Lanke Chess Edge

Chapter 1019

The golden crow in the sky hangs above Yunzhou, and the same is true for the hole in the zenith. In the endless turbulence and strong wind, even the temperature becomes hot and cold. It is a doomsday scene that covers Dazhen and the entire Yunzhou. .

Ji Yuan positioned Yunzhou Dazhen as the center of the world's energy, and tried his best to protect this place. Although the Golden Crow could not fully understand the arrangement of Ji Yuan, once entering this world, it is naturally not difficult to sense the specialness of this place.

At this moment, even Yin Qing felt a deep sense of powerlessness when he looked up at the Golden Crow in the sky, and beside him, the officials and soldiers who came out of the official office and the court all looked at the sky blankly .

On some streets in Dazhen, some ordinary people were at a loss, and some even knelt down and worshiped the sky, taking the golden crow in the sky as a god.

"Get up! Everyone get up! What kind of righteous god is this? It's clearly a devil!"

"Don't worship it, don't worship it—"

Some scholars on the street were furious seeing this scene, and the scholars who wanted to be peaceful even rushed into the crowd, waved their books and hit them.

In the Dazhen Army, Yin Zhong clenched the steel spear in his hand tightly, and issued military orders with a roar of the limit.

"Among the three armies, anyone who kneels down will be beheaded—"


The Golden Crow overlooks all living beings, the human world, and even better, it seems to be able to overlook people's hearts. It has been many years, and the feeling now reminds him of the past, when the Golden Crow passed through the border, all sentient beings dared to worship.

It's just that many places below are still a bit of an eyesore, especially that one!

In Haoran Academy, Yin Zhaoxian walked out of his study room, holding an unfinished book in his hands behind his back. He looked up at the Golden Crow in the sky. He was the only person in the entire Yunzhou who looked at the sky with a normal attitude. He felt that the Golden Crow was also looking at him.

"Golden Crow, this is not your era. Human races and all living beings are not yours to enslave, and the power of heaven and earth will not be wiped out. Although I, Yin Zhaoxian, am an incompetent person, there will always be someone in the world who can deal with you!"

‘That person is Mr. Ji! '

Yin Zhaoxian silently added a sentence in his heart, clear in his heart, and accompanied by a burst of exhaustion, he sat down on the steps in front of the study, and slowly closed his eyes against the pillars.

Pay attention to the official account: the base camp of book friends, pay attention to get cash and coins!

The fate of birth is determined by the sky, rolling down in the world of mortals, and when you die, you will feel free, and travel the world with the awe-inspiring!

At this moment, infinite white light rose from Haoran Academy, and the righteousness of heaven and earth reflected in the sky from the ground. Even the Golden Crow in the sky who was about to attack Dazhen was slightly frightened, and subconsciously flew away.

"Between heaven and earth, righteousness will last forever!"

Yin Zhaoxian's voice followed the light of righteousness across the sky, and spread throughout the world. This time the light of righteousness is stronger than last time. I don't know how much stronger it is. As long as people with righteous thoughts in their hearts, as long as they have righteous thoughts in their hearts, at this moment My heart is like thunder rolling away evil spirits!

The awe-inspiring righteousness spreads all over the world, the qi of the heaven and the earth gather together, and the vitality of the heaven and the earth is cleared.

At this moment, countless people's attention was attracted by Haoran's righteousness, even in the underworld in the melee.

But for many people, at this moment, they also vaguely understand what this light means.

The Ksitigarbha monk stood up, clasped his hands together and bowed to the white light in the sky.

"Goodness, may the righteousness of the world last forever!"

Yin Qing clutched at his clothes with tears in his eyes, and Yin Zhong in the army also closed his eyes.

Countless students in the world felt the same at this moment, many of them even had tears in their eyes, and countless ghosts and gods in the world felt it, not to mention the experts from all walks of life.

But this awe-inspiring righteousness has also aroused the heart of righteousness in the world, and even frightened the demons and monsters or all evil things, as if the power of heaven was rolling, as if retribution was unhappy.

This awe-inspiring righteousness naturally also shone into Hei Huang, and shone into Ji Yuan's sword formation ignoring all barriers, which made Ji Yuan slowly clenched his fists.

"Master Yin..."

Yin Zhaoxian is willing to trust Ji Yuan, and believes that even in such a situation, Mr. Ji must have a strategy to turn things around and change the world.

