Landing 500 years in advance, I became a god by digging for treasures

Chapter 148 Extraordinary Fire, Evolution, Eternal Fire

Lu Yuan walked to the door, twisting his waist like a rattlesnake, and observing the distribution of resin.

As soon as [Ghost] opens his eyes, he runs away.

As for the mirror on the wall, it obviously couldn't shine on him.

The greedy devil's base nature was fully exposed at this moment.

"You're calling this a graveyard dance, and it won't end well," the old cat said.

"We've already made a deal with the devil, so what's the matter with the graveyard dance? It's a pity if we don't make waves in this situation."

[Ghost] obviously has no thinking, and breaks through the seal on his own, in front of his own perpetual motion machine.

But it was still very happy to challenge a [Demon]. Lu Yuan smiled "hehehe". After observing, he took out a few metal parts from the storage space and began to make a long, bendable machine on site. arm.

As an all-rounder with craftsmanship, his manual abilities and spatial imagination are astonishing.

Soon, a long simple manipulator composed of iron rods, springs, rubber bands, and ropes was completed.

Resin is indeed a very precious thing.

It may be one of the most precious extraordinary items that Lu Yuan has encountered so far.

It can actually seal ghosts!

Even if it is only a temporary seal, this obviously exceeds the power of "legendary level".

"I have every reason to suspect that the Eye of the Pioneer does not recognize things above the legendary level."

"It's also possible that my current strength is not enough, causing the ability of the Eye of the Pioneer to not fully take effect yet."

Lu Yuan took a deep breath, made a few gestures with the robot hand, and then picked up a piece of iron that was not very bright.

The iron sheet reflected the flickering light.

He leaned the iron piece against the wall opposite the door.

"Hey, that [Devil], if you want to trade, don't let me die! I'm just picking up some trash, and you suppress the ghost."


The turtle raised his head and looked at him with a puzzled expression on his face: "You are indeed very smart, but why does the devil want to help you?"

"I started..."


The door made a terrible noise.

Lu Yuan clung to this delicate door and controlled the manipulator with great caution.

The cold and sticky power once again spread from the room.

Two cold red dots appeared on the iron plate opposite the door.

Those were [ghost] pupils, revealing a strange evil nature.

There was a feeling of blood boiling in his body. Fortunately, this time it was just the reflection of the iron piece, so he could finally bear it.

He stretched out the pole in his hand and fiddled with a piece of resin that fell on the ground through the reflection of the iron piece.

The cold feeling spread along the iron rod and into his body.

Lu Yuan felt like he was holding a stick made of nitrogen, and he was almost freezing.

"It's just picking up a little rubbish. It's like killing you."

"[Demon] won't help me pick up the trash, do you want to make a deal?"

The mirror was unmoved.

It knew that Lu Yuan was testing it and letting him give in to his interests.

But it couldn't accept that it was being blackmailed like this.

It profoundly understands the principle of "being strong without desire".

Lu Yuan definitely has his own desires and goals.

However, it also has its own purpose.

Once Lu Yuan runs away, this goal will not be achieved.

So it became a chicken game.

Whoever reveals his or her intentions first will be at a disadvantage in this transaction where everyone has their own agenda.

The one-man-one-cat gag continues.

This happy atmosphere was completely inconsistent with the surrounding environment, leaving the neutral turtle in a state of complete confusion.

"You are too fierce. You dare to insult a [ghost]. I respect you as a good man."

Lu Yuan laughed loudly: "I cursed and felt refreshed..."

"The angrier this dog's extraordinary fire is, the more powerful it is... If you are timid and fearful, this extraordinary fire will have no power at all, and you will become a dog in a hole."

"Then you have found the real way to practice." The old cat said seriously, "If you poop and fart in front of it every day, you will be able to level up soon."

"It...makes sense."

Huge pressure can indeed make the extraordinary fire improve faster.

But it’s really unreasonable to dance on the grave in front of the [Ghost] with the ceiling’s combat power.

The [Demon] remained silent, watching the mechanical hand spread into the room and slowly fiddled with a piece of resin.

