When it comes to raising Palu, Lu Yuan is still very excited.

Because this sky city is obviously his new hometown, a place where he needs to live for a long time, he has to consider food, clothing, housing and transportation, and he can't be as sloppy as in the desert.

He thought of something again and slapped his head: "I met the Purgatory Demon Spider in the ruins of the Meda civilization, but I killed that little spider before it grew up."

"This place should also have a guardian set by the 'God'? After so many years, the guardian will not be too weak."

But it doesn't matter.

Lu Yuan killed two of the four major disasters, and he has also seen [Demons] and [Monsters], [Ghosts] and [Demons]. There is also a small disaster [Insect] in the desert...

Could it be that he is still afraid of a high-level extraordinary life?

Lu Yuan sighed softly and looked at the small puddle. It didn't look very clean. There was a mixture of unknown feces and the stench of camel saliva, so he didn't drink it.

The old wolf and the immortal giant turtle drank in the puddle without caring about anything. Some of the slightly burning and smelly water flowed down their throats into their stomachs, making the two guys feel comfortable all over and roaring to the sky.

"Conch, do you want to drink some?"

[No... I don't want it. It's too dirty. ] Miss Conch politely refused, and the little green seedling quietly looked at the huge city ruins.

Is she a resident here? What happened here?

She didn't know.

The chatterbox Conch seemed a little silent, and had a little worry for the first time.

She even wanted to escape from here.

Confusion and uneasiness mixed together to form a complex emotion.

Then, Lu Yuan continued to move forward, wanting to find a cleaner water source, take a bath, and replenish some water.

Facing a vast city, facing the dust in the sky, there was a feeling of not knowing where to start.

Yes, compared with the small ruins of the Meda civilization, this ruin is really amazing.

The upper and lower floors, each floor has an area of ​​hundreds of square kilometers.

"Let's find a suitable place to settle down first. We have been running around for nearly three years."

"I have to live here for at least ten, twenty, or even a hundred years."

Humans are indeed creatures that desire stability. Traveling through the desert has exhausted Lu Yuan's courage and determination.

Lu Yuan now just wants to find a stable home and practice until the end of time - of course, humans are fickle, and maybe he will change his mind again in a few years.

"Then, call the rear again."

"Lu Yuan, don't forget that there are some bags on those camels. There may be a civilization here." The old cat said, "It may be the kind that left the safe zone."

"I know, don't worry, let's find a place to settle down first."

"These things are not urgent."

Soon, everyone found a canal with a little water flow, which continuously poured water into a small pool.

The water was clear and there was no dirt.

"Guys, this is our future home!"

The morale of the friends was greatly boosted.

A strange giant creature with a chicken head and a snake tail guarded the pond. When it saw them, it screamed, with round eyes and a fierce look on its face.

[Cockatrice, a legendary extraordinary life. The head is like a chicken and the tail is like a snake. It is said that the rooster laid eggs and the snake or toad was responsible for hatching the eggs. ]

[Shape: 22.3]

[Qi: 29.1]

[Spirit: 1.9]

[Ability: petrifying gaze, the eyes of its chicken head have the ability to attack mentally, and being stared at will paralyze. ]

[Ability: deadly venom, the snake head at its tail can spray deadly venom. ]

[Extraordinary level: level 3]

"Level 3 life?!"

Lu Yuan shouted, carefully hiding behind the tricycle, observing this huge creature 3 meters tall.

The ruins of the Sky City are indeed extraordinary. An ordinary monster is as high as level 3!

As a result, the next second, his good brother rushed up and tangled with the cockatrice.

What venom and petrification can do to Grandpa Turtle?

"Wow! Grandpa Turtle's pond!!" The immortal giant turtle roared wildly, with high momentum.

"You are sick..." Lu Yuan's face was twisted. Can't you use some strategy? You have to rush up to fight?

But it is understandable. After spending three years crossing the vast desert and coming to this relic full of vitality, everyone's emotions are so high that there is no place to vent!

Not only him, all the friends may be in a state of madness.

The fifth-level vision of the immortal giant turtle and the third-level chicken snake fought a 50-50 battle-it has to be admitted that this guy has a thick blood bar, but his combat power is really weak.

The feathers of the chicken snake fell like snowflakes.

The turtle's head was also pecked several times, and the bright red blood flowed out, and there was venom in the wound.

Grandpa Turtle couldn't stand it anymore: "Good brother, why don't you help me!"

Lu Yuan had no choice but to rush forward and took advantage of the moment when the two sides were fighting, picked up the leather shield and hit the chicken's head hard!

This blow was powerful and heavy, and the leather shield also had the soul killing power of the "Eternal Fire".

