Coming out of the Sky City, Lu Yuan saw the sneaky chicken snake squatting in the hot desert.

This clever guy was not eaten by the insect tide?

When it saw Lu Yuan, it trotted and came to Lu Yuan.


The chicken eyes flowed with turbid tears.

The chicks in the basket had all died of thirst and were mummified by the sun.

"Well, hatch another batch, I have some fertilized eggs."

Lu Yuan took the basket of chicks. These dried chickens were still safe. He planned to take them back to the villagers to eat. They couldn't be wasted.

Ms. Chicken was puzzled. Where did you hide my children?

Lu Yuan performed a magic trick and conjured up a few eggs.

The chicken face suddenly smiled.

The chicken snake also knew who was the boss here, and followed behind honestly.

After a while, he saw a few lizard-like creatures running wildly in the desert.

It seems that there are still some clever animals that have escaped from the continuous disasters.

Nature is always cold and ruthless, but there is often a glimmer of life.

After a few hours of trotting, the village of the Shali tribe arrived.

"Aoao!" The old wolf shook his tail and was extremely excited when he saw Lu Yuan. It has lost a lot of weight, and the female wolves behind it are also withered and hungry. They are obviously not living well.

"Old friend, I knew you wouldn't die so easily."

Before Lu Yuan had time to stroke the dog's head, he heard a noisy noise.

The insect tide and the poppy tree had a large-scale war for three months.

During these three months, they have been hiding in the cellar and have no way to farm.

Therefore, Xiasha Village, which originally accepted a large number of disaster victims, once again had a food crisis.

The old cat's combat power was insufficient and it was no longer possible to maintain order.

Lu Yuan also knew that this was not the time to hesitate, so he rushed into the village.

In a few seconds, he knocked a group of troublemakers to the ground.

Then, he rang the village bell.


Men, women, and children came out of the cellar, looking at Lu Yuan in shock and joy.

"He's back!"

"It's good to be back..."

"Has the insect tide disappeared?"

Many people shed bitter tears, as if they had seen their backbone all of a sudden, and this feeling was very sincere.

Lu Yuan saw these men and women, with pale faces and thin bodies, and felt pity in his heart... This scene was like coming to Africa, with starving people everywhere.

The village girl who wanted to bring him a urine pot was as hungry as a skeleton.

She was married.

When she saw Lu Yuan, her eyes were still bright, and she smiled and greeted him: "Mr. Lu, are you hungry? I still have some food at home..."

Her husband was also grinning.

Lu Yuan hurriedly expressed his gratitude, but his heart was sour.

Many old people died, and those familiar faces were buried in the soil and could never be seen again.

On the contrary, there were many children who survived.

Militia captain Shakaner, together with elders such as Shasanli, finally had some conscience and preserved the future of civilization...

Lu Yuan said loudly with a heart in his hand: "Dear fellow villagers, the monster in the center of the Sky City has been solved by us!"

"Those bugs have all left!"

"Everyone who is willing to follow me, come with me to that city and start a new life!"

"I can promise that everyone will have a bite to eat and will not starve to death!"

"But you must obey management, obey orders, do your work, and not commit crimes!"

The pairs of bright eyes looked eagerly.

They actually didn't understand the literary words "committing crimes".

So, one by one, they whispered something there.

"It's very means don't make trouble."

"If you commit a crime, you will be punished according to the laws of our ancestors."

"Alas, as long as you can live, who wants to make trouble?"

Lu Yuan has experienced so many things, and he is actually a little tired.

He has to find time to sort out the current situation.

He was too lazy to explain more, so he waved his hand to signal everyone to be quiet, and said loudly: "My ultimate goal is to return to my hometown!"

"My hometown is human civilization, far away, so far away that it is unimaginable."

"The people there look not much different from you..."

"If you follow me, then I will find a way to take you back with me!"

"You will definitely encounter many difficulties during the journey!"

"You may suddenly die or encounter an invincible monster at any time!"

"So, I don't force you."

"You can continue to stay in the village... There is no risk in the Sky City, and you can live a stable life."

"You can also follow me and let us become partners."

"These are all up to you!"

At this point, he took out some food from the storage space.

Rations for 10,000 people are really a lot.

A ton of rice, cooked and eaten, is almost enough for one meal.

