Landing in the Fantastic World

Chapter 197 Self-exploding Dragon Crystal

"He who understands the current affairs is a hero. Lord Yaotian is so majestic and strategic, it is far beyond what a virtuous gentleman can match."

Ling Qian folded his arms across his chest, with the corners of his mouth slightly raised, and said, "Xiao Shui, hand over the body of Mr. Xian Jun. In view of our former friendship, I will spare your life."

"Dream! I have placed the master's body in a safe place, and you will never find it."

With a roar of the giant dragon, two extreme powers, one yin and one yang, exude from the whole body.

At this moment, the sky and the earth roared loudly, and the surrounding area of ​​the lake was shrouded in terrifying cold and heat.

The cultivators of Hunyuan Realm and Creation Realm next to them were just overwhelmed by this momentum.

There are even many monks who were cultivated in the Hunyuan realm and died directly.

"If you are stubborn, then I will send you on your way!"

Ling Qian's face was gloomy, and he shouted: "Fix the formation!"

Four monks at the Holy King Realm stood in four directions, forming the eyes of the formation. The rest of the monks stood around the lake and jointly cast a formation. A terrifying cage filled the sky and covered the earth, trapping the giant dragon inside.

At this moment, the spiritual energy between heaven and earth was drained.

The moment the aura was lost, the aura on the giant dragon suddenly turned into nothingness.

"Xiao Shui, don't struggle anymore. Is it worth doing this for a dead person? Finally, I'll give you another chance..." Ling Qian said coldly, with a murderous look in his eyes.

Before he could finish speaking, he was interrupted by the giant dragon, "Haha... You should kill me, without my master, I would have died a long time ago, the kindness of the master, Xiao Shui will never forget, you will never find the master of the remains."

After finishing speaking, the scales all over the dragon's body suddenly shattered, and its body swelled up like a balloon, bursting out with a destructive momentum.

"Oops! It's going to explode its own dragon crystal, so withdraw it!"

Ling Qian yelled, and then quickly backed up, as did the other holy kings.


A loud bang sounded like heaven and earth shattering from Bibo Lake, and echoed throughout the Beiluo Wasteland. The color of the sky and earth changed, as if black ink had been sprinkled on it.

The four holy kings including Ling Qian were seriously injured to varying degrees, vomiting blood wildly, but they escaped their lives after all, and their faces at the moment were extremely ugly.

The Primordial Realm, Creation Realm, and Heaven-Yin Realm monks who came together were blown to pieces by the destructive explosion, and the entire army was wiped out.

Moreover, the body of Feng Xianjun has not been found, which can be said to be a heavy loss, but nothing to gain.

Mu Yu and Xia Qingxue walked through the secret path at the bottom of the lake and came to the wilderness tens of thousands of feet away.

When they heard the earth-shattering explosion, they all turned their heads.

Looking from a distance, Bibo Lake, tens of thousands of feet away, is already full of smoke and dust, full of ruins.

"It's gone..." Mu Yu said calmly, a trace of sadness flashed in his eyes.

"How do you know?" Xia Qingxue asked suspiciously, how did he know what happened tens of thousands of feet away?

Mu Yu stretched out his palm, and an extremely hot crimson flame appeared in his palm, which was the Sunshine Holy Fire that had just merged with him.

However, the flame body of the Sunshine Holy Flame was a bit dim, and sparks floated in the air, as if they were crying.

Mu Yu was already the owner of the Sunshine Sacred Fire at this time, and felt a touch of sadness in the Sunshine Sacred Fire.

Xia Qingxue also immediately released the dry blue ice flame.

At this moment, the dry blue ice flame is also like the sacred flame of the sun, trembling all over, and wants to cry.

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