Landing 500 years in advance, I became a god by digging for treasures

Chapter 266 Lingyan Technology, Zerg Technology and Green Technology

As Lu Yuan read out the list, Sha Mo and others were so surprised that they couldn't be more surprised. According to traditional concepts, isn't this... a founding hero?

Well, this country is a little small, but it is also a founding hero!

Even the old man Sha Sanli has been assigned a position - Director of Education!

Director of Education for more than 50,000 children, what does this mean? !

It's like commanding an army!

Becoming a high-ranking official undoubtedly made them feel the change in their status and gave them an indescribable sense of accomplishment and responsibility.

Their rights are greater than before, and many things within their duties no longer need to be reported to Lu Yuan, but this also means greater responsibility... In short, the taste of power can only be understood but not described.

Lu Yuan cleared his throat and knocked these restless guys in time: "Our society has determined that class is a must at present."

"A civilization without class is either primitive or the most powerful top civilization."

"But let me be frank. Power must be caged. We cannot tolerate the abuse of power. The current trial law is temporarily set as the green law. I don't want to see you go to jail."

The new official took office and everyone seemed very excited.

Everyone was thinking about how to pass this enthusiasm to everyone.

What's more, the high-level parliament, especially the general chairman, Comrade Lao Mao, has the responsibility to supervise them.

Once there is a major mistake, the impeachment procedure can be initiated at any time.

The black-bellied Lao Mao, with his eyes burning, complained in his heart: "There are only a few people in a department. Can they be so excited?"

It wants to see how the "Propaganda Group" reports today's meeting.

The "Establishment of the Human 18 Civilization Government" is not reported well, and it will impeach the newly appointed propaganda group leader tomorrow!

The newly appointed comrade found that the old cat was observing him, and he obviously realized this.

He was so anxious that he was sweating profusely, and his mind was frantically thinking about the wording.

Why does it feel that this job is not so easy...

After a while of excitement, the work responsibilities of each department were clarified.

Larger departments, such as the Ministry of Science and Technology and the Ministry of Security, have more than 100 people.

Smaller departments, such as the Propaganda Department, have only a few people at most.

The makeshift team is finally not so makeshift.

Lu Yuan made a few gestures, signaling everyone to be quiet.

"Friends, comrades, first of all, we need to state that we are still a very weak civilization. Don't think that we can survive in Pangu Continent for a long time just because we win the war. How much ammunition do we have?"

"There are still 720,000 bullets, only 22 shells, and mines and rocket launchers have been used up." The newly appointed director of the logistics team said immediately.

"Can we produce it?"

"Obviously... no."

"So, if there is another disaster, it will be hard for us to resist."

Everyone was silent. Having seen the power of technological weapons, their original spears and bows were not good enough.

Although technological weapons can be purchased, these people who have experienced too much suffering obviously know the truth that "it is better to rely on oneself than on others."

Lu Yuan said: "We must make long-term plans and complete them down to earth to become stronger."

"Our first small goal is to return to the human world and join forces with our mother civilization in victory."

He was actually copying the previous political class, "comprehensively building a society of something or other." Of course, the grass-roots team does not need to be so complicated, and it must do something that everyone can understand.

"The second medium goal is to survive in this cruel world."

"The third big goal is that we will eventually become a civilization stronger than the Green Civilization!"

"These things must be written in the program, which is considered a political lesson for the next generation. What do you think?"

Lu Yuan looked around. Except for Miss Conch who was looking at him with a smile, everyone else was quite serious - Lu Yuan was going to warn the girl privately that if you continue to do this, he would impeach you. (Conch is a secretary position.)

Sha Mo asked: "Since it has to be written into the program, why not write it more grandiosely? Is there any civilization stronger than the Green People?"

"The Gear Civilization and the Dalai Empire should be stronger than the Green... But the Green is the strongest civilization we can contact, and we can't feel the others, so it seems meaningless to write it in."

"In that case, I have no objection." Sha Mo nodded and smiled, "I'm just afraid that we will achieve the big goal too quickly, and then we will be at a loss when we draw our swords and look around."

Everyone laughed, which relaxed the serious atmosphere a little.

