The human group on the other side was also suspicious, and their eyes widened.


This purple-clothed rat man actually knows "field"!

That is, the extraordinary level has reached above level seven!

In fact, the Green Civilization has also developed content related to "field", but it is not detailed.

In other words, the confidentiality of these materials is relatively high and they were completely lost in the era disaster.

However, considering that these rat men are the remnants of the previous era, it seems to be acceptable.

"In the Mandala Empire, only those with peerless talents can comprehend the field." Jin Dongliang whispered, "It must be a congenital strongman, based on the congenital abilities he controls, to form a more powerful... a bit like the product of the fusion of abilities."

The field is not a real ability, but a set of idealistic rules that are conducive to one's own performance.

For example, if the abilities controlled by a person are all of the type that increase strength.

Then the field he developed may also be related to strength.

If a person's abilities are too complex, the difficulty of development will increase.

"This kind of genius appears once every thousand years, but their life span is generally not long, and they die after a few hundred years. It may be some kind of overdraft method."

"This purple-clothed rat man actually knows the field. They should have mastered a better way."

People couldn't help but sigh. The civilization left over from the ancient era really has its own heritage.

On the other side, the old cat listened to the discussion of the crowd and estimated the time. Lu Yuan was on the way and would arrive soon.

The immortal giant turtle really delayed for a long time, and this surprise force worked.

"King, if we continue to fight like this, we can't win, but we can't lose either!"

The purple-clothed rat man gestured a few movements with his tail: "What should we do? Do we have to keep fighting?"

The rat king squinted his eyes and ignored him.

He kept calculating in his heart.

If he loses again, it will be two losses in three games!

The price of one hundred spiritual rhymes is really high!

Use your big buck teeth to bite the turtle off for me!

The purple-clothed rat man felt nervous, knowing that the king's stingy problem had come back.

He could only bite the turtle hard with a red glow all over his body!

With a crisp "click", the two big buck teeth broke cleanly.

"What's going on? Use some strength!" The immortal giant turtle was like a stone Buddha, constantly mocking.

It was impossible to let it take the initiative to attack, and it couldn't catch the mouse.

Fortunately, it could hold on to the end of time with the opponent's attack of that level.

The purple-clothed rat man turned his head and gestured to his broken teeth, and showed the boning knife with a gap in his hand.

King, there is really no way, I can't break the defense!


There was a sudden sound of wings flapping in the sky, and the king insect brought Lu Yuan to this spacious valley.

The smoke filled the air, and the war between the ratmen and turtles could be seen from afar, as if no one could do anything to the other...

"Did you win the first game?"

"I have done my job!" Jin Dongliang pounded his chest with his intact hand and smiled proudly.

Lu Yuan was surprised and happy.

He took a deep breath and suddenly realized that victory was not only created by him, but others were also fighting bravely for the rise of mankind.

The old cat glanced at him: "But these ratmen didn't do anything ruthless."

"The first game was a blue-clothed ratman, and the second game was a purple one."

"That's right," Jin Dongliang was using the extraordinary fire to heal his broken hand, "If the first game was a purple-clothed ratman, I would probably not be his opponent. Above the purple, there are golden-clothed ones, the least in number, and the strongest in combat power..."

Lu Yuan used a bandage made of a leaf of the Tree of Life to fix his arm.

"There's no need to speak for them. These guys just haven't figured out our strength yet, so it's normal for them to hide something."

"According to this rule, if they are too weak, we can unite with the Rize civilization and launch a sneak attack to annihilate these ratmen."

The old cat's eyes lit up: "Your idea is not bad. This place is only ten kilometers away from the Rize civilization. Or should I contact them now?"

Lu Yuan smiled, but he was just talking.

War is very cruel...

If a civilization is thinking about war, then it is not far from extinction.

Let's not talk about whether the Rize civilization will open the safe zone to attack the Shumiba civilization...No matter how big Lu Yuan's face is, it involves life and death. It needs to be considered again and again.

What's more, the real war potential of these ratmen is unknown.


