"There's no treasure."

"This trip has completely wiped out the dog's brain!"

After a round of inspection, the rest of the rooms were all empty, and only the carvings on the walls were barely clear.

Lu Yuan looked at these weird symbols that flowed like water, took out a few pieces of paper from the storage space, and made rubbings of them all.

But after rubbing it, I found that the literal symbols no longer flowed, and became very rigid things without any supernatural ability.

Glyphs are indeed very complicated things.

Lu Yuan sighed in his heart: "It's better than nothing. I've recovered some interest."

Only the large central room had not been inspected.

"Do you want to take a look? Is what that guy said true or false?"

Lu Yuan took a deep breath, thinking about various possible accidents in his mind.

Analyzing the description just now...it's really hard to tell whether it's true or false.

He is the only one here, and he can rely on himself for everything. At most, he can rely on the cat on the side.

"Damn it, I can't come here in vain!"

Lu Yuan thought of the Tree of Life. After eating the corpse of the [monster], another Fruit of Life had grown. He was actually still alive.

"[Ghost] is amazing, I am the devil of greed."

"The Demon God of Greed comes here and never comes back empty-handed." Lu Yuan gritted his teeth, hammered his chest, and made up his mind.

He first tied a rope around his ankle.

The other end of the rope is tied to the doorknob of the other door.

I pulled hard twice and it was very firm.

Then prepare the old cat to kill.

"Don't worry, if there is an uncontrollable risk, I will kill you as soon as possible."

The old cat opened his mouth proudly, revealing the black muzzle in his throat.

It is now a nuclear-powered mechanical cat with a mouth that can shoot bullets.

If it were as big as a tank, it could spray projectiles!

"No, you shoot at me and my blood splashes out. What should I do?" Lu Yuandao said, "I have said that this is a taboo for [ghosts], so don't let [ghosts] out."

The old cat raised his paw again and squeezed out a thin sharp needle: "Then use this. It contains more than a hundred chemical toxins, as well as some idealistic toxins. Inject it into your vertebral artery and you are guaranteed to die. quick."

"And I also added sap from the Tree of Life to help the arterial wounds heal quickly without bleeding."

Lu Yuan looked at the needle and felt goosebumps all over his body: "When did you do this?"

"When you're bored... don't worry, if you don't want to die, extraordinary fire can deal with these toxins. So it's not that powerful."

Orange Cat is now specializing in how to kill Lu Yuan quickly. Its mental illness is very serious.

Lu Yuan still felt that it was not safe.

"And this...resin." The old cat picked up a small resin. "If anything happens, I will help you light it."

"But I'm afraid this little resin won't last long."

"Okay, multiple insurances are enough. Just step back a little."

Lu Yuan finally put on a black iron mask.

He was reluctant to use his legendary donkey head mask because...he might really die here.

[Ghost], he knows how terrifying it is.

After everything is ready.

He touched the door of the central room, and an icy frost spread along his fingertips to the Tianling Gai, making his teeth tremble slightly with the cold.

This is an ominous premonition.

His sixth sense was telling him not to open this door.

The oil lamp placed on the ground flickered on and off.

The flashlight also buzzed.

He subconsciously became vigilant and looked at the old cat on the ground.

The old cat also looked at him and raised the needle on his paw again, looking eager to try.

Lu Yuan's veins twitched twice, he held his breath and gritted his teeth.

It's strange that this door is actually quite light, and it opens with just a little force.

When he quietly looked around the room, an extreme fear surged out of his heart and spread throughout his body at an extremely fast speed.

He saw——[Ghost].

At this moment, his body was almost frozen.

To be precise, the head of [Ghost] was also staring at him.

The rotten face and gray lifeless eyes stared blankly at Lu Yuan.

There was pitch black around the head. This thick darkness spread like mercury, causing visibility to become very low.

"Damn it, what is this, an idealistic field?"

The pupils on Lu Yuan's mask burst into red light, and his vision penetrated the rich darkness.

That thing was sealed in a ball of emerald green resin.

The amount of resin used was hundreds of times that of the ghost hand.

As a result, it looks like a large piece of jelly weighing several tons.

Bubble-like things were emerging from the resin, and the entire resin looked like it was boiling.

There is no doubt that [Ghost] is alive.

It's trying to break through the seal.

The next second, the ghost's head moved.

The head wrapped in resin rotated mechanically and looked at Lu Yuan at the door.

Under this kind of gaze, Lu Yuan felt that the blood all over his body suddenly boiled.

The darkness spread, and some vague and unclear murmur penetrated into his pores.

