"how can that be?"

Wan Huachao couldn't believe that he was defeated by a single move.

Moreover, he used the Tianxuanmen's supreme unique knowledge, the Boundless Lightsplitter Sword, and the opponent was just a mediocre sword.

The Boundless Lightsplitter was simply broken like that.

Wan Huachao's original pride was completely trampled on the ground by Mu Yu at this moment.

Mu Yu casually picked up Wan Huachao's long sword that had fallen on the ground, glanced at it, and said, "This sword is not bad, it's my trophy."

This sword is not only good, but also a sixth-grade spiritual sword.

Wan Huachao's father, Wan Tianyu, the suzerain of Tianxuan Sect, personally gifted it to him on his birthday, which is priceless.

Seeing Mu Yu take away his beloved saber, Wan Huachao felt a pain in his heart, but due to Mu Yu's strength, he dared not refute.

For him now, saving his life is the most important thing.

"Since you have accepted the sword, then let us go."

Wan Huachao humiliated and begged for mercy.

He had already decided that as long as Mu Yu let him go, when he returned to Tianxuanmen, he would seek revenge from Mu Yu again to wash away the shame of today.

Mu Yu shook his head, apparently still dissatisfied, and said, "There are three of you, and this broken sword can only hold one person at most."

"Hand over all the holy sources and mysterious crystals on you. If I am satisfied with the quantity, then let the three of you go."

Nima! The sixth-grade spiritual sword even said that it was a broken sword, and we will bear it if Xuanjing is given to you.

Shengyuan also wants to grab? It's just too much.

The seventeen major sects entered the Spirit Heaven Secret Realm this time, and the ranking was finally decided according to the number of holy sources.

And today is the last day of the secret trial.

If the holy source is handed over to Mu Yu, what will the three of them do?


Seeing that the three of them were hesitant, Mu Yu frowned, his eyes showing displeasure.

Seeing Mu Yu's expression, the three of them panicked and said to themselves: "If the holy source is gone, it will be gone. It's more important to save your life now."

Wan Huachao hurriedly opened his mouth, and said with an apologetic smile, "Brother, we will give you whatever you want. You must not touch your hands. Lowly and lowly beings like me will only dirty your hands."

I go!

Hearing that Wan Huachao, who used to be proud and conceited, now begged for mercy like a pug, and said such unbearable words, the two disciples next to him were stunned.

Mu Yu took the Shengyuan and Xuanjing they handed in into his bag.

There are a total of eighty-two holy sources and two hundred and sixty profound crystals.

Sure enough, being a bad guy is better than being a good guy.

There was a trace of regret in Mu Yu's eyes.

If you start robbing other disciples from the first day you enter the Lingtian Secret Realm.

Then the holy source on his body now, isn't it going to break through five hundred ways?

"Brother, are you satisfied? Let us go. I will honor all the treasures I have in the future."

Wan Huachao fell to his knees and prostrated himself on the ground, with his head level with the ground.


Mu Yu nodded, he was quite satisfied with their performance, and was about to release the three of them.

A burst of dragon chant suddenly came from the Hague Lake, resounding throughout the world.

The waves in the lake hit the shore fiercely, and the soil on the shore sank instantly, blending into the lake. This dragon chant carried a powerful sonic attack.

Mu Yu instantly felt his blood churning.

But fortunately, Mu Yu is an immortal phagocytic body, and his physique is strong enough. This sound wave can't hurt him at all, but turned into a wave of experience again.

"Ding, you absorbed the opponent's attack, and you gained 5000 experience points."

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