At this moment, the scientists in Sky City are also analyzing the other party's behavioral signs.

The pressure brought by that giant turtle was too great.

Even though they are separated by a screen, one can still feel the aura that comes from the vision. The tawny tortoise shell is simple and solid, like the vast earth, and the thick limbs hide terrifying power.

This is the first time for the 18th branch of humanity to have serious contact with an alien civilization that they don’t know where it came from. They must be careful.

"Fortunately, Mr. Jin Dongliang was dispatched... Ordinary civil servants would be paralyzed by this threat."

"Brother has experienced the disaster of [Painted Skin], and his mental quality is still good. Compared with [Painted Skin], this giant turtle is still far behind." Another brother from the Jin family said, touching his chin.

"But the other party is coming in a menacing way and doesn't look very friendly."

Lu Yuan was silent. If he had known, he would have ended up on his own.

However, for a while, the two sides seemed to be still communicating, and he could only stay here and wait patiently.

As if seeing the doubts of Jin Dongliang and others, the giant stone-bearing turtle breathed out strong winds.

【The vast continent, countless civilizations compete for survival, the vast space and time, trillions of creatures compete for dominance. 】

[The weak eat the strong, the fittest survive, this is the rule. 】

[The weak pays the strong a certain amount of wealth in exchange for peace. 】

[In the eighth era, this rule became popular. The same is true for the ninth era! 】

Jin Dongliang understood and shouted, "What do you want?"

[Three battles, two wins out of three, no matter life or death! 】

[The loser pays one hundred souls! 】

While he was talking, a rat man in blue crawled over from the hillside with his teeth bared.

His eyes were scarlet, he showed two big buck teeth, his whole body glowed red, and he was holding a sharp knife.

【Choose your warriors! Only for cold weapon combat! 】

[In the first battle, our clan will not make things difficult for you. 】

[The warrior dispatched this time is a level six strongman, Blue Golden Rat, be careful. 】

The severity of the scene exceeded Lu Yuan's imagination.

He had never thought that Pangea's communication method could be so barbaric.

As soon as they met, before they even exchanged a few words, a fight was about to break out!

Or are these rat people who survived from the previous era making things up? Is this really what the Eighth Age is like?

The rest of the people in the monitoring room were also surprised and held their breath. The pressure suddenly increased.

What kind of living environment is this?

"Judging from their tone and expressions, it should be true." Lu Tiantian, the brightest man, turned blue. "This kind of rule is indeed possible to avoid the occurrence of war."

The massacre of civilization can bring a lot of idealistic energy.

Idealistic energy is the most precious thing. If there is unlimited energy, just the birth of the Tree of Life and the Poppy Tree can solve the problem of insufficient resources.

At the end of the eighth era, the natural disaster of annihilation is about to come, and the number of war mad civilizations should not be too large.

Gambling, on the other hand, can reduce some losses.

After all, war is likely to hurt both sides.

It would be great if we could decide who would win or lose through betting.

"But we can't lose too badly. We must at least maintain a stalemate for a while." Lu Tiantian said, "Otherwise, there is still the possibility of war breaking out!"

Lu Yuan also figured this out.

The other party is obviously the type with extremely high reproductive capacity and is not afraid of sacrifice.

Once the defeat is too bad and human beings are exposed as just a puffy fat man, then the two sides may really go to war!

"There is only one Jin Dongliang among level six masters. I have to get down quickly."

"Just take the tree of life and the conch with you...this battle must be won."

Lu Yuan slipped out of the room and started running around the city, taking the Tree of Life into his mind.

The conch seemed to have a telepathic connection, transferring its soul into the gem.

"Okay, this is already the highest combat power."

Finally, Lu Yuan asked a "flying dragon" to send him down.

"Damn, what's going on... Deliberately sending someone of the same level! Do you think I'm so scared?" Jin Dongliang became a little angry after being confused at the beginning.

After all, he is a sixth-level grandmaster. He can't defeat the vision. How can he defeat a rat like you? !

However, the appearance of the sixth-level rat-men made the humans dare not underestimate them.

The civilization that escaped disaster in the last era really didn't care about martial ethics. Didn't it just take a long time to develop and use the big to bully the small?

