Landing 500 years in advance, I became a god by digging for treasures

Chapter 217 Three Hundred People with Divine Skills

The old cat watched the villagers making a fuss and let it go. After all, this kind of thing can only be perfect if they are willing.

Its eyes looked at the stars in the sky, as if it recalled its hometown a long time ago.

Every civilization has grown from weak to strong.

The change of ideology is actually very simple...

The education of one or two generations and decades of effort can change from backward thinking to advanced thinking.

Decades, in the long river of history, are at most just a small drop of water.


Just then, a "clattering" sound appeared at the entrance of the village, and Lu Yuan came back again.

Seeing the 30-meter-high Tree of Life, a large wave of villagers in the square were surprised and a little at a loss.

Some militiamen picked up spears and forks and made alert movements.

"Don't be nervous, it's me. This tree is the mount I recovered in the Sky City."

The crowd breathed a sigh of relief when they saw Lu Yuan on the tree trunk.

Lu Yuan controlled the human body and made a voice: "Friends, have you considered it? Will you follow me to the Sky City or stay here?"

Finally, the elder who was still prestigious, Sha Sanli, stood up: "Our Shali clan, 20 villages, opened the safe zone for six years, and all the villages were shattered."

"The original 70,000 people have been reduced to less than 9,000 now."

"If you want to live, I will be the first to follow the great warrior Lu."

This old guy is also a smart person. The first gentry to surrender must have the highest united front value. Even if his status is lower than before, he will always have it.

If you surrender slowly... naturally you will lose everything.

Sha Mo, Guo Weiqiang and others also responded.

Then, recite the rules and regulations: "Obey management, obey commands, engage in work, and do not commit crimes!!"

Next, many villagers actually wanted to kowtow!

Lu Yuan was stunned and immediately stopped these actions.

He definitely doesn't want to be an emperor. As a modern man, he would feel uncomfortable if others kowtowed to him.

"My friends, I come from a modern civilization. Due to some strange circumstances, I lost my parents and friends."

"My ultimate goal is to return to my hometown."

"Since you are willing to become part of the human race, then... I will not refuse."

Humans cannot achieve true equality for all... Lu Yuan is too lazy to comment on modern cattle and horses, materialism, and the master's tasks.

He just has no interest in being a local emperor.

"So, I hope to establish a system that is suitable for development, and we can discuss things together."

For him, it is to establish a modern organization and return to human civilization together.

This is all he expects in his life - damn, who wants to think about how Pangu Continent will perish every day.

But the thinking of these indigenous people... how to say it, except for a few people who can barely understand, the others are also confused.

Take it slowly.

It's better to recite some rules and regulations now.

Just like that, after everyone calmed down, a strong eagerness and expectation had already appeared in the hearts of the villagers!

Hope is really strange, nothing has changed on the material level.

The old cat whispered a few more words in Lu Yuan's ear.

"First, beat up the local tyrants."

"Otherwise, the food problem cannot be solved."

Lu Yuan nodded.

He performed a trick in public, using the Tree of Life to produce dozens of kilograms of "rice".

This naturally won the cheers of everyone.

They looked eagerly at the magical rice, which turned from green to yellow in just three minutes and produced golden grains!

The fragrance of the wheat flowers still lingered on the tip of the nose, but the rice was already ripe!

This is simply incredible!

"Everyone, although I can make this magical tree grow food, I will not help everyone for nothing."

"Only useful people, capable people, and people who are willing to maintain order can follow me and live in these difficult days!"

"Now, I hope that several large grain storage households in the village will contribute their grain reserves to help us overcome the difficulties together."

"You must understand that it is impossible for one person to survive here."

There is no way. The first step to establish authority must be to fight against the local tyrants and divide the property.

Lu Yuan's tree of life cannot feed everyone.

Confiscating food is a necessary step, otherwise more than half of the population will starve to death within a month.

Under the absolute advantage of force, the original squire's face was livid, and he stumbled to say something, but he couldn't say anything.

Then, Lu Yuan changed the subject: "Dear villagers, I will not take your property for nothing."

"I have some good things here... What do you need, we can trade."

Lu Yuan actually took out some supplies!

First, there are the technological products given by the Lize civilization, such as flashlights, kitchen knives, medicines, and gold necklaces, gold rings and other decorations.

Secondly, there are some extraordinary foods, such as pomegranates, soul infant fruits, extraordinary corn and other things that can be mass-produced, which are quite suitable for trading - of course, the price is set higher, exchanging food for extraordinary resources, Lu Yuan feels his heart bleeding.

He naturally has a reason for doing this.

A man without faith cannot stand!

Even if he could rob openly, it would chill the hearts of the old heroes, and on the other hand, it would also undermine the civil order.

This loophole should not be opened if it can be avoided.

Elder Sha Sanli, facing these goods, was a little hesitant: "Mr. Lu, can we keep some food?"

"I said... fair trade!" Lu Yuan squeezed out a few more words from his throat, "You are allowed to keep a month's rations. No force!"

The subtext of this sentence is: I give you a way out, don't be reluctant!

These smart people can naturally understand. Sha Sanli pointed at the Soul Infant Fruit: "Mr. Lu, how much is this fruit?"

"You have a good eye. You have eaten this Soul Infant Fruit. It can increase soul power and prolong life!" Lu Yuan smiled and said, "I advise you to buy something cheap, otherwise I'm afraid you can't afford it."

"In fact, I have seen similar good things in the imperial capital." Sha Sanli said loudly, "The effect is at most half, and the price is that we can't afford it even if we sell our entire village into slaves."

Of course, he didn't say it to Lu Yuan, but to other gentry.

"What about this fruit?"

"Pomegranate fruit, taking it can increase life energy and speed up cultivation. This one can be considered cheaper for you. Come, try a small one."