The situation on the battlefield soon became fierce. The purple-clothed ratman gnawed and chiseled the immortal giant turtle, and the high-intensity crazy output exhausted himself.

He may have never met such a shameless opponent.

What's more terrifying is that the equipment he was proud of was useless!

Because the opponent didn't attack at all!

The immortal giant turtle seemed to feel the pressure and shrunk its head. In addition to swearing wildly, it allowed itself to be beaten.

This lasted for more than half an hour, and the purple-clothed rat man finally didn't want to continue to be a clown here.

He was a noble of the Shumiba civilization after all, and he needed some grace. Fighting with turtles here was like a circus. After a long time, who could stand it?

He shook his tail and signaled his own king.

"If you can't think of a solution, I will admit defeat!"

"I tried my best, King, don't blame me..."

The Rat King, who was sitting on the giant turtle, changed his face slightly and pondered for a long time.

If he continued like this, he really couldn't win.

Rat people couldn't compete with turtles in endurance.

And the other party was indeed a very powerful civilization and a potential trading partner.

Their Shumiba civilization could only be a caravan in Pangu Continent, and it was not appropriate to play tricks here.

The giant turtle under his feet spit out a strong wind: [Human, this round is counted as a draw, how about it? ]

The human side naturally agreed with this point of view.

The immortal giant turtle really couldn't win.

The other party said with resentment: [Although this round was a bit opportunistic, I, the Shumiba civilization, admit it! ]

[In the third round, send the strongest warrior among your "humans"! Only cold weapons can be used! 】

These rat people emphasized the word "human", and the subtext was that if you send anomalies again and don't follow the rules, then we can only send anomalies.

"Captain Lu, are you going to play?"

"Well, it's not easy to come here. So I must play once."

"Three games, two wins... now one win and one draw."

"In the last game, even if I lose, there is no loss." Lu Yuan smiled and stretched his body slightly.

The human next to him was a little worried... Lu Yuan was the core of the Sky City after all. If he had an accident, the entire human 18 civilization would immediately be in chaos.

But Lu Yuan does represent the highest combat power of the Sky City!

In his mind, there is a virtual tree of life, and Miss Conch is also hidden in the tree of life in the form of a soul gem, acting as a battery.

In other words, he is now a Gundam driver!

Of course, under normal circumstances, he will not use the tree of life.

It is not a good thing to lay out too much.

But what if?

If these ratmen lose and refuse to pay, or do other tricks, such as arresting all the diplomats, you can't blame me, Lu Yuan, for revealing this trump card.



Seeing that the human civilization sent a real human, the warriors of the Rat Miba civilization became confident and volunteered.

"My king, let me play!"

"I will definitely win the last game! If I lose, cut off my tail."

"My king, he is probably only level six, at most level seven... I have rich experience in bullying the weak!"

"Shut up... I will do it myself!"

The golden-clothed ratman plans to play in person for the bet of 100 points of spiritual charm!

As long as he can win, the whole record will be one win, one draw and one loss, and the overall record will be neither lost nor won!

At this moment, a blue-clothed ratman couldn't help but say in his ear: "My king, the newcomer on the other side seems to be a bit fierce..."

"I can't tell what level he is at all."

God's skill "Identification".

The most popular and widespread reconnaissance ability in Pangu Continent.

With one glance, all personal attributes and skills are revealed.

In order to resist "identification", various civilizations have created many methods to fight against it.

The most core principle is "idealistic interference."

The first method is glyphs, such as glyph combinations such as concealment and confusion. After "identification", some completely wrong information will be obtained.

The second is to use extraordinary fire to disturb one's own breath and wear various extraordinary equipment. All kinds of miscellaneous things are piled together, so there is naturally no way to identify.

As for the third... if the opponent is too strong, the idealistic interference emitted will naturally resist the "identification" skill.

In the eyes of this blue-clothed rat man, Lu Yuan's personal information is all hidden...

Either the opponent is wearing a divine outfit, or... is really strong.

