There are too many buds here, and there are only more than a hundred shells. There is a gap of orders of magnitude. Lu Yuan is reluctant to use thermal weapons.

There is no objection to the conch and the immortal giant turtle.

Lu Yuan took a deep breath, took out the large ballista from the storage space, placed it on the ground, and pointed it in the direction.


The black crossbow arrow streaked across the sky and hit a flower bud.

After suffering damage, purple juice splashes out from the buds.

The juice sprayed onto the nearby weeds, dyeing them a strange purple color.

Immediately afterwards, the weeds began to change color, even the road surface was stained, and a thick black mist appeared in the nearby air.

Lu Yuan's face changed slightly. The juice was not like acid, but something that could change the color of substances. His pioneer eyes were unable to identify what the black mist was.

Even if there was a hole in the flower bud, it was still beating. As the black mist continued to flow out, the wound healed quickly.

"Is there a monster inside? Can you see clearly?"

[No, no...] Miss Conch said.

Lao Mao analyzed his high frame rate camera and shook his head: "It is indeed hollow."

"The healing ability is so strong, how should we deal with it?"

Even if you deal with one bud, there is still a large group of them in a daze.

"What are you afraid of? Mr. Turtle went on stage and ate this thing, one flower a day. It will take hundreds of years to finish it."

"I'm a heavy tank!" The immortal giant turtle raised its head arrogantly.

This guy with a very thick health bar thought that he could eat anything because he was thick-skinned and fleshy, so he swaggered up to a flower bud.

I smelled it first, didn't smell anything, and took a bite!

This bite made Lu Yuan hold his breath and observe with wide eyes.

The flower buds exhaled purple-black breath and flowed purple-purple water.

Immediately afterwards, the immortal giant turtle was dyed purple.

A silly smile appeared on its face, and it giggled like "hey hey": "Brother, you smell so good! You are so delicious!"

It ate bite after bite, its pupils slowly losing focus, as if it had lost its soul.

Then it started to mutter: "The cat smells so good, the wolf smells so good, the whole world smells so good... I ate them all!"

The turtle dreamed of eating the whole world, and crawled into the huge flower bud in a daze, with its limbs and head retracted into its shell.

The huge petals closed like a piranha, wrapping it inside.

The damn turtle is hiding inside and will never come out again.

This weird scene made Lu Yuan's scalp numb, and he couldn't help shouting: "Hey, what's the matter with you?"

The air was silent.

There was no reply from the other party.

The immortal giant turtle's mental resistance is still very high, so it was inexplicably hit.

"It turns out it is such a turtle..."

Lu Yuan thought that if he got close, he would probably be mentally confused.

After thinking for a moment, Lu Yuan came up with two ways. The first was to change the body into a tree of life. After all, the tree of life does not need to breathe. As a plant with Buddha nature, its mental resistance should be higher.

However, once the tree of life dies, there is no backup plan for his resurrection.

The second way is for him to personally explore and try out these flowers and bones, and at the same time save the damn turtle.

After all, he has to pick up garbage in the Sky City for a long time. It is impossible to avoid these things all the time. He has to know what these things are.

If he is also insane, let the old cat activate the cannon and kill him with one shot.

Old Mao aimed the black anti-aircraft gun at Lu Yuan: "Don't worry, I will use the most powerful nitrogen anion bomb to blow you to pieces, leaving not a single bone behind."

Lu Yuan raised his eyebrows and whistled: "Sure!"

Miss Conch was shocked. What kind of terrible and evil dialogue was this?

She was so frightened that she was about to cry: [Mr. Lu, do you want to commit suicide? If you suffer from depression, I, I...I won't bully you recently, okay? Please don't commit suicide. 】

Lu Yuan grinned, feeling amused.

His morale increased greatly and he read out a crooked poem: "The body is like a feather, the fate is like weeds, the unruly heart will never waver!"

"Conch, if I die, take care of my cats and dogs."

"I'm going too!!"

Conch was very worried: [There is... a very important question. What should I do if you all die? 】

【I...I can't move! 】

"It's okay, let the old cat take you home, and let the chicken lady protect you."

"One day, you will be discovered by other civilizations."

"Then let them bury my bones."

Lu Yuan thoughtfully tied the rope to the conch, and tied the other end around the old cat's neck.

In the end, the kind-hearted old cat couldn't stand it anymore: "This guy can be resurrected, but you are worried about a hammer."

"He, Emperor Lu Yuan, has even fought demons and monsters, how can he still capsize in the gutter... I am convinced by this old man."

"No, please don't poison your milk." Lu Yuan subconsciously refused to set the flag.

【How to resurrect? The tree of life? 】

"Yes, otherwise what do you think it is for?"

Conch didn't speak, as if she was relieved - even if she was a little sulky, it was impossible for her to lose her temper on such an occasion.

Finally, he choked out a sentence: [Then you should die quickly, my benefactor Lu. 】

Lu Yuan almost fell to the ground, put on his donkey head mask, and walked over slowly.

"Dong dong, dong dong!"

His heart was affected and resonated constantly.

The Eternal Fire regulates the beating speed of the heart, making it as steady as possible.

Gradually, a magical hallucination appeared in his mind.

[Sir, sir, why are you still here? ! 】

[Don’t you know that the ascension ceremony is about to begin? 】

This is the nightmare I had that day...

Everything appeared in Lu Yuan's mind again.

Magnificent poppy trees, lively crowds, beautiful girls.

Lu Yuan was stunned, and used the eternal fire to dispel this illusion.

His whole body burst into red light, and he flew up with a sword and struck the huge flower bud!


The flower buds were split open, and purple water flowed out.

Everything around him began to slowly change color, and even the leather boots under Lu Yuan's feet showed a subtle purple color.

Fortunately, the characteristic of black iron armor is that it is "stable" and has the function of isolating super powers. For a while, it was not affected.

Lu Yuan bit the bullet and deliberately let himself inhale a trace of purple-black gas.

This thing was extremely evil. It didn't seem to be poisonous, but it seemed a little dangerous. It slowly dissolved in the lungs and disappeared.

Eternal fire, always ready.

Suddenly, a burst of intense pleasure surged into his heart, and Lu Yuan couldn't help but roar out "ah".

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