Landing 500 years in advance, I became a god by digging for treasures

Chapter 24: Comparing the worst is indeed the norm in the world

Different from the reaction of the people, the high-level officials of the 17 human cities communicated with each other and shared information with each other at an unprecedented speed.

The more you know, the more you don’t know.

Humanity really could become extinct!

"Mr. Li, this is the meteorite that fell from the has been placed in my research center for 10 years."

Ten years ago, meteorites fell from the sky, ushering in a supernatural era.

From that day on, a large number of superpowers were born.

But in fact, these meteorites are not ordinary meteorites, but technological creations!

Governments of various countries have chosen to conceal the truth.

Now, experts in the institute have enough reason to suspect that these meteorites are connected to a certain extent with Pangea.

The top leader of Yunhai City, Li Chunhong, was extremely busy, but he still took some time to come to the Supernatural Research Institute.

The 42-year-old Zhang Hui, the general director of the Supernatural Research Institute, has been studying supernatural phenomena since superpowers appeared on the earth 10 years ago.

"The composition of this metal ball is actually very common, just iron, aluminum, copper, rhenium and some titanium elements."

"But the manufacturing process is quite special, and it may take advantage of supernatural phenomena that we currently cannot understand."

This meteorite looks like a large spherical iron ball, with a diameter of about 1 meter and a mass of about 2 tons.

Its surface is also inlaid with crystal-like structures, which look like screens.

There are 20 screens on the metal ball.

Next to the crystal screen, there are some button-like things.

Li Chunhong said somewhat meaningfully: "You mean, it was this meteorite that brought our city to Pangea?"

"We don't know yet." Professor Zhang explained, "There are more than 300 meteorites that fell from the sky, scattered all over the world, and they only passed through 17 cities."

"So there is not enough evidence to believe that these alien creations are sufficient conditions for us to travel through."

"However, it seems to be a civilization communication device that can help us contact other branches of human civilization."

Zhang Hui pressed several buttons on the big iron ball.

A video call screen actually appeared on the crystal-like screen!

The text in it is also very magical. It is not in Chinese, but it can be understood, which means that it may be some kind of supernatural effect that humans cannot understand.

[Detecting your civilization...the first branch of human civilization...]

[The civilization you are requesting to call is...the sixth branch of human civilization...]

[Hey, contact successful! 】

"Oh, my God...Professor Zhang, my God! You guys have been teleported here too!" Appeared on the screen was Mr. Edward, a famous supernatural professor from the United States.

The blond old man forced out a smile: "According to the proverb of your Dadong Kingdom, we are really blessed and suffer together. Is there chaos in your city over there?"

Zhang Hui's eyebrows jumped, and he could faintly hear the gunfight in the other party's video.

"It's chaos, it's all chaos! Fortunately, we have military protection, otherwise the robbers would have rushed to our home!" Professor Zhang said quickly.

"Oh, it seems that everyone is the same...but don't you have gun control over there?" The blond old man sighed.

"We control guns, but we don't control axes..."

Li Chunhong, who was standing aside, almost couldn't hold himself tight and was inexplicably happy.

After worrying about it all day, the best news I heard was that our fellow humans were messier than ourselves!

What's even more amazing is that he is also a little gloating...

The world is indeed a worse place.

"Ahem! Contact other cities." Li Chunhong cleared his throat heavily, took another sip of water, and tried to keep a straight face.

Due to time constraints, most city leaders participated in this meeting through remote meetings.

There are two other cities that I can't contact! Maybe it's because they don't even know how to use this alien creation.

After a few casual pleasantries, the meeting officially began.

"Gentlemen and ladies, please be patient."

"First of all, let us understand what is happening in our world." Professor Edward from the United States published the latest research results in front of the screen... Actually, it is not a research result, but a small sharing.

"People with superpowers have appeared on Earth since ten years ago. We have never known the origin of superpowers, and research is progressing slowly."

"It wasn't until today that Pangea truly appeared, allowing us to get a glimpse of a small corner."

"God...of course can also change his name to Him."

"He spent a whole ten years planning this supernatural event and pulling all the civilizations in the universe into Pangea."

Next, a video was played on the big screen.

It is a video taken from space during the "Wandering City" period.

"In our cities, the thickness of the earth's crust is generally 20-40 kilometers. These crusts are all brought from the earth."

"In other words, this unknown and powerful existence dug out our city and the earth's crust from the surface of the earth, and very cleverly embedded it into Pangea."

"As for the area of ​​Pangea, it is temporarily impossible to calculate. The part taken from space has exceeded 1 billion square kilometers..."

The images of this space odyssey are really shocking. What kind of majestic power can peel off the earth's crust?

The most important thing is that humans living in the city only felt a slight earthquake, and there were not many casualties... Only some dilapidated and dilapidated buildings collapsed, while others were basically undamaged, and even the roads were intact.

If we talk about terms such as universe and dimension, they are too far away from daily life and people cannot have specific concepts.

The terrifying fact that the earth's crust was dug out and the entire continent was embedded in Pangea once shocked the conference room.

"Professor Edward, where has the earth gone?"

"Unfortunately, I don't know either. The earth may be in another dimension, or it may... just disappear... You should understand what I mean, right? We are unlucky, or lucky."

"Although there are many relatives left on the earth, we have to accept the reality and think on the bright side. Maybe the earth still exists?"

Everyone fell silent.

The internationally renowned professor pondered for a moment and then added: "Then let me talk about the distribution of our 17 cities. Judging from previous space videos, the distribution distance of each city is more than 10,000 kilometers."

"Friends, take care of yourself. We can't help each other. At most, we can only share a little information."

"But the management of the city can only be done by yourself..."

This professor is quite internationalist...

Li Chunhong sighed when he heard this.

Here in Yunhai City, what should I say...

Although there was some chaos at the beginning, at least social order is slowly returning to stability.

In the midst of incomprehensible panic, the people want something simple.

The first is that if you have something to eat, you won’t starve to death.

The second is to know the general truth.

The most terrifying thing in the world is the unknown. As long as the unknown is transformed into the known, there will be less panic.

As long as these two points can be achieved, the people will generally cooperate.

But what about other cities?

From Professor Edward's side, the sound of gunshots could be heard faintly.

A large number of shooting incidents are taking place in New York City where he is located.

There are also some cities with strong religious atmosphere where doomsday carnivals such as vandalism, looting, etc. are also taking place.

There are also some cities that are "subduing their superiors", and the grievances they usually suffer will be doubled today!

This is truly the ultimate test of national character and civilization.

But there is no other way, Yunhai City can only take care of itself!

(PS: I will update one chapter early this morning, and the second chapter in the evening. I can’t update too much in the new book issue, so please forgive me.)

(A new week has begun, please give me a monthly pass to add to the new book list!)

(Please vote for me!!)

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