Just like this, time passed day by day.

Life was always calm.

No disasters, no disputes, only busy and fulfilling work.

Lu Yuan was not used to it.

Perhaps, this was the ordinary life of Pangu Continent.

Every few years, a disaster came and never came back.

Thinking carefully, Lu Yuan's experience in the first half of his life was too thrilling, and it seemed that the disasters in Pangu Continent were too frequent.

But in fact, it didn't seem so exaggerated, otherwise no civilization could develop.

Occasionally, Lu Yuan would look at the blue sky and "collapse" for a while.

Deep in his heart, there was still a glimmer of hope that he could return to his distant and beautiful hometown...

Perhaps, everyone's life is looking for childhood.

Lu Yuan still wanted to see his parents in his lifetime and chat with them about everything that happened to him.

And the long progress bar of the plan to rise the city in the sky finally... moved a little? About one percent?

The more than 300 owners of the divine skills are indeed very diligent. They learn and work at the same time and grow in practice.

All things are difficult at the beginning. As long as there are a few hundred outstanding talents, the entire civilization will be driven by a small number of people and make better and faster use of the heritage of the Green Civilization.

Just like rolling a snowball.

There must be a small driving force at the beginning, and the snowball will grow bigger and bigger.


And today is an important part of the snowball - the day when the Green Supermarket officially opens!

"Extra, Extra, Green Supermarket, opening big sale! All goods are 20% off!"

A loudspeaker is hung at the entrance of the supermarket, broadcasting non-stop.

"Don't miss it if you pass by."

"Observe the order and line up!"

"Stealing in the supermarket is a crime of theft!"

And the entrance is crowded with a black crowd, everyone is eagerly looking forward to and discussing.

"Where does the food come from?!"

"How much is a pound?"

There are too many questions.

The term "supermarket" is the most popular word in the past month.

But what is it? Everyone only knows that it is a place to sell things and spend money.

[Green Supermarket], these four gilded characters sparkle in the sun.

"It's just a market, nothing new." Sha Sanli shook the fan in his hand helplessly and said, "You young people are just ignorant... When the empire was digging gold mines here before, there were not many markets? Everyone was setting up stalls on the roadside."

"Elder, this time is different, really different." The intellectual Sha Mo kept it a secret and said with a smile: "This supermarket is opened by Mr. Lu, and there are so many things. You can buy whatever you want, as long as you have money."

"What... a lot of things? The next batch of grain is not yet mature, can it be conjured out of thin air? How much can he grow by farming alone?"

Of course, he was muttering, and he must have a look.

Because, today, Sha Sanli just got his first "civil servant" reward - 200 yuan!

In order to promote "compulsory education", he was worried about his hair turning white!

He had some popularity, and with the help of force and intimidation, he managed to do the job.

200 yuan... 200 kilograms of food!

He was going to... buy all the food!

What's in your hand is real!

Money is useless!


As for the others who had some money, it was obvious that they thought the same way.

They were really afraid of starvation, and all they could think about was storing food.

"Will it work? I'm a little nervous..."

"Can a big supermarket change people's ideology?"

Hailuo has been working too hard these days and has lost some weight.

Lu Yuan asked her to rest, but she didn't want to. She kept nagging "Why do people need to sleep and rest?" and "Why can't we play all the time?" - maybe it was because her previous soul state really didn't need sleep?

Finally, Lu Yuan used the reason that "not sleeping will make your skin worse, accelerate aging, and C will become A" to finally scare her into a normal routine.

Lu Yuan was very grateful to her. If it weren't for Hailuo, the situation might be a hundred times more difficult than it is now.

"Don't worry, this is proven by history."

"During the Earth period, there was a country called the Soviet Union." Around the noisy square, Lu Yuan told his friends about the past history.

He has been looking forward to this day for a long time. Isn't it for this moment that he works overtime every day?

Somewhat tired, but also a little excited.

"The collapse of the Soviet Union is to a certain extent due to supermarkets."

"Why?" The old cat shook his head.

"Although the Soviet Union was a militarily powerful country, the people's life was not rich, and there were even many famines... They implemented a ticket supply system, and the supply of materials was limited."

"And their opponents, the Americans, carefully arranged a huge supermarket when the other leader visited."

"It includes everything that can be had in daily life. In addition to food and drinks, there are also a large number of modern and automated leisure and entertainment products, including books, magazines, fruits, canned food, and furniture such as washing machines and electric fans."

