This search lasted another week...

Lu Yuan was anxious and busy, turning into a top student, studying the papers here seriously.

I didn't take the college entrance examination so seriously!

Unlike the top student Lu Yuan, the scumbag·Old Wolf changed his girlfriend every day.

After all, he was once the wolf king, and his level of picking up girls is still the same as before.

The pink tongue is very flexible and has great licking skills. If you show off your strong financial resources, there will always be gold-digging wolves who will take the bait.

From this perspective, the happiness of the scumbag is indeed much higher than that of the top student?

After eating the free lunch, those beautiful female wolves also began to stay here and refused to leave.

Occasionally, there are a few smart female wolves who seem to know that Lu Yuan is the boss, deliberately lying at his feet, gently biting his shoes, looking like they want to be favored.

The top student·extremely irritated·Lu Yuan naturally caressed their bodies without hesitation!

"The belly is soft and fluffy, and the back is bright and clean. The knees and wrists are half-circled, and the golden lotus is three inches narrow. There is a love in the middle, what is revealed... I forgot the front and the back."

Wolves that have never given birth are indeed beautiful, gentle, and have soft hair. After counting the number, there are 7-11 of them. They are really gifted!

Sometimes, the wolf pack will bring game, such as hares, weasels, skunks, etc., to help him improve his diet.

Today, the old wolf also brought a pheasant.


The pheasant stared at Lu Yuan with an expression of unwillingness to close his eyes.

"It's a pity that it's a rooster. If it was a hen, I would raise it to lay eggs."

Lu Yuan bled the pheasant quickly, plucked its hair, wrapped it with leaves, buried it in the soil, and made a rustic beggar's chicken.

While waiting, I smelled the aroma of meat and my appetite was really excited.

Damn, how long have I not eaten KFC!

After half an hour, Lu Yuan dug the beggar chicken out of the soil. The crispy chicken skin and tender chicken meat blended perfectly. The fragrance filled the air with one bite.

At the same time, he shed bitter tears.

It smells so good!


The wolves couldn't wait any longer. They wagged their tails and drooled.

Lu Yuan wanted to enjoy the pheasant alone, so he threw some "egg yolk pie" to them - well, this was a new food he developed with bird eggs, starch and minced meat.

Originally, he wanted to make bread.

But unfortunately, there was no yeast, so it became a hard failure that could only be used to feed wolves.

However, these guys actually like to eat egg yolk pie very much?

They actually fought with each other!

Lu Yuan enjoyed the scene of them fighting for food with relish. He suspected that these wolves were actually dogs.

Their ancestors might really be the remains of the "Meda civilization"...

After the extinction of the Meda civilization, their ancestors wandered in the Pangu continent, and over time, they became wolves.

Now that he has met a human, the wolf has turned into a dog again.

"When I die, the dog will transform into a wolf again."

"This is the so-called reincarnation..."

After enjoying the pheasant, Lu Yuan threw the chicken bones, and suddenly with a "clatter", all the bones were snatched away.

Then they lay on the ground in a mess, basking in the sun lazily.

"Simple happiness..."

Lu Yuan grew up in the city and never raised a dog. He just hated the dog shit that could be seen everywhere.

But now think about it, pets can really warm people's hearts, and they can easily feel happy.

No wonder so many aunts and uncles treat their dogs as children, put clothes and pants on them, and talk to them in a nagging way.

Because it is really not easy for people to feel happy.

It was also on this day, in an ordinary archive room, that Lu Yuan finally found what he wanted.

A paper called "Origin of Supernormal"!

[Author: Sean Gou. ]


[We want to know, what is the origin of supernormal abilities? What is its specific principle? ]

[At present, the number of naturally awakened superpowers in our city is about 1.05 million, and generally they cannot be cultivated. ]

[Only a few abilities can be cultivated, that is, they can improve their attributes. ]

[There is also an ability that can not only be cultivated, but also taught to each other. We call this rare ability - 'supernatural fire'. ]

[When 'God' created Pangu Continent, there was a hint of 'spreading supernatural fire'. Therefore, we have reason to believe that there will be at least one supernatural fire in each civilization branch. ]

[How to spread the supernatural fire to more tribesmen and let everyone learn the method of cultivation is the top priority of each civilization's early development! ]

[Only by improving everyone's strength can we cultivate enough talents, cancel the safe zone, and officially move towards Pangu Continent. ]

[Unfortunately, it was too late for us to realize this... It took us a full hundred years to complete this step, and Pangu Continent has already passed 10,000 years. ]

[How many years did other civilizations take? 】

"Super Fire!"

God seemed to have really said "spread the super fire".

Lu Yuan felt cold in his heart. Every civilization has at least one person with the ability of "super fire", but what about me?

Although I have four abilities, I don't have "super fire"!

"God, I am also a civilization. Why is there no extraordinary fire in the 18th civilization of mankind?"

He felt that it was too difficult for him. He was alone and depressed. He was patiently studying here just to embark on the path of extraordinary.

It turned out that what his compatriots could easily do was a natural barrier for him!

This result was like a basin of cold water poured on him.

Next, this report introduced the general principle of the ability of "extraordinary fire".

Scientists of the Meda civilization divided the energy of the world into two parts.

The first is the energy of the physical world, such as kinetic energy, potential energy, internal energy, etc., all belong to physical energy.

The second is the energy of the spiritual world, which is also the source of various superpowers.

In the physical world, the gathering of mass can form stars, which continuously emit light.

In the spiritual world, the gathering of thoughts can form extraordinary fire.

[As long as a person is alive, he will continuously generate spiritual energy, thereby feeding back his own fire. ]

[The stronger the fire, the stronger the individual's physical fitness. 】

This is the origin of cultivation.

Of course, the spiritual energy generated by a person is limited, and it often needs external resources to supplement it in order to accelerate the speed of cultivation.

A civilization that has not left the safe zone has very poor resources and it is difficult to cultivate strong masters.

In addition, everyone has different cultivation qualifications. Some people have poor qualifications and can only absorb a little bit even if they supplement more external energy; some people are talented and their fire can still grow rapidly even without external energy supplementation.

The ability of "super fire" occasionally appears on wild monsters. These monsters often stand out and evolve to an extremely powerful level.

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