After a long silence, the elder's cloudy eyes showed a trace of bloodshot: "Let's go to the direction of the reservoir and steal some water!"

The captain of the militia team is a tall middle-aged man.

He has well-developed muscles and a strong body, and is also the highest combat power here.

This man who has experienced ups and downs was stunned, as if he couldn't believe his ears: "Elder? Go to the reservoir?"

There must be water in the reservoir, and there are actually not many monsters in the reservoir...

But no one knows what is hidden there. Many teams suddenly go crazy when they approach, rush into the center, and never come back...

There are also a few teams that have luckily obtained water sources and fled back to the village.

That's why they brought back this message.

Going to the reservoir means gambling with your life.

"Think about it, our loved ones are waiting for water to save their lives."

"The dried-up crops are waiting for water to irrigate them."

"Our water bags are empty."

"We don't need a little bit of water, we need a lot of water! There is too much water shortage now, even if we find a small pond, it is not enough." Elder Sha Sanjia said in an undeniable tone, "Let's go, let's go. We can only take a gamble."

"Wait until we solve the urgent problem, then find a suitable small canal and slowly get water."

"Otherwise, we can only wait to die!"

The middle-aged man opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but looking at the empty water bags on the camel's back, and thinking about the dead village.

He was also at a loss for words.

Yes, it can only be like this, otherwise it will just be a slow death!

"It won't get any worse." He comforted himself.

In this way, a team of 22 people and 8 camels marched towards the center of the Sky City.

All was quiet, and everything seemed empty.

Some wild animals could be seen occasionally, and their eyes were staring at them.

Even though they were in a super relic of a treasure mountain, this primitive civilization did not feel anything, because it was already extremely difficult for them to survive.

They did not even understand why their town appeared here... They had no concept of a safe zone or something like that.

The safe zone had been abolished long ago due to lack of water, and they had lived in Pangu Continent for five years.

As the team went deeper, everyone seemed very nervous.

Some people had hallucinations in their hearts, as if there was a very nice voice calling them to join some ceremony.

They did not understand much, but just gritted their teeth and were alert to the movements in all directions.

"You can't rest here, and you are not allowed to sleep." Elder Sha Sanjia whispered, "Not even a nap is allowed!"

"A group of strong men from the next village took a nap, went crazy, and rushed into the center of the ruins."


Sha Sanjia's voice lowered again: "It is said, just said, that there are many magical flower buds in the center of the ruins... Entering the flower buds can lead to eternal bliss!"

"The paradise?!"

"But, that's just an illusion!"

"Where in the world is such a simple paradise! Is it your turn?"

Life is indeed very difficult. Because it hasn't rained for a long time, the farmland is almost barren. Everyone can't eat enough, and even the surrounding cacti have been eaten clean.

Many people are skinny.

They fantasize about what the so-called paradise is like: being able to eat enough, drink enough water, lie on the ground happily to rest, and watch the crops in the farmland grow. Maybe that's the so-called paradise...

As they thought about it, a mysterious voice appeared in their hearts.

It seemed like someone was calling.

[Sir, sir, why are you still here! ]

[Don't you know that the ascension ceremony is about to begin? ]

The appearance of this voice made these young men sink and lose their minds.

They looked towards the center of the city one by one.

It seemed that going there would bring them eternal happiness.

Sha Sanjia looked at the demoralized people and couldn't help but roared: "Think about your wives and children!! Do you really want to rush into the ruins like other villages?!"

He was a superpower with an extremely loud voice. This shout dispelled the faint confusion.

"It's all just an illusion! Those who believe in illusions are all dead! Use gold needles to pierce yourself!"

He took out some gold needles and pierced them into a certain acupuncture point on the back of the head. The severe pain made everyone's mental state a little better.

"The reservoir is in front! Let's get some water and leave."

"You must remember that everything is just an illusion! Only the water is real!"

I hope nothing will happen.

Sha Sanjia muttered in his heart, alert, and then he heard two "boom" sounds, and a thick black smoke rose from not far away, and there seemed to be a figure flashing in the black smoke.

"Elder, is this an illusion?" Someone asked curiously.

The veins on Sha Sanjia's forehead jumped, and he shouted: "What does it have to do with us? I said it was an illusion! Get some water quickly, are those things you should see?!"

"Elder, something rushed out of the smoke!"

Sha Sanjia rushed over and beat up the overly curious young man, knocking him to the ground.

I told you not to look, but you always want to look, right?

However, inadvertently, he saw a very strange thing rushing out of the smoke. At first glance, he thought it was a purple stone, but after a closer look, he thought it was a purple armored rhinoceros, with a kind of With an indomitable momentum, a thrilling arc was drawn in mid-air, and there were faint traces of tires?

Sha Sanjia's eyes widened, somewhat doubtful about life.

There is only one doubt in my mind: Is it really an illusion?

Because it was a downhill road, the purple monster charged faster and faster, and the miserable cry could still be heard faintly: "Wow quack!"

"Elder, we are about to hit you!"

"Get water quickly, quickly!!"

"Elder, is this an illusion?!" The young people screamed loudly. They really couldn't tell the difference between illusion and reality.

Because there really is a voice that keeps calling and tempting them.

[The ascension ceremony is about to begin. 】That voice is very beautiful. Even if they are not of the same race, you can still feel the gentleness and kindness in it, and it can bring eternal happiness to people.

The "Iron-Armored Rhino" on the side finally threw the black smoke behind, revealing its complete body... It was a purple tricycle, speeding along the road that was barely smooth.