The sixth level may be the limit of the extraordinary fire ability.

On top of this, it is necessary to develop a "field" or borrow some more powerful divine skills to further enhance the extraordinary level.

"Lao Jin, it's best to win this battle and delay it for some time." Lao Mao whispered, "Lu Yuan has already arrived."

"I'll try my best." Jin Dongliang smiled bitterly.

"After you win, we don't have any soldiers in the second battle. We can just admit defeat and wait for Lu Yuan to fight in the third battle."

The old cat stared at the other party with his eyes and said calmly: "The guy in blue clothes sent by the other party will not be the strongest one, so be careful."

The golden-clothed rat man on the turtle's back obviously possesses high intelligence, and a city in the sky did not scare him.

Maybe, at the end of the eighth era, this small sky city was just a low-quality thing, and there was really no way to scare people.

The Rat Man is just testing the overall strength of the human side in this way.

If the first battle results in the ratman being crushed, he might slide to his knees immediately, and there is no need to compete in the rest.

But it is obvious that the one standing here is not Lu Yuan, the strongest in Green Town...

The old cat gave a few instructions and could only remain silent.

Facing an opponent of the same level, Jin Dongliang still feels a lot of pressure.

"Don't worry, it's just a ratman."

He stretched his body. Although he studied carvings every day, his fighting skills have not fallen behind because of the existence of Green Paradise.

Jin Dongliang stepped forward and drew a long sword forged by "Oliha Steel" from his waist, and his whole body also emitted red light.

The other ratman was short in stature, holding a black dagger of unknown level, and his teeth were "clacking".

The battle started in the blink of an eye!

"Squeaky!" All the ratmen watching began to cheer like a tidal wave, and it can be seen that they enjoyed this violent duel very much.

"Wow!" The blue-clothed rat man opened his eyes wide, and disappeared underground like teleporting.

This is obviously a powerful divine skill.

Although Jin Dongliang is a level 6 master, it is a pity that he does not have a divine skill. He just froze for a moment, and then he jumped forward with a tense heart.

Looking back again, the ghostly blue-clothed rat man drilled out of the ground, stabbing forward with a dagger, violently and unspeakably.

A red light slashed out from the dagger, drawing a bright long rainbow!

Jin Dongliang gritted his teeth, his pupils glowed, "super-speed reaction", a Qi skill, but he made an incredible backward twisting movement at the critical moment, avoiding this strong red light.

The onlookers shouted and became more excited.

Level 6 masters are indeed very powerful. Although they are not good enough in front of the vision, they are like supermen for ordinary people.

The aftermath of the extraordinary fire alone directly killed several of the onlookers, and blood splattered everywhere.

In close combat, the clash of long swords and daggers made a sound of metal clashing.

Jin Dongliang was more powerful because of the existence of the shape skill.

But this blue-clothed mouse was very flexible and could easily drill into the ground and injure people through sneak attacks.

Fortunately, the divine skill also had its limits. After drilling into the ground, it had to get out within five seconds, otherwise it would be trapped in the soil.

"Ah!" After Jin Dongliang saw the flaw, he suddenly roared loudly. This was his Qi skill, the Lion's Roar, which launched a powerful mental attack through sound waves.

Then, taking advantage of the moment when the other party was stunned, he suddenly jumped over and grabbed the rat man's neck tightly!

The rat man was not willing to be outdone, and immediately raised the dagger and chopped towards his waist.

Jin Dongliang was too lazy to deal with the attack on his waist.

He activated the carving on the vine armor - solid!

He was gambling!

He bet that the "Excellent Grade" Poppy Vine Armor could block that blow for him.

He immediately analyzed how powerful the divine skill that could drill into the ground was.

Even if there were some flaws, once the opponent kept drilling into the ground and jumping out to attack, he would be too passive and would be worn out to death sooner or later.

It would be better to catch this damn rat and fight quickly like now.


The dagger attacked the vine armor, and a heavy scratch appeared on the surface of the vine armor!

This dagger was not an ordinary thing either. The violent fire energy still poured into it, and the knife wound on the waist was instantly bleeding.