Instantly, the chicken's head was severely injured, limp, and fell into a coma.

But this strange creature has a snake head on its butt!

The snake head "whooshed" and bit towards Lu Yuan, while spraying a sticky venom.

The fishy wind was blowing in his face, and the speed of the venom was like a bullet, so fast that it was unbelievable!

If you don’t have much combat experience, you might really capsize in the gutter. After all, the beast’s dying struggle is extremely fierce, and there is no such thing as holding back.

Unfortunately, Lu Yuan never overestimates himself or underestimates others. Before the battle, he habitually figured out his trump card. His achievements were all fought for with blood and wisdom!

A simple move of "different space" dodged this violent attack.

The snake head missed the attack, and the whole body was stiff there.

When the head wanted to retract, Lu Yuan suddenly appeared in the air again, and the shield hit hard, and the light of the eternal fire was transmitted to the snake head.

Suddenly, the snake head and the chicken head fell to the ground crookedly, and they could not stand steadily.

"Today, not only can we move into a new house, but we can also eat spicy chicken..." Lu Yuan grinned and took out the long sword at his waist.

"Crack!" The chicken snake was paralyzed on the ground, unable to move. Facing the ferocious murderous aura, it began to beg for mercy, and tears flowed out.

[Look there... there, there are eggs! ]

"Huh?!" Lu Yuan's heart moved, turned around, saw the eggs in the corner, and quickly picked up one and admired it carefully.

The poor chicken snake was paralyzed on the ground, suffering humiliation, and watched its eggs being taken away.

The pair of chicken eyes shed bitter tears. What sin had it committed to encounter this group of crazy robbers today?

These eggs are quite small, just like ordinary eggs, about 30 in a nest.

[Cockatrice eggs (unfertilized), a delicious food. After eating, it can temporarily increase the resistance to some idealistic toxins and enhance the body's healing ability. General-level natural wonders. ]

[Long-term use can slightly and permanently increase the resistance to idealistic toxins. ]

"Fuck, so awesome!" Lu Yuan was shocked after reading this introduction.

He originally wanted to eat KFC, but after seeing these eggs, he immediately changed his mind. He wanted to keep this third-level creature in captivity and make it the first Paloo in the Sky City.

So, he kindly threw some corn kernels over.

The chicken snake cried bitterly, looking at his eggs with his heart, and did not accept Lu Yuan's offer at all, and directly used the petrifying gaze.

But he did not expect Lu Yuan to take out a mirror and point it at it.

Its small eyes stared and froze itself.

This "petrifying gaze" does not really change the material structure.

In that case, this ability would be too cruel, but a powerful mental attack. But unfortunately, the mirror is the nemesis of this ability.

The chicken snake was paralyzed on the ground again, motionless, like a stone.

Lu Yuan searched in the storage space for a while and found a box of fertilized eggs.

His storage space cannot carry conscious life, but unconscious life, such as fruits, eggs, meat, mushrooms, etc. can still be carried.

These fertilized eggs were brought from the Lize civilization by him, and he planned to raise chicks and improve his life.

Now, he could only bite the bullet and give them to the 3-meter-tall hen to comfort its wounded heart. (Lu Yuan kept some for himself.)

"Hey!" The chicken lying on the ground looked like it was at the mercy of others, and howled from time to time.

[Do you want to raise this chicken? ] Hailuo asked.

"I want to live here for a long time, so I really need to raise some livestock to improve my quality of life."

"Its eggs can't hatch chicks."

"My eggs are fertilized and can hatch chicks. This is a very reasonable exchange for us."

[I'll comfort it... Don't worry, give me some food, I can comfort it. ] Miss Hailuo said confidently.

Raising a chicken is not without benefits.

On the one hand, it is a local creature after all, and it is quite strong.

If you keep it outside, you can find out any disturbance in time.

On the other hand, the competition for water sources may be the unspoken rule of this area.

After all, Lu Yuan had to go out and explore, so he couldn't stay here all day and night to guard.

Of course, the most important thing is that this chicken has a little intelligence and can lay eggs.

So it seems to be a good choice to let it be a security guard.

Thinking of this, Lu Yuan filled the water tank with water, and his heart was full of security.

The water level in the pond kept moving down, and suddenly half of it was gone.

The paralyzed chicken snake on the ground had tears in its eyes. The surrounding conch lady was comforting it, the turtle was insulting it, and the madman was snatching water.

The old cat also grabbed a handful of millet and stuffed it into its mouth.


The round eyes were a little confused. What on earth was going on? !

The chicken snake's stupid head was stunned by the big stick and sweet dates.

It didn't care and started eating happily.

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