiful girls and eased the atmosphere.

He continued: "Ahem, this is Professor Zhang Hui, who is also the main person in charge of the institute. These are from the military, and there are also industrial departments..."

He introduced them one by one.

"Hello, Mr. Lu."


"I have a lot of information here. I don't know where to start for a while..." Lu Yuan naturally knew their purpose and didn't say any more nonsense.

"This is my comrade-in-arms, an artificial intelligence of a different civilization, Mr. Old Cat. It helped me a lot."

"Hello, human beings." The old cat spoke in standard Chinese. It had no preference for male humans, but it was good at communicating with civilizations.

"Hello, Mr. Old Cat."

Although it was the first time they met the old cat, the people in the institute were not shocked except for curiosity and doubt.

After all, there are too many bizarre things in this world.

An artificial intelligence of a different civilization is really the least bizarre one.

"The old cat has recorded most of the information of the Meda civilization, including various scientific papers and more than 30,000 years of external observation data. If you have any questions, you can consult it."

"Here, I will select the more important content and talk about it in detail."

Lu Yuan pondered for a moment: "The anomaly is the biggest trouble of Pangu Continent."

"I have encountered two at present, [Demon] and [Monster]."

"And half of [Ghost]..."

Lu Yuan took a sip of water, starting from [Demon], then [Monster], and finally to the unfathomable [Ghost].

At first, everyone in the institute listened carefully.

And nodded from time to time for a while.

After all, they had personally observed the [Demon] using the communicator, and had almost guessed the strength and ability of this guy.

They just didn't know how Lu Yuan defeated the opponent... Theoretically, that thing was already at an invincible level.

Now that it was said, the truth was immediately revealed!

All understood!

"So that's how it is. He actually burned the [Demon] to death in a closed room... This, this is incredible." A senior military official couldn't help but slap his thigh.

"But it is indeed the only and best way to avoid the burning of the flames by using the different space."

"The divine skills should be used like this!"

Several officers discussed excitedly, and Lao Lu was considered the mentor of all their soldiers.

Of course, [Demon] is a story from a long time ago...

If time could go back, Lu Yuan himself might not be able to replicate the miracle at that time.

Then, he told about other things he encountered in Pangu Continent.

Especially the investigation data about [Monster] that just happened.

Lu Yuan concealed some information slightly, and other abilities that were already known to humans could be exposed.

But he still didn't want to expose his biggest back-up plan of resurrection... It's not that he doesn't believe in humans, but there are too many superpowers in this world, and a lot of information can be obtained out of thin air.

And the many comrades on the other side of the communicator were still discussing enthusiastically at the beginning.

Later, some of them really couldn't discuss anymore.

Everyone was silent, and some people's mouths were half open, so that an egg could be stuffed in!

[Monster] What the hell is this? How come you killed another anomaly without making any noise?

Aren't you pushing the progress too fast?

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