Amidst the laughter and laughter, another six years passed in the blink of an eye.

Plain and simple, but full of achievements.

The children trained in the green paradise gradually grow up. Every year, 3,000 to 5,000 students step out of the campus and join the wave of the era of great construction.

Human resources are indeed the most valuable asset. The development speed in the past six years is several times faster than the previous 24 years!

First of all, in these six years, the first important institution established was the Academy of Sciences!

This is a comprehensive research site with a total of more than 3,000 researchers covering all aspects of science and technology, mainly young people.

There is also a large engineering institute with more than 5,000 people.

The research directions of both parties overlap to a certain extent, forming a competitive relationship.

The dean of the Grand Academy of Sciences is a super thinker, the latest rising Professor Lu Tiantian.

The leader of the Great Engineering Institute is also a super thinker, a veteran wise man. He is responsible for the desert, the current power network, and the fully automated farm.

Internal competition is not a bad thing in any civilization.

Especially at the level of technological development, where there is competition, there will be a flow of talents and a collision of ideas.

If there is only one research institute, talents will not have any choice, and it is easy to become stuck in the water.

Nowadays, going to any place is good, which is a good thing for individuals and civilization.

In addition, the evaluation mechanism for scientific research results has also been formally established when peer review occurs.

It is becoming increasingly rare for people who seek fame and reputation to seize resources.

With the help of the two research institutes, human civilization has prospered at a speed visible to the naked eye, and physical technology and spiritual technology are booming!

"Ladies and gentlemen, today marks our thirtieth year on this beach."

"This has been a miraculous, stable and harmonious thirty years, and we have made great achievements!"

So today, the 30th Spring Festival has finally arrived.

The town halls of various communities and the green school complex were crowded with people. Lu Yuan was delivering an important speech.

"Five years ago, we also established a factory with higher productivity - a large production facility."

This thing is based on the "universal factory" as its core.

Coming from the "Universal Factory" of the gear civilization, for humans at this stage, it is like a life-saver!

Its production speed is related to its complexity. After testing, a thumb-sized chip can be produced in one week.

But for making simple equipment such as chains and bearings, it only takes a few minutes.

Therefore, the "large production plant" with 3,000 engineers continuously provides industrial products to poor mankind-a small quantity, but extremely precious.

"With the help of Universal Factory, the biggest change currently is that radios and telephones, the most common technological items in human civilization, have finally appeared on the market."

"Oh, by the way, there's a TV!"

"Our engineers have repaired some large screens left by the green civilization and they can be used as televisions. I believe everyone has experienced it."

"The Propaganda Department established a TV station, adding new culture to our society."

With such a small population, it is indeed not easy to create these technological products.

The prices of industrial products such as tricycles and bicycles are also slowly decreasing. After all, the Sky City is only 4 kilometers deep. These simple means of transportation can already meet most travel needs.

The other is the huge development at the military level!

The survivors from the Mandala Empire have completely integrated into the new life of the 18th human civilization.

There are a total of five level 6, 12 level 5, and 89 level 4 masters.

However, it would be too wasteful to let masters become soldiers. Lu Yuan preferred to let them engage in higher-end jobs such as carving and education.

Humanity itself has cultivated many little masters over the years, and some cultivation geniuses have reached the level 3 of extraordinary fire with few resources. The original captain Sha Kan'er is already a level 4 master!

This is actually not a shame, after all, resources are really limited.

Even Lu Yuan himself, who had cultivated to level 6, had accumulated resources.


As for serious military development, it is still impossible to manufacture missiles and nuclear bombs, but there is still some development.

For example, the Lingyan Rune Cannon is an idealistic weapon developed in recent years.

Some experts once imagined that since the ability of [Spiritual Words] can be sealed on talisman paper through glyphs, then by changing the substrate and engraving [Spiritual Words] on cannonballs, can a [Demon] level be created? destructive power?

And can it be launched remotely?

