Thinking like this, Lu Yuan slowly crawled two kilometers in the sand.

The density of insects has reached the point where they can be seen everywhere.

A small spiral worm happened to crawl over. It did not find the tender and delicious Lu Yuan, but just happened to treat Lu Yuan as a soft bed and lay directly on it.

How could there be such soft sand?

The small spiral worm rolled happily.

"Damn, shameless." Lu Yuan felt deeply uncomfortable when he was in close contact with this thing. Fortunately, he was wearing protective clothing, so there was no flesh against flesh.

He picked up two straws from the ground, poked the damn worm, and threw another straw at other worms.

This seemed to be a serious provocation.

Suddenly, the other party was furious!

The two sides wrestled together.

"Fortunately, these guys haven't evolved intelligence, otherwise they would have been dead if they had crawled around here."

Climbing to a distance of about one kilometer from the conch, Lu Yuan took out a small crossbow from the storage space, installed a barb, aimed in the direction, and fired it with a "whoosh".

The barb crossed the space and accurately tied the conch.

As if it could tell that Lu Yuan was saving him, the conch did not move, made no sound, and let Lu Yuan pull it.

Lu Yuan returned the same way, climbed out carefully, put the conch on his tricycle, and then he breathed a sigh of relief.

At this time, the immortal giant turtle also recovered from the stone state, and said happily: "Brother, where did you get the seafood? It smells so good!"

Lu Yuan glanced at it with disdain. In fact, the conch had no fragrance at all, only the stink of insect gastric juice.

[Big stupid are not dead? ] The voice said tremblingly.

I clearly saw the turtle being bitten to death by the bugs, but it came back to life, and it seemed relieved.

"So it's you, caught by my brother. Wow, today's extra meal!" The turtle came forward and bit it in a threatening manner.

Then it stayed where it was, and its indestructible teeth were almost broken.

Lu Yuan knocked on the conch "dong dong dong": "Mr. or Madam, open the door and check the water meter."

He had to identify what this thing was.

Otherwise, it would be better to cook it and recycle this starry sky conch.

[Wait... wait a minute, please move me to a cool place, I don't want to be exposed to the sun. ]

It seemed that he also knew that the group of people outside were wary of a certain degree. After hesitating for a long time, the lid of the conch was opened.

A small vine came out, with a light blue gem tied to it, shining brightly in the sun, very beautiful.

[Unknown aliens, for unknown reasons, can only be preserved in the form of souls in a strange object that can accommodate souls. ]

[Shape: 1.5]

[Qi: 18.1]

[Spirit: 33.9]

[Ability: ? ? ]

[Supernormal Level: Level 1]

Lu Yuan was stunned for a moment. What kind of three-dimensional distribution is this?

In particular, the 33.9 god attribute is really exaggerated to a point of being a little outrageous.

You have to know that he only has 16 god attributes now.

The two innate abilities of eternal fire and complete spiritualization can increase the upper limit of "God"...

In addition, long-term consumption of "Soul Infant Fruit" can also increase it slightly.

But it is really hard to say what the upper limit is.

Before the soul is completely solidified, 20-25 points of "God" should be a very remarkable achievement.

33.9 God is really very exaggerated!

Only after the soul solidifies, Lu Yuan is sure to catch up with this attribute value. Before the soul solidifies, there is basically no hope.

He looked at the green vine that can move again.

[Sea Soul Grass, a magical plant with soul affinity. Many animals use sea soul grass to replace their limbs after losing them. ]

[Due to its special soul characteristics, sea soul grass is an important trading target between intelligent civilizations. ]

[It is now on the verge of extinction due to excessive fishing. ]

The emerald green vine showed its soul gem and shrank back with a "whoosh".

[See? I can't stay in the sun for a long time, sir, thank you for saving me. ] The other party said politely.

"What's your name? Why did you become like this? Which civilization are you from?" Lu Yuan asked a series of questions.

