Landing in the Fantastic World

Chapter 149 Unbelievable Situation

A flash of disdain flashed in Zhao He's eyes, and then he also slashed out his sword horizontally, with lightning and flint, as if to swallow everything around him.

"Sky Lightning Strike!"


After a loud roar, the cold and silent atmosphere completely dissipated.

However, the aura in Zhao He's sword became stronger and stronger, he transformed into an electric snake wrapped around the sword, and then cut towards Liu Qian.

In an instant, the electric snake turned into a power grid, surrounding Liu Qian's body.

Seeing that Liu Qian was in deep danger, Su Yao and Mrs. Su's voices were almost on edge.

"Haha... Liu Qian, you are nothing more than that, you are vulnerable to a real strong man."

Seeing such a scene, Du Qiu laughed wantonly, he had already seen that in the next moment, Liu Qian would be scorched by the power grid and turned into a mummified corpse.

At this time.

A faintly invisible energy rushed straight over and hit the grid, which was instantly dissipated into nothingness.


The moment they saw this scene, everyone froze in shock.

Including Liu Qian, he also stood there in a daze at this moment, completely unaware of what happened just now?

With Zhao He's move, he was already unavoidable, unstoppable.

Unexpectedly, it disappeared.

Could it be that Zhao He showed mercy to his subordinates.

"Did you use some shady means?"

Zhao He said coldly, in his opinion, with Liu Qian's strength, it is impossible to resist his move.

What Zhao He said made Liu Qian even more surprised.

"He didn't show mercy. Could it be that I accidentally used some moves to block this blow?"

Liu Qian silently recalled the moment of the battle just now, but he couldn't remember what move he just used.

"Hmph! My cousin Liu Qian is aboveboard, why would you ever use unsightly means? You are just weak, you can't beat my cousin, and you are just trying to make excuses."

Seeing that her cousin resisted Zhao He's ultimate move so easily, Su Yao was very happy, but she was indignant when she heard Zhao He slander her cousin so much.

"Brother Zhao, his disgraceful methods will naturally be exposed if he uses them too much."

Du Qiu reminded that his views were the same as Zhao He's, and he was full of confidence in Zhao He, which Liu Qian could never resist.

Hearing Du Qiu's reminder, Zhao He sneered, and said: "You can only get away with blocking me once or twice with such means, and I will let you see what is the real truth. difference."

Before he finished speaking, Du Qiu burst out with a more powerful aura than before, and the long sword revealed terrifying power, and he rushed towards Liu Qian.

After feeling the aura of Du Qiu, Liu Qian felt even more uncertain.

Just now he blocked the next move inexplicably, now facing a stronger move, how should he resist it?

"It doesn't matter, the big deal is to fight him!"

As soon as Liu Qian gritted his teeth, he slashed out with his sword, but in terms of momentum, it was not at the same level as Du Qiu's sword.

When the two swords were about to collide.

A sword intent came from nowhere, and penetrated into Liu Qian's long sword.


There was a crisp sound from Liu Qian's sword, as if he had come to life.

Suddenly, the momentum went straight to the sky, like a god descending, unstoppable.

The aura on Zhao He's sword was instantly swallowed into nothingness.

"This is impossible!"

Zhao He's eyes were wide open, and his face was full of horror.

He couldn't understand why Liu Qian, who was so ordinary, could burst out with such a powerful sword.

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