This trust, the feeling that arose in Ji Yuan's heart, was just like the moment when Yin Zhaoxian received the letter from Ji Yuan when he left Ning'an County decades ago.

Heaviness, agitation, and arrogance!

Ji Yuan raised his head slightly, as if he could see the white light in the sky, and he could see the golden crow proud of the sky regardless of the limitation of space.

In a trance, the artistic conception of Ji Yuan has been unfolded. He saw the sky, the earth, and his indomitable Dharma image. The three seemed to be compatible with the sky and the earth from the virtual to the real, and then turned from the real to the virtual into a splendor. This light converges with Ji Yuan as the center, and a more relaxed feeling slowly emerges.

Ji Yuan seemed to understand something, and as if he should have understood, he looked towards the Zhengyang direction in the sky, his eyes were blurred and tingling, and his vision seemed to be completely blind.



Between heaven and earth, there was another crow cry. After this crow cry, regardless of whether there were dark clouds or not, no matter where it was, the sky above the earth and ocean suddenly darkened. This was because the fire of the sun star in the sky was gradually dimming.

A golden light left the sun star and rushed into the heaven and earth.


The crows croaked again, and the Golden Crow above Yunzhou had to divert its attention away from Dazhen.


The Golden Crow also let out a loud cry, and the golden light in the sky had already turned into a huge Golden Crow divine bird, and it directly hit the Golden Crow spreading its wings in the sky.


The two golden crows collided with each other with their sharp claws, and the fierce fight caused the originally dark sky to burst into light...


In the sword formation, Ji Yuan's heart is already calm, no matter what happens to Wuliang Mountain, no matter whether the Qi of Heaven and Earth will be cut off in the end, but at least Ji Yuan is not dead, as long as he is still alive, it will not be Xie Chong's turn to decide the Qi of Heaven and Earth.


"You don't want to miss this opportunity!"

"I am sincere and willing to swear a blood oath!"


Ji Yuan interrupted Yue Cang and the others.

"Okay, everyone has fought a battle, but success or failure is meaningless to you, what is the world, what is Ji, even if you still have your real body, you may not be able to see it, Ji fate sends you On the road!"

Ji Yuan has just one thought now, to get rid of Yue Cang and others as soon as possible, and then destroy the Golden Crow and the ancient beasts and monsters that rushed into the world, and practice the method of rebuilding the universe, and go all out, regardless of success or failure!

After the words fell, the aura of Ji Yuanjue Tianjian changed again, and it has already transformed into the real world...


In Wuliang Mountain, most of the originally indestructible mountain has been destroyed, and the second half of Wuliang Mountain collapsed directly.

Huang Xingye, as the god of the mountain, bears the brunt of the disaster, and has been sluggish, and he has tried his best to maintain a part of the mountain.

Qin Zizhou received the starlight and tried his best to resist the sun star, but he was also powerless.

Zhong Pingxiu did his best to maintain the overall situation, and naturally he was severely injured under the collision, and he had no breath.

Song Lun's heart trembled, he didn't know how to deal with the situation in front of him, and the two juniors, Mo Yu and Li Feng, were even more at a loss.

As for Corpse Nine, his heart was ashamed, he knew he was going to die.

In front of Wuliang Mountain, the terrifying atmosphere in the wasteland is no longer separated by Wuliang Mountain, and the roar and roar from the ancient times seem to have reached my ears.

Corpse Nine even laughed at himself, fled back and forth, and finally came to a real death place where there were ten deaths and no life. Maybe they had more vitality in Hengshan, at least there were fierce Lu Wu and the Bull Demon King...

Shi Jiu never thought of running away again, although it didn't take long, but he already knew what existed in the barren area opposite, and he couldn't escape, even if the righteousness existed in the world at this moment, Shi Jiu's heart was extremely cold.

In a trance, Shi Jiu suddenly found that on that mountain, Zuo Wuji was still sitting cross-legged, as if from the very beginning, all external things could not affect him, and the tower-like golden armored general was also standing there. next to that tree.

Zuo Wuji didn't move, even when the sun star fell, he didn't make a move, but he is not a person who is greedy for life and afraid of death, he was not before, and he can't be now. St.

