After being encouraged by the example, carrying the culture of the mother civilization of mankind to start a business immediately became the most popular project!

Simple industrial chains such as papermaking, movable type printing, bicycles, and tricycles have begun to flourish.

Not only can it serve civilization, but it can also make some money, so why not do it?

"Everyone is very positive..."

For Lu Yuan, he still encourages this kind of private entrepreneurship and does not exclude the establishment of a reasonable market.

After all, the opening of people's wisdom is subtle.

As long as the labor force can be utilized to the maximum extent, it is obviously not a bad thing.

There are no enemies, no neighbors, abundant material resources, and people's hard work. It feels really good to thrive!

He was not idle during this period. First, he held a simple but decent funeral to pay homage to the soldiers who died on the battlefield and to comfort their relatives.

The number of people who died in the war was not many, only 38 people.

For this kind of large-scale corps war, it is already a very impressive number.

People in this era have a fairly good acceptance of death. In the past, human life was really worthless. In a village fight, dozens of people might die.

However, Lu Yuan still commended the deceased for their achievements and erected a monument. The heroic culture should be passed on to the next generation.

"Here I promise that the parents of heroes will enjoy long-term subsidies from the government, and the children will also receive nutritional subsidies before they reach adulthood."

"The deceased is gone, but we living people must still live well!"



The soldiers looked at the Heroes Monument and raised their arms in unison.

In just a few years, they have transformed from peasants in the feudal era to warriors who defend their home and country.

Their eyes were calm and their faces were weather-beaten. Only when they turned their heads and saw their children, families and the City in the Sky would they reveal a hint of tenderness.

"The ceremony is over!"

"Exit in an orderly manner!"

Lu Yuan breathed a sigh of relief and said to a few researchers: "Those who have lost their limbs will have to find ways to regenerate their limbs in the future. In the supernatural era, this is not a dream."

As for the extra points for the college entrance examination for the children of heroes...

That's no longer necessary.

Because there is no college entrance examination.

The education everyone enjoys is already at the highest level.

Lu Yuan didn't know whether the lack of competition in the college entrance examination was a good thing for a civilization.

But he still has to provide as many educational benefits as possible.

"Each one goes to school according to his own ability."

"If you can't learn it, you can't blame me."

As for what happens after the funeral, there is more to it.

Cultivating Zerg warriors, nurturing 50,000 babies, expanding industrial production, and developing spiritual technology. Each of these is a major project that can take a lifetime of work!

Human resources are simply not enough! !

After all calculations, there are only about 2,000 people who can engage in intellectual work, and this is after the requirements have been relaxed.

In the foreseeable future, talent will not increase much...

After all, the first generation of people are all adults, and habits are difficult to change. The birth of two thousand intellectual workers is already the result of everyone's efforts, and it is impossible to ask for more.

As for subsequent talents...

It takes at least twenty years of training!

Lu Yuan has never been so busy, and the shortage of talents really makes him gray with worry.

Especially since he is still a tree!

Every time I show up, I have to create a clone or something, which is quite troublesome.

If you want to become a human, you still have to wait for a few years...

Lao Mao reported on the recent work: "This generation is like this. They are older and have less plasticity. I suggest you invest huge sums of money in the next generation."

"The number of babies in that batch was calculated. There were 54,332 babies. There were 27,529 female babies and the rest were male babies."

"The ratio of men to women is quite balanced. Now they are all dormant in the buds."

"I can only arrange the next thing by myself, there is nothing I can do."

The city in the sky turned into a kindergarten, and Lu Yuan was under great pressure.

The old cat shook his head and said: "I mean, how are you going to cultivate them? It's not about feeding them in a physical sense. Now we have so many cows and goats that can feed 50,000 children, so it's not a big problem."

"But at a social level, these people have no parents and have been orphans since childhood. How to educate them is a big problem."

"Think about it, people without parents and support will definitely suffer some losses."

