Landing 500 years in advance, I became a god by digging for treasures

Chapter 141 The spaceship left behind by our ancestors

The walls and floors of this room are engraved with complex carvings, densely packed with ant and tadpole-shaped symbols, randomly piled together.

At first glance, the symbols seem to surge into the mind, sticky and chaotic, forming a torrent of information.

This feeling is simply frightening, and the mind is full of stars.

[The extremely complex carving marks, due to severe wear and tear, it is impossible to determine its specific function, but it can still play a certain role. ]

[The materials for etching carvings are: Starry Sky Shell, Orchid Crystal, Cinnabar Iron...]

[Only a genius at the master level and extremely deep understanding can carve such carvings. ]

[Note: The study of carvings requires corresponding talents or more than 12 points of divine attributes. ]

The pioneer's eye reported a series of unfamiliar terms, which made Lu Yuan scratch his head and touch his ears.

Idealistic technology is really awesome.

It's a pity that it's too high-end. The people of Li Ze have spent so much time and haven't cracked the fur.

It's even more impossible for Lu Yuan to crack it. Although he has 15.5 gods, he can't learn without a teacher.

The old cat... can't do it either.

Lu Yuan suddenly remembered the "Knowledge Heritage of Daedalus", which is the golden little book with tadpole-shaped runes engraved on it, which seems to be similar text.

In fact, the human side also saw this booklet... but they didn't crack it.

"Could it be that the booklet is also a carving technology?" Lu Yuan murmured in his heart, "I have to find an opportunity to study it."

"This room does have a certain amount of idealistic interference." The old cat paced back and forth, "Especially in the center of the room, the idealistic interference came from the void."

"Or, Lu Yuan, you try? Can you teleport in?"

"I feel a very slight and strange breath."

The old cat jumped onto Lu Yuan's shoulder and whispered: "The breath of visions. Powerful civilizations will capture visions. Even if these visions are all dead, you can let your tree of life eat them!"

"Makes sense!"

Lu Yuan's eyes lit up and he couldn't help but be very moved.

His tree of life evolved a lot after eating a corpse of a [monster]. If it could eat 10,000 corpses, wouldn't it be able to fight [ghosts] alone?

His heart was eager to move, and he pondered for a moment: "Wait a little longer, I'm afraid there will be danger inside."

It's not that he is afraid of death, but it will take a long time for him to be resurrected after he dies.

So Lu Yuan decided to send the medical supplies back first, and then come here to die.

This idea is not wrong.

After all, the unconscious Rize people on the other side of the seventh civilization branch are still waiting, and human lives are at stake.


This round trip took another half a month.

Nothing else happened on the speedboat trip, it was quite leisurely.

Near the sinkhole, I met a wolf with a harem.

The poor old wolf was surrounded by the harem, and he lost a lot of weight. His spirit was extremely depressed, as if he had been squeezed dry, and his hair was messy, like a homeless person who slept in the wind and rain.

"Baby, my baby, what are you doing? Why are you so thin? What are you eating!" Lu Yuan stood on the speedboat and shouted.

It was eating the large intestine of a buffalo.

I don't know why, but the old wolf now loves the smelly food of large intestine.

Hearing Lu Yuan's call, it rushed over like crazy, and its lonely one eye was almost in tears.

"Ahhh!" It kept roaring and cursing Lu Yuan.

You didn't take me away and let me suffer here, you deserve to die!

"Comrade, this guy is not only ungrateful, but also wants to kill his master. Do you want to eat dog meat today?" Orange Cat gloated.

Then, the harem team chased and killed.

But this time there were much fewer people, only 6 female wolves were left. Their complexion was very good, their hair was shiny, and it could be seen that everyone was very happy.

When the female wolves saw Lu Yuan, they greeted him symbolically, and showed their empty stomachs one by one.

They howled and said shrewdly, you can't take it away, because we are not pregnant yet.

"The other 6 wolves are pregnant?"

"And then they left directly?" Lu Yuan's soul connected to the Tree of Life and got this interesting information.

These guys have a great harmony of life, and the Tree of Life is watching!

"Ahhh!" The old wolf was so aggrieved that he wanted to get on the boat with his two front legs.

Lu Yuan was deeply shocked by the "pregnancy culture" of the Pangu gray wolf race. He proved with his actions that he would never break up a couple.

First, he gave the old wolf some pomegranate fruit, and then some "powder for beating animal horns".

The old wolf looked at his penis that was swollen again, and was stunned.

It really had overdrawn its energy. Even if the penis swelled up again, it would not be so easy to recover the loss of vitality.

