In fact, Lu Yuan had never tanned leather or made equipment before, which made him a little embarrassed.

He only knew that if the leather was left in place, it would slowly deteriorate and turn into a dry lump of material. At that time, the Salamander's leather would definitely be downgraded from "ordinary grade".

"I still have to wear my own clothes and pants, so I still have to think of ways to make them more refined."

As for leather tanning, he had seen the general process on TV a long time ago.

Just remember the rough steps.

The first step... seems to be soaking and skimming?

The purpose is to remove easily perishable things such as dirt and fat from the fur.

Lu Yuan had no idea what chemical agent to use, so he could only search for a long time in the ruins of the Meida civilization and found a bag of unknown powder that had been produced not long ago.

[I don’t know when it was produced, but it seems to be washing powder. It has deteriorated, but the remaining sodium carbonate and sodium silicate still have a certain degree of decontamination effect. 】

Pour the bucket of washing powder into the bucket, then soak a lot of lizard leather in it, stirring it every once in a while.

This soaking step alone took two days.

Use a knife to cut off the fat bit by bit.

Stretch the leather and dry it in the sun.

[Salamander Leather (General Grade-)]

Lu Yuan's pupils were dilated and his heart was beating with fear. Why the hell is there a minus sign!

"Is this going to be downgraded?!"

That's a bit much.

God, I am only one person, can't you relax your requirements? !

But he had no choice. A person's knowledge and strength could only go so far.

I couldn't even pick up the next bag of washing powder.

Lu Yuan calmed down and continued working.

A piece of salamander skin was chopped into more than twenty pieces with an axe.

Some leathers are 3 centimeters thick, and some are even 5-6 centimeters thick. After being soaked in water, they become really heavy.

Lu Yuan worked hard and was happy. After all, these leathers were his future pants, clothes, and shoes.

He was still looking forward to a complete Salamander suit.

There are three types of lizard skin. The first is the scale layer on the back and buttocks, which is extremely hard and strong. It is simply invulnerable. Even if it is soaked with washing powder, it is still hard, harder than wood.

The second type is the skin of the legs, which is relatively soft and highly flexible.

The third type is the skin on the abdomen, which has short fluff, like a carpet. This type of skin is the softest.

After soaking, rows of leather, like rolls of cloth, are left to dry on poles.

[The extraordinary biological leather that has been initially decontaminated is currently in average condition. The tanner must be a Grandet who is unwilling to even use a better decontamination agent. (General level——)】

[The method of sun drying is also a bit rough, so it is best to use a dryer for drying. 】

After drying, there are two minus signs.

Lu Yuan kept rubbing his head and sighed.

His right eye gave a very "kind" hint: [Tanning agents are also needed to further enhance the quality of the leather. The most common tanning agent is alum. During the tanning process, alum reacts chemically with the collagen in the leather, which helps to improve the elasticity and durability of the leather and has the advantages of being waterproof, anti-wrinkle, and antibacterial. 】

Lu Yuan was very sad, but he could only bite the bullet and praised: "Thanks to the Eye of the Pioneer... Otherwise, there would be nothing we can do. Or can you give me a better way?"

It's a pity that the Eye of the Pioneer is not artificial intelligence, and it will not change in any way with Lu Yuan's praise.

With no other choice, Lu Yuan could only slap his head: "Alum... I remember finding it somewhere, and there seems to be some left in the ruins of the chemical plant!"

"Let's go, old wolf! Let's go pick up some garbage."

He took the old wolf and walked towards the ruins of the city.

Safe place.

Lu Yuan reconnected to the signal!

This is a great thing!

However, until a new transmission signal is invented, people will not dare to set off the alarm for a while, for fear that Lu Yuan will turn off the contact again.

Due to the difference in time flow between the two parties, Lu Yuan worked for several days and left it in the safe area for just over an hour.

So much information was transmitted in one hour that people simply couldn't read it.

So the institute can only increase manpower, and one person can read part of the content.

Many graduate students, doctoral students, and professors were gathered in front of computer desks... With the social shutdown, industry, and schools stagnant, everyone has nothing to do anyway, so it is still very easy to redeploy this part of the manpower.

These more than 100 people had a lot of fun watching outdoor survival programs.

"It can be seen that this gentleman is still very lonely. He deliberately pointed the camera at his work area... Even though deep down in his heart, he did not believe that this lens could really transmit the picture back, but he still did it Done."

“Sharing personal updates is a social way to escape loneliness.”

A psychology expert analyzed and recorded these records in a notebook.

As the first person to explore Pangea, Lu Yuan's first-hand information is self-evidently valuable.

"Have you noticed that he seems to be stronger than ordinary people? Ordinary people would be tired and paralyzed after doing so much physical work, right?"

"That's true...does he have special abilities...dual abilities?"

Everyone was a little surprised. People with innate dual abilities are extremely rare. There are only a few people on the entire earth.

"The leather is very tough. It is not easy to cut it with an axe. The density should be quite high."

"Wait, he seems to be in a... city ruins?!"

Indeed, in a corner of the screen, a collapsed house was photographed.

Time has left many traces on the house, peeling wall skin, rusty steel bars, collapsed pillars and beams, and fungi growing in dark corners.

The vines that spread wantonly covered many traces.

The time after the destruction of civilization is a vast ocean, with only the withered leaves, one by one, accumulating on the once wide road.

"This is the Meda civilization... He found this communicator from the Meda civilization."

While people were shocked, they also had an inexplicable panic.

Why is there the Ninth Era?

What about the first eight eras?

Where did those civilizations go?

What is the real purpose of "God"?

No one can answer these questions.

Finally, it turned into a sigh.

After a long time, someone in the conference room started talking again.

"How to say this leather tanning method... Alas, it's too rough, barely usable."

"He should want to make clothes and survive in Pangu Continent for a long time."

"But, he seems to want to demonstrate something more important?"

Put yourself in his shoes, without enough professional knowledge, it's already very good to be able to tan leather.

Even if you are a leather tanning master, alone, without chemical materials, you can only do this rough work.

The speed of time passing 100 times is like fast-forwarding a movie.

As if it was just a conversation, Lu Yuan came back from the ruins with a few large buckets of things in high spirits, with the joy of a good harvest on his face.


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