Lanke Chess Edge

End of this testimonial

Lanke Qiyuan is finally over!

In fact, some stories do not need to be fully reflected in the book. Lan Ke only lasts for a period of time, which is really short for the world. If Mo Jiao dies and walks into the water, the aquarium that supports his true spirit may be just a spiritual creature. For example, Mrs. Bai and her husband's reconnection must be after the rebirth of heaven and earth after everything has calmed down. Like Bai Jiaohualong, catching up with the catastrophe will naturally have to go through after that...

But the game that belongs to Ji Yuan is over, just like the word "Yuan", the fairy in Mr. Ji's heart is carefree and humane, meeting and acquaintance is all fate, what he can see is this bad game, and hope After this game, the world still exists, the fate still exists, and it can continue. The book ends here. It may not be complete, but it finally has a result. ...

…Thanks to the editor Beihe for his help and support all the time, and to the book friends for their support all the time, especially, especially, especially to the little brothers and sisters who are the operating officers who support me behind the scenes!

——Three hundred and sixty-degree mid-air rotation and three-and-a-half-week prostration thanks!


In fact, I've never been very good at naming names, whether it's the author's name or the title of the book, but I'm personally quite satisfied with the name Lanke Qiyuan, and I think it fits the artistic conception of Xianxia.

However, I was slapped in the face later on. Quite a few book friends said that the title of the book was bad, and they would never order the kind at first glance. There are also quite a few book friends who don’t know the meaning of "Lan Ke". What's going on, why did it come up with a strange book title that can't be read smoothly even if it's ugly.

Well, this also makes me think that the title of the book still has some meaning, at least so that some book lovers will not forget the meaning of "Lanke".

In fact, a long time ago, there were a lot of things I wanted to say when I finished the book, but at this moment, I was at a loss for words. I can only say that there are joys and disappointments, and there are triumphs and frustrations. It is like experiencing life once, ups and downs All in it, a lot of emotion!

In any case, the achievements of this book are beyond my imagination before the book was opened.

However, in the process of writing the book, as an author, I have also exposed quite a lot of problems. In addition to laziness and procrastination, the biggest problem is the fluctuation of control caused by the ups and downs of the state. The root cause is still because Laziness and insufficient preparation, incomplete thinking, or overly comprehensive thinking, often write based on feeling, which also greatly increases the influencing factors of mood ups and downs.

In my personal opinion, if you want to write a story, or a plot, you may not need many conditions, but if you want to write it well, the number of conditions you need may not increase much, but it is much richer.

From the perspective of the environment, weather, terrain, wind direction, rain, temperature, thunder and light, etc. must be considered. Don’t think that I am exaggerating. In fact, it is even more exaggerated. For example, these aspects cannot exist alone. background.

It is a bit empty to simply write out these contents directly, so how do I usually like to do it? It is reflected from another important element, that is, the character, the state of the character, the reaction of the character, the emotion of the character, and the feeling of wind, rain and low temperature. Trembling, you will be frightened when you hear thunder suddenly, you will squint your eyes if you are glaring, the heavy rain is pouring, and the umbrella is facing the place where the wind and rain are coming from, and the blue veins in the palms and arms are bulging, which means heavy wind and rain, etc.

Then, with the environment and characters, what is needed is the background story, that is, what you want to express. The front is the important decoration, and here is the core. The two complement each other and are indispensable.

The content of this story can be horrifying and horrifying, it can be gratifying and warm, it can be full of surprises, the process can create a mood, it can reflect a part of humor, and it can also focus on a strong sense of immersion and reality, such as the scene between the golden armor and the corpse demon fight.

All of these are for the purpose of presenting a "painting".

A story that is "drawn" by the superimposition of many details and combined with a good content, the story scene that is part of the overall story context.

So is there any problem with doing this?

have! A common problem and a big one!

The general problem is that as the overall level is improved, it is not easy to refine, and the delicate feeling is difficult to match the power system in the later stage. If you want to reflect the picture, it is no longer as easy as before, and it is easy to lose interest.

