After eating and drinking, Lu Yuan patted his stomach with satisfaction, deeply lamenting that his appetite was too small.

"Being greedy again will only backfire."

It is said that the human brain can automatically distinguish the quality of food.

Sometimes, if you want to eat a certain food, don't doubt it, just eat it immediately!

The reason is probably that the body lacks a certain trace element.

Lu Yuan suddenly had a mysterious sense of enlightenment, and his whole body was extremely hot. The extraordinary level breakthrough may be today!

Thinking of this, he returned to the house and began to practice!

By the way, he rolled the metal ball back to the garbage room. This thing has been played by the fire lizard for so long and has not broken. It has thick skin and flesh. Lu Yuan doesn't care much. He pushed it hard, and with a "gurgle" sound, it rolled back to its corner.

Take another look at your personal status.

[Full vitality state: Because of eating high-level extraordinary food, life energy fills the whole body. 】

【Increase all attributes by 10-20%, and greatly increase physical strength recovery speed! 】

Wow, after eating so much food, there is still a positive buff - it seems that I have to take a bite of pomegranate before fighting monsters in the future.

After calming down, Lu Yuan sensed the "supernatural fire" burning in his mind.

After so long training, it is still just a small flame the size of a finger, and the volume has not increased much.

But the color has changed from the original red to the current gold, and the energy it emits is several times stronger than at the beginning.

Today's small flame has an inexplicable "manic feeling", and the frequency of the flame jumping is as high as 200 times per minute, which is a sign of breakthrough!

Lu Yuan took a few deep breaths, picked up the fiery red spirit crystal, and guided the spiritual energy in it.

"In the more than 300 years of development of the Meda civilization, the extraordinary fire has been popularized among all civilians, with a total population of hundreds of millions."

"But there are only more than 50,000 people who have achieved the second-level extraordinary power."

"There are only 105 people who have achieved the third-level extraordinary power..."

"I will soon become one of the 50,000 people..."

The spiritual energy from the spirit crystal entered the body, and a wonderful chemical reaction occurred the moment it came into contact with the extraordinary fire.

The flame absorbed and contacted this energy, and continued to grow, and dissipated a part of the vitality, which circulated throughout the body through the flow of blood.

Lu Yuan finally understood why the experts of the Meda civilization attributed the "qi" attribute to "the invisible thing in the human body", because he really felt that a part of the life energy was actually transformed into something like qi and blood.

The qi and blood circulated throughout the body, and the muscles, internal organs, five senses, and nerves were all strengthened wherever they went.

His ability to control his body is greatly improving. Originally, his sense of each organ was quite vague, but now, he can truly feel the beating of the heart and lungs, the flow of blood in the blood, the contraction of muscles, and the peristalsis of the stomach and intestines.

Every minute, his body is getting stronger!

It took more than three hours for the growth of the extraordinary fire to slowly stagnate.

At this moment, the extraordinary fire is like a solid ball. The light is a little dim, but the energy from the outside world is still replenished.

Lu Yuan gritted his teeth and kept hitting this "solid ball".

Suddenly, he heard a "boom" in his mind!

The invisible barrier of the outer layer of the flame was broken, the original life shackles were opened, and he was freed from the shackles!

At this moment, the extraordinary fire that broke through the ground is finally no longer the size of a finger.

Its diameter has expanded by more than twice, about the size of a ping-pong ball, and the color has once again changed from gold to red.

Lu Yuan was already sweating profusely. He was indescribably excited as he sensed the upgraded fire!


According to the thesis of the Meda civilization: "The first-level extraordinary fire must be focused on meditation to have a certain healing, curing, and detoxification effect."

"But the second-level fire, because it emits more energy, has a certain passive healing effect even if you don't concentrate."

This is a difference at the essential level.

It's not an exaggeration to say that it is the evolution of life.

"No wonder the fire lizard has such a strong vitality... because its extraordinary fire is of a high level, and its passive healing ability is too strong. As long as the injury is not serious, it can recover immediately."

"Even if it is a fatal injury, as long as you concentrate on healing, you may be able to force it to live."

Take a look at the personal attributes again:

[Form: 12.5] (originally 10.4)

[Qi: 10.3] (originally 8.3)

[Spirit: 10.1] (originally 7.9)

[Extraordinary level: Level 2. 】

[Innate abilities: Different space, pioneer's eye, explorer's eye, storage space, eternal body, extraordinary fire, craftsman's talent. 】

[Evaluation: This person finally took a small step on the road to transcendence, evolving from the bottom of the world to a small shrimp in the world, but he has 7 innate abilities, which is really rare in the world, the only one in the world... Could he be the son of God? 】

"I haven't had a new ability for a long time!" Lu Yuan raised his eyebrows and exhaled a breath of turbid air in his chest.

After a breakthrough, all attributes increased by more than 2 points, which is really pleasantly surprised.

If it were in the past, these two attributes might take several months of hard work!

"Oh, it would be great if I could break through every day."

Okay, this is indeed a daydream.

In fact, not everyone can increase so many attributes after a level breakthrough.

Like most geniuses of the Meda civilization, they have already worked hard to break through from level 1 to level 2. How can they have the ability to increase attributes? Not failing is good enough!

Only Lu Yuan has a lot of resources: he has enjoyed high-level extraordinary food in advance, and his life energy is extremely abundant. He also has the energy supplement of the Fiery Red Spirit Crystal. He took advantage of the momentum of the breakthrough and increased all attributes by 2 points in one breath.

Clenching his fists and bending his arms slightly, the sudden increase in strength made Lu Yuan feel a little at a loss. Adding 2 points to all attributes at once was indeed a bit too much.

Squatting slightly and jumping up, his head easily hit the ceiling with a "dong" sound.

The external perception ability that he had never experienced before made him unable to describe what it felt like.

The outside world suddenly became noisy, and the "rustling" sound of snowflakes became unusually clear in his ears.

It was as if the whole world had changed. Lu Yuan's vision and hearing had been greatly enhanced, and even his sixth sense was enhanced.

In other words, his Qi attribute was now higher than that of the old wolf!

"Old wolf, you have to work harder. Your master has become stronger again." He patted the dog lying on the sleeping bag.

The old wolf was patted and screamed, looking ferocious and grinning.

Lu Yuan realized that he had not controlled the strength well and hurt it.

He quickly took out some pomegranates to coax the old wolf.

"It seems that I have to adapt to the new power as soon as possible."

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