"We must solve the famine problem through labor."

"Otherwise, once the food is gone, we will starve, understand?"

Food is the first necessity of the people. These villagers were really scared of famine. When they saw the clear water in the reservoir, they burst into unprecedented enthusiasm at the thought of not being restricted by the water source!

"Sir, the soil over there is very fertile!"

"We found a very clear pool over there! You can drink it directly!"

"You must boil it before you can drink it."

"We don't lack fuel... Arrange a few people to boil water."

"I picked up some monster scales."

"Put them all together, and you can make weapons and armor in the future."

And the place where extraordinary creatures originally lived, because of long-term irrigation and defecation, the soil is fertile, and there are often water sources around, which is a ready-made good farmland!

This condition is indeed countless times better than the original village!

"Grandpa Turtle is here!" The immortal giant turtle was also infected by the strong atmosphere of land reclamation. He was very excited and personally pulled the plow, winning wide praise from the villagers.

Secretary General · Lao Mao looked at people reclaiming wasteland, a scene of great enthusiasm, and sighed in his heart: When any organization is just established, everything is beautiful.

However, if life is just like the first sight, the same is true for an organization.

Reality and expectations will always conflict.

Therefore, the establishment of various systems in the future development is more important than reclaiming wasteland!

As for Lu Yuan's work, it seems relatively simple, but extremely important: explore this city and receive all the heritage of the green civilization!

This time, the scavenging team is not just him, but also a large number of younger brothers.

Lu Yuan · Tree of Life, with more than a hundred militiamen, wandered around the major buildings.

He introduced on the tree: "Dear team members, this is a great city!"

"The green civilization of the past, with a population of more than 100 million, lived here. They fought against the enemy here and left countless stories."

"We must preserve all their art and heritage. Do you understand? Especially books, be sure to handle them with care and don't damage them."


The careless militiamen were full of faith, and the smiles on their faces were about to overflow.

The title of "Captain" was now given to Lu Yuan.

Shakaner could only be the deputy captain, but he had no complaints. The army respected strength, and the gap in strength between the two sides was too big, so there was nothing to fight for.

In the heated discussion, Shakaner pursed his lips and looked at the conch carried by Lu Yuan: "Captain Lu, the conch girl is..."

Lu Yuan explained: "The conch is the last survivor of the Green Civilization. In fact, this city is her property."

"She agreed to let us live here, which is already very good."

He finally added: "Don't bully her."


The conch was puzzled. Except for you, Captain Lu, who bullied her all the time, now even the turtle didn't bully her much.

Everyone laughed.

"So it's the princess of the previous dynasty!"

The conch didn't like the term "princess" very much. Hiding in the shell, it said helplessly: [Well... Hello. ]

Then it quietly stretched out the sea soul grass and pulled the hair on the back of Lu Yuan's head.

"Princess, why do you hide in there all the time and don't come out?"

"The princess must be a beautiful girl."

These guys are really rude.

In fact, Lu Yuan also wanted to know what the princess really looked like, but he had to smooth things over: "Ahem, she was slightly injured in the previous battle and has to rest inside for a while."

"If it weren't for her, your souls would have been dragged away by the poppy tree long ago, and none of you would have survived!"

"So, you must thank her!"

This is what he said.

Hailuo knew that Lu Yuan was flattering her, but she was still a little happy - this was also true.

These guys were in awe, and the grace of saving their lives was not a joke: "Thank you, Princess, for saving my life!"

[Just call me Hailuo, or Ms. Hailuo. 】

I have to say that her soul has now been transferred to that "fruit of life".

After a while, there will be a real body.

Everyone stopped in front of a ruined building.

Lu Yuan shouted: "Explore each building here carefully. If you find anything important, tell me directly, don't act rashly."

One hundred people, divided into twenty teams, five people in a team, the efficiency is indeed many times higher than Lu Yuan alone.

Especially in such a big city, it is not easy to find something useful.

Suddenly, a voice came from one side.

"Captain Lu, we found a lot of clothes!"

Lu Yuan hurried into a production room, where there were many machines and rows of wooden cabinets, and thick dust was flying in the air.

These clothes are made of silk, delicate and beautiful, and inlaid with small shiny particles like gems.

There are tens of thousands of pieces!

He picked up a piece of clothing and tasted it for a while.

Unfortunately, too much time has passed, and these silks are very brittle and will break if they are pulled slightly.

Only a few pieces, which seem to be made of special materials, have survived until now.

"Sort out the tattered clothes, I have other uses for them."

"Transport the wardrobe back with a tricycle, this is collective property, we will distribute it when the time comes!"


It feels really good to have a group of subordinates. Lu Yuan doesn't even need to do it himself, just talking is enough.

Maybe this is what is called...the taste of power?

"As for these machines, is there anyone who knows how to repair them?"

"Forget it, there must be no one...Oh, I'll do it myself!"

Lu Yuan looked at the neat machines, which should be textile machines.

As a possessor of "artisan talents", he can repair many things by hand.

The green civilization generally uses glyphs to control machines instead of chips, which brings a possibility of complete repair.

[What’s the use of moving these clothes back? ] Conch asked quietly.

"Hey, these clothes are made of silk. Silk is also protein. I have to save some food to feed those bugs."

"As for the few clothes you can wear, I have to leave them to you. Do you want to wear the villagers' linen clothes?"

Conch said teasingly: [But don’t those clothes belong to the collective? 】

[If you take beautiful clothes when you see them, isn’t that just an act of corruption? If you follow the example, your organization will soon become a corrupt mess. 】

Lu Yuan had a strange look on his face.

It seems... right!

He is a greedy demon, and now it is so difficult for him to even get some clothes?

In fact, many things do become troublesome once they involve politics.

Everything needs to be formalized and programmed,

Otherwise, it will only take a few years to eliminate corruption.

"Ahem... I can steal a few things without being discovered by others, right?"

Lu Yuan's eyes lit up: "I'll just steal it!"

[The leader of this scumbag civilization is so shameless. 】

"Captain Lu, there are insects in that warehouse!!"

Lu Yuan quickly ran over to take a look.

A strong, centipede-like insect flapped its wings and rushed out of a certain warehouse, grinning and howling.

Lu Yuan did not take action directly. Instead, he raised his sword and was secretly vigilant.


The militiamen rushed forward with spears and wooden shields.

Their fighting skills are excellent, they generally have 1-2 "form skills", and they also possess extraordinary fire.

I saw one of the militiamen raise his shield and hit it hard, probably using his "giant power" ability, and the remaining people were pierced with spears.

After a few back and forth, the centipede's abdomen was pierced, and some turbid liquid flowed out.

The centipede struggled a few times and became motionless.

"These things should be weak bugs abandoned by the insect tide. There should be a lot of them in the city."

"Be careful, explore in groups of five, and don't get separated." Lu Yuan said, "You can deal with the weaker enemies on your own. If you are stronger, just call me."


I have to admit that these warriors have experienced many disasters, and their fighting will is far higher than that of the people on earth and the people of Rize.

The bugs in the city are average in strength and can be regarded as quite good opponents.

"Take the insect's body back too! Don't leave it here."

"Captain Lu, you can't eat these insects, they will make you sick..."

Shakaner kindly reminded that during the great famine, some people also thought about eating insect meat.

Unfortunately, if you eat too much, you will suffer from systemic organ failure and eventually death!

After all, the insect tide is part of the vision and contains special idealistic rules. Their flesh and blood are different from ordinary creatures.

Lu Yuan laughed: "I know, take it back first, you can feed it to the immortal giant turtle, or feed it to insects."

"Have you seen the 1,500 insect eggs in the center of the city?"

"Those bugs are actually friendly forces and belong to Miss Conch. They will also be an important combat force of our civilization in the future."

Lu Yuan revealed a little about his family background.

After all, those eggs are near the poppy tree.

It was visible to everyone passing by, causing some panic.

The young men all shuddered, feeling like they were standing on a mountain.

"I see!"

Captain Lu’s family background is really unfathomable... (They directly regarded Conch as Captain Lu’s wife.)

Immediately afterwards, they felt happy again.

If those bugs are treated as enemies, they are terrifying opponents; but if they are treated as one of our own, they become reliable teammates.

"Everyone performed very well this time. Brother, you are very brave. What is your name?"

"Guo Weiqiang!" The strong man who defeated the centipede roared, and then began to report his abilities, "Giant strength, extraordinary fire, and some glyph talents, but I can't understand a lot of mathematics."

"Well, I remember you." Lu Yuan just wanted to praise him, but when he heard "glyph talent", he swallowed those words.

This is a shameful waste!

"Everyone, we will create a reliable reward and punishment system in the future. The capable will be promoted, the mediocre will be demoted, the superior will be rewarded, and the inferior will be eliminated."

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