It finally expressed its opinion: [The ability of eternal fire generally requires the cultivation of extraordinary fire to the extreme before it can be possessed. But there is a way to evolve it in advance. 】

"Then tell me, you must give me a piece of useful information first."

Lu Yuan sneered: "You have to attack me and make amends."

"Otherwise, I would rather not trade and just pick up the trash and leave."

"Don't think that I am coveting your little knowledge. I don't even think about your reputation."

Lu Yuan, the Demon God of Greed, opened his mouth and began to blackmail a vision.

The mirror fell into silence. It was worried that this greedy guy would run away after getting paid for nothing... Well, although information is not too valuable to the devil.

Lu Yuan spent a lot of effort to get out the nearest piece of resin.

It’s about the size of an orange and weighs a pound!

It was pure and flawless inside, like a turquoise stone, with no messy things like ghost blood.

Lu Yuan beamed, "Good guy, just this one resin is comparable to a hundred of Rize Civilization's."

"Good stuff, come again!"

He took the pole again and poked it on the ground.

"Don't touch that head! I don't know how to write the word "death" by then."

"Don't worry about what I'm doing... Damn it, I got it right! A ghost has come out!" Lu Yuan screamed strangely.

The turtle's eyes dropped from his shock. In fact, he was also afraid of the resurrected ghost.

"I lied to you, hahaha."

The mirror spoke again, because Lu Yuan had the choice to escape, but it had no choice.

In this transaction, it can only give a little benefit.

[In the world, "divine skills" are respected and "divine" attributes are valued. 】

[Compared to the limited number of divine skills, Qi skills and form skills are like the difference between gravel and gems. 】

[Extraordinary Fire is just a Qi skill, an ability separated from the Eternal Fire. 】

[According to legend, once millions of civilizations emerge, there will always be dozens or hundreds of "eternal fires" in an era. 】

[There are philanthropists in the world who study their own eternal fire and split it into extraordinary fire that can be spread to everyone in the world. 】

[This ability has only spread since then and has become the most widespread ability in Pangu Continent. 】

[If the extraordinary fire can be upgraded to the eternal fire, then the power and practice speed of this ability will be more than doubled. 】

This mirror may have been deliberately intended to arouse Lu Yuan's curiosity.

"Just double the improvement?!" Lu Yuan, the Demon God of Greed, cursed disdainfully, "The difference between dying from a [ghost] glare and dying from two glares. What kind of rubbish ability has made me look forward to it for a long time."

Mirror held it in her heart, unable to tell whether what this greedy guy said was true or false...

But it can be regarded as a basic understanding of Lu Yuan's greed: it is like a black hole, unfathomable.

How can this guy be so greedy?

Did he really think he had any ability to fight [ghosts] head-on?

So the mirror didn't bother to tell the story: [If you want to restore the extraordinary fire to the eternal fire, there are many ways. 】

[First, it is nurtured and integrated through an ability called the eternal body. But this kind of cultivation requires the consumption of a large amount of extraordinary resources, the long-term tempering of the earth's flames, and most importantly, an eternal body. 】

"There are several people with eternal bodies. What nonsense are you talking about?" Lu Yuan cursed rudely.

In fact, he was overjoyed.

Do I really have this ability? !

God has been really good to me.

[You are wrong, the owner of the eternal body is obviously several orders of magnitude more powerful than the eternal fire. 】

[If you don’t have an eternal body, you have to cultivate the extraordinary fire to the extreme before you can further refine it. 】

The mirror seems to know that this information seems useless.

Then he said: [The second way is to become a spirit swallower. The uses of spirits in this world are ever-changing. With the help of the power of spirits, it is easy to evolve extraordinary fire. 】

[I have a ready-made method of swallowing spirits, which you can use even if you don’t have the ability to perceive ‘spirits’. 】

Lu Yuan's heart fell into the bottom of the sea.

This cunning guy really has evil intentions.

What exactly does a soul-eater mean? The answer can be found literally.

The Soul Infant Fruit Tree needs the spirit to grow. What about its superpowers? Perhaps just as well.

For example, the ability to control.