Lu Yuan kicked it down with a flying kick.

Then he saw those fierce female wolves, one by one, surrounded him, with a look of happiness and expectation on their faces.

The old wolf shrank its buttocks and jumped into the river at lightning speed.

It wanted to get on the boat!

The engine roared, but Lu Yuan did not take it with him.

Lu Yuan, run away! !

"Ahhh!" The old wolf looked fierce and barked at Lu Yuan, with half of his intestines stuck to his mouth.

The harem group pressed on step by step.

It took small and soul-stirring steps and began to flee in the river!

Don't come over here! ! !



I worked as a courier smoothly. This time, there was no important task.

"The evil wolf was hit by the forces of justice!"

"Teach it a profound lesson to prevent it from causing trouble in the future."

Lu Yuan was excited and looking forward to it.

What kind of story will he encounter next time he sees the old wolf?

The most fascinating thing in the world is this thick unknown!

With this in mind, he once again came to the first branch of the Rize civilization.

In that stone spaceship, a new adventure began.

"Mr. Lu, is there anything we can help you with?" asked the nearby Rize people.

"You cover the wall, these things are a bit disturbing to me. Do you have a camera? Give me one? Use telepathy and other abilities for me."

The Rize people discussed for a while, and finally brought a crystal ball and a shiny cat's eye stone.

"We don't have telepaths here, but we do have a psychic." Governor Moshi explained, "If you are willing to take this cat's eye stone..."

The ability of psychic vision is very different from telepathy.

Wherever this cat's eye stone goes, the psychic can see it and present the picture in the crystal ball, which is equivalent to a humanoid surveillance.

Of course, this ability consumes a lot of energy and can only last for about two hours.

In addition, the ability of psychic vision cannot hear sounds and cannot communicate.

So compared with telepathy, each has its own advantages.

Lu Yuan nodded: "Brothers should settle accounts clearly. If there is really a treasure inside, we will split it 50-50."

"If there is scientific and technological information, we can share it together, is it okay?"

"No problem, absolutely no problem! You can rest assured about this!"

Lu Yuan wore this cat's eye stone on his chest.

This thing is equivalent to a law enforcement recorder. Wearing it can reduce a lot of disputes.

He was not greedy enough to take away all the treasures.

After all, this spaceship belongs to the Rize people. He took away half of the wealth, which is actually quite a lot.

If some amazing things really appear...

We'll talk about it later. Anyway, the Rize people can only see an image, and they can't identify what it is... Just embezzle it and give some compensation.

Just like that, after everything was ready, Lu Yuan sat cross-legged in the room.

The nearby walls were all carved, emitting mysterious and complex supernatural power.

Several black iron screens slightly isolated these idealistic forces.

He calmed down and waited patiently for the opportunity.

Space teleportation is a very dangerous thing.

Even if there is really a hidden space here, once teleported to a certain mechanical device or teleported to the wall, Lu Yuan will die instantly.

"Take a deep breath... take a deep breath..."

Gradually, he fell into a state of meditation.

Put on the "Mask of Leoric", in the hazy state, it seemed as if a third eye had grown out of the back of his head.

This eye is a highly myopic eye, but it can greatly increase perception.

It can see things that cannot be seen under normal circumstances.

Lu Yuan covered the third eye with the "eye cornea of ​​far vision".

Suddenly, the vision became even stranger. The mask and cornea, two supernatural objects, had a mysterious idealistic reaction.

His third eye opened.

One after another, long rainbows emerged from the carvings on the wall.

Black cracks like spider webs spread in this small room.

Especially in the center, a large number of black cracks intertwined, creating a complex vortex that kept beating, as if it could suck people's souls in.

"The superposition of these two extraordinary items can really produce an effect of 1 plus 1 greater than 2... I have to find inspiration and transform them."

"But is this black vortex a hidden space?" Lu Yuan took a deep breath.

That thing looks a bit weird and gives people an ominous premonition.

If he didn't have the ability to resurrect, he would never be able to teleport to this inexplicable ghost place.

But in the end, Lu Yuan made up his mind.

After all, "I'm here now" seems to be an idealistic law that is irresistible.

He closed his eyes, took off the donkey head mask again, and put it into the storage space.

He imagined the hidden space in the "black vortex" in his mind.

Gradually, a faint inspiration appeared in Lu Yuan's heart, like the pulse of the heart.

He found the rotation law of the black vortex.

His mind, like a tiny snake, slowly wandered in and found a corner suitable for teleportation.

"Swoosh!" Lu Yuan disappeared in the room.


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