Landing 500 years in advance, I became a god by digging for treasures

Chapter 145 The fight between [ghosts] and [demons]

Lu Yuan sighed softly, and couldn't think of a particularly safe way.

"Just rest for a while and wear down their patience... I have to clean up all the scars on my body, so as not to burst blood at that time."

The depressing environment continued.

The entire abnormal laboratory fell into silence again.

The old cat found that Lu Yuan actually escaped between the [ghost] and the [demon], and couldn't help but admire that this guy was really awesome and always managed to survive in desperate situations.

The small core ball rolled back into the broken body, trying to make a little "crunching" noise, which could distract the [demon] a little bit... Well, it was a strategy that was better than nothing.

And at this moment, the change happened again!

The sealed [ghost] became active again.

Slowly turned his head and looked at the mirror.

Bubbles appeared in the resin one by one.

About every fifteen seconds, it would try to break the seal, and a cold light bloomed in its pupils.

The duration is about five seconds.

Then, there is a calm period of about ten seconds.

Of course, this cycle is not fixed. Sometimes it will suddenly burst out in the next second, but the average cycle is about 15 seconds.

This ghost thing repeats itself like this, as an idealistic perpetual motion machine, it never stops.

Lu Yuan hid in the different space, watching the [ghost] attack the mirror, and felt a kind of pleasure of evil being defeated by evil.

"The [demon] with wisdom is more dangerous to me than the sealed [ghost]."

"The power of that [ghost] comes in waves. Can it kill the [demon]?"

Gradually, the mirror reflected the head of the [ghost].

The eyelids of the rotten head trembled like epilepsy.

The demon used the ability of "body control" to force the ghost's eyes to close a little.

There is indeed a difference in strength of ability, but often you fight yours and I fight mine.

Just like this ghost in front of him, no matter how powerful it is, it can't affect Lu Yuan in the different space, because this [ghost] has no spatial ability.

Lu Yuan suddenly had a terrible thought: "Can the [Demon] take over the [Ghost]?"

Although the [Ghost] is extremely powerful, taking over the body is the absolute ability of the [Demon].

Absolute ability means the pinnacle of a certain field.

"If it really succeeds, what is a [Ghost] with wisdom?"

But it is obvious that this is difficult.

The mirror in front of him is in a state of endless attack by the [Ghost].

Even if the idealistic perpetual motion machine is sealed, it is not something that the [Demon] can bear in the long years of attrition war.

Lu Yuan vaguely understood the intention of the Dalai Empire.

The [Demon] is one of the four natural disasters. It is too dangerous and can also confuse people.

It is the most appropriate thing to let a pure idealistic life that does not make any sense to suppress it.

"But why does the [Ghost] attack the [Demon]?"

"Is it because of complementary abilities?"

One is to control blood, and the other is to control the body.

These two abilities are indeed complementary.

But it is very difficult to plunder an ability, and it needs to be "sealed".

Does the [ghost] have this ability to plunder?

Lu Yuan is not sure.

There is another possibility, that the [demon] has wisdom, that is, the "divine attribute" is relatively high.

The [ghost] is naturally inclined to hunt species with higher divine attributes - as the top of the food chain, it is so unreasonable, even if you are a demon, it will eat you.

Lu Yuan watched the two sides fighting over and over again, and hesitant in his heart.

"Should I escape when the mirror is attacked?"

"But once I cancel the alien space, the [ghost] may attack me again."

The current situation is a bit difficult.

If he doesn't appear, the two sides will fight each other over and over again.

As soon as he appears, he will be beaten by both sides.

Although it only takes a few tenths of a second for him to run from the room, Lu Yuan is still worried that his speed is not as fast as these two unreasonable things.

"Forget it, my mental state is poor, and I am not sure about teleportation." Lu Yuan bit his lip hard.

When he was attacked by the ghost, his brain and even his soul were injured, and he still has stars in his eyes.

"It's better to use the power of physics to escape."

Lu Yuan clearly remembered that when he was controlled by the [demon], he was tripped by a rope and lost his balance and fell to the ground.

The whole process of falling was purely physical.

The mirror could not stop him from falling because of the unstable center of gravity.

"So, the power of physics is definitely effective."

"As for the [ghost], I can avoid damage by avoiding its attack cycle."

Thinking of this, Lu Yuan took out a big ball from the storage space.

Well, this is actually the damaged communicator. All the parts inside have been taken out, but the metal shell on the outside still has a mass of more than 300 kilograms.

Lu Yuan tied his body to the communicator with a rope.

He wanted to use the inertia of this metal ball to force himself out.

"I am strong enough to pull up mountains and powerful enough to conquer the world! Get up!" Lu Yuan's whole body burst into red light. He exerted force with both hands and lifted the metal ball up, intending to launch a charge to escape.



