After eating, Lu Yuan hid in the house, crossed his legs, and looked at the scene outside the window.

"God, do you have a human-like thinking?"

"Or are you just a rule?"

There are some things he dare not think about, such as relatives and friends, dinner made by his mother, pink apps, and leather suit girls...

Once he thinks about it, he may fall into the abyss of despair, so he just messes up here.

The cold God obviously doesn't care about the inner drama of ants.

Lightning flashed in the sky, and the rain got heavier and heavier, ding-dong-donging on the windows. .

The brilliant rain, like the colorful life in the primeval forest, drops of rain flowers, streams, will eventually flow into rivers, and then... rush into the sea!

"Is there a sea in Pangu Continent? Yesterday I was in space, and I seemed to see a very big lake..."

Lu Yuan was surprised and suddenly remembered something, and quickly took a few containers to collect rainwater.

After boiling a can of water, he drank it happily.

"It would be great if I had some wolfberries."

He was somewhat glad that he had found a shelter that could protect him from the wind and rain.

Otherwise, he would be hiding in that broken car today, cold and wet, and the fire that he had finally started might be extinguished.


In the dim firelight, Lu Yuan carefully planned the next work.

"Venom glands can be used to make poisons, I have to keep them well."

"The hooks on the spider's feet are about as thick as toothpicks. Can they be used to make... needles? Well, my clothes will be broken sooner or later. With needles, I can sew clothes myself."

"As for those spider viscera... used to... catch fish?"

Lu Yuan's eyes lit up: "Yes, there is so much garbage in the city, you can make a few simple fishing traps! Go fishing tomorrow and have something good!"

Suddenly, the cold reminder sound from the end of the universe rang again: [Open the attribute system of all creatures, and after having the ability to observe data, the upper creature can observe the various attributes of the lower creatures. 】

Lu Yuan came back to his senses and observed himself.

Eye of the Pioneer: [A boring human being is using the Eye of the Pioneer after eating. ]


Lu Yuan always felt that this eye was a bit narcissistic.

However, there was really some more information that was not there before!

[Shape: 5.4]

[Qi: 4.5]

[Spirit: 5.2]

[Supernatural level: Level 1]

[Innate abilities: Different space, Eye of the Pioneer, Eye of the Explorer, Storage space. ]

[Evaluation: This person is so mediocre that he has not even set foot on the path of supernatural, but he has 4 innate abilities. It is really rare in the world, the only one in the world! Could he be the son of God? ]

I don't know if he is bragging or mocking.

Lu Yuan pondered for a long time, but did not find the point-adding system...

Obviously, every creature has its own attribute panel, not unique to him.

What exactly is the so-called "Shape, Qi and Spirit" is also ambiguous and there is no explanation.

He rubbed his temples and thought to himself: "These three attributes are obviously related to the extraordinary level."

"My extraordinary level is level 1, which should be the level of innate superpowers."

"But how can I improve the extraordinary level?"

I scratched my head but couldn't think of a solution.

This matter may only be done by the power of a civilization.

Only a great civilization, gathering all the talents and proposing various theories, can obtain the corresponding knowledge from the existing extraordinary life.

The power of one person is too small, and it is likely that he cannot climb the extraordinary level alone.

"The 18th branch of human civilization, the current number of people: 1."

Okay, it's really black humor.

But Lu Yuan didn't despair.

"There is a piece of civilization ruins under my feet!"

"My pioneer eye can read a lot of information. It is deciphering the text of this civilization. As long as it is deciphered, I can learn the extraordinary power of this civilization!"

He suddenly felt that his situation didn't seem so bad. He looked at the glass doors with fiery eyes.

"Forget it, sleep today and start again tomorrow!"


The next morning, Lu Yuan enjoyed a spider leg, then peeled off the eyeball-shaped pattern on the spider's back and stuck it on his clothes.

He started his life of picking up garbage.

It is important to excavate the remains of civilization, but the work of deciphering the text has not been completed yet, so there is no point in rushing.

Getting a stable source of food is more important.

Walking in the weed-covered wilderness, Lu Yuan patiently searched for everything here.

The so-called ruins are traces of time crushing, a wilderness of history, and the traces of yesterday are still vaguely visible today.

The sand and gravel brought by the crustal changes buried most of the city, and even the bones found were scattered.

Under normal circumstances, the bones will be decomposed in the soil in 20 years, and only the corpses in a dry environment can form mummies.

So far, Lu Yuan does not know what this member of civilization looked like before his death.

Not long after, following a golden light, he picked up a complete storage box!

The volume is about one cubic meter, with a lid, and inside is a pile of smelly stuff, which is suspected to be the remnants of clothes.

"No damage, a good container."

I picked up a vine with a length of ten meters, which is very strong and can be used as a rope.

"Not bad."

Lu Yuan swung the rope a few times and wrapped it around his arm.

I picked up... an axe? !

It might weigh seven or eight kilograms, very heavy.

Even if it is rusty, its lethality is enough to surpass the snake-scale axe made by Lu Yuan himself.

"At least it is an SR-level weapon!" Lu Yuan was surprised and took the axe and swung it hard at the air a few times.

Now, the snake-scale axe can be eliminated.

In a collapsed house, he picked up a toolbox, two intact glassware, and three plastic buckets.

All the tools in the toolbox were rusty, but there was a whetstone inside. After a little grinding, tools such as scissors can still be used!

Lu Yuan was satisfied with today's big harvest.

I found two skeletons, one big and one small.

The small one might still be a baby? It was pressed under the big skeleton for protection, but the disaster happened too fast and they had no chance of survival.

"Love and emotions are not unique to humans."

Lu Yuan felt neither happy nor sad. He spent some effort to bury the two skeletons and then paid a slight tribute twice.

Why did he do this?

He himself didn't know. Maybe it was to make him feel better?

Finally, he encountered a one-eyed wild wolf, which was baring its teeth and roaring at Lu Yuan, pretending to be very powerful.

But Lu Yuan soon saw its clues: [Pangu Gray Wolf, a wild animal with a very wide distribution. ]

[This is an old wolf that was driven out of the tribe because of aging. Because of illness and hunger, its legs and feet have long been weak. It is estimated that it will not live for a few days. ]

[Form: 4.2-5.6]

[Qi: 6.8-9.2]

[Spirit: 1.2-1.9]

[Supernatural level: Level 0]

[Ability: None]

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