Landing 500 years in advance, I became a god by digging for treasures

Chapter 29 Even if I have kidney deficiency, I still have to pick up trash like crazy!

This cave is very large. From the outside of the cave, you can see the reinforced concrete structure inside. The walls are black and covered with gray moss. Occasionally, there are rusty steel bars exposed. A smell of the passage of time comes to you. .

Lu Yuan frowned slightly.

This seems to be a bomb shelter dug by the Meida Civilization? !

Most of the materials have been eroded by time, such as cars and machines, and they have been turned into metal garbage by the salamanders.

So this air raid shelter turned into a dirty monster lair.

Lu Yuan squatted down. Although he was exhausted, the trash man's heart was eager to try!

I picked up a scrap metal door...

I don’t know what kind of alloy it is, but it looks very strong and not rusty yet.

It's really too heavy, so I'll put it aside for now and pick it up later when I have time.

Picked up more than a hundred bundles of smelly and dirty cloth? !

The material is a bit like melt-blown cloth for masks, chemical fiber, each roll has a width of two meters, and is rolled together.

It's just that a lot of cloth is contaminated by salamander excrement...

Lu Yuan didn't know if these things could be washed clean.

"If you can find clean cloth, you can also make clothes and pants. It will be very rewarding."

"If I can't wash it clean... well, I have to forget about it!"

Lu Yuan covered his nose and shook his head at these chemical fibers.

It's not that he is picky, but wearing smelly clothes will seriously affect his mental state - no normal person would wear clothes that smell of feces, right?

When you go out, your mood is very important!

Picked up... a lot of gold, silver and all kinds of messy metals!

Particularly eye-catching are the gold bricks!

Big and big gold bricks!

The golden bricks were piled together haphazardly like building bricks, which made Lu Yuan's eyes confused.

He even thought it was a treasury.

Silver becomes rusty under the erosion of time.

Only gold still maintains its beautiful golden color.

"Does this salamander like shiny things? What are the habits of the legendary dragon?" Lu Yuan moved it around. Each brick may weigh 10 kilograms.

The total weight of these things may be dozens of tons. According to the gold price of 700 yuan per gram, he has picked up several billions at once?

"As long as it is of some use, it is not useless at all!"

I also picked up a dozen pieces of shiny stone and metal, each weighing several tons.

[The steel ingot that was bitten by the salamander, do you want to take a bite? 】

[Aluminum alloy licked by a salamander. 】

It is almost certain that this salamander has the habits of a giant dragon.

A trash guy just exploded another trash guy's gold coins.

If the salamander had a spirit in the sky, it would definitely roar violently: Are you hunting me just to take away the garbage I have accumulated for hundreds of years?

Why should a garbage man embarrass a garbage man? !

"Oops, there seems to be something wrong with my head."

Lu Yuan was extremely excited. He got dozens of tons of metal garbage and was so excited that he almost lay down on it.

He doesn't understand his abnormal psychology. They are obviously a bunch of useless things, but he just wants to accept them all and move them away!

As the saying goes, a warrior who slays a dragon will eventually become a dragon - and he is now evolving towards a true dragon.

"Lu Yuan, calm down. Find something useful and take it back to improve your life."

[Fluorite, a fluorine-containing mineral. It emits weak light when subjected to friction, heating, ultraviolet irradiation, etc. It is an industrial raw material that is usually used to extract fluorine. 】

"Can this thing be used as toothpaste?"

He remembered that the toothpaste seemed to contain fluorine.

[Apatite, a phosphate-containing mineral, will slowly release energy and produce a weak light when heated. 】

I really don’t know what the use of this thing is.

[Calcium-uranium mica emits light yellow-green fluorescence under ultraviolet light irradiation and has high radioactivity. Are you sure you want to live with this thing for a long time? There is a very small probability of benign mutations, and the probability of various types of cancer increases by more than 1,000%. 】

Lu Yuan shuddered and subconsciously stayed away from the green stone.

Continuing to explore the deepest part of the cave, Lu Yuan also found something like a big iron ball, one of which was buried in the soil, shining with silver light. There were crystal screens on the iron ball.

It looks... unusual?

Its surface was smeared with salamander fuel and had traces of dried spit.

The Eye of the Pioneer explains this: [It may be a civilization auxiliary management device developed by a powerful civilization. It can be used to detect various human resource data of this civilization, and also has certain remote contact functions. Whether this civilization has good intentions or bad intentions is still a mystery...]

[However, due to Salamander's long-term play, part of this civilization management device seems to have been damaged. Maybe a small part of its functions can still be used normally. 】

[The current energy reserve is seriously insufficient and can be recharged through solar energy. 】

Lu Yuan was startled, the muscles on his face twitched twice, and he rubbed his eyes in disbelief.

Immediately afterwards, there was a burst of ecstasy in my heart. What kind of good luck is this... He actually picked up a relic of a higher civilization? !

Could it be possible to use this thing to contact human civilization? !

Even if I can’t go back physically, it’s still good to make a phone call!

The wandering heart trembled all of a sudden!

Lu Yuan pressed the button of the machine, and the indicator light next to it lit up and flashed.

A strange electronic sound came from the big ball, a "sizzling" sound, and the speaker seemed to be broken.

"I wonder if there is artificial intelligence..."

With the idea of ​​trying, Lu Yuan shouted at the big ball: "Human civilization, can you contact humans! Hey! Contact humans quickly!"

"Number... What is the number of humans... 7812HSKKJ-1 to 7812HSKKJ-17."

"It should be this number..." Lu Yuan entered a series of numbers on a sub-screen that could be lit through the button on the surface of the big ball.

The sub-screen had a distorted screen.

But after waiting for a long time, the main screen did not light up.

This big machine seemed to be frozen, and there was no response at all.

Lu Yuan was very disappointed, sighing for a long time, and wanted to move it out to dry it, but he couldn't move it - the gap between the power of the fire lizard and him was too big.

However, this disappointment only lasted for a short minute.

After all, in the current environment, we cannot expect to be able to contact human civilizations that are countless kilometers away by just picking up a more advanced communicator.

"Forget it, forget it. There is no disappointment without expectation."

"If humans don't have such a machine, I can't contact them..."

"Just like making a phone call, if humans don't have a mobile phone, it's useless no matter how I dial the number..."

He comforted himself, but in fact, he couldn't stop feeling disappointed deep in his heart.

It's just that he encountered too many helpless facts, so it doesn't matter if there are just one or two.

Soon he became optimistic again. After all, this time, just two abilities made him satisfied.

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