In just a short moment, he lost consciousness, and the whole person was about to fall to the ground.

[I'm here! Hey, man! While it fails to break the seal, you hurry up and save me! ]

A voice came from not far away, dispelling some of the meaningless muttering.

The extraordinary fire was jumping wildly, and Lu Yuan's throat was hot, and he wanted to spit out blood!

But the fighting instinct under the life-and-death crisis made him swallow the blood back.

Because once he sprayed the blood, it was hard to say what would happen.

Fortunately, [Ghost] was indeed sealed, otherwise he would have died just now.

The bubbles in the resin disappeared.

[Ghost] failed to break the seal and fell into a brief calm again... This calm period was very short, perhaps only a few seconds.

Lu Yuan swallowed the blood forcibly, stabilized his mind, and looked around: "Where is the dog's hibernation chamber?"

This room is very large, engraved with extremely complex patterns.

The darkness that was so dark that one could not see one's hand in front of one's face was like ink surrounding the surroundings, giving people a strong sense of uneasiness.

[I'm here! Come here quickly! Open the hibernation chamber! ]

He glanced in the direction of the sound.

Then, he saw a gorgeous large bronze mirror hanging on the wall, with silver snake cloud patterns carved on the edge, which was extremely exquisite.

The exquisiteness of the bronze mirror did not seem to be artificial, but "natural". Yes, Lu Yuan did not know why he had such an idea. He was facing the ingenuity of the idealistic universe.

The figure of Lu Yuan emerged in the mirror, emitting a faint green light.

The shadow also wore a black iron mask, and the corners of his mouth actually cracked little by little, revealing a weird smile.

At this moment, Lu Yuan felt his scalp tingling, and he couldn't help but want to close the door and retreat.

Pioneer's Eye: [It is suspected to be a demon in the natural disaster, retreat quickly! ]

His heart sank to the bottom of the sea.

Damn, I was deceived.

It was this mirror that was talking.

[Quick, brother, I'm in the mirror! Come here quickly! 】

The figure in the mirror showed a strange smile and began to control Lu Yuan's body.

This is a mysterious power that is extremely huge.

The light in his pupils disappeared, and his body was forcibly taken over by the figure in the mirror.

Whatever the figure in the mirror did, the body had to do.

Lu Yuan was sweating profusely, trying his best to resist, trying to activate the space teleportation to escape.

And deduced the current situation at a very fast speed.

This room not only imprisoned a [ghost].

It also imprisoned a [demon] with extremely high intelligence.

The voice just now was probably a story fabricated by this [demon] to deceive him.

The cunning of the [demon] lies in this.

No civilization can tell the truth from the falsehood of the story just now.

No civilization can refuse the temptation to rescue the prehistoric civilization researcher.

"No, the connection between the soul and the body seems to be blocked. The spatial ability cannot be used."

This moment is a matter of life and death. There is no time to regret or get angry. As his shadow appeared in the mirror, he had fallen into the trap of the [demon].

Cold sweat broke out on his forehead, and Lu Yuan tried hard to regain control of his body.

But this [demon] who has lived for who knows how long is not something he can contend with.

The person in the mirror took a step forward.

He also took a step forward.

Suddenly, the rope on his foot stretched to the limit.

The mirror can control the body, but it cannot control the laws of physics.

His body was tripped by the rope, and he fell straight to the ground like a zombie.

As the tip of his nose was about to hit the ground, he gently supported it with both hands and did not let his nose hit the ground.

"Fuck you, damn demon, dare to plot against you, Greedy Demon God."

Lu Yuan was extremely afraid in his heart. He could be sure that he did not make this move of supporting the ground with both hands just now.

It was the mirror that controlled the body and covered the nose that was about to bleed.

"In this room, bleeding is indeed a taboo."

This thought flashed through his mind like lightning.

However, his mind still could not control his body.

The mirror was too smart. It found the rope on his feet and controlled him to untie the rope.

On the other side, the old cat in the corridor finally found that something was wrong with Lu Yuan and ignited the green resin, wanting to kill him.

The green light shone on Lu Yuan's face, making his pupils bloom with a dim streamer, and his cold body began to regain consciousness.

The power of the burning resin is indeed very strong.

Lu Yuan's chest rose and fell, and suddenly he blew a big breath and blew out the flame directly.

Then he took off the black iron helmet and smashed it towards the old cat.

This blow was powerful and heavy, it was simply Lu Yuan's peak blow!

The helmet let out a tiger roar in the air, and with a loud "bang", the nuclear-powered orange cat was smashed directly into the wall, and its furry body broke into pieces.

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