This queen seemed to be restraining her desire to eat.


The rioting poppy tree shot out a green leaf.

Like a green sharp blade, it shot towards the queen's heart!

The dazed queen was hit.

The hard armor on its body was cut by the leaves, and red liquid flowed out. It wailed softly.

Soon a group of tall, tank-like guards surrounded the queen.

They screamed, as if they wanted the queen to leave.

But it still refused to leave this sad place, unwilling to give up "Di's" body, and did not resist, just staying there.

Let the poppy tree attack itself.

The conch could vaguely understand why the queen did this...

Perhaps it inherited some memories of the past,

and knew that this was a sad place.

Green civilization, a beautiful hometown.

It is a homeland, a harbor, a cradle, and a place full of love and hope.

I have laughed, cried, been happy, thanked, and blessed here...

It has carried too much.

On that day, everything was destroyed, annihilated, and annihilated.

The beautiful past bloomed like a flower.

Then it returned to the night.

It will never exist again.

You are the culprit, and I am also the culprit.

We are all murderers.

You died yesterday, and I will take revenge tomorrow.

The "mother insect" said nothing and let the poppy tree attack.

It seemed that countless people's obsessions whipped it.

In its heart, thousands of voices rang out, shouting heartbreakingly.

We should have become gods!

Although the poppy tree was only a stump left, it was not something it could resist.

Soon, its internal organs were damaged and blood vomited from its mouth.

The guard insects fought to the death to guard, and some were even dismembered by the leaves that flew over.

However, the mother insect was still in a daze, and her injuries became more serious.

Its wings fell off, and one of its arms was cut off.

[Mom... It's not your fault. ]

The voice of the conch trembled, and it wanted to leave the alien space.

Lu Yuan immediately stopped her, because the large-scale battle at the moment was too chaotic.

Monsters and insects were dying every moment.

Acid, venom and blood formed a thick mist, floating in the battlefield, like a cruel god of death.

Lu Yuan was really not sure that he could protect the conch in this high-intensity battle.

"Since it chose to do this, it shouldn't die directly."

"Don't worry..."


Just stared blankly for a long time.

The "mother insect" flapped its wings, and under the care of many guards, it flew crookedly.

It buried "Di's" body in a small flower bed.

Nearby is the warm home, where children were once born.

Put up a tombstone.

Suddenly found that he had forgotten the words of the green civilization.

It could no longer speak or write.

It only has a pair of sharp claws suitable for fighting, and a bloody mouth that can swallow everything.

So a crooked pattern was drawn on the stone tablet.

A circle, plus a few strokes, looks like a smiling face.

So ugly.

But it is all that can be done.

The mother insect waited near the tombstone for three months without participating in any battle.

And three months later, the tragic war ended.

The battlefield was in a mess.

The insect side won the battle with a slight advantage.

When they came, there might be tens of millions of them.

Now there are less than 100,000 surviving insects, all of which are strong and healthy, and their thick shells reflect black light under the sun.

They are devouring the corpses of their own kind and enemies.

The surviving insects have evolved, spitting out silk and wrapping themselves into cocoons.

As long as they break out of the cocoon smoothly, they will be stronger!

The insect tide is such a terrible vision, growing continuously in the war and absorbing the blood of the enemy.

Even if it is only a miserable victory, they will soon be able to reproduce more.

After this batch of insects hatch, the mother insect is ready to leave this sad place.

It has set its sights on the dying poppy tree!

This is the last legacy of the green civilization, a [monster].

As long as it eats it, the insect tide can evolve further!

The thought of revenge gradually occupied its entire mind.


Abandon everything, all you have to do is revenge! !

Suddenly, it heard someone shouting.

[Mom... Mom...]


Seeing that the mother insect wanted to kill the poppy tree, Lu Yuan had to take the conch and get out of the alien space, and a subtle tension arose in his heart.

The mother insect obviously showed a high level of intelligence, plus the surrounding 100,000 insect army, once it went crazy, it would be difficult for him to escape!


The poppy tree is his wealth, so he can only bite the bullet and release the alien space.

"Ziga!" Several ferocious looking guard insects blocked the queen insect.

They were heavier than tanks, and more flexible than tanks. They could even fly and possessed divine skills!

They were extremely powerful war machines.

"Good fellow, a level 7 supernatural creature." Lu Yuan looked at the most powerful ones, feeling a little apprehensive.

[Mom... do you still recognize me? ]

The conch called out in a low voice using telepathy.

