"When is it expected to be completed?"

"If it has to be done as soon as possible...if we send out a notice tonight, we can go to school tomorrow, but everyone will be very resentful, haha."

"Many teachers don't want to go to work. After all, such a big thing has happened and people are panicking. People are lazy and want to take the opportunity to slack off for a few days. They are definitely not willing to take responsibility."

"And our current traffic conditions make it a bit difficult to pick up and drop off children."

Gasoline is already a controlled product, and the less supplies we use, the more we must use them.

As for electric vehicles...the current power grid cannot afford the load of electric vehicles.

The only solution is bicycles, tricycles, and more public transportation. But the production of these things also takes time, at least a few months.

"Then send out a notice first, let the teachers report, take roll call, etc., and teach the safety course of the supernatural era through the Internet."

"Send the notice now, there will be no problem with remote courses?"

The other party hesitated for a moment: "If there is only audio, our current network is still sufficient... When will the class officially start?"

"It's too early to officially start the class, now it's just temporary."

Li Chunhong always felt that his mind became active.

In the words of young people, this is called a bug. Let's get the milestone first...

After arranging these things, Li Chunhong asked Zhang Hui again: "How is the contact with Lu Yuan going?"

"Every message he sent can give us a lot of knowledge."

"Especially since he is in the ruins of a technological civilization, he must have a lot of knowledge that can provide us with convenience..."

Zhang Hui was a little embarrassed and took a sip of hot water: "The last time we used the alarm communication, he was so scared that he turned off his phone directly."

"We dare not use the alarm communication for a while."

"Yunhai University has set up an emergency public relations team, and less than half a day is really not enough."

"There is a telepath in Newyue City, but the two sides have never met and can't contact each other."

"Alas, I also know your difficulties. I am just worried that Lu Yuan suddenly died, or he was so depressed that he committed suicide in the forest."

"After all, one day here is more than three months there. These days are very tormenting." Li Chunhong was silent for a moment and sent a few text messages in the working group.

The text messages from the education department were also sent to him in time.

【Welcome the new era, look forward to the new future, the first lesson of the new semester for all primary and secondary schools and colleges and universities. 】

【Dear teachers, the new era has arrived. In order to further improve the education work in the supernatural era, enhance students' safety awareness and self-protection ability, and understand the new world, the relevant matters are forwarded according to the "Notice of ****" as follows: ...】

Not only students, but parents can also listen to the latest "first lesson of the new semester".

There is also a subtext: Don't worry, the school will reopen soon.

Well, soon... maybe several months later.

The class teacher will notify the information in place and count the number of students.

This is actually a test of organizational ability.

If most of the class teachers are too lazy to notify, or even think that there is no need to go to school these days, the first lesson of the new semester will naturally fail, and there is no talk of the so-called "civilization inheritance".

However, Li Chunhong believes that it is not a big problem!

He still has this confidence.

The general public is also happy to hear it, after all, education is rooted in the genes of Daxia civilization!

How many parents have broken their hearts for their children?

Schools are reopened, which is in line with everyone's living habits! No matter what era, we must learn!

There are still many children who are depressed and shout at the same time: "Baba (Mom), I don't want to go to school!"

But their objections are invalid.

Time passed by.

At eight o'clock in the evening, the "first class of the new semester" composed of a host and several experts officially began.

There is no sufficient preparation, just some impromptu speeches, and there is no need for any profound content.

Just talk about future life, the government's response to various difficulties, and some touching deeds, etc.

Within a civilization, there are thugs, criminals, city heroes, and countless ordinary people. The actions of all people, when gathered together, are a real civilization.

I have to admit that the effect of this impromptu education class was unexpectedly good.

Even many parents listened carefully.

"Dad, what are you doing!" In a residential building, a young girl asked a middle-aged man.

"Send some antipyretic medicine to the neighbor next door! Nothing."

"Mom, what are you doing?" In another apartment building, the boy was asking his mother.

"Didn't you say we should recycle the garbage? I'm sorting out the materials that can be donated..."

Sometimes life is like a stream, sometimes it's like a river.

Many times, drops of rain and streams will eventually flow into rivers, and then... eventually flow into the sea!

There is no need to do those great things, just do your duty and don't do evil, which is enough for a civilization.

Until nine o'clock in the evening, suddenly, a sound rang out over the city.

This sound came from all directions, and everyone could hear it.

[Congratulations to your civilization for completing the milestone: stable civilization. ]

[Achievement conditions: among all civilizations, the top 100,000, calm down the internal chaos, and form a stable civilization inheritance. ]

[The first branch of human civilization, current ranking: 789th. ]

[If history is a long river, then civilization represents the most robust mainstream of history. A stable civilization can make history run to a more distant place. ]

[Today, you have calmed down the chaos, restarted the inheritance of civilization, and laid a solid foundation for future development. ]

Everyone in the laboratory suddenly dilated their pupils and was surprised.

"We have completed the milestone!!" Several younger doctors couldn't help cheering.

The calmer ones also blushed and trembled all over.

"Where's the reward? Where's the reward? There won't be no reward for the 789th place, right?"

The mysterious voice continued:

[Your civilization has received the milestone reward for the 789th place: 1 medium-level extraordinary plant, 12 low-level extraordinary plants (random plants in the civilization mutate). ]

[Your civilization has received a milestone points reward: 3,300 points. (This function has not yet been enabled)]

Several white lights fell from the sky and disappeared into all directions of the city.

"Where did the white light come from?"

"I don't know, it seemed to appear out of thin air!"

Professor Zhang Hui was already overjoyed, 13 extraordinary plants... and what about the medium-level extraordinary plants?

What kind of concept is this... Maybe many difficulties can be solved!

As long as there is an extraordinary plant related to food, it may be able to solve the food problem once and for all!

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