Lu Yuan's food reserves could not feed everyone. He was actually a little worried. Even though the Tree of Life had accumulated a lot of life energy, it was too extravagant and wasteful to use it to grow food.

"That queen didn't even leave me some meat."

Soon, comforted by food, the villagers of the Shali tribe quieted down.

"How much food reserves are there in the village?"

"To be honest... I don't know." The old cat deliberately said loudly, "There is naturally a gap between the rich and the poor in the village!"

"Some guys may have hidden a lot of food, but it is extremely difficult to get them to take it out!"

"Why should the strong share food with the weak?"

"I don't have this ability... After all, those who have food are the upper class."

Lu Yuan shook his head. When there are strong enemies outside, it is human nature to keep warm together.

But the current famine must be turned inward and some local tyrants must be beaten to ease the situation.

Elder Sha Sanli passed by quietly.

This old man is still alive tenaciously-mainly due to his good nutrition and good physical fitness.

Hearing their conversation, Sha Sanli trembled.

As a prominent family in the village, his family did store a lot of food...

But people are always selfish, and he really doesn't want to share the life-saving food with others...Why?

But now that Lu Yuan is back, the situation is a little different.

Sha Sanli felt complicated and had a strong sense of crisis. He always felt that he was like a New Year pig and was about to be slaughtered.

He and several elders in the village, as well as several strong men, looked at each other.

"What should we do?"

"I don't know."

They were originally the guardians of order, but now they have become the opposite of the people.

What's more terrifying is that Lu Yuan can deal with all of them alone! Slaughter them like pigs!

But asking them to take out their private property is really unacceptable...This breath is so suffocating in my heart.

"We have no merits, but we have worked hard!"

Thinking like this, Sha Sanli took the lead in taking out a few iron pots and started cooking.

The people of Shali have always lived on cactus and have never eaten rice. The fragrant smell filled the air, which really made people salivate.

While cooking, these elders, in order to show their existence, also brought people to judge some criminals.

In fact, many of them were from other villages, and some of them were as powerful as the militia captain.

They had been tied up and could not make any waves.

And the ancestral law was indeed cruel, starting with the death penalty, and even implicated family members...

Lu Yuan also turned a blind eye to the death penalty. After all, heavy punishments were used in troubled times, and the thinking of these natives could not have evolved to the present all of a sudden.

As for collective punishment... let's forget it for now.

Soon, in a wailing, the souls of this group of people were stripped by the "pre-spiritualist" and sealed in a strange wooden stake.

The "martial arts" in their souls will be passed on to future generations-this is also the ancestral law. People can die, but martial arts must be left behind!

Lu Yuan faintly saw a glimmer of white light.

In the soul of one of them, there is actually a divine skill.

[Glyph Reader: Allows you to read, learn, and understand glyphs, and is not easy to forget. ]

Well, there are quite a lot of "Glyph Readers", which are of no use to Lu Yuan.

"God's Skill" can be stripped from the soul and transferred to other people.

It's just that the technology of the people in Shali is not enough, so they can only seal the entire soul together.

[It's really cruel...] ​​The conch said tremblingly, she was scared.

"The economic base determines the superstructure. With their economic conditions, they can only implement such laws."

"If you want to change, in addition to economic improvement, you can only educate the next generation." Lu Yuan sighed softly, "With enough education, one or two generations can be educated."

Just then, the fragrant rice was cooked.

There were also several large pots of chicken soup next to it. Poor Ms. Chicken, her dead children made great contributions.

The old cat personally supervised and allocated quotas to each person, so that they would not eat too much, but they would not starve to death.

For the people in Shali, this meal was simply a heavenly enjoyment!

Drinking chicken soup and eating rice, they had never experienced such delicious food in their poor lives. They ate very slowly, often holding it in their mouths for a long time before they were willing to swallow it.

After dinner, these villagers had to consider whether to follow Lu Yuan...

"Think slowly, don't rush."

"I'll just walk around nearby..."

Looking at Lu Yuan's back, a strange flame suddenly rose in the eyes of many villagers.

Whispers rang out in the crowd.

They wanted to follow!

Wanted to leave!

They didn't want to stay in that village anymore, because as long as there was another disaster, even if it was just the aftermath, they would die in a daze.

Sha Sanli and other elders saw it and sighed in their hearts: "People's hearts are scattered."


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