Yes, no one can take issue with this information.

Even though they are full of horror and weirdness, they are still treasure-like existences.

In Yunhai City, there are still some people who are ambitious and want to go to the outside world... If they stay in the safe zone for a long time, isn't it the Meida civilization?

No one will willingly lead to inevitable destruction.

Time passed very quickly in Pangu Continent. In just a moment, a series of things seemed to have happened to Lu Yuan.

The camera kept shaking, making people feel slightly dizzy.

Lu Yuan moved the communicator to an air-raid shelter and said in a desperate state: "Human friends, things have changed. I can't send you information anymore."

"The knowledge of extraordinary fire has been passed on, and I think it's enough. You can figure out the rest by yourself, just take some time."

"Now, I want to challenge a strong enemy... very strong! But I have to challenge. How I died may be helpful to everyone."

"Of course, I won't necessarily die. I will win."

Li Chunhong's heart thumped, and he had an unpleasant thought, and looked at other screens.

Because time flows at different speeds, there are 100 screens playing at the same time in the large conference room.

People saw a thrilling scene on the screen!

The world on Lu Yuan's side seemed to be surrounded by a layer of gray fog, and the surrounding environment became extremely dark.

Part of that layer of gray light was actually sent through the communicator!

An extreme fear surged out of people's hearts and soon enveloped their whole bodies.

Just this layer of black fog can make people lose consciousness.

"What's going on? What is this?"

"This communicator is not simple... it can not only send images and sounds, but also send part of the on-site superpower status. This is the first time I have discovered it."

"This may be the legendary 4D contact method."

Several professors were busy moving over several instruments and adjusting various buttons: "The Hume index in the laboratory has increased. Professor Zhang, do you want to block this part of the ability?"

"Hume Index" is a variable that measures idealistic energy, and it is also the most cutting-edge scientific research topic at present.

Then many officers jumped up from their positions. They were frightened and curious, and cautiously experienced the black light.

This layer of darkness is not darkness at the physical level, but a fear at the spiritual level.

If you shoot with a mobile phone, you will find that the surrounding scene is actually lit.

But looking directly at it with the naked eye will produce a strong sense of uneasiness... In other words, only living creatures can perceive this idealistic phenomenon.

"Xiao Guo, let's check it out. Can you identify this ability?"

"let me try."

The girl with the ability to identify, concentrated her attention, and carefully sensed this mysterious cold feeling.

Her eyes shone slightly, and mysterious murmurs appeared in her mind. As her mental power was extracted in large quantities, the murmurs became more and more intense.

After a while, she turned pale and said weakly: "Identified it, the name of this super power is [Field·Attribute Absorption]... As long as it is shrouded in this layer of black light, the attributes will slowly decrease until death. "

"Extraordinary fire, able to resist the speed of attribute reduction...that's about it."

After hearing the news, everyone fell silent.

What kind of monster is this! Sweeping all the way, the field it radiated killed everyone!

Is this... the crisis of Pangea?

Although there are many rare treasures, facing a monster of this level, even if you can barely defeat it, how many people will die?

Professor Zhang Hui swallowed and suppressed his racing heart: "Everyone, can you hold on? The black light sent by the contactor is almost one-twentieth of the original version. If it doesn't work, I will block it directly."

"No, don't block it yet, just let it be. It's much better to know earlier than to know later." Several officers straightened their bodies, cold sweat pouring out from their backs, "Let more brothers come in and experience it!"

They are just ordinary people now.

Not even extraordinary fire, it does take a lot of courage to experience this ability.

Lu Yuan on the screen had a serious face and placed torches one after another around him.

The blazing fire cannot dispel the dense darkness.

He held a shield in his left hand and a dagger in his right hand, walking slowly towards the outside of the cave...

The conference room was very quiet, as if witnessing a hero challenging a powerful dark creature.

Can he... survive?

No one knows the answer.

"Sir, when I felt this layer of black light, the Extraordinary Fire reacted very violently and flinched..." The soldier with the "Extraordinary Fire", Wang Zhenhao, wiped a handful of cold sweat from his forehead, "It is urging me to run away quickly. I am no match for that monster. You will die if you meet him!"

"I also have this feeling. The monster that emits darkness seems to be the mortal enemy of civilization." Another owner of "Extraordinary Fire" followed up.

Extraordinary fire, a mysterious ability.