Militia captain Shakaner stepped forward, picked the smallest pomegranate seed, and stuffed it into his mouth.

The thick life energy poured into his body like liquid.

Instantly, he felt that the hidden injuries on his body had healed a lot.

The thick eyebrows raised slightly!

"Replace most of the food in the house!" He turned around and said loudly to his son, "We believe in Mr. Lu!"


Just like that, all the gentry contributed their family's stored food.

Because they got some compensation, they were willing to do so.

Lu Yuan bled a little, but compared to his huge fortune, it was just a drop in the bucket.

"You actually hid so much..." The old cat couldn't help but complain, "You complain every day...I'm going to starve to death, I'm going to starve to death, how can you still have so much?"

Who is the moral abyss?

The old cat was frightened.

Sha Sanli, Sha Kaner and others were silent.

The rich are living in luxury, but the poor are dying in the streets - Lu Yuan didn't want to pursue the issue too much. He couldn't ask others to have moral qualities that transcend the times.

Looking at the piles of food, all the villagers breathed a sigh of relief and felt safe.

At this time, the 125 cubic meters of storage space played a very effective role. Lu Yuan put most of the "dried cactus" in to avoid theft and other problems.

This amount is really impressive.

Then he asked the militia to distribute some to each person.

Lu Yuan sat on a big tree and shouted loudly:

"This is three days of rations. I will continue to distribute them after you finish them. Please don't worry!"

"It's getting late now, so you can go home."

"Please prepare your luggage. We will officially set off tomorrow and head to the Sky City!"



Today is an unprecedented day for the Shali tribe, and a huge turning point in history!

No, it's no longer the Shali tribe.

But... the 18th branch of human civilization!

Surprise, sorrow and uneasiness are intertwined.

This feeling is very complicated.

Everyone will spend the last day in this ancient village.

In the sound of rural ballads, the small road that can only accommodate one camel cart is winding and dusty. Occasionally, you can step on a few gravel and splash it on the surrounding soil.

Hundreds of years ago, gold mines were discovered around the village, and trade relations with the great empire were established. This bluestone road was also built at that time. Camel carts passed by every day, and people came and went. It was very lively.

But as time passed, the gold mines were dug up long ago, the Shali clan became the dust of history, and this bluestone road was completely abandoned.

Shamo returned to his room and gradually calmed down from his excitement.

He actually came from a large family. When the family was prosperous, there were more than a dozen people.

Now, in such a large yard, he is the only one.

The rest, all died in the disaster...

He stared at the tablet on the table for a while.

"Dad, Mom, it may be hard for you to imagine that I am going to live in We will leave our hometown tomorrow."

"Please...bless me."

"I will definitely survive. We are going to the city in the sky...We want to raise it again, like a bird."

"Can you imagine this change?"

Such a grand goal made him laugh foolishly. Is human power really that strong?

In his mind, only the illusory God can do this.

But that city was created by people.

People really have this power.

The blacksmith in the next yard, named "Sa Diao", is also the owner of the divine skill "Whisperer".

He said loudly through a fence: "Since I came into contact with carving, I understand that people really have this power...Alas, carving is too difficult, I can't get through the threshold."

"It's a pity, those idiots, they don't recognize gold when it's in front of them, and they are too lazy to learn."

Sha Mo smiled and said: "We just need to learn our own!"

"As long as we have a skill, we will definitely be treated preferentially even if we return to the human race in the end."

"Yes, people with skills will not be treated unfairly!"

"After being exposed to carving and natural science, I realized how big the gap between the two sides is. It's really incredible... We were too ignorant before, no wonder we ended up like this."

"I think so too, haha."

The two talked and laughed, full of expectations for the future.


Similar stories happened in every corner of the village.

Militia captain Shakaner was gathering everyone to study a rifle.

Near him stood several carpenters and blacksmiths, among whom there were even two "craftsmen talents", owners of divine skills.

Well, among the more than 10,000 people of the Shali tribe, the proportion of divine skills is particularly high, much higher than that of humans!

Maybe as high as 300 people!

There are many reasons.

The first is that the population they teleported is small. A civilization will always produce a certain number of divine skills. With a small total population, the proportion of divine skills has increased instead.

The second is the owner of the divine skill, who has a higher soul strength and a stronger sixth sense than ordinary people, and is more likely to survive a disaster.

Moreover, young people are often more likely to awaken the divine skill, and the ratio of the elderly to children is lower.

And third, major changes in history may bring divine skills!

Like the Meda civilization, it stayed in the safe zone for a lifetime, and history was almost stagnant, and the number of divine skills naturally stagnated.

The Green Civilization has been wandering in the Pangu Continent, and the number of divine skills is actually increasing, but the number is relatively small. The last "divine skill" is to follow your heart.

As for the Shali clan... well, after opening the safe zone, they almost died in just a few years. The history was very tortuous, and the number of divine skills was more, which was normal.

The combination of these three factors led to a considerable number of talents surviving.

"I tell you, this weapon is a technological civilization, the simplest thing! Technology, do you understand?"

Several craftsmen rubbed their hands and widened their eyes.

"Look, after disassembling, there are only these few parts." Shakaner disassembled the rifle very quickly.

The bottom cover, buttstock, magazine, sear, converter, buttstock gasket, etc., add up to only about twenty parts.

In the past few months, he has killed several bugs with this rifle!

Which soldier is willing to fight monsters head-on?

Shakaner was disappointed: "What were you doing in the past? You couldn't even figure this out? I thought, the manufacture of this not difficult."

"You can't make it by hand?"

"And the explosives...It is said that they are made from the things in our black mud." Shakaner pointed in a certain direction, which was the pond with oil, "Why didn't you think of it? Explosives?"

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