Landing 500 years in advance, I became a god by digging for treasures

Chapter 33 Human Civilization Searches for Lu Yuan

When he thought of the metal ball, Lu Yuan took action and cleared the lizard meat in his storage space.

He soaked the tenderloin, which weighed a ton, in water and washed it simply. Perhaps because of some idealistic elements, the flesh and blood of extraordinary life decayed much slower than ordinary food. And his storage space had a slow flow of time and had the ability to preserve freshness. Fresh food was always tastier than dried food.

"Old wolf, look after the house, don't run around."

"I'll be back soon."

When he returned to the Salamander Canyon again, he found that there was only a skeleton left. In just seven days, the meat and internal organs of the salamander had all been eaten by wild animals.

In the end, only a group of flies were left flying around on the bones.

There were traces of fighting on the surrounding rocks, and all kinds of blood were splashed all over the ground.

Nature is so cruel. No matter how powerful a king you were in life, you would be nothing after death... After diluting any toxins, there are always animals that can withstand it.

Lu Yuan sighed lightly and ignored the pile of remains.

Instead, he entered the lizard cave and put the big ball into the storage space.

When he returned home, he wanted to search for some medical supplies to help the old wolf recover from his wounds quickly, or to use them when he was sick.

But his luck was not good and he found nothing.

The medical supplies that remained until now were really too scarce.

He only picked up some mushrooms and some herbs on the roadside, and found a pepper-shaped plant.

[Hairy-headed Coprinus, a mushroom that is probably non-toxic, tastes like a chicken leg. ]

[Salvia miltiorrhiza, with its seeds and roots as medicine, contains tanshinone, which is a strong menstrual agent, with the effects of removing blood stasis, promoting new blood, activating blood circulation, and regulating menstruation. ]

[A plant suspected to be a pepper, spicy, non-toxic, not many animals like to eat it. The spiciness is about 4000 Scoville units. ]

When Lu Yuan saw these finger-sized green fruits, he showed a satisfied smile on his face.

"Good stuff, the seasoning for stir-fried lizard meat is ready!"

"Go back and try the metal sphere to see if we can contact humans!"




Safe Zone, the first branch of human civilization, Yunhai City, Supernatural Research Center.

The original information exchange meeting was held in about an hour.

Now something unexpected has happened, and it has to be extended for a while.

After the initial shock, many smart minds thought of some possible explanations.

"First, the creature is indeed a human, but for some reason, it left the safe zone alone."

"He happened to find the 'civilization management device' of another civilization...that is, the Meda civilization, so he couldn't wait to contact us..."

"But his communicator was damaged, the screen didn't light up at all, and there was no sound. As a result, he didn't realize that he had been contacted."

Well, how slim is the chance for this to happen?

Can you really survive alone in Pangu Continent?

And the time passing ratio in the outside world is 100:1 compared to the safe zone!

One day in the safe zone, 100 days in the outside world!

Even for the top special forces, it is very difficult to live alone in the primeval forest of the earth for 100 days!

Also, why does the Meda civilization also have this kind of metal sphere?

Does every civilization have one?

But in any case, it is indeed a reasonable explanation.

Li Chunhong, the head of Yunhai City, rubbed his temples in annoyance.

He always felt that his nerves became unusually thick, and any inexplicable things became acceptable-this was just a short day, no, the change of the second day!

Perhaps, everyone is changing at the fastest speed.

If you don't change, you can't survive!

"Oh, there is a second reason. All civilizations in the outside world look like humans."

"Maybe the language you speak is the language on Earth? Like Chinese, English, Arabic, we just happened to meet someone who speaks Chinese?"

It is indeed possible.

After all, the reason for the emergence of Pangu Continent is unknown...

So many alien civilizations involved in the screening have never been seen by everyone.

Maybe all civilizations are just parallel worlds of the earth?

It turns out that the leaders of major cities are still considering whether to destroy the "civilization management device".

Now that images suspected to be human have suddenly appeared, after careful consideration, they have decided not to destroy them for the time being.

After all, there is still a possibility of contact in the future. Any effective information is a huge wealth for humans and can directly increase the chance of survival.

Because the situation in each city is chaotic, the leaders of each city still have a lot of things to do. After reaching this conclusion, the meeting ended with a whimper. Everyone agreed to share information with each other again after they have intelligence.

But the undercurrents in private have affected many, many, many.

As the communication link was disconnected, Professor Zhang Hui said worriedly: "Leaders, the facial recognition data has been found. We can confirm that it is a young man named Lu Yuan in Yunhai City."

"Should we disclose this to the international... er, various branches of civilization?"

"I think it's better not to disclose it." An old leader over 60 years old pondered for a moment and said, "Even if he is really from our Yunhai City, is it too conspicuous to disclose this matter?"

Li Chunhong said: "Even if it is not made public, other cities will still privately suspect that he is from our Yunhai City, or at least from our Dadong Country."

"And the cities are 10,000 kilometers apart. Before leaving the safe zone, we can only make phone calls. What's wrong with being more conspicuous?"

The wrinkles on the old comrade's face wrinkled: "You mean... to make it public directly?"

Li Chunhong's voice lowered: "This is actually a big political bargaining chip..."

Information is of great value.

Don't look at the 17 cities, the first information exchange meeting, it was a very harmonious and harmonious look.

But you have to know that information, as a precious wealth, cannot be shared for a long time for free.

I have developed supernatural technology, you don't, should I share it with you for free?

You can think about it with your toes, it's impossible!

In the end, it will definitely evolve into a one-on-one private transaction between the two cities.

And this "Lu Yuan" who escaped from the safe zone and entered the Pangu Continent is a very important bargaining chip...

At least it can make other cities feel mysterious about Yunhai City.

When the transaction is made, the other cities will give in slightly, so Yunhai City will be in a long-term advantageous position.

The old leader who has kept a low profile all his life fell silent. He admitted that what Li Chunhong said made some sense...

In this situation, keeping a low profile is actually not very meaningful, and the value of being open is greater.

The four words "fellow human beings" have some weight, but not enough.

Yunhai City can only trust other human cities to a limited extent, and cannot give everything without reservation.

I believe other cities think the same way.

17 cities are already 17 different civilizations, and no one knows whether there will be competition in the future.

"Prisoner's Dilemma..." The old leader sighed softly.

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