"*(\u0026@? (Get out of the way, get out of the way!))" The armored creature on the tricycle shouted at the top of his voice, "TMDS*\u0026... (Are they a bunch of fucking fools?)"

【Get out of the way! 】

After hearing Miss Conch's voice, Sha Sanjia's eyes widened, as if he understood something, and shouted: "Illusion! It must be an illusion!! Get water quickly! Get out of here!"

The wind was blowing fast, and the tricycle roared like thunder.

A strong wind is coming!

In fact, the Saari clan did not invent the tricycle, but they still knew that it was made of iron.

As the car approached violently, the villagers frantically fetched water without caring.

This scene made Lu Yuan's scalp numb. Are these people all fools?

He didn't want to activate the alien space, because there was still a large wave of pursuers behind him.

"Tu tu tu tu!" The old cat fired several shots into the sky.

The camels were frightened when they heard the gunfire, but regardless of whether they were hallucinations or not, they ran away.

"Elder, this camel has a bad temper! It escaped!"

The team was in chaos, and several people raised their shields, trying to defend themselves against the tricycle and the pursuers behind it.

There are still a few people pulling camels, and others are still frantically fetching water.

The camel is the most important property of their group, more important than life.

A camel can carry 400 kilograms of water and travel 30 kilometers a day.

And each of them can carry 30 kilograms, which is the limit.

Losing a camel means losing everything.

If you can go back alive, this scene may become a new topic of conversation. It turns out that there is such a strange hallucination in the center of the ruins...

It's a pity that even talking about it doesn't make much sense, because there were only 10 villages left out of the original 20 or so. It doesn't rain, and the city in the sky is too dangerous, so the villages are dying.

[The ascension ceremony is about to begin! 】

"Get out of the way!"

Sha Sanjia bit the tip of his tongue hard and said loudly: "You all stay away!!"


The tricycle hit hard!

At the moment when he was about to collide with the camel, the imagined scene of his skin being torn apart and blood spraying did not happen.

The strange car disappeared, only to bring a gust of wild wind, the sand was dancing, and the black smoke behind was still spreading.

Sha Sanjia took a deep breath, rubbed his eyes gently, and after confirming that the monster had really disappeared, he murmured to himself: "It's really an illusion?!"

But there are still a lot of monsters chasing in the black mist, a group of strange creatures with purple skin.

They looked different, as if they were drunk. They were struggling and crawling on the ground one by one. Some of them were even walking upside down and making sharp howling sounds.

Facing this large wave of ghosts, a large group of people realized later, became frightened and suspicious, and began to run away.

This ghost place is so weird, even the hallucinations are so inexplicable.

Fortunately they...

Did you get some water anyway?

It's probably only a third of the way, but it can be regarded as solving an urgent need.

Next, find a small ditch and fill it with water slowly.

A group of people fled frantically for three kilometers, running out of breath, until they fled to a high slope.

"Did you catch up?"

"there is none left……""

"They seem to be returning..."

Some of those purple creatures exuded majesty and terror like masters, making their whole bodies tremble.

But most of them seemed to be just ordinary monsters, and some were even villagers from their Shali clan.

"Isn't that Sunagi? He's in there too."

The tall militia captain was shocked. He saw with his own eyes a young man who had disappeared from his village among the purple monsters.

He was a very brave and optimistic young man, a pioneer exploring the ruins.

In the past, he has brought back a lot of reliable information.

But now, that person has lost his mind and is wandering like a zombie.

Even the color of the skin changed.

Only the bone necklace tied around his neck showed that he was indeed a member of the Sari clan.

This may be the fate of their race.

It is also the sorrow of the world...

After a while, these strange creatures returned to the purple fog and disappeared.

Everyone was surprised and terrified, staring blankly in that direction.

If you follow the voice of temptation, you may become a part of the monster and never change back to your original appearance.

"Take this message back!"

This is everyone's first thought, because there are too many villages that have been tempted, and villagers are missing every day.

Perhaps only some people will believe the news they bring back.

Most of the villagers still can't resist the temptation and choose to come here to hold some "ascension ceremony".

But there will always be people who believe it.

"Let's go, we have to go back alive..."

"Elder, I...I really want to become them...I think they...are so beautiful." Suddenly, a young man said blankly, 'I...I want to join the ascension ceremony! '

"She is calling me, she is really calling me! I heard it! That's my mother, my mother is calling me!"

He couldn't help but roar, drooling from the corners of his mouth.

Everyone's face changed, and a subtle chill emerged in their hearts.

A few people who reacted quickly took out ropes and tied up the guy who was talking nonsense, and beat him violently on the head.

He kept beating him into a pig's head before he woke up this crazy guy again.

"I..." The young man cried bitterly and peeked into the distance.

He felt that there was heaven, the place he had dreamed of.

This is hell.

"He won't live long." Sha Sanjia said sadly, "He will definitely sneak out. Once he loses his mind, he can no longer resist this temptation!"

But what can he do?

One step at a time...

Suddenly, he heard the sound of "clattering" chains again.

Wait, what is that?

He rubbed his eyes quickly!

That armored rhino... why is it still chasing? !

He raised the spear in his hand: "Meet the enemy!!"

Everyone was stunned for a moment, and then saw the behemoth behind him.

Regardless of whether it was an illusion, they lined up in a row, erected wooden shields, and raised their spears.

This is their fighting method "Iron Bucket Formation"!

With this move, they have killed many enemies who are stronger than themselves.

As a result, the "Iron Bucket" slowed down slightly, drifted gracefully, and made a light "sizzle" sound.

The tires of the tricycle scraped violently against the ground and stopped forcibly in front of the iron bucket formation.

"Hey, guys, good afternoon!"


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