Lu Yuan rubbed his temples and shook his head: "Then let's decide this for now."

The first goal is to return to humanity. Although it is out of Lu Yuan's selfishness, it is also to make everyone "move up".

Now this place has mountains and water.

There is a big desert in the north and a huge ocean in the south.

The geographical location... is really excellent!

If you stay here, there may be no monster attacks for hundreds or thousands of years.

But Lu Yuan deeply knows that humans are only a few generations away from complete laziness.

The first generation worked diligently, knew that survival was not easy, and worked hard to create a huge foundation.

And the next generation can only experience a little bit of the difficulty, and cannot appreciate the difficulty of survival.

The next generation may not know what an “existential crisis” is, just like hearing fairy tales.

This is what it means to be a noble man and behead him for five lifetimes.

Even if he is the commander-in-chief, he cannot reverse the laziness of civilization. After all, the example of green civilization is right in front of us. The green civilization of long ago also had a sense of fighting and was able to defeat the [Demon Poppy Tree] through war.

But the green civilization behind it was so well cared for that it turned into a rotten civilization.

Not even the [Demon], the Great Elder, can change it. After all, the entire civilization has begun to enjoy themselves, and it is impossible for the Great Elder to change everyone's thinking.

Therefore, the best way is to "take action". When encountering crises, opportunities will also arise.

As long as you set this goal from the beginning, people will get used to it and won't object.

What's more, Lu Yuan is a little drifting now. As long as he doesn't encounter [ghost]-level phenomena, he feels that his combat effectiveness is a bit high.

Lu Yuan took a deep breath: "Dear friends, with these three goals in mind, we still need to formulate a detailed development plan."

"We expect to be here for thirty years..."

"Our population is too small. It is impossible to develop physical technology in an all-round way. Everyone must realize this. Although physical technology is good, it requires tens of millions, or even hundreds of millions, of people to develop it."

"Thirty years is far from enough for us to take off, so I plan to let the Sky City fly to the Lize Civilization for large-scale material exchange."

"Buy all the large machine tools, industrial machines, and nuclear power plants that we lack."

This kind of thinking, to put it bluntly, is "it is better to buy than to make", which is quite despicable in Dadong Kingdom.

However, as the leader of a small country with few people, Lu Yuan knows deeply that in 30 years' time, human civilization will only have 100,000 people at most, which is no more than the employees of a steel factory, running a shitty big industry.

It would be great to buy the machine!

If he hadn't had the fruit of face, Rize Wenming might not have sold it.

"However, we can still develop some idealistic technologies."

Now humans have Zerg technology, green technology, and pure physical technology. These three paths have great potential.

Oh, by the way, a piece of technology has been added now, the legacy technology of the Mandala Empire!

"I call it [Lingyan Technology]."

Lu Yuan took out some pieces of yellow paper from his briefcase, with some weird ghost symbols drawn on them.

One of the holders of the "translation ability" present here, a scholar named Zhang Wen, explained: "These strange symbols are regarded as degraded versions of glyphs. We checked more than a thousand books in the palace and successfully found some content."

"The first emperor of the empire, in order to consolidate the country, spent thousands of years recruiting people and developing a magical supernatural technology."

Everyone picked up this strange talisman and started thinking about it.

"It does look a bit like a glyph." Guo Weiqiang murmured to himself, "But I can't understand it."

"This is a special version with targeted glyphs that are only effective for [Spiritual Words]." Lu Yuan narrowed his eyes, "But the specific principle is quite simple. It is probably the function of sealing [Spiritual Words]."

"What can be sealed?" Sha Mo asked with great interest.

"There are many functions. To give a simple example, it can give birth to animals."

Generally speaking, the fertility rate of supernatural creatures is extremely low, and the probability of inheriting "superpowers" is low.

So the imperial royal family, through long-term exploration, developed a strange reproduction model: using these talismans to carry a certain syllable of [Lingyan].

Then stick the talisman paper on the animal and let the [spiritual words] take effect slowly, which can greatly increase the reproduction rate of extraordinary beings.