This project, after sixteen years of development, has basically become mature.

The power of the "Spiritual Rune Cannon" is even greater than the original depleted uranium bombs!

One shot down and it was like a mushroom cloud!

There is no nuclear radiation, and it even has the potential to continue to increase its power.

The only drawback's too expensive!

Cannonball carving technicians are hand-made. Apart from Lu Yuan, there are only three carving craftsmen who are qualified, and human resources are still insufficient.

Moreover, it requires extraordinary materials such as ten thousand-year amber and mithril, and it is really unaffordable to produce it on a large scale.


Another point is the change at the social level. The peculiar social public support model has finally continued.

About 1,000-2,000 children are born every year. Compared with the current population of 100,000, the pressure on resources is not that great.


Thinking back to this, Lu Yuan's voice became louder: "Our economy has achieved long-term development. The average salary has increased from 200 yuan in thirty years to the current 3,400 yuan, an increase of sixteen times. The average annual growth is 10% For thirty consecutive years, this is an improvement in productivity and great progress.”

"The national practice plan has been perfectly implemented!"

"The average extraordinary level has reached level 2, which means that the average life span of everyone can reach more than two hundred years old, which is also a great achievement!"

Lu Yuan said these words with great pride on his face.

He feels that it is remarkable that the Caotai team has been able to develop to this point. Although there are still some details that need to be worked out, where in the world is there a truly perfect society?

It took three hundred years for the original Meida civilization to reach the average level of level 2.

Until the Meda Civilization went extinct, most people were still in the first-level category, that is, just getting started.

This is caused by the misallocation of resources, coupled with the extreme poverty of resources - the entire Meida civilization, with a population of tens of millions, only guards one pomegranate tree, plus a small number of mutant plants, how many talents can it have?

The human 18th civilization is actually poor, but it is much stronger than the Meda civilization.

In addition, he, the commander of the mainland, is generous and uses his own assets to lay a good foundation for the children.

They even seized an entire empire's resources, and Lu Yuan invested all of these into civilians and the military.

Except for the children who are still at the first level, even the most ordinary citizens are at the second level.

Lu Yuan didn't know how the 17 cities from Earth were developing. In short, he felt that the 18 human civilizations on his side were definitely not bad!

After listening to these reports, there were warm applause and discussions in the school and the assembly hall.

There is happiness only when there is comparison.

Jin Dongliang, the Xiantian Grand Master and training instructor, sighed: "Nearly 100,000 second-level masters, if you put them in the past, they would be a huge army."

"If the emperor of the empire hears about this force, he will be so worried that his head turns gray."

Level 1 fire is something everyone can do.

But Level 2 is the entry level.

Extraordinary fire has functions such as physical fitness and protection, and the attributes of the second-level warrior have also been increased to 10 points. This is a qualitative change.

Level three is considered to be the entrance to the palace, and you can hunt extraordinary beings on your own.

Of course, for now, there are more than 800 third-level masters, which is still a bit small.

"It's still too poor, and there are only more than a hundred fourth-level masters." The person in charge of the Great Academy of Sciences, Lu Tiantian, was not so satisfied with these results. "I have long asked the commander to raise the city in the sky to find Civilization relics, competition for resources.”

"This barren land, although comfortable, is too poor and has nothing."

"He's always not very happy. Now it's finally been thirty years and the agreed time has come. I'm afraid he has no objections."

Jin Dongliang laughed. He is 298 years old this year, and this generation of young people is the most confident group of people he has ever seen.

Do your best no matter what!

Even in civilized competition, they think first - they really dare to think!

Jin Dongliang said: "Hey, you think too simplistically. The commander-in-chief of the mainland is right. It's fine if our civilization does not encounter crises. Once it encounters a crisis, it will really fall apart. It only takes a few seconds for the entire world to collapse." The world fell apart."

"It's better to be steady."

Jin Dongliang is still scared when he thinks of what happened.