Jin Dongliang snorted coldly, regardless of anything, grabbed the rat man's neck with one hand, and slashed across with the long sword in the other hand, trying to behead the opponent!

At this time, the power of "one inch shorter, one inch more dangerous" was revealed. With a "bang", the opponent actually raised his hand and blocked the blow!

Because both sides were desperately attacking and had no spare energy to defend, the two violent red lights crossed each other and directly cut off each other's arms.

The life-and-death fight between the masters was indeed very shocking.

After all, attacking is always more difficult than defending.

As the two arms and weapons fell to the ground, making a dull and crisp sound, the onlookers once again let out a sharp howl, appearing extremely excited.

On the contrary, the humans became more and more nervous and dared not say a word.

The old cat also widened his pupils. It wanted to do something secretly, but it endured it.


The two pale faces looked at each other. Although Jin Dongliang only had one left arm, he still grabbed the other's neck and refused to let go.

He knew that once he let go, the other party would use the "God's Skill" to escape, and he would not be able to catch the other party at that time.

Then, the rat man kicked him in the stomach.

Jin Dongliang's face was blue with veins, and he grabbed the other party's neck and smashed it to the ground.


A big hole was smashed into the ground.

The blue-clothed ratman's eyes turned white, his tongue stuck out, and his thick purple tail suddenly hooked.

The two fell to the ground together and rolled several times.

It was like a red fireball rolling.

Jin Dongliang's eyes were bleeding, and his hand that was pinching the opponent's throat tightened a little bit, and his blue fingers were almost pinching into the opponent's bones.

The ratman was thin and had no advantage in the wrestling. He could only use his tail, which also wrapped around Jin Dongliang's neck.

"Pooh!" Jin Dongliang suddenly spit out a tooth, hitting the opponent's forehead like a sharp sword.

After being hit at such a close distance, the ratman rolled his eyes and finally reached his limit, and his tail couldn't help but relax.


With this lion roar, the ratman fainted directly.


With the end of the first war, the huge canyon was silent.

Jin Dongliang stood up from the ground, picked up his broken limb, and carried the dizzy ratman, and returned to his base camp very unceremoniously.

"Fortunately, I have fulfilled my mission!"

"I won the first game."

The morale of the human side was high, and they cheered one after another. Anyway, the other side was not the kind of polite civilization, so they were too lazy to pretend.

A medical staff member stepped forward and quickly connected his broken limb and fixed it with a bandage.

The sixth-level fire seed brings powerful healing ability. As long as enough time is given, the broken limb can heal again.

"Such a serious injury will take three months to recover." Jin Dongliang's face flushed.

The old cat stepped forward, checked the unconscious ratman, and sent someone to connect his broken limb to him.

However, for the time being, they did not want to return the captive.

No matter which civilization, the sixth-level warrior is very precious. If you want to take it back, you can exchange it with chips.

The rat people found that they were defeated, but they became more excited.

Countless rat people in black clothes, with red eyes, stood in all directions and screamed loudly, like violent beasts.

The rat king, wearing golden clothes and riding on the stone-carrying turtle, revealed a hint of complex emotions in his eyes. He was defeated.

He saw the poppy armor.

The power of equipment naturally has a decisive guarantee in battle.

Several rat people in purple clothes climbed onto the turtle and discussed for a while, thinking that the other party just won by luck.

"As long as we send stronger warriors, we can win the second battle."

The bet of 100 spiritual rhymes is not a small number.

But there are also a few rat people who think that there is no need to fight anymore.

The other party has enough trading qualifications.

"My lord, it's only the beginning of the era, not even a few years... The other party can train a sixth-level warrior, so it should not be underestimated."

"This civilization obviously has great potential. It will not be a bad thing for us to have a good relationship with it in the future."

"Even if we defeat the other party through war, we will suffer heavy losses and the gains will not outweigh the losses."

The law of the jungle is indeed the rule of Pangu Continent!

Destroying civilizations can get huge amounts of "spiritual charm".

So, while making deals, the rats don't mind destroying some weak civilizations-even in the eighth era, most civilizations do this, plundering others' spirits and robbing others' luck can make them grow!

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