The ferocious beasts and monsters from the ancient times have set foot on the Wuliang Mountain. Even though the terrifying gravity still exists, even though the higher the altitude, the more exaggerated the gravity, this Wuliang Mountain is no longer insurmountable, and can no longer separate the two realms.

Even though most of the auras are decayed and dilapidated, the vast majority of monsters in the world today are not comparable to these ancient existences. Among them, the most exciting one is a huge Zhuyan. He is at the forefront, jumping on the boundless mountains Between them, there was a loud roar that shook the world.


But at this moment, Zuo Wuji slowly opened his eyes, and slowly stood up. When he slowly got up, the momentum on his body climbed to the limit in an instant.

"Someone Zuo was once instructed that Wusha Yuangang's power is astonishing, but it also has a huge flaw. Afterwards, he realized the perfect method, but this flaw, Zuo, did not get rid of it, but he realized the truth even more...Mr. Ji once Said, the way of heaven is still flawed, how can many things in the world be perfect..."

Zuo Wuji seemed to be speaking to Jin Jia, and seemed to be muttering to himself, walking towards the tree beside Jin Jia step by step.

This ancient tree was unable to be pulled out by Zuo Wuji with all his strength. Now he gently put his hand on the tree, and the ancient tree began to dissipate slowly. The sawdust turned into nothingness in the wind, but the tree did not completely dissipate. And then, finally a flat stick of suitable length appeared in Zuo Wuji's hand.

Zuo Wuji suddenly looked at the golden armor on one side, and the other party had already grabbed his mixed gold hammer.

"Brother Jin, these experts are weak now, I hope Brother Jin can protect them, as well as Mo Yu and Feng'er."

Jin Jia stared, he was going to go forward to kill, but when Zuo Wuji said this, he subconsciously looked back, hesitated for a moment, and then answered.

"Okay, you, be careful!"

Zuo Wuji smiled when he heard the words, suddenly feeling narrow-minded, looked Jin Jiadao up and down.

"Brother Jin, you and I have known each other for so many years, Zuo has never seen you smile, how about showing Zuo a smile today?"

Jin Jia was stunned for a moment, and scratched the back of his head with a mixed gold hammer. What's the request?

But after being slightly stunned for a moment, seeing Zuo Wuji's piercing eyes, Jin Jia still grinned, he smiled but didn't laugh, Zuo Wuji laughed out loud at this moment.


The laughter kept going, but Zuo Wuji had already kicked the ground, and jumped forward. He didn't know how far he jumped, but the mountain peak kept receding behind him, until Zuo Wuji stood in the middle of the deserted ancient evil spirit. front end.

At this moment, Zuo Wuji glanced at the light of righteousness in the sky, and combined his belief in martial arts in his heart with the Wusha Yuangang that had exploded to the extreme. Limit, integrate all your vitality and aura into it.

"The Two Boundaries Mountain is here, and Zuo Wuji is here!"

Zuo Wuji struck the ground with his flat stick, and the sound shook the world. Although his figure is smaller than that of a monster, his momentum is as if his figure has been reversed, and the place where he stands is like an insurmountable barrier.

"Left, Wu, Ji—I want you to die—"

Zhu Yan has already rushed here, and saw Zuo Wuji standing on the top of the mountain at the first sight, the incarnation of the true spirit was destroyed, but there are still remnants of memories from that time, including Zuo Wuji's figure, this is what makes enemies special when they meet jealous.

Zuo Wuji squinted at Zhu Yan, who looked terrifying, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. He was deeply shocked when he saw Mr. Ji fighting with Zhu Yan, and he wanted to see Zhu Yan again.

"Well done!"

With a kick of the flat stick, the rocks of Wuliang Mountain, which is stronger than Vajra, were shattered with one foot. Wuji's left body spear turned into a dragon, and pointed towards Zhu Yan who was rushing.


Like thunder in the mountains, the small Zuo Wuji didn't take a single step back, but Zhu Yan, who had an astonishing physique, flew back backwards, smashing at the ancient monster rushing from behind.

"Boom..." With a loud noise, the monster rolled over, and Zuo Wuji followed in an instant, with both hands resting on the flat staff on his shoulders, and they spun along with him. Ancient monsters, demons and mountains...


With a flat stick on his shoulders to lift the sky and the earth, and with martial arts on his body to sway demons, this mountain is independent and divided into two realms, Zuo Wuji is invincible in the world!

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