Lu Yuan swallowed: "Is anyone willing to adopt?"

"Impossible, how many can we adopt?"

Lu Yuan was silent.

These children are the "vegetarians" raised by the monster emperor.

Monsters act as their parents, allowing them to breed and raise the next generation, and receive a small amount of education to improve their divine attributes to a passing level.

After reaching the standard of divine attributes, the monster eats them directly, ending the miserable life of captive animals.

However, in Lu Yuan's mind, these children are actually precious wealth...

The probability of them surviving such a historical disaster and giving birth to divine skills should not be too low.

"There are more than 50,000 people. Once they grow up, they will have 50,000 talents... My requirements are not high. I should have 100 divine skills, right?"

"Including the original 10,000 people, it becomes 60,000 people. The population of human civilization 18 is just so-so."

However, education is a big problem!

Not only school education, but also family education...but where does the family come from?

If children are well educated, they will be social wealth in the future; if children are poorly educated, they will be worse than livestock!

There are currently no education experts to advise on this matter. The leader of the Caotai team, Lu Yuan, is really worried.

"How to solve the problem of green civilization? Secretary, don't be in a daze. I remember that the fertility rate of the green people is extremely low and they are about to exterminate themselves."

"Ah?" The secretary replied in a cute voice, "Well, let me think about it... it was the Great Elder who raised everyone in the green paradise..."

"So everyone regards the elder as a very kind elder. Everyone trusts him and calls him 'big daddy'."

"Everyone has the same 'big daddy'?"

"That's it!" Conch was very sure.

Lu Yuan was a little doubtful about life. What kind of weird civilization is this?

"Don't think it's strange, the image of 'Big Daddy' is mainly active before the age of four to six."

"Not many memories can be left before the age of four, but the close relationship between people is established before the age of four. No matter how old the child is, it will not be well-raised."

"Well... that's it." Lu Yuan remembered that the guys in the human trafficking business were all young, and the older ones were not used if they were not mature enough.

Conch's knowledge is still very broad, and he continued: "All happy childhoods and stable emotions are established at a young age."

"In a family with a peaceful atmosphere, children will be more confident."

"In a family with a complex family environment and many disputes, children will evolve a sense of vigilance and distrust, just like a wolf in the forest, always more vigilant than a dog at home."

"Most of their energy is used to evolve these vigilance senses, and it is even less easy for them to integrate into society."

"So the younger you are, the more important the family environment is."

"As we get older, campus activities will gradually replace kinship relationships, and there will be long-term sibling relationships on campus."

"The 'Big Daddy' model will slowly fade away. Everyone will realize that 'Big Daddy' is not the biological father, but that doesn't matter, everyone can accept it."

"Under this training mechanism, the people of Luyin have sound thinking and independent personalities. Moreover, everyone also trusts the great elder."

Lu Yuan vaguely understood.

According to the experience of many human families, if you raise a child, as long as you invest enough and raise it well enough, and wait until he grows up to tell him that you are not your biological child, the child will not mind too much.

After all, feelings are difficult to erase easily.

The grace of nurturing is greater than the grace of giving birth.

The green civilization that invented this method has developed productivity, long lifespan, serious hedonism, and ridiculously low fertility rate.

With a population of 100 million, the number of children born in a year is less than 5,000!

At that time, the great elder was "very worried". If this continues, there will be no need for any external enemies. Will the green civilization become extinct on its own?

So in a certain parliament, the green civilization enacted a forced reproduction bill: young men and women, if they have not given birth to children before the age of 500, need to forcibly donate their reproductive cells and incubate a baby in an artificial womb!

This child without parents does not need you to raise him, it will be raised by me, the Great Elder!

So the giant babies of green civilization all agreed.

Green People have even developed a complete set of intelligent systems in the virtual world for this purpose, allowing the virtual influence of elders to educate infants and young children, allowing them to feel basic family affection and create a harmonious family atmosphere.