Not only him, but other masters who have experienced the "painted skin" battle also feel the same way.

These thirty years have been really comfortable and comfortable.

"I'm afraid if I'm more cautious, I'll miss the opportunity. And, haven't you noticed, that kind of atmosphere is slowly spreading."

Everyone was silent for a while.

That is a lazy thought.

It’s not that everyone has become lazy. Thirty years later, engineers and scientists are still very passionate, students are youthful and energetic, and craftsmen are crazy about creating legendary masterpieces!

Well, not a legendary masterpiece, "rare", or "excellent level", right?

This atmosphere comes from the bottom layer of genes - human nature is actually lazy.

However, this world is so cruel. How many civilizations can survive to the end of an era? When will the next disaster come? Should we choose slow death or grow by overcoming difficulties? Or will it wither and become a relic of the next era?

No one can answer these questions.

Jin Dongliang sighed: "I am indeed living a comfortable life these days."

Lu Tiantian smiled: "Yes, that's why I'm anxious."

"After all these years, there should be very few milestones in civilization..."

"There may be quite a few civilizations that have left the safe zone."

"We seem to be prospering, but actually we don't have any advantages."

"Those technological civilizations can easily have a population of tens of millions or even hundreds of millions. How can we compare?"

As the dean of the National Academy of Sciences, Lu Tiantian is deeply aware of the power brought by population size.

A lot of industrial work is basically empirical science, accumulated over time by countless people.

For example, in the smelting of special steel, the master can judge whether it is qualified by looking at the color and touching the texture. As for the novice...all kinds of fancy methods are used, but they are still not as good as the master.

If there are not enough people and time, it is impossible to catch up with technology.

Today is the 17433rd day of the Ninth Era. Even if it is the safe zone time, it has been 174 days, almost 6 months. Some civilizations with more courage have probably really walked out of the safe zone.

This makes the younger generation very worried.

"There is no need to belittle ourselves. We also have our own advantages." Standing on the other side, Professor Sha Mo of the Great Engineering Academy said with a smile, "We have enough masters here, you have to admit this."

Most of the masters have gone to study carvings.

This is indeed the most promising position at present. In the foreseeable future, carvings are the core of idealistic technology.

Perhaps there are many second-generation civilizations like the Mandala Empire in the world, which also have many masters.

But if the masters do not engage in research and only develop military force, then the significance of masters is very limited.

After all, no matter how much intelligent life practices, it is difficult to defeat the anomaly.

The stronger the individual force of a society, the more likely it is to fall into the feudal era and fail to make perfect use of human resources.

"Can an individual really not defeat it?" Lu Tiantian asked in confusion, "Uncle Jin, as a level 6 master, how many moves can you hold out?"

"In front of a real [monster], you can't hold out even a single move." Jin Dongliang kept shaking his head, "You can't even escape, unless you have some life-saving skills. You really haven't seen it... Alas, it's like a nightmare."

The battle at the time is still under high-level confidentiality.

However, Jin Dongliang deeply knows that your big daddy, who hasn't taken action for a long time, is the highest combat power of the entire civilization.

If there is no such unique combat power, do you really think that all masters will be so easy to surrender?

It's very difficult!

Because the unique combat power is integrated into the civilian population, without any airs, those masters can only follow suit...

Lu Yuan on the TV said excitedly: "Ladies and gentlemen, even if we have made great achievements in recent years, we must know that we are still not a powerful civilization."

"The resources in this place are too poor. It is almost impossible for all people to climb to level three."

"So, we must leave."

"Finding civilization relics, mining resources, and returning to the mother civilization are all our short-term goals."

"Therefore, according to the high-level meeting, it was decided that after this year's Spring Festival, we must set sail."

"Just like an ancient poem from the mother civilization of mankind: There will be a time to ride the wind and waves, and set sail to cross the vast ocean! Please be mentally prepared. Difficulties and obstacles are what you must face to achieve greatness!"

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