"Wait, I saw a title?"

"What title?"

"Master Craftsman!! Are these humans crazy and sending master craftsmen to the battlefield?"

The rats were all surprised.

Several craftsmen suddenly wailed: "King, can you please not hurt a master craftsman? He is a master who can create legendary works! He is worth a fortune in every civilization! Even if you hurt him a hair, it would be a sin!"

"Shut up, you guys, that's a bet of 100 spiritual charms!" The Rat King looked ferocious and picked up his double-edged sword.

"I can't lose this money even if I risk my life! Do you know how many years you guys can eat with 100 spiritual charms?!"

The sword blade exuded a fiery cold light.

Epic weapon-forged by the great craftsman of the last era with meteorite iron, it can cut iron like mud. Its general function is to enhance the extraordinary fire and reach a strength comparable to the "eternal fire"!

Combined with his divine skills...

He has the confidence to defeat all powerful enemies except the vision!

The Rat King, wearing a golden brocade robe, jumped off the giant turtle.

[In the third round, have you sent your warriors? 】

【I am Rat Huangfeng, the highest warrior of the Rat Miba Civilization, tell me your name. 】

The Rat King was a little angry, and anger was surging all over his body.

Under his violent anger, a powerful mental wave was like a tsunami in the ocean.

The black rats watching around were trembling, and even the howling that was like waves was much lower.

Rat Huangfeng swore in his heart that he would restrain his anger and leave the opponent with a life after winning... The master craftsman is indeed worth a fortune.

Lu Yuan walked out of the crowd slowly and said loudly: "Human civilization, Lu Yuan, please teach me!"

He did not wear "immortal-level" equipment. Although the equipment was good, it was too eye-catching. It was really taboo to take it out here.

So he just wore a set of poppy vine armor and a pair of rare-level gloves.

Plus a long sword made of Ohari steel with a solid carving on it.

This sword is only rare-level, but it has a certain degree of bonus for the energy extension of the eternal fire!


The golden-clothed rat man is tall, a full 1.9 meters.

A layer of gray light bloomed from his body and spread along the air.

[Field·Yellow Sand Field, in the field coverage area, the movement speed, nerve reaction speed, and the activation speed of extraordinary abilities are increased by 300-600%, and it can also cover the enemy's sight. 】

This field is really simple and rough, very suitable for the battle of Shumiba civilization.

The little eyes of the golden-clothed rat man narrowed.

A lion fights a rabbit with all its strength, and he used his own divine skill-"Eye of Qi"!

Luck is the most mysterious existence in Pangu Continent.

Aura is part of luck. Any civilization, creature, building, mountain and river has its own unique aura.

"Eye of Qi" can judge the trend of "luck" through aura.

If the luck of a civilization is flourishing, it will be a red light, with clouds and mist, and it will be beautiful no matter how you look at it.

This kind of civilization should not be offended.

If the other party is declining, it will be dark and full of bad luck. If the wall falls, everyone will push it. What if I offend it?

"Eye of Qi"-there are not many similar abilities in an era. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is the foundation of their civilization.

The golden-clothed rat man once used this trick to gain countless benefits!

A green light flashed in his eyes.

"I want to see how lucky you are!"

The next second, the overwhelming red light almost blinded him.

"What is this?!"

The golden-clothed rat man couldn't help but roar, and tears came out of his eyes.


"Sir Rat Huangfeng! Please!" Lu Yuan made a gesture of extending his hand.

The competition between two civilizations, under the watchful eyes of the public, still needs some grace.

As a result, the golden-clothed rat man seemed to be stagnant there.

A face with a pointed mouth and shrunken cheeks slowly became ruddy, and the eyes also lost focus. .

He frowned slightly, and it was impossible for him to rush up and attack directly. After all, it was just a gambling fight, not a life-and-death duel.

"Please!!" He made a gesture again, and his voice became louder.

The immortal giant turtle laughed: "It's over, the rat king seems to be stupid... Why is his eyes looking at the sky?"

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