[I... don't have a name. ]

[I was born in this conch, and it was only in recent years that I became conscious. Then those insects flew over and ate me, and I fell into a long hibernation. ]

[I kept hearing your conversation and woke me up again. ]

"Another amnesiac." Lu Yuan covered his forehead, "Then what else do you know? How did you learn to speak Chinese?"

[I... just listened and learned, isn't it very simple? 】

"Where do you want to go? You must have a goal in life, right?"

This question seemed to stump the other party.

[Where should I go? ] The other party seemed very confused.

"How did your sea soul grass survive? There is no water in this place, and plants must absorb water to grow."

[Oh, it's this thing that helped me survive. ]

The other party used vines to show a black thing.

Lu Yuan took a closer look and found that it was a biological material called "super absorbent gel", which might be a part of a certain insect.

【The material contains bioactive ingredients that capture water vapor in the air. Even at 30% relative humidity (lower than desert nighttime humidity), each gram of hydrogel material can absorb about 1.8 grams of water. 】

It turns out that this vine does not need much water to begin with. It can sustain life with just this small amount of water.

[Dear Sir, thank you for rescuing me from a dangerous situation. 】

【So I want to give some gifts. 】

"This guy is quite polite."

The vines took out one piece of garbage after another from the conch.

Lu Yuan was filled with joy. Is he so generous?

[The tooth of the king insect: a candidate insect, the remnant of a failed competition for the king insect. It is extremely hard and is suspected to be the remnant of a level 4 creature. 】

[Relics of the Mother Insect: The shell that the mother insect sheds after evolving may still have some idealistic elements remaining, which can deter nearby insects. (Inferior quality·Extraordinary items)]

"This seems like good stuff."

[The venom gland of the iron beetle is an air-dried venom gland. The venom is dissolved in organic solvents. If soaked in oil stains, some venom can also be extracted. 】

There are also all kinds of miscellaneous things on bugs, such as wings, glands, carapace, etc.

Even the Eye of the Pioneer couldn't tell what it was.

Lu Yuan was excited to pick up garbage at first, but later he sat upright and watched the vines throwing garbage outside. He would feel frightened every time a piece of garbage was thrown out.

Many things are completely useless. Are you going to accept them? Still not accepting it?

The number piled up into a small mountain!

He finally saw that these things all showed signs of corrosion.

The reason is also very simple. The starry sky conch was swallowed into the stomach of the insect, and the insect kept eating food, so the conch hid in the stomach of the insect and quietly picked up garbage.

You're a garbage man, you're not qualified, you have to pick up useless things.

While the old cat looked at the conch, he also looked at Lu Yuan. The cat's head kept twisting and turning.

"Why are you looking at me?"

"I'm wondering if the guy hiding in the conch is your half-sister, and she actually met a fellow garbage collector."

Lu Yuan almost rushed over and strangled it to death.

Finally, after about 7 cubic meters of garbage was thrown away, the vines stopped moving.

Tired but briskly, he sighed: [Huh~ It’s finally cleaned up, I feel a lot refreshed~]

[I still don’t understand why I had to pick up all this garbage. It’s really hard to pick it up and not be able to throw it out. 】

"Ahem!" Lu Yuan coughed heavily.

The other party suddenly recalled that he was giving a gift and quickly said "Ah" lightly.

The whole green vine retracted crookedly into the conch, looking extremely embarrassed.

But at this moment, he was already riding a tiger and couldn't get off, so he could only bite the bullet and said: [Dear life-saving villain, these are my gifts to you. 】

"Help the evil...person? Evil person?!"

[Well... benefactor. 】

"Are you so embarrassed to send some rubbish that you don't want?" Old Cat started to have a bad mouth, "I thought you were a moral person, but you turned out to be so stingy."

"Even that turtle is much more generous than you. It will give away a turtle shell for no reason, and you will give away garbage."

The immortal giant turtle thought that the old cat was exaggerating. The turtle raised its head arrogantly and said with a proud look on its face: "Stingy guy, drink cold water."

Then he actually spit out a piece of turtle shell from his mouth and gave it to the old cat.

This is the residue that fell off after it turned into stone. It can also be regarded as the material for carvings, but the quality is slightly worse.

