Landing 500 years in advance, I became a god by digging for treasures

Chapter 67 Humans, have you really contacted me?

It was clearly early spring, with birds singing and flowers blooming, but it seemed like we were back in the cold winter.

This might be the so-called late spring cold. Lu Yuan always felt cold all over. He just wanted to go home quickly and warm himself around the fire.

He found something wrong with himself and sneered: "Comfort and laziness are indeed the enemies of civilization. It took less than a year for the strongest civilization of mankind, the 18th civilization, to go from a terrifying upright ape that killed salamanders alone to a stray dog ​​that trembles when it sees a monster."

"Everyone laughs at the Meda civilization, and everyone is the Meda civilization."

Lu Yuan was a little scared, but also faintly excited, and his heart was beating strongly.

He was scared when the monster stared at him.

This made his adrenaline surge wildly.

For some reason, Lu Yuan laughed softly. He didn't know why he laughed, and he couldn't describe this mentality.

The old wolf following behind him sniffed and found that his master had changed inexplicably.

This mental state is a bit like the master's hunting of salamanders, which makes it feel inexplicably afraid.

The old wolf shook the fur on his body and nibbled the spring grass. It was always carefree.

Lu Yuan smiled and played with the excellent dagger. The stones under his feet made a "clattering" sound.

While thinking, the shelter was finally reached.

He piled the firewood he picked up in the utility room.

Even if he encountered some risks, he subconsciously picked up a lot of garbage.

There is no way, he is used to it. It is not his style to go home empty-handed.

"Buzz--" Just when he turned around and was about to leave, the big iron ball actually vibrated! !

"Hey, is it sick again?"

In fact, after so long, Lu Yuan gradually lost interest in this big metal ball and just used it as a clock.

He still needed to know what time it was.

Just when he wanted to turn it off, the big iron ball actually made a very strange alarm sound: "Déng~!~!"

Lu Yuan was stunned.

This sound is very strange...

Really strange!

It's like the sound of the little man jumping in the Super Mario game.

Because the sound was too strange, Lu Yuan's hand, which was halfway to turn off the phone, froze in place.

He frowned and waited for a long time.

The hope that had been lost long ago slowly emerged from his heart.

"What's going on?"

After about ten minutes, the big metal ball made a "beeping" sound again.

It was a bit crisp, a bit like a phone ring, but not quite standard.

He waited for a long time again, looking left and right at the metal ball.

About half an hour.

The metal ball made a "beeping" sound, which was very similar to the sound of eating gold coins in the Super Mario game!

If it happened once, it would be a coincidence; twice, it might also be a coincidence; but three times, it would be a necessity.

Lu Yuan's pupils dilated, and he thought of a possibility, and his body began to heat up: "What's going on?"

"Humans, have really contacted me?"



"He finally knows what we want to express!"

"He didn't turn it off!"

Seeing that Lu Yuan didn't turn off the big iron ball, everyone in the institute cheered in surprise!

The essence of sound is actually waves.

The alarm vibration channel can only send a limited waveform, only triangular waves and square waves, and the sounds that can be fitted are also limited.

The frequency of vibration is also limited, and can only send 1 to 2 syllables, so it is unlikely to be realistic to send music or something like that.

Scientists have tried hundreds and thousands of times before using these two sound waves to make a "Super Mario" jumping sound.

After all, that sound is too classic, with a "déng~~" sound, the buttocks are lifted, and the little man jumps on the TV.

The picture is full!

Every young person in the 21st century has heard it.

And it is definitely a man-made sound made by humans! It almost does not exist in nature.

What's more, the staff of Yunhai City even specially investigated that Lu Yuan had a game console at home, which had a Mario game in it, and it was absolutely guaranteed that Lu Yuan had heard it!

And the message conveyed by this sound was: it was a signal from humans, so don't turn it off!

Using one sound, so much information was conveyed, and the hardware of the alien civilization's device was different from that of humans, so it really took a lot of effort to make this sound.

Then, the ringing sound of the phone and the sound of eating gold coins were transmitted, which once again strengthened the message of "the signal sent by humans".

In this way, Lu Yuan could know that he had contacted humans.


"Why do humans also have this kind of metal sphere? How is it possible..."

"Why is there this sound? Are they really contacting me?"

Lu Yuan was suspicious and touched the metal ball.

His heart was burning, but now he was a little worried about gains and losses - because he had experienced too many difficulties, it was not a bad thing to lower some expectations, but it was easy to lose if the expectations were too high.

At this moment, Lu Yuan suddenly had an idea and thought of a document he had read before: 8 years ago (8 years before the Meda civilization came to Pangu Continent), a meteorite fell from the sky, and the Meda civilization ushered in a supernatural era...

There are similar news reports on Earth, but 10 years ago, a meteorite fell from the sky, ushering in the supernatural era, and various superpowers appeared like mushrooms after rain.

At the beginning, Lu Yuan didn't think too much, and thought that "meteorite falling from the sky" was an inevitable phenomenon before the opening of Pangu Continent.

Now, in a flash, these clues are connected together in his mind.

What is a meteorite falling from the sky? !

What fell from the sky is actually this kind of big metal sphere! !

It's just that the government concealed the news and studied it secretly... After all, which country would publicize the existence of aliens?

Even if there are some comments on the Internet, they are just rumors.

No one believes it.

So, humans actually have this kind of metal sphere, and humans are actually contacting me! !

"That makes sense."

Thinking of this possibility, Lu Yuan jumped up from the ground in shock, his heart beating wildly.

His hairs were trembling, and he stood in front of a crystal screen with a fiery mood, yelling: "Human, can you see it?"

"Hurry up and contact human civilization, the number is...what is the number...7812HSKKJ-1 to 7812HSKKJ-17!!"

"If you can hear it, please make that sound like a gold coin again!"

Take a deep breath, take a deep breath.

The waiting time is anxious, the time on the human side passes slowly, and you have to wait.

The ups and downs of mood are more likely to cause people's anxiety.

Lu Yuan felt that his mood at this moment was like the second before the college entrance examination results were released. He always wanted to perform exceptionally, but the actual results...A Lu's college entrance examination results were not ideal.

"Even if I can't contact it, I can accept it."

"Please don't contact it. It's just a piece of junk that can only tell time! All other functions have been scrapped. It must be lying to me."

A Yuan kept feeding himself poison milk.

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