"This is an explosive talisman... It can probably achieve the effect of ordinary high-explosive bombs. If the formula is improved, I think it can be enhanced."

"But it's not very economical, right?" Lao Mao questioned.

"Well, that's right." Lu Yuan didn't shy away from his shortcomings.

Ideal technology obviously requires ideal materials.

Otherwise, the empire would have rolled out such explosive things on a large scale.

"In addition, the First Emperor also used the function of [Lingyan] to seal himself. In order to resist the corrosion of the painting's skin, he sealed himself in a bronze coffin, which was covered with talismans. In this way, he survived a long period of time ”

"The soul of Painted Skin is still within my seal, and the powerful ability of [Spiritual Words] can be enhanced and utilized."

"Since the empire can develop this technology tree, we can naturally do it too. Moreover, we don't need many manpower. Just a few people who can carve."

Every vision is equivalent to an idealistic technology line.

The development potential of natural disaster-level anomalies is particularly strong.

Calculated in this way, the heritage of human civilization is really quite a lot.

The assets left by the Green People alone are enough for the rise of mankind.

Coupled with Zerg technology, [Spiritual Word] technology, and the immortal giant turtle, this heritage is simply too much compared to such a small population!

But people must grasp the essence of it, otherwise like now, they will be a little bit good at everything, sparse in everything, and will be unable to produce anything at the critical moment.

"Mr. Lu, how can we make Hua Pi use spiritual words?" Sha Mo from the technology team said, "In this technology tree, [Ling Yan] is the key, right?"

Lu Yuan said calmly: "It's very simple. Lock the painting in the green paradise and coax it to use spiritual words."

"We can guide this force out and make it into talisman paper."

"But obviously, this plan can only achieve some simple functions."

The painted skin has no wisdom. It can only kill. It is good at mental attacks, explosions, blood sucking, and soul swallowing.

It is obviously not good at production.

"Can the divine skills of the painted skin be taken out?" Sha Mo asked again.

Lu Yuan shook his head: "No, it is a vision, the embodiment of idealistic rules, and the ultimate embodiment of the ability of [Spirit Words]. We can only borrow it, but we can't deprive it."

"Or we can only forcibly merge the soul of the painted skin like the first emperor did, and then use our will to fight against it."

"But in the end, it will still make people neither human nor ghost."

"Oh, there is another way, using the ability of the conch to simulate [Spirit Words], but the effect will be much worse."

"This matter can only be let her practice slowly by herself. Conch, can you do it?"

Conch was obsessed with the fantasy of love and couldn't extricate herself. Hearing the fire burning on herself, she nodded quickly.

After all, she has always been a lady in public.

"I... will try it in my spare time."

Of course, there is a third way, which Lu Yuan did not say directly - to control the [Painted Skin].

But this is also difficult.

One aspect is that he does not have enough idealistic energy.

Now everything is revived, the Tree of Life and the Zerg warriors are crying for food. The virtual world of the Poppy Tree is very high in power, and it also consumes energy.

Even the rich Green Princess Hailuo must eat well if she wants to make up for her divine attributes, and eat soul infant fruit and pomegranate fruit as meals!


With money flowing like water, Lu Yuan can only suffer for himself, without even a physical body, and make a rubbish clone show up.

Fortunately, there is a "magic cube-level energy" that has output every day, which makes Lu Yuan not so anxious. (The greater the historical fluctuations, the stronger the civilization, and the higher the output.)

But no matter what, he really can't squeeze out any idealistic energy to control the painted skin, at least not in the next few decades.

On the other hand, Painted Skin, as the direct cause of the empire's destruction, will obviously cause unrest if it is used directly.

So... forget it for now.

So, many elites discussed for a while, "Glyphs" is the biggest foundation, and it is always right to get rid of Glyphs first.

The difficulty of Lingyan Technology and Zerg Technology is not high. Even if you can't understand it in depth, you can quickly provide output.

And Green Technology is too advanced, and it is even more difficult to inherit it.

At the end, Lu Yuan slapped the table heavily: "In short, our population is too small. Only by vigorously developing idealistic technology can we adapt to the trend of the times. Let's work hard!!"

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