Its inheritance may have been for a long, long time.

To be able to produce such a large natural reaction must be a huge crisis.

This is true even for everyone outside the screen. People can't imagine the psychological pressure Lu Yuan is under.

Many people understood Lu Yuan's intention.

Maybe he sensed that he was about to die, so he placed the communicator here to transmit the last information...

"Alas, friends, let us pray that he can survive. He is a man of noble character. If we can't contact him at all, let his family enjoy the treatment of martyrs." Li Chunhong, the top leader of Yunhai City, sighed softly.

Everyone was very unwilling.

They were only contacted today.

They could get a lot of knowledge...

Everything would get better!

As a result, the next hour, the other party encountered a huge crisis again...

The different speeds of time passing did bring too many variables.

Destiny has always been unpredictable.

A secretary next to him said: "Mr. Li, we haven't set the standard for the treatment of martyrs. The standard on Earth seems to be only the extra points for the college entrance examination."

Li Chunhong was stunned and didn't say anything for a long time.

He smiled bitterly and said: "Then let's get the extra points for the college entrance examination first... and the rest... set the standards first."

The battle broke out in an instant!

The environment suddenly became dim.

Everyone seemed to be in a thick dark cloud, and suddenly they couldn't see anything clearly.

In order to reduce the impact of this dark ability, Professor Zhang had to debug the metal ball for a while, isolating most of the abilities, so that everyone could see more clearly.

They saw Lu Yuan's opponent: a rotten and stiff donkey-headed zombie, with a pair of gray, dead eyes, standing there like a cold corpse, with corpse water constantly oozing out.

If I have to describe it, it's... a ghost?

Ghosts, in Pangu Continent, seem to exist? !

This really subverts the worldview! !

Then, the zombie-like monster suddenly appeared behind Lu Yuan in a teleportation way, and grabbed Lu Yuan's neck!

In a flash, Li Chunhong felt his blood pressure soaring, cold sweat broke out all over his body, and his heart couldn't help but speed up... He didn't actually have a heart disease, but he always felt that he had some angina.

Lu Yuan waved the dagger and broke free from the entanglement.

He even kicked the monster in return and kicked it into the fire.

Everyone in the venue breathed a sigh of relief.

The battle between the two sides was swift and fierce.

But this fire, obviously, could not kill the monster.

The two sides once again engaged in close combat.

In a brief contact, Lu Yuan was at a disadvantage and was suppressed one-sidedly.

Many people felt that they were watching a horror movie. The environment was very scary, but the protagonist could always escape danger.

Suddenly coming to his senses, he realized that Lu Yuan was not the protagonist of the movie, and he might really die...

"Lu Yuan's attributes have been reduced too much."

"It has spatial ability and can teleport."

"It seems to be afraid of fire... If there is a weakness, there is hope of victory! We can actually create a stronger flame than Lu Yuan's, for example, thermobaric bombs."

"But the ability of spatial teleportation is too strong. Unless we build a light cage, we can trap it."

"Come on, Lu Yuan's skills are not comparable to yours... He has the strength to swing a knife because of the level 2 extraordinary fire. If he is not strong enough, he will probably die if he is strangled..."

"That's right."

The next second, something even more terrifying happened. It actually teleported to the vicinity of the communicator!

The gray, rotten eyes, as if without focus, aimed at the lens, and a strange syllable came out of the rotten mouth: "\u0026\u0026¥..."

In an instant!

A layer of thick black fog came from the metal ball!

The owner of the extraordinary fire named Wang Zhenhao reacted the fastest: "Turn off this machine! Turn it off quickly! This power is really transmitted... It attacked us! It... It..."

Will it teleport here?

The extraordinary fire in his mind jumped violently, issuing the most intense warning.

The next moment, the screen automatically went out, and a line of text popped up: [Contact with the Meda civilization has been disconnected. ]

The screen turned blue again, and the dark field radiating from it also disappeared into the air.

Shock, doubt, confusion and uneasiness filled people's hearts.

Finally, a strong panic formed.

For a long time, it did not dissipate.

Because in the past, Lu Yuan had been sending content such as "Pangu Continent is rich in resources" and "rich treasures in the ruins of civilization", which made everyone envious and jealous.

But this time, it was "danger" and even "danger of extinction"! !

Although the battle time was very short.

Really short.

Less than a minute.

But it was enough to subvert the world view.

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