The children raised in this way are actually of good quality.

Lu Yuan couldn't help but complain: "Your great elder has worked really hard for the continuation of the green civilization..."

"Being a father and a mother at the same time, he even came up with such a strange method."

Conch couldn't help but blush, feeling a little embarrassed and a little angry - the great elder of the green civilization is not dead yet!

Be careful of that [Devil] coming to settle a score with you!

She lightly stamped her foot: "It's pointless to laugh at the Great Elder anyway, because you yourself will plagiarize the Great Elder!"

"And this parenting plan also has conditions." She said patiently, "First, there must be a capable and caring elder like the elder."

When she mentioned the three words "loving", she even laughed: "Anyway, you have to be loving! Do you have love?!"

"I definitely have."

"Second, even if they become adults, the parent still has to continue to take care of things and give them enough resources to survive in society."

"You have to know that a person's greatest connection is his family!"

"If there are no parents, society must provide adequate compensation."

Lu Yuan had a grimace on his face, but he understood clearly. Isn't this a public pension?

It's still a very strange version...

But now it seems that this is the only way. There are more than 9,000 adults, 4,000 couples at full cost, but 50,000 children have to be raised...

If you think about it with your toes, you will know that it can only be supported by society.

"If we implement this plan, we need to set up a specific image of the caregiver in the green paradise. It can't be the image of the great elder?" Lu Yuan swallowed, "Conch, can you do that?"

"You can be the mother of 50,000 children. This civilization belongs to you, and I can be a lackey general."

"People raised in this way are actually equivalent to Green People... I don't mind reviving Green Civilization."

Hailuo blushed immediately, raised her little fist, and beat Lu Yuan.

Lu Yuan laughed, and while being beaten, he took the opportunity to hug her twice.

According to the Green Educationist's point of view, children raised by the society must have a strong, philanthropic, and extremely high social status parent.

It is not okay to have just ordinary parents.

With a parent, they will be full of confidence in the rest of their lives-that is, someone must protect them, otherwise the discrimination of natural persons alone can make them eat a pot.

Watching the two people "laughing and haha" and playing in the office, constantly giving dog food, the old cat exploded, and "meowed" to scare the two people.

"This is simple, don't you have a boy and a girl?"

"You Lu Yuan is the father of the entire civilization, and you Hailuo is their mother..."

"Ah?!" The two exclaimed in unison.

"Humans are not green people. Isn't it normal to have normal parents? You two are a handsome man and a beautiful woman, and you both have high social status!"

"Don't do anything else these years. Raising children is the most important thing." The old cat said seriously, "More than 50,000 children, it takes 20 years to raise them into useful people, which is more important than anything else."

"What can a makeshift team like the current one do?"

What it said really makes sense.

Hailuo lowered her head, bit her lip, looked at her white shoes, and secretly looked at Commander Lu with the corner of her eyes.

Her girlish heart was a little eager to move, and even a little cheering. She couldn't help but grab Lu Yuan's clothes and held it tightly.

As for Lu Yuan, seeing Hailuo's look, she knew that she agreed.

There was a lot of pressure in her heart.

On the one hand, it was really a great responsibility to imitate the great elder of the green civilization!

The great elder was a [demon] who could disguise himself for a lifetime and was meticulous about all the details.

But he, Lu Yuan, was a person...he would always make some mistakes.

On the other hand, will this fake mother affect the cognition of the conch?

"Why are you pretending... You were just giving out dog food, and now you are being shy again." The old cat was very happy, with its furry orange tail standing vertically in the sky. "It's better for you, Lu Yuan, to shout "Conch Mom" ​​in front of the children than to shout secretly in the office, right?"

"You bitch, how dare you eavesdrop?!"

Old cat: "Conch Mom."

A chill ran along the coccyx to the top of the head.

Lu Yuan vowed in his heart to improve the sound insulation of the office, and caught this guy and threw him out of the window.


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