She just hid in the starry sky conch, like a cat drenched in rain, hiding in the bushes and calling softly.

No one knew what the mother insect in front of them was.

It shuddered obviously when it saw the starry sky conch.

It pushed aside the guards and slowly flew forward.

It stopped when it was two meters away from Lu Yuan.

It opened its arms with thorns and made a hugging gesture.

Lu Yuan hesitated.

He was also a skilled and courageous person, and felt that he should be able to snatch people back from the crisis, so he temporarily handed over the starry sky conch.

The mother insect held the starry sky conch like a baby, and shook it a few times.

The "evil spirit" and "sea soul grass" in the conch were naturally put in by it... otherwise, the conch would not have survived until now.

After so many years, it is still the same old things, just with a few more books.

[Mom... I am no longer a baby. ]

[The past is over, we still have to look to the future. We...]

The mother insect stopped shaking her arms.

The chest kept rising and falling, and a trace of hostility spread from it.

The pair of compound eyes also showed a trace of scarlet blood.

Revenge is all about life in the future!

It is impossible for it to stop revenge!

Lu Yuan saw that the situation was not right, and his whole body burst into red light. With a teleportation, he snatched the conch back.

"Zi ah!" The ferocious guard insects rushed towards Lu Yuan.

Lu Yuan quickly stepped back a few steps, approached the poppy tree, and shouted: "What are you doing!"

After a big battle, the poppy tree is now close to death, and the leaves are almost gone, and it can't shelter anyone.

After all, it is not the poppy tree in its heyday, but just a stump.


The conch also knew that her mother was no longer the mother she once was.

Perhaps, the queen in front of her was just a shell occupying her mother's memory.

But her gentle call made the queen slowly regain her composure.

It did not choose to chase, but looked at Lu Yuan quietly, looking a little sad.

It could not speak, but only used a pair of compound eyes to carefully look at him, as if it wanted to look at every detail of Lu Yuan.

Lu Yuan's scalp was numb when he was looked at by it, and he shouted: "I am the leader of the 18th civilization of mankind, Lu Yuan, I picked up your daughter in the desert."

"I didn't bully her, and I don't owe you anything!"

The queen rubbed her hands, looking a little embarrassed, and didn't dare to look rashly.

This posture looked a little weird.

It was really a strange phenomenon that a [worm] would be embarrassed.

Lu Yuan's expression improved slightly, and he cleared his throat: "The biggest problem now is... your daughter has no body, only a soul, and many things are not convenient."

"She must have a body."

"As a mother, what good solutions do you have?"

Lu Yuan didn't care about the motives of the mother insect.

He didn't do anything bad, so he was afraid of nothing. Even if you were born for revenge, you can't take revenge on me - go find that [demon], it's none of my business.

What's more, now you owe me, not me!

Your whole family owes me a favor!

"(*……? ?)" The mother insect uttered strange syllables, shaking her head, baring her teeth and claws.

Lu Yuan frowned, took out the original baby body of the conch from the storage space, and added a fruit of life.

I didn't care whether the mother insect could understand it or not, and described the problem in detail.

"This is all I have."

Suddenly, the mother insect opened its bloody mouth!

One mouthful, two mouthfuls, three mouthfuls!

In just three bites, he ate the two things, and the corners of his mouth were full of blood!

Lu Yuan's heart tightened, his eyes were sharp, and he didn't know what the other party was crazy about.

He was obviously no match for the army of 100,000 insects.

But as long as he teleported to the sewer and found a remote corner to use the alien space, no one could find his hiding place.

He was so confident!

Soon, the mother insect's face showed a painful look, paralyzed on the ground, and her body shriveled at a speed visible to the naked eye, as if the energy in her body was drained all at once.

Lu Yuan was surprised.

Could it be that the baby's body was poisonous?

[ give the demon spirit to my mother. ] The conch suddenly said.

Although Lu Yuan didn't understand the situation, he would not refuse rashly.

He took out the "epic" demon spirit from the starry sky conch and handed it to the mother insect.

This thing was originally the soul nourishment of Miss Conch. The reason why she could live so long in the state of soul and have such high divine attributes was that she relied on this "evil spirit" to maintain her vitality.

The queen worm ate half of the spirit and returned half.

Its belly continued to expand, bulging high like a balloon.


Its belly exploded!

A small fruit with a strange pattern on its surface fell to the ground.


(PS: Please give me a monthly ticket!)

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