However, just when Lu Yuan was about to escape.


appeared again.

A dark shadow slowly raised its head from an inconspicuous corner.

Very dark. Very dark.

Like a dense, squirming mass of lead.

With such a distance of about ten meters, the pioneer's eyes couldn't see what it was at all.

But there was indeed a dark shadow, like a spider, crawling on the ground, stretching out its limbs, and slowly started to move.

You don't need to think about it to know that it must be a vision, or the kind that has not been sealed.

"Damn it, why are you still there? Did you wake up because of my intrusion?"

When he saw the black shadow, Lu Yuan couldn't help but sweat broke out on his forehead, and he felt a little bit embarrassed.

"Those who can survive the game between [Devils] and [Ghosts] cannot be those who are too weak."

Lu Yuan felt that his mind was a little numb, and a dense feeling of horror enveloped his whole body.

There was not much time left for him to make a decision.

I am a level 3 being, why do I need to come to this kind of dungeon? !

The unknown vision is awakening, and the confrontation between [Ghost] and [Devil] continues.

He didn't know what would happen after that thing woke up.

The next second, [Ghost]'s gaze slowly stopped.

It was sealed back again by resin.

Lu Yuan made a decision...he had to escape!

Too late and things will change.

He had to run away while the [Ghost] was sealed and the black shadow hadn't woken up yet!

"Ah!!!" At the last moment, Lu Yuan put a tent on his head, holding the metal ball, his legs exploded with the most powerful force, and jumped towards the door.

At the same time, throw the metal ball towards the door.

Because of the excessive exertion, Lu Yuan felt his ears buzzing, his heart almost exploding, and the tendons in his arms and thighs were on the verge of tearing.

The different space was cancelled, and Lu Yuan and the metal ball suddenly appeared in the large room, drawing an arc in the air.

At this moment, the [Ghost] was still in a sealed state and did not attack Lu Yuan.

The only ones attacking him were [Demons].

Almost at the same time, Lu Yuan's figure appeared in the mirror.

Although there was a tent beside him, it was obvious that the power of the mirror would not be covered up so easily.

In just a short moment, less than 0.001 seconds, Lu Yuan was controlled.

Lu Yuan guessed correctly again.

"Body control" is activated at the speed of light. If he stays in place and uses space teleportation, he will definitely be controlled again.

But now his body is twisting in the air, unable to borrow any power. Even if it is controlled, it is impossible to stop.

And the big ball still had strong inertia. It fell to the ground with a "bang" and rolled towards the door.

The rope was straightened.

He directly pulled Lu Yuan in mid-air and flew up again.

It was a brilliant arc.

Although the "body control" ability is strong, it cannot stop a person flying in the air from running towards the door.

The body in the mirror kept twisting and making various movements, trying to break free of the damn rope.

But at this moment, the [Devil] was obviously defeated.

The existence of inertia is a physical rule.

"Body manipulation" cannot erase this inertia.

Lu Yuan's body still fell heavily out of the room door.

As the figure in the mirror disappears, control of the body reappears.

Lu Yuan's pupils burst into red light, he clasped his fingers and mocked happily: "Who else? Damn it! I escaped."

"It's just a little difficult."

He quickly jumped up from the ground, threw the rope over, and quickly wrapped it around the door handle, trying to close the damn door.

As a result, the next moment, the door frame made a crisp sound.

There was something stuck firmly in the doorway.

The door cannot be closed! !

It was the awakening black shadow that caught up with him.

"Did I just be possessed by Huang Xudong? Why should I poison myself?"

Lu Yuan cursed in his heart and turned his head.

He saw a pair of green eyes staring at him, with the oil lamp on the ground reflected in his pupils.

Is it a ghost?

The ghost... broke free? !

It is not……

A turtle.

turtle? !

A black old turtle, about 2 meters in diameter, was stuck on the gate.

Those dark eyes stared at Lu Yuan coldly, as if they wanted to see through his thoughts.

"Ah!" Lu Yuan roared.

"Wow quack!" The old turtle let out an even louder roar, got stuck on the door frame and struggled wildly.

The turtle shell and the door were squeezing against each other, with the force of an excavator, almost breaking the delicate and beautiful sealed door.

[Vision·The Immortal Giant Turtle, a vision that has lived from ancient times to the present, exists in the world in the form of a turtle. 】

(PS: I originally wanted to create a new character, the Rat King, to play opposite the orange cat, but I still prefer the turtle, and this character is more suitable for the turtle. In the end, it is probability.)

(Although there was a turtle in the previous book, as long as the characters were different, it wouldn’t be a big problem.)

(Some people always say that I am very similar to the previous book, but as I write this, the world view is already very different)

(Finally, please ask for a monthly ticket, I’m almost out of the top 100 QAQ!)

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