Except for Yunhai City, not many people followed Lu Yuan to learn in real time.

Even if the major cities moved faster, it would still take a long time to find the owner of the extraordinary fire.

Only the third civilization branch, Jiudeli, who was lucky enough to catch up with the pace.

In the brightly lit inner hall, beside the magnificent and majestic statues of gods and Buddhas, curls of incense rose.

And in the square outside the hall, there were millions of believers worshiping.

A brown-skinned young man was squatting in front of the screen, following Lu Yuan to learn the corresponding courses.

This young man dropped out of middle school and worked in a nearby handicraft factory. Suddenly he became the son of God. He was terrified and a little flattered.

His name is Charu, and he has a low level of education. He asked in confusion: "High Priest, if I am the child of God, who is he? Why should I learn from him?"

The high priest thought for a long time, but could not come up with a reasonable explanation. He could only pretend to be mysterious and said: "Charu, even if you are the child of God, you can't know everything. You need to learn all kinds of knowledge humbly."

"What's more, the one in front of you is the guide appointed by God!"

"It is a blessing to learn from the guide. Do you understand?"

"Guide... I understand..."



The 11th human branch.

A group of little people are staring at Lu Yuan's teaching with wide eyes.

The room is full of "Baga Baga" shouting.

Their extraordinary fire... is gone...

But with a little fluke, they still recorded this method.

Especially when they heard Lu Yuan say: "Hunting some powerful extraordinary creatures, there is a probability of obtaining extraordinary fire."

The trend of radicalism is taking root in the minds of this group of people.

"Sir, we don't have extraordinary fire, should we cancel the safe zone earlier? Otherwise, our development will become weaker and weaker."

"How can a group of Heisei otakus and Reiwa transvestites hiding at home cancel the safe zone?"


"And I've said it's dangerous outside!"

"Pah (Bow!)"


Each city that attended the course had its own reaction.

However, Lu Yuan didn't know this. After explaining the "Lotus Ignition Method", he drank a sip of water.

He also explained some techniques to speed up cultivation: "This method is called the method of acupoint resonance."

"Supernormal fire is a very important ability."

"But the growth of fire requires spiritual energy."

"As long as we humans are alive, our thoughts, love, hate, and grudges will generate spiritual energy... This thing is very unique and different from the energy in the physical world."

"But the spiritual energy generated by a person is too little, and the daily enhancement is quite limited."

"Under normal circumstances, only 10% of the spiritual energy is absorbed by the fire, and the rest is lost. The utilization rate of gifted people is about 20%."

"The higher the utilization rate, the faster the attribute growth."

"In order to absorb precious spiritual energy to the greatest extent, the Meda civilization has developed a method called 'acupoint resonance'... It can greatly increase the energy utilization rate, and the most gifted can increase it to about 90%! The least gifted also has some use."

"The specific method is like this... Use fire to stimulate these areas..."

This method, Lu Yuan has also practiced seriously.

In the end, he found that his qualifications were really not very good.

No matter how he resonated with the acupuncture points, a large amount of spiritual energy still escaped.

This is what it means to be an average person.

Fortunately, he has the "Fiery Red Crystal Stone", which allows him to get as much spiritual energy as he wants every day, without the worry of cultivation qualifications.

This stone has been used for half a year, and the red energy has only faded a little, and it can still be supplied for a long time.

"You should have seen this stone, this is the external spiritual energy..."

"I picked up this stone from the ruins of the Meda civilization."

"According to the information of the Meda civilization, it will automatically absorb the free spiritual energy in the air, but the absorption is very slow, and it will take hundreds of years to be full of energy."

"If there are similar things in your city, please make good use of it. It may be the original resource used for cultivation... The method of distinguishing is very simple. It feels a little warm, just like jade, which can resonate with the extraordinary fire."

"The color is not necessarily red."

"If there is a faint light, it means that the quality is relatively high. If there is no light, the quality will be lower."


"Do we have this kind of crystal stone?" In Yunhai City, Li Chunhong couldn't help swallowing his saliva. Lu Yuan did reveal a lot of information.

"Hahaha, yes! There are a few small pieces, which are transformed from a few jade pieces in the museum!"

"We never knew what it was used for..." Zhang Hui turned around quickly and took out a box from a safe, which contained a few milky white jade stones.

"Take it to the two people who have extraordinary seeds, and let them identify it!"

The results came out quickly.

It does contain a small amount of spiritual energy.

Professor Zhang's eyes suddenly lit up, and he thought of a possibility: "The so-called mutation and extraordinary, are they closely related to history and culture? The jade pendants just now were tiger talismans used by a famous general in history, and there was also the emperor's jade seal."

"And the third branch of civilization mutated a cow, and luckily completed a civilization milestone."

"You know, they are originally a civilization that worships cows. The masses regard cows as sacred objects. Cows have a high status and can run around on the streets."

"But we don't have this tradition here, so the cows didn't mutate."

This conjecture makes sense.

Li Chunhong was stunned for a moment and sighed: "It's a pity... We are not the capital, and there are not many cultural relics in custody."

Of course, there is too little evidence for this statement, so it can only be a guess.

Everyone sighed and found that there was no way to investigate, so they had to give up.

These things are indeed resources for snowballing, and they must be used well.


Lu Yuan said so much in one breath, and his desire to express himself gradually diminished. When he looked at the time, he had been talking nonsense for several hours.

He was going to get some food to rest his spirit.

"Okay, did you receive what I said? If you did, it will ding, and I'm going to rest. Let's talk again when we have time."

Soon, the big iron ball vibrated and made a light "ding" sound.

The sun gradually set, and Pangu Continent, an ordinary day passed like this.

But for Lu Yuan, it was an epic and memorable day!

He actually contacted human civilization! And shared his knowledge!

Thinking of this, he felt a sense of spiritual satisfaction!

Even because he contacted human civilization, he thought he couldn't be as crazy as before, and said to the old wolf righteously: "From today on, be a civilized person and live a beautiful life with a sense of ritual!"

"Awoo!" The old wolf ran out, picked up a small fish, and offered it to the female wolf, and then started the great harmony of life again.

"..."Lu Yuan couldn't help but feel embarrassed. I just made up my mind and you stimulated me with estrus, right?

Ritual sense, what an important thing!

The important difference between animals and humans lies in ritual.

Humans will offer sacrifices, recall memories, and commemorate some important days. These rituals form religions, beliefs, and bring organizational capabilities.

Lu Yuan, the 18th civilization of mankind, although there is only one person, but he still wants to pursue the unique sense of ritual that belongs to humans.

For example, when drawing paper, you must draw two sheets. If you only draw one, you will feel uneasy.

For example, you should look at your mobile phone before going to bed and after waking up. You cannot unplug the phone when it is charged to 99%, you must charge it to 100%.

Or, before the exam of the academic master sister, routinely belittle her a few times. If she does well in the exam, pretend to be dead; if she does not do well in the exam, immediately gloat: "I know you didn't study hard, let you study hard."

Also, when talking with parents, once the keywords such as "daughter of so-and-so" and "Dad is old" appear, immediately prepare for a blind date.

Lu Yuan shook his head heavily: "What the hell is this!"

But at this moment, he had no way to make up for his regrets. The crackling of the fire brought his thoughts back to reality.

"What should I say about the sense of ritual... Oh, let it be!"

Lu Yuan suddenly lost his enthusiasm.

Time really erases a lot. In less than a year, he found that he had forgotten a lot of things.

Especially the details of life.

The family eats happily at the table; in the morning, go to get off work, get off work in the evening, and squeeze into the subway. It is not easy to squeeze into the crowded scene.

Living almost the same life every day, it was his first half of life.

Those days were like an old photo with color, washed away, bringing a sense of the passing of time. They are like red maple leaves, falling from the tree and slowly rotting in the soil.

If you have to recall it, you can still recall it.

But the past living habits and various details are becoming blurred.

This is not a good thing, but it is not a bad thing either. It means that Lu Yuan is adapting to life in Pangu Continent.

"When I return to the human world, will others look at me like a caveman?"

"Look at that guy, he is so unsophisticated!"

"Then the leader of civilization saluted me, Comrade Lu Yuan, welcome home! Fire a salute! Play music!"

"Passersby were shocked! A beautiful wave of pretentious face slapping!"

"The premise is that I can go back alive... and humans still exist..."

Lu Yuan laughed, amused himself, and fantasized for a while.

After eating, he went to the archives of the data center to look for information.

He remembered something very important.

The donkey-headed monster is a potential threat.

He can't be careless just because he has contacted humans. Maybe tomorrow the donkey-headed monster will attack and he will die directly...

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