The old cat accepted it happily, turned his head and "meowed" quietly.

Brothers have settled accounts, and friends also have personal property. Lu Yuan will not meddle in this.

[I'm sorry, I'm too obsessed with cleaning up the trash. That's how single-minded I am. 】

[I’ll give you this again...]

A section of emerald green branch was thrown out by the vines.

[The branches of the poppy tree still contain a very small amount of vitality, and they are suspected to be part of the [demon]. 】

This is a really good thing, maybe it can be grafted onto the tree of life!

Lu Yuan tried it for a while, and suddenly found that the vitality of this branch was too weak, and it had to be cultivated for a long time before it could be forcibly restored... As for the specific function, it was unknown.

"This little gift is really nice, do you have any more?"

[Can’t carry it, give me a rope. 】

Lu Yuan pulled the rope and pulled out a large piece of wood, 30 centimeters in diameter, about 2 meters in length, and nearly 300 kilograms!

[Part of the heart of the poppy tree, excellent forging material and carving material. (Legendary level·natural wonder)]

[The idealistic energy of the tree heart in this section is a bit complicated, and it may be difficult to make perfect use of it. 】

Legend level? !

Lu Yuan rubbed his hands and felt his heart beating unsatisfactorily.

This conch seems to be a rich man...

However, he did not directly snatch it away.

After all, if you don’t need it for a while, just snatching it away would really affect your favorability.

He asked the last question enthusiastically: "What good treasures do you have, show me quickly."

"I'm not taking it from you, I'm just looking at it!"

The other party was silent for a long time: [There is no good treasure left... Oh, there is another thing that I can't pick up. You can see it if you stick your head in. 】

"Brother, this is a huge conspiracy!"

"As long as you stick your head in, you will definitely be possessed!" The immortal giant turtle shouted loudly.

It felt that it had become smarter and had made progress.

[Possession... Even if I have the ability, I am not interested in possessing a stupid turtle. Being a turtle is indeed not ugly, but it is not within my consideration. 】

The conch may want to talk trash, but in the end it did not go against its conscience and started to talk nonsense.

The turtle was not afraid of being possessed and walked up with a swagger.

But the turtle and this new friend did not have a good relationship.

The conch was afraid that the turtle would eat it, but it was unwilling to open the lid.

Finally, Lu Yuan came up with a compromise. He summoned the Tree of Life and slowly extended a vine of the Tree of Life into it.

After cleaning up the garbage, the internal space of the conch was very empty, the size of a small room.

In addition to the heart of the poppy tree, some small "sea soul grass", and the light blue soul gem, there was almost nothing.

Then, he saw a brilliant green hidden in a corner, emitting a soft light.

[The spirit of the demon concentrates most of the life essence of a demon and contains a huge amount of idealistic energy. ]

[It is an excellent material for forging and carving. ]

[As time goes by, even if the energy in the spirit has been consumed by more than half, it still reaches the epic level. (Epic-level natural wonder)]

This time he was really shocked.

The Tree of Life had a strong desire, as if eating this ball of green light would have great benefits!

Epic-level extraordinary items are the highest quality Lu Yuan has seen so far! One level higher than the legendary level.

This ball of demon spirit was just stored in a conch, within easy reach...

It is obvious that this guy didn't pick it up. How could he be so lucky with so many bugs?

But it was specially put in by a demon or a civilization...

Or, is this guy the offspring of a demon? !

Lu Yuan was somewhat skeptical about life, and knocked on the wall of the conch, making a "dong dong dong" sound.

The answer to this question may be buried in the dust of history.

After finding the Sky City, he may find the answer, or he may not.

Lu Yuan was silent for a while, and did not rob the "Demon's Spirit".

On the one hand, it was a waste for the Tree of Life to eat it.

The corpses of the visions have not been eaten yet. Although the "Demon's Spirit" is an "epic" extraordinary item, it is impossible for the Tree of Life to ascend to the sky in one step.

On the other hand, this newcomer has no physical body and seems to rely on the demon's spirit to replenish his soul energy.

If he rashly robs, he may kill this "strange person".

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