Of course, he, Lu Yuan, obviously does not have the ability to hunt a civilization and plunder spirits. Even if the residents of a city line up for him to kill, it will take hundreds of days to kill them all every second.

But it is obviously possible to launch a plundering war for the sake of the spirit.

So he sneered: "That's it? If I have enough spirit, can't I evolve other divine skills? Can't I control visions?"

"What do I need to do to evolve this rubbish ability?"

The mirror is also quite speechless. You talk about "junk abilities" like a hedgehog.

The eternal fire is indeed not as good as the noble space ability, but it is both offensive and defensive, and it can be regarded as an above-average ability among the gods.

If Eternal Fire is all rubbish, then those "dreaming", "finding people", and "telepathy" are also divine skills, so wouldn't they be rubbish among the rubbish?

Mirror said: [Then I will tell you the last valuable path. This path can only be found by a powerful and wealthy civilization. 】

[You gather the three types of earth-line fires, namely the three-stage fire, the azure fire, and the eight-defeated fire, and fuse them together. 】

[With that ball of flame, you can directly temper the eternal fire. 】

[If your civilization cannot find these things, it’s just that you are not strong enough. 】

[This piece of information is already very valuable. If your civilization explores on its own, you may not find a solution for thousands of years. This has already expressed my apology enough. 】

Lu Yuan was silent for a moment. This last plan seemed to have high universal value.

Of course, if you think about it with your toes, you can tell that there shouldn't be many of those three types of flames.

If the quantity was large enough, it would have become a rare commodity due to extensive development.

He does not expect past civilizations to achieve sustainable development.

Lu Yuan and Lao Mao looked at each other.

Because this demon could eavesdrop, the two of them did not dare to discuss things openly.

Only the turtle, who didn't understand what they were saying, was very anxious... Can you please not ignore the great turtle?

You will make it seem that the turtle has no sense of existence.

The paralyzed old cat tried his best to make a few movements.

It seemed to show that the reliability was relatively high.

In its database, it remembered the names of one or two flames, but they were just some memory fragments, and the specific information was forgotten.

Of course, even if this [demon] was talking nonsense, the fusion and promotion of abilities was a brand new idea.

In the past, not only Lu Yuan, but also human civilization and Li Ze civilization had almost never thought that the divine skills could be split, merged, and evolved.

After the split, universal values ​​that can be taught to each other may appear.

And the ability after the fusion will be even more powerful.

"In the long river of history, many amazing people have indeed been born."

"Or perhaps, the current situation of Pangu Continent is the legacy of the struggles of the past few epochs."

He frowned again and thought of something: "Which abilities of mine can be combined and evolved?"

Idealistic ability, as the name suggests, is really idealistic.

This is different from the rules of physics.

Physical rules are rigid. If you can, you can. If you can't, you can't. The density of gold is greater than that of iron. This is an objective fact and will not be changed by any factors.

But idealistic rules are different. Sometimes, things that you feel can succeed are likely to succeed.

Idealistic rules can even undergo subtle changes due to various human factors.

"The Eye of the Pioneer and the Eye of the Explorer are both eye-related abilities, maybe they can be combined?"

"Alternate space and storage space, maybe they can also evolve?"

"And... um... craftsmanship may evolve... humans also have the divine skill of 'craftsmanship', let them think of a way. If they come up with it, I will just copy it."

Lu Yuan scratched his head and felt that he was a little whimsical.

Because the splitting, fusion, and evolution of abilities all require opportunities.

Just like the extraordinary fire, with the help of the "eternal body" to nourish the eternal fire, it requires earth fire.

That is, the fire in the volcano.

If it weren't for the [Demon] to tell him, Lu Yuan would never go to find a volcano and burn himself with magma in his life-only a pervert would do this.

And there must be countless details in the middle.

Details are the devil!

But details determine everything!

"So in the final analysis, this [demon] wants me to have a need for it."

"I can't be too anxious. I'll go to the Sky City to pick up some trash. Maybe I can find some information. Why rely on this cunning thing?"

Even if he thought so, Lu Yuan still felt a little itchy. This mirror demon is indeed a treasure... But this treasure is above the crater. If he takes too much, the volcano will erupt. It's uncomfortable!

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