The bigger problem is the author's own problem. To maintain the coherence of this kind of text, first of all, getting enough sleep and being in a good state are the basic conditions.

The second is not to stop thinking. Using my own imagination, the picture is that the paint is flowing, flowing along the long white paper into the distance, and the details in it slowly grow out, but if the paper is cut off here, then it will will cause a series of problems.

Then, some trivial things in reality, such as depression caused by being sprayed and scolded, such as temporary concerns caused by insufficient preparation, etc., are all influencing factors.

There is also the problem of fatigue after writing for a long time. This kind of fatigue is terrible. It will make people have low desires, make people unable to think about the follow-up plot, and cannot be motivated to improve the content and relax their own requirements. Relaxing the requirements for text leads to the procrastination of the plot, the decline of plot control, the profiling of event characters and so on.

Because books are for people to read after all, whether the author is good or bad, it can be read at a glance from the text, "the painting is ugly", then book friends will also vent their dissatisfaction, and this will also lead to some chain reactions.

In the final analysis, it is the author who has some problems, and if he wants to avoid it, besides self-change, the most important thing is preparation work, preparation in advance and continuous laying and improvement in the process, the importance of outline and setting Sex is here too.

When I write a lot, I am more stream-of-consciousness. To put it nicely, I am not limited by the framework. To put it bluntly, sometimes I just write what I think of. When encountering some fluctuating factors, it is easy to go astray, or in other words, it leads to lingering in a certain area. The immediate result is not to stretch forward but to overspread to the sides.

This situation can also lead to increased plot repetition, repetitive thinking, decreased anxiety and insomnia, memory decline, and writing fatigue.

Sometimes, people's thinking is at two levels, one is you who is experiencing this thing, and the other is you standing on a higher ground, like a bystander, understanding yourself, watching yourself, and recording your own laziness , procrastinating and ridiculous, and even looked at myself doing some self-deceiving things with sarcasm.


Knocking on the blackboard, it's really troublesome, please listen to me. If you want to put an end to this kind of thing, you must start from both the source and the process.

The first is the crucial preparatory work, the full construction of the world system, the full organization of the main context, the beginning and the end, and some representative content in the middle link, etc., etc., in short, it is the setting and outline sound.

The second is to put an end to laziness, put away your glass heart, and simply replace it with plasticine, it will not break if you knead and knead it comfortably.

Third, believe in yourself as always.


Then let's talk about some off-topic excuses.

Presumably many people have read my previous episode, that is, "I can still save a little bit". In fact, this episode is the first draft of Lanke's original waste manuscript, which was originally intended to be submitted to the city.

In other words, at that time, the Internet literary world was in turmoil, the city was in turmoil, the storm was constantly blowing, the thunder was rolling and killing people, my original old books were also in trouble frequently, and the content related to the country, politics, etc. No matter the content is positive or negative, it is difficult to expand the plot content in this aspect, and the old book was almost GG, which caused a long time of bad mood, and the idea of ​​re-opening the book was born.

But I still underestimated the storm and thunder that fell from the sky, and the content that I worked so hard to portray was difficult to pass the review. It wasn't that I failed the review of signing the contract, but failed the review of the book, and my mentality was even more explosive.

It's a pity that many preparations are not needed, and I also took aim at the Xianxia who everyone regarded as an unpopular one at this time, or the unpopular among the unpopular classical Xianxia. After all, the classification is called Classical Xianxia , it’s not impossible to write about strange things, right?

Then there was the fate of Lan Keqi.

In the process of writing this book, I have gained a lot of praise and also received a lot of criticism. My emotions sometimes have the same ups and downs as the process of the car, which is really painful and happy.

But at this moment, the book is over, just like Ji Yuan, I can also calm down.

Thank you for your long-term support, and thank you for your criticism. I will try my best to rectify myself!

Oh yes, the old book "The Indigenous People of This World Are So Fierce" has to be continued, to put an end to the old book.

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