"In other words, as long as you have money, you can buy whatever you want, and the supply of materials is unlimited!"

"At that time, the leader of the Soviet Union, named Yeltsin, visited the United States."

"The leader and his entourage came to a newly opened supermarket."

"Looking at the dense crowds and dazzling array of goods in the supermarket, the Soviet Union's top leader suffered a serious mental shock, thinking about the famine and poverty in his country... With such a powerful military, the people could not get enough food."

"His faith disappeared, and he had no illusions about his country's system. He believed that the Soviet Union could not defeat the United States and should move closer to the West."

"And several years later, this once great country also collapsed with the disappearance of its top leader's faith."

"You see, changing your thinking will change everything."

Lu Yuan spread his hands. In fact, he used to be a "Su fan" and naturally understood the corresponding history.

The people of Dadong Country always have a mysterious liking for Big Brother-the premise is that Big Brother is dead, and the dead Big Brother always helps to step on many pits.

"The economy can always determine a lot."

"And today is a major moment to correct their values!"

"Green Supermarket, officially opened!"


The door of the supermarket was opened!

The enthusiastic crowd just wanted to rush in, but they saw two hideous creatures guarding the door!

They were two newly hatched "bugs"!

Level 2 extraordinary life, not very strong.

They looked like mantises, with compound eyes reflecting human faces, and two front legs like sickles - of course, these two bugs actually have no intelligence and will not attack rashly.

They were controlled by Lu Yuan and served as free security here.

"Line up!"

"Enter in an orderly manner!" The immortal giant turtle, as the security captain, roared loudly.

This old brother enjoyed it and couldn't help himself.

The crowd lined up in a very interesting way.

Sha Sanli, as a prestigious old man in the village, naturally lined up at the front of the line.

"I want to exchange all my money for food... There is no need to buy anything else!" He clenched the money.

"Money is useless."

Then, he stepped into the door of the supermarket.

Then, he held his breath!

He saw.

A...very big wooden barrel, with corn kernels piled up like a mountain!

Each corn kernel is extremely plump, exuding an alluring aroma of grain!

Two pretty young girls, in uniform, are standing by the big wooden barrel, with a scale next to them.

"Aren't these Guo Cuicui and Guo Pingping? Can you sell me the corn at a lower price?" Sha Sanli tried to sell face.

The little girl smiled and said, "Uncle, I'm just a waiter, not a shopkeeper. We don't bargain here. Just weigh how much you want to buy, and then pay when you get there."

There are actually only a few staff members in the supermarket. Guo Cuicui and Guo Pingping, two poor girls without parents, are also very hardworking. They passed the literacy and arithmetic exams the fastest, so they were arranged here.

No matter what, you have to be literate and arithmetic to apply for a job, right?

"How much?" Sha Sanli tried to ask.

"Elder, corn is 1 yuan per pound."

"Really 1 yuan per pound."

"One person can only buy 100 pounds a day, don't buy too much." The girls looked at the dazed crowd and showed the standard smile of the service industry.

"100 pounds is enough, haha, I don't have much money."

Next to it is a larger metal barrel, which is full of... flour?

A little more expensive, 1.5 yuan per pound.

Next to it, there is a box full of potatoes, too many to count.

The price is cheap, 80 cents per pound!

There are also fruits of breadfruit trees, something I have never eaten, 2 yuan per pound.

Just for a moment, Sha Sanli was stunned!

His eyes were wide open.

"Hey, this, this... where did so much food come from?"

"It's so cheap, why eat cactus?!"

"Elder, was the market like this in the past?" A villager next to him asked.

Sha Sanli was a little embarrassed, can you please stop asking?

This scene deeply interprets that the essence of currency is credit relationship. When the anchor of currency, grain, appeared, credit was stable enough, and everyone tended to hold on to the currency and wait and see.

Which one should I buy with the two hundred yuan in my hand? !

He felt his heart was beating wildly and he couldn't make up his mind.

Forget it, let's wait and see!

No hurry.

Sha Sanli threw the idea of ​​"buying all grain" out of the window.

Walking a few steps forward, he saw... scissors, kitchen knives, and many, many metal tools!

"Skinning knife: 28 yuan/piece"

"Cooking knife: 29 yuan/piece"

"Scissors: 22 yuan/piece"

"Plow: 33 yuan/piece"

"Pitchfork, nail rake: 21 yuan/piece"

"Stainless